FPiID AI, MAY 1, 1925 ____ ____ __ ____ ___ ____ ___ THE MICH-IGAN DAILY THIS CL SSI F lI iHI$° COSES LASSIFIEN COUESI COSES AT 3 P.M. AD"VERTISING AT 3 P.M. a CLASSIFIED) BOXES Nos. her1'of before Amos. 67, 76, 93 andi 98 have a numn- replies. Kindly call for them it is too late. Thanx.-Uncle FOR SALE FOR SALE-T h r e e M a y Festival (Iourse Tickets, fourth row middle section first balcony. Address H. M. 11. 1105 Oakland, Ave. FOR SALE-Good violin, cheap for cash. Address Box 100 iAlcijigan Daily. N'4TIC Used Fords-See Walt for Fords-$25 and Up Fords-Walter H. Lathers-Fords 113 Pearl St. Y ,psilanti, Michigan "Let it rain,; let it pour" "That's all there is, there ain't no nmore." But that's enough when Cliff Ed- wards sings. 'em!P Conn Music. Shop. 14 Nickels Arc. Rugs shampooed or, dust cleaned. Ann arbor Carpet Cleaning Works. Phone 50. I-N'I'EI) SALESMAN Mr. stuiden't you have some spare time while you are going to college, sore of0 you will find it necessary to Work. this sumer in o1'(lor to .make your expeises for next year. You are the men we wrant. :?Many of you have had some) experience in the sell- ting gamge. Tfo those of you who have this proposition will be doubly easy.{ To those who have not we will teachf you how. Our salesmen are making from two hundred to one thousand l dollars per week. While you are go- ing to college you should make at least seventy-five per week. Write or come in and have a personal inter- view with. R. W. McAlister. 1209-13 Majestic Bldg. Detroit Phone Cadl 5962-3 ! attractive, especially-prepared bogies Mlother's Day Candies in -=-MthTii Wayne Cedar. Wardrobes are best protection for clothes. In varioi $1.25 to $2.40 EBERBACH &SOAN C( 200-204 E. LIBERTY ST. In this wvarm 'weather try the deliciously cool specials at our fountain Betsy Ross Shop .. .. wi dog rw rs+rrn i T P RI IGTYPE W RITING -Hat ae your notes and thesis typewritten for 14c a; page. Phone 1642M, 639 Oakland. TENIS ACIETS2 ineracets 'We can save, you - $300 on the price, one new, each with new strings andlof this excellent piano-$cannot be ' frame at about half price. D)r. Pool, told from new and is a splendid b)uy- 2-4 P. M. Health Service,X-ray' ing opp~ortunity for, fraternities or l~ept.sororities. Can be 'paid for on a ren- IFOR SALE-New McCray refrigera- tal pflan.' tor, 200 lb. ice t capacity. Suitable University Mu sic .House for club, sorority, or fraternity.'ISN o recp f"dctoa Phone 251. II. W. Schenk, Chelsea, Column11s" of ChurchA Doctrines. R1. Michigan. 11- 1 .- eler- x1 S._e.e.nanf op Botton, ,Pa. I FOR SALE-1922 Chevrolet touring Gma's ace npcue leaving school, wllsacrifice fraeoftemsexuiejwlr (uck sale. George Cone, 1022; ims fthe stexqare epeilly Forest, 'hone 3634. selections. Ttsae epcal ________________________________priced for the :spring,,season. l' RAND-WORKvsMAHN - No doubt the modern inventions have done wonders in speeding up work. But no machine can surpass the quality of hand work. All the, laundry we LOS: LOST-A cut amber bar pin. On or near campus. Reward. Call Univer- sity 156M. LOST-On campus or Lincoln ave." from Burn's Park to Brooklyn ave., pair of glasses in leather case. Finder please call 3606-M. Reward.I TAILORS AL TAILOR-HAIE SUIT Will satisfy your taste, andi fit you best. WiID TtE. TAILOR~ 113 South Main St. SITUATIONS WAINTED. I WANT ED-Situation, fem ale, thor- oughly competent cook. Fraternity, i resort, club or hotel. Phone 751M,1 6 to 8P. M.3 - AR x L State Street Jefweer JOur moderate prices inale it po ssible for -all tohbave w.FRESH HOME GROWN FLOWERS. ANN ARBOR FLORAL CO. 122 E. Liberty. Phone 1630 Rhieads Household Packing Co. Moving-Packing-Storage Call us for long distance moving. ILoads insured. I ship to all points. I 525 Detroit St., Phone 1154 TIPE WRIITI G phone 866 j For Typewriter Repairing I fall makes) Dealer