FRIDAY, MAY( 1,1925 ___THE MICIGAN DAILY ._w_.,.,,x- .- ._._._.-.Y- BUSK ON CAPUS .__Ceveland A rhitects' Plan Followed; Includes Phlanting of 3,0 New Srubs and 'rees WILL FINISH IN JUNE Carrying out the scheme for land- scaping the campus as mapped out by Pitkin & Mott, Cleveland landscape architects, a force of 80 men is at . work on the campus under the gen- eral direction of H. B. MacNamee, grounds foreman of the buildings and grounds department. In addition toI seeding new lawns and old, approx- imately 3,500 additional shrubs and trees will have been planted on the campus when the present program is complete. Already about 300 shrubs and trees have been set about the Lawyer's -- club; 100 more will be planted around Angel hall; 350 will go to- wardl beatifying the new Nurses home; 150 will go to the new Md- ical building; while approximately 2500 will be used on the new hospi- tal grounds. The work will keep the present force busy until the time l School (oses''in June. Shrubs andl trees are being st aoout the net.v hospital grounds In oler to produce satisfactory top-f .ol for the hospital lawn, wheat, rye, ots and the like are being planted. This will be plowed under, the seed-f ing repeated, and in the course of two or three years it will provide an excellent top soil for a good lawn, Mr. MacNamee l)ointed out. i" Seeing has been practically on- pletedl at the medical bilding, ad also t the Lawyer's club. Places on the campus where refuse 'from for- mer construction jobs has been left, preventing the growth of god lawn, are beng plowed up and the refuse clearedl away. Tfo(10 this work, and to seedl lawns of new buildings, about 10,000( pounds of seedl will be required. I a ug 4am ius ~.fl redoe Todays lsiion : Are you in favor of the cotninuance of the annual in- trciass games? Where asled: The Iibrary. Thle anlswers: W. Belser, '26.-"No,. I am not ii ' t svor o them. To be sure, they do stir _up-class spirit, but the me hods i by which a goodl bit of this so-cal ed class spirit is demonstrated, to my e mind defeats the purpose of the 11. B. Fair, grad. "Yes. The inter- class games serve the very necessary r function" of strengthening the spirit of the competing classes, and of iv- jng to them a certain unity anl sol- ' trity. They are a good, healthy radition and Michigan 'has too few of these traditions." - iUrlsuil New Plant Used by A. (G. IF a is Devised by Sucessul Ilusi- ness 31an Who Stuggld Throughi~I C ollege. 1IVNl R. J. Roth, L.5-- 'Traditions s uch! as fthese are: valuale.. Thehe? T(lp)to sliT .y' 'ft2i C si a o i> nloWdiffict 1 ) i 'dS to10ke a; ia rosd )l' seo sz oh rea'-,(ii t at tlhey v-e,'u!t ,' ?two . _ clo ser!tegether and aaiio: in 1114'; 'I- Iditions oft the Mcia aps' 'T'S GONG ON E : >-- t appear ill thli~ Column nmust -i cn lic )OX a!t he I)a ' defice 1 r ' sd r 'li pu rpose htfOrc 4 2> Is 51 i~e'-- *. vii ccday of issue. Iof Music, presents organ recital in 9 :00--Cong'r gationtil studenit dance in -fill auditorium. Nickels' Arcade. a)5 {- 5"12eiLt I t . il (infoi E}!1 lpi icI leaves Wesley