'ITIURSDAtY, APRIL 30, 1925 CL CLASSCIOFIE ATS 3P.M. ADVERTI SING AaI THE MICI ILGAN DAILY PAGE EVEN I __________ LOST- IA)STI-Small gray purse containin; money. IPlease JphoneC383-IR. Li'--0!1 campus or Lincoln ave. from Bunrn's Park to Brooklyn ave., ]lfl 2 of glas,7e in leather case. l] inder pl,,-use call 3606-M. Reward.' 1,0,171' Near Arcadle Theater Moniday rims. Phone 2996, 927 Forest Ave. 'LOS'l'-Tickets 1879-1599 inclusive, r CLASSIFIED BOXES Nos. 67, 76, 93 andl 98 have a nuns- ber of replies. Kindly call for them before it is too late. Thanx.-UncleI Amos: " FOR SALE TENNIS RACKETS-2 fine rackets, one new, each with new strings and frame at about half price. Dr. Pool, 2-4 P. M. Health Service, X-ray Dept. FOR SALE-New McCray refrigera- tor, 200 lb. ice 'capacity. Suitable for club, sorority, or fraternity. Phone 251. H. W. Schenk, Chelsea, Michigan. FOR SALE-Ford touring car, spot- light, starter, speedometer and li- cense. Phone 1808J. FOR SALE-1922 Chevrolet touring leaving school, will sacrifice for quick sale. George Cone, 1022 Forest, Phone 3634. DO YOU want a good upright piano? Reasonable, phone 987M or call 211 S. Fifth Ave. ~OTICE "Let it rain, let it pour" "That's all there is, there ain't no more." But that's enough when Cliff Ed-It wards sings 'em! Conn Music Shop 14 Nickels Arc. WIANI) PIANO BARGAIN *We can save you $300 on the price of t his excellent piano-cannot b~e tol(d fromi new and is a splendlid laity- ing opportunity for fraternities or sororities. ('an be paid for on a renl-j tal plan. University Music House SEND for free copy of "Educational Columns" of Church Doctrines. R. 1S. Kellerman, H~op B~ottom, Pa. Compacts, watchies and pictures1 frames of the most exquisite jewelry selections. These are especially_ priced1 for the spring season.' A RN OLI) Ileeit Vt7.of Mx. H ospital Edluca- I ional fund. Please p~hone 3368-J or' returin to Majestic. TAILORS Ai TAILORI-iIAI)E cUlT Will satisfy your taste, and fit y'ou best.I WILD) THE TAILOR 113 South Main St. SITGAT1IO S WANTED.) . We vacate our uiliding vr hrl State Street Jeweler Ormdrtprcsia ei for all to have FRESHI GROWN FLOWERS. ANN ARBOR FLORAL C- 122 E. Liberty. Plrw \x X TET)-Situation, female, thor- ----- ioughjly competent cook. Fraternity, ' posHibe Eresopti, clubf or hotel.# Phone 751M, I.OME 6 to 8 1. M. 0. ane Rbeads lopboild Paclung Co. Moving--Packing-Storage jcall us for long distance moving. jLoads insured. I ship to all points. 525 Detroit St., Phone 1154 TYPEWRITING~ Phone 866 For Typewriter Repairing (all makes) Dealer in Woodstock typewriters, Standard and Portable adding ina- chines. Ann A rbor -Typewriter Exchange J Savings Bank Building. BEAUTY SHOPPIES Permanent Waving Ahd Marcelling WvANTrED _WANTED')-Experienced man or wo- S man for soda fountain work. Sand Lake Resort. Putnam, Michigamn. ( WANTED by two graduate students. IDesirable suite in quiet house near Icampus. South side preferred. Box 98 Daily.E WANTED-1A companion with whom to make a three months tour ofj JEIurope dluring the summer. Call *Mulliken, Tel. 1393. TYPEWRIT'ERS TYPEWRIT.IERS Splendid machines. Best makes for rent or for sale. HAMILTON BUSINESS COLLEGE jPhone 342-R. to $55 for AN OP ORTUNITY Fellows who are on the lookout for good jobs during the summer vaca- tion should take advantage of this unusual offer for a profitable season. THE FULLER BRUSH CO., calls upon college students as a matter of courtesy, and- have had a great turn out each year. For particulars see Mr. M. J. H-eaphy, 917 Mary St. Phone 307. ED W 11 MACK AND CO. 3dFloor Main St. Dan ing ' B3LUE HIM)I) AtISHOP 5 NICKiEL'S ARCADE -3166 15-- 1-HIour Class Lessons ,r, - $5.00. Free Dancing 8:30 to DBlIATTlIA, BEA~jTX SHOP offers; 10 P. M. soft water shampoos, especial at- ENROLL NOW tention for curly hair. IHair cut-! Class every Monday and Friday at 7:30 ting andl waving by expert opera- Private Lessons Daily, 10 A. M. tors. Phone 2939_ to 10 P. M. ______________________________ I r.RRA('E (GARDEN l)AN1ClEt Read the j Vy ant Ads' :12 Wiiertl Arcade ]Phone 24I1-R i s I 'Rugs shampooed Ann Arbor Carpet "Phone 54. or dust cleaned. Cleaning Works. A big special group of men's suits arc offcred at this remarkably low price. Light and clark shades in most any fabric you could ask for. Delay no longer! Purchase that new suit at once, before this opportunity is lost. .. I Hart Schaffner &Mr ut i; Make Your Detroit Home at the NOTDWOLVD off4E YOU'LL like the spirit of welcome and hospitality that pervades the entiro Hotel Wolverine organization.,lEvery employee is interested in giving you the quick, courteous, willing service so necessary to your complete comfort. Mchigani students find the Hotel Wolverine convenient to all amusements and a favorite gathering place. You'll be more tlnpleased with the bright, pleasant rooms, all outside wit 1h M ts, and ivitli the fine meals served both in our dining room and Coffee Shioppe. Dance to our fanmous orchestra. Specials reduced rates offered to students for week-ends and vacations. MARCUS L. FREUD, President. Write for- Preferential Service Cards are included in this lot as well as suits made by other well-known for every man. Some of the suits are silk lined. Sizes from 331 Other Suits and Overcoats Priced at One-Third and+ manufacturers. Two and three button modes. Styles to 44. Buy yours now while the selection is at its best. {One-Half .l3clon, the Former Selling Price I I 4 All Luggage Has Been Reduced One-Third and One- Fourth All Bathing SuIts Reduced One-Third in Price - . . . ,, '- ' , \a lisu oiAl i~ebowns, grays r.,tans. 1 :,"f d um 1),,y sn all sex'sJ:5in this lot. (!1 "er lis at 1-1 "114£d 1- 1 of;.'mS. pjdid values! , ehem!I , I sz jr I/Y v . t, F r w f r dw lM i/ liere's a chance tai obtain good fi.. ures at a very 1ow price, All of thmm ire. he store arc offered for sale.- N Detroit's Famous Popular- Priced .hotel Regular $1.50 Value Every- A where SUTJ 500 Rooms. -50Q Baths Foreily rie t 3.0to$5 nwONEHF O Madras iand silk mixtuire fabrics. All color's.Neat patterns. U