0 PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TIIT ISD.\iy, APRIT., ". 192:. __ . . ICI - Published every morning except Monday during the Un iersit year by the Board in Cantrol of Studnt Publications. Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusivelynw- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished therein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier. $3.30; by mail,1 #4.00. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard Street. Phones:.Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; busi- ness, 960. I EDITORIAL STAFFl Telephones 2414 and 1784 MANAGING EDITOR PHILIP M. WAGNER 'Editor... ..........John G. Garliughouse News Editor..........Robert G. Ramsay City Editor.... .. ..Manning Houseworth NgtEditors George W. Davls Harold A. Moore Thomas P. Ienry Fredk. K. Sparrow, Jr. Kenneth C,. Keller Norman R. Thal Edwin C. Mack Sports Editor.....!...William H-. Stoneman Sunday Editor........Robert S. Mansfield Women's Editor.............Verena Moran Telegraph Editor.William J. Walthour Assistants Gertrude Bailey Marion Meyer Louise Barley Helen Morrow Marion Barlow Carl E. Ohimacher Leslie S. Bennetts Irwin A. Olian Smith H. Cady, Jr. W. Calvin Patterson Stanley C. Crighton Margaret Parker Willard 13. Crosby Stanford N. Phelps Valentine L. Davies Helen S. Ramsay Robert T. DeVore Marie Reed Marguerite Dutton L. Noble Robinson Paul A. Elliott Simon F. Rosenbaum Geneva Ewing Ruth Rosenthal J ames W. Fernamberg Frederick Hi. Shillito atherine Fitch Wilton A. Simpson Joseph O. Gartner Janet Sinclair Leonard. Hall David C. Vokes Elizabeth S. Kennedy Lilias K. Wagner Thomas V. Koykka Marion Walker Maiiod Kubik Chandler Whipple Elizabeth Liebermann BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 960 BUSINESS MANAGER WM. D. ROESSER Advertising. ... .......E. L. Dunne Advertising.............. -C. Winter Advertising.................H. A. Marks Advertising ................. B. W. Parker Accounts.................H. M. Rockwell Circulation............ ...-John Conlin Publication..................R. D. Martin TTHE DARK AGES One of the earliest forms of punish ment instituted in American colonia adays was the old whipping post an the public stocks. With the avanc in prison reforms and sociologica theories as to the effect of vario forms of penalty, both of these prac tices were abandoned as useless bru tality many years ago in -practicall all of the states. The passing of the Wood whippin post bill, providing for the whippin of male criminals convicted of robber armed or of murder while attemptin robbery armed with a maximum o 50 lashes, by the Michigan Senat Tuesday afternoon may bring about return to the long discredited prac tice. In the words of one of its op ponents, the bill would take Michiga back to the dark ages. Supporters of the measure argu that it has become almost impossibl to get anyone to take charge of branch bank in any of the cities of th state and Detroit in particular on ac count of the great number of rob beries. Senator Wood states: "All o us have been young and we know tha nothing subdues like a whipping. Th thugs would rather have five years i jdil than, one flogging." The idea might be a good one fo punishment in juvenile cases but it i more or less absurd to believe tha flogging will cause any great humilia tion of hardened adult criminals. Th experience of college fraternities i the application of the traditiona "paddle" has indicated that grow men are but little affected by this soi of thing. Largely because of this rough initiations are being frowne upon by fraternal leaders throughou the country as undignified and useles for disciplinary purposes. A similar reaction will result if th whipping post is reinstated as a form of punishment. A few of those wh would be subjugated to this penalt might be humbled into obedience bu it is more probable that the majorit would be all the more obstinate an rebellious. Fortunately, the bill cannot be pass ed during the present session of th legislature unless the House rules ar waived and it is brought to a vot without the regular five-day period in committee. If this does not kill th measure, the representatives ought t vote it down as unworthy of seriou consideration. CAMPUS OPINION- Anonvmous communications will be disregarded. The names of communi- Iants will, however, be regarded as confidential uoon request. HINDENBURG ANI) STABILITY To the Editor: I wish to take exception to your editorial of April 28th, entitled "Paul in Power." To anyone acquainted with the po- litical and social troubles, of post- war Germany Hindenburgs election would-not be surprising. There are at least a dozen essentially different political factions in Germany. The wranglings of these discordant ele- ments are ever preventing a sane and stable government. The Germans are frankly disgusted with the ineffectual squabbles occuring within the Reich- stag. So surely the appointment of the staid Hindenburg-or any other representative of stability-is com- patible with logical expectation. Further than that, the Hindebgurg administration should prove a relief rather than an alarm to the allied nations. In the first place, order will result, and the establishment of unity will not be followed , by absolute monarchism, unless outside interefer- ence incenses the Germans to rash extremes. The fact is that the Ger- mans hate the Kaiser and his kind as much as we do. And don't think that Hindenburg will cast aside the Dawes plan and start another European con- flict. He is a hard-boiled soldier, brought up-as it were-on cold fact; he realizes the asininity of pitting his country against the world other so-called "professors?" repre- -_I sent:'the old fashion officers of the lA aw. Here is the difference between the Aideal-modern "cop," and the old e fashion one. The modern "cop" asks LI for no bouquets, no tips, no thanks; s he is always right there if you wantj _____ - AND DRAMA .1 Mother's Day Cards NOW ON DISPLAY AT BOTH STORES P. W. Arnold W. F. Ardussi 1. M. Alving M. C. Bauer Irving Berman Rudolph Bostelms George.P. Bugbe B. Caplan H. F. Clark T. C. Consroe F. R. Dentz George C. Johnso 0. A. Jose, Jr. K. K. Klein W. L. Mullins Assistants K. F. Mast F. 