hall. S A TTRI) A in Laone hall. fl: v: hO obc!ply Ibrepayrite serl~eies ; t liver~iv haIl,,. S :39 'iver ii}'u of Ann Arlo 10 :60-Board of representatives of the Womnen's Lea glie meets in Barbour gyinnatiil). - :d'rof_.1J. IR. llyden spealks die- fore thle Cosmopolitan club onI "Democracy in the .Orient," in Lane f M o r e th a n $ 4 0 h a s b e e n mI a dle b y t e ! a i , A v i O -_ i e e h r W.A.A. tea room so far this year, ac 11,che 16hoss2....r sc uar cordIing to Myra Finsterwal, '27 ,.oo, Qamnis oitisr d on is in charge of this feature. inulirtewm n Niraem(in 1:. J snd ___ -s ndrevlr_ a ml refreshmnents in Ba s'bouiylla ii-c' 1 saApi 0.I niasium21licbt on fair days t hey ""'idisl')(Msencold(1drinks Ws e1ewed ty .h roaom in Palmner field husden( rint ue advanc:.r4 ed c 'lass. I~~~~~~~tl :l~~AIi'~i~u eeig ourn, 2 :~{.5P1- rike sfor the A rch! 2do party;istributed i) the (CI lgs'Iit'eIsinlroom Ana 1 ba;i ~ij 'iad W3.Y >' A . ( ' I hiily ii cid cr.'e -' _ _ 1 K s' 6 A Th '-oim ' Ni r. G.L IVtRI JirtIatlo al Bank fet'. vo.Oranzed I1563 DELICIOUS MEALS - E~fat at SAVINGS DEPARTMENT ]Ej' ~y wTRUST DEPARTMENT ROOMIOldes Nationial -B 'le n 'All ichiganl s338Maynard Ill ttile ;'°« 54> (' 6ln hide r o- :1 I'IL TODAE P OMISF RDo y a i(I I a i AIw Ii r tii-4cn at $4 In tLitfayre npowite arsity Laundry - 'rli.1 Tl~ii*Ji 114-low _ b7r. . 2.3Ee ibert ('ppiteVrity 3,Lacun'dry 4 isteatue ino'4ci h N2g Op N Y}ght S ,3 py 1b/1( o, } n co p/,.d / ' /1io iIp.(/ Ci . , -re Th-ta';,it'-s ao 0 oared acer #.,t are usur 113 t l~PC. _ : 1DE~i~l S~-i ' G£39h f'ao <'r 'd I c n t i 4 itil -4'lI~j U Ii u' o i~alinee 25c, 10e 1y h vn rfta h otri,~1 5- ' ' i > . . . . G( ~LL~ ~ IOU" Next ~ ':$ "-I f J 1' 54 1, - - 14j, rsw~xC' ~r " . vr s' , .vr.-. r - r- - , - - xr -tt-s x*r- _- ..r: -..".c'..mK.Tf"°: : 5/ti:N > bLCY'""..v:_.-iG9RVU jT" 3/ TT fi .o~~uw wrw .".r.a-.--,~ ,. ..1... .. ±... ALL .. . v..: a 4Lflflry . L.. a~ ... , .L.L asaLLA .. L , aa. . .4-.. { 0 'a BIG~f-A. L 1 GEORG PRI~Ca i'( SE , M ? '} Aff SAK ETr 50-New Yr ~ri;Gardai 2JB:iliil'S-"-50 "ff;: ± A. G. DAVIS Every Turhversity of Michigan stu-' dent is interested in a good sound method of adding dollars to his bank; nccotnnt. Not only the studIent earn- - ing his way through college, but ea(very one &n use several hundred extra dollars. T ie samte plan usedI by Albert G.I ~- Davis is now open to students of I Michnigan. The St. Louis business it?-nu who made it possible for lDavis i o earn $712 in just forty days knows, - I It student's financial handicap. He (irolhis way through college. Now Il bat be is in a position to c"N it, lie is min ITng it easy for other studlents to earn the money they needl. The uznusual money making plan' t fhat helped D~avis is too lengthy to cover in these columns, but hie sug- i - ;vests that every studlent write Mr. M. 4 -* L i k HSTO0 O WA)NTER RE(- I I-1. C.Wax rer- -"I--le 'Who C ,t apped" C~d i ~ hit ('r.(_.t;-, ._ Y ' \V at COMING SUDA J.MJARRIE SP[T[R PA N" C; a°y 4'oo"i I ,: f '; n - '$ z'F i l' "Qpotis N ! -ftuy 01 fb"sties 11' I~ i i® r