in Woodstock typewriters, Standard d and Portable adding ma- !chines. Ann ArJkor Typewriter Exchange 0) Savings_,Bank Building. I 4 tie theAlr iSpectaar 'SANC 110 PANZA' (Based on Don Quixote) C0MP .'t'_( 40 SET T/G KSCDAYCES She GREATESTPPROD/CTO# of thsGPATFST 574k Seat Sale Thursday No One Seated During Prologue Curtain at, 8:15 Sharp Prices $1.10, $1.65, $2.20, $2.75 handle is done "by hand, insuring clean, neat pieces. And that is what you want- And it's up to you whether you get it or not. Don't forget our week-end service-laundry called for on Friday delivered on Saturday. OE LAUNDRY I/i Person-11LE1graved Cards 100 Cards and Plate (,Script) $2.75 100 Cards and Plate (Solid Old English) $4.00 100 Cards and Plate (Shaded Old English) $5.00 - LAt us quote you price on Class Announcements and save you money _ T1he iaer-Scharer Co. W j Printers, Engravers, Office Outfitters =112 SOUTH MAIN PHONE 144 Q1i 1iIil 1Ii 11111 111111161 I II I iii 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11 Read The Daily "Classified" Columns IJ204 NORTH MAIN 0 PHONE 2355 I TrYP EWRITERS TixYPEWRITERS Splendid machines. Best makes for rent or. for sale.1 HAMILTON BUSINESS COLLEGEE Phone 342-R. BEAUTY SHOPPES Permanent Waving and Marcelling MACK AND CO. 3rd Floor Main St. BIL1E BIRD HAIR SHOP r -rurT QcDP 0 FOR RENT i . j 5 AlIUli1;L"S ARC DIMATTIA BEAUTY "A')E-31'68 SHTOP offers FOR RENT-House with garage southeast hart of city for July anda .August. Phone 2663R. 806 Sylvian. .I soft water shampoos, especial at- tention for curly hair. Hair cut- ting and waving by expert opera-I tors. Phone 2939. I FOR RENT-L fi g h t housekeepingl apart'ent of four rooms11 with pri- vate bath. Phone 2S5 3-J. Read the W'an t ,ds~ WANTEDI WANTED Someone to go to Europe with mee this summier. Call Mulli- ken. Tel. 1393. COME TO YP'SI 2 BIG BUG DANCES MASONIC TEMPLE Friday, May 1 Friday, May 8 DON 'T MISS THEM - $ltlttlltlltltlttttiltttltltttltt itttttlllll!l111l atl: FOR YOUNG ME)X c MADE BY EDEiRHEIMER STEIN COMPANY = r ' aeu=your appearance -= - It is a constant wonder to many wily one man is so in- stinctively impressive while( / I dozens and even hundreds/ are not. Character, good taste and good clothes each = - emphasizing the. other are - the answer. Good clothes cannot do it all, but they will help you a long way = up the ladder.- Men who have worn + = FITFORM CLOTHES realize - h value of the distinctive _- designs and patterns that i are to be obtained in this make of clothes. HA TS AND FURNISHINGSI TOM.CORjl) 116 East Liberty Where Good Clothes Are Sold at Reasonable Prices i n!!tnu~tr~lro~utlnnnuntnntnnltutnltirlilnuttlt !!nuu~-~I, r 1 DAILY NEEDS Tooth Paste ink T'alcuff Powder Toilet Soraps E n gi ne Pencils Tablets BLUE BOOKS Pinls Needles Thread Hair Nets Shoe Polish fair Pins Shoe Laces - ,Copyrigt 2 925._ IOU House of Kpehini RHERE are real college clothes C'reated by Am erica's brew ost ilesigners to pleinlse the discrimiuaati taste of college mieta. Thlese snits are tailore~l iih the utmost care gau~d skill. They represent the, Alpha anid Omega of correct Style Style that hass the ceolieg!, te (la1shunmisitak~ably expressed In the grace and reijuement of the lines;. Lo e Vkfttiita a oalels with two (or three bhuttos-long full trousers. Up-to-tlie~ininute styles for MIichiganumeni. Light Colors SHINING OUTFITS 12 Cigarettes Caudy Bars picnic SOtS WHAT YOU WANT, WHEN YOU WANT IT Open Evenings. COLLEGE GROCERY 516 E. William, near Maynard Ii eally lnel patternled p~lea1se the muost enactng1 $50.00 fablrics are tihe featur1es4 ofour1'sptrin~g ofiei'g. Gey- n any sloade's and. I iU1 iai yle(asinlg uixi ares are here to taustes. ilea.,omably priced. All Suilts WAiii Vfr o Pirsf'.trIiousers N.F. ALLEN CO. 211 South 'Lein St. ..;.; - 2~ 1 ia Ij... (%Ar ANf Q''W PICTURES %0 PMU7 N% 0a i wV m Uv