'E. Mosher H. L. Newmann T. D. Olmstead R. M. Prentiss an W. C. Pusch e F. J. Rauner S. D. oRyan M, E. Sandberg F. K. Schoenfeld R. A. Sorge n A. S. Simons M. M. Smith I. J. Wineman THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1925 Night Editor-GEORGE W. DAVIS UNIVERSITY LOYALTY The resolution of the Michigan alumni of the fourth district of the general alumni association to enlarge the scope of their activities to include the fostering of the ideals of higher education in their commonwealths and, an assumption of an active interest1 in the progress of local state and private institutions as well as in that of their alma mater is a significant contribution to what is generally de- signed as "college loyalty." It is wider and better interpretation of the duty of the college or university grad- uate to the system which gave him his education. As a general thing alumni of our various educational institutions are prone to miss the real significance of their position as men and women who have had the advantages of so-called high learning. They confine their la- bors and thought for education to a somewhat clannish loyalty to the school from which they have been graduated and display it by attending numerous banquets and football games, by doing much yelling and singing and hurrahing about the old times when they were young-and stu- dents. All of this rather perfunctory dem- onstration is likely to submerge the better sensibilities of college men. If the individual happens to be an east- ern college man in the West he is in- clined to discount the value of anyl educational institutions of his local- ity-even to scorn them. If he is the product of a western state or private institution living in the East he more{ than likely will confine his activities to' proving to his compatriots the relative! superiority of the new educational systems over the old. In either case, most alumni are inclined to overlook their real responsibility-the encour-, agement of the means of education wherever they may be. It is, this which the Michigan alumniof the fourth district 'propose1 to emphasize. In the words of the! resolution: "-one of the prime pur- poses of the members of the associa- tion shall always be an interest in the educational problems and institutions of their~ respective communities and states, as well as those of the Uni- I( versity of Michigan." College grad- I uates the nation over will do.well to! emulate such a snirit 'The eai.q l If - him. He holds his position, not MR, SELDES AND "THE LAST - through."pull," but because he can LAUGH" y deliver the goods. His is the task to Gilbert Seldes of "The Seven Lively make the wheels go round. Arts" printed the following review in g The "cop" of a few years ago was the April, 1925, issue of The Dial on g a shiftless individual; and this type y still'' persists in certain sequestered "The Last Laugh," to be presented in g localities such as Ann Arbor; in fact Hill Auditorium Tuesday and Wednes- f any ignorant, lazy loafer was good day evenings, May 5 and 6: e enough for a policeman. This type of "A matter of great importance is a !officer was always out after his per- "The Last Laugh," Ufa's picture with - sonal enemies. His business was Emil Jannings. This is a moving pic- - largely to inform people to be "law ture made not by pretentious titles, n 'biding citizens" when he was pres- elaborate 'presentation,' false philoso- ent. His chief task was to "run in" phy, and personal chatter, but by the e I bad boys who used his form as a tar- camera. The director, (the name e get. seemed to be Mornau as it 'flashed on a Sir Robert-I call him Sir Robert the screen), has made a correct as- e because he is a jolly good sir-also sumption: that in the motion picture - has the faculty of saying the same old the camera must do all the work, and - thing in a different way. His classes when, let us say, a sound or an emo- f are over crowded with eager follow- tion passes, the only way you can in- ti ers because students seem to realize form the spectator is by showing its e that if they question him more than result as that result can, be recorded n once, he will not sting them with a by the camera. Thus when a trombone I nightstick, but give some kind of an is played so that it nearly deafens the' r answer, listener, the mouth of the instrument s From the speaker's platform, the grows suddenly so large that it seems t student sees Professor Wenley, PhD, to engulf the tortured man. - ScD, LittD, LL.D, DCL, but at his "So when a face terrifies a man you e home or even in consultation-away see the face distorted as the man sees n from the lecture notes, that same stu- it. So instead of a long subtitle tell- I dent sees just Mr. Wenley-ing you that good old Gaffer Gaffkins n -J. S. S. was. the little adored deity of the t tenement, you see the old man coming o THE RUSTIC ASPIRATION, home and, as soon as he is in, the d To the Editor: concierge puts out all the lights. It is difficult to understand how any he fantasy in this film is not of lonewith the least aspiration to cul- the 'Caligari' type: indeed I should oe say that 'The Last Laugh' should have 1 e ture could have written so senseless come five years .before 'Caligari,' and an article against Robert Henderson prepared the way for it. The head 0 as appears in today's Daily. Whether porter of the Atlantic Hotel sees in y Mr. Henderson Imitated New York his dream one superb moment when t critics, or whether one agrees with his the revolving doors are a hundred y ideas is of slight consequence. Suffice feet high and a dominates them. For d it that he. wrote unusual reviews of the most part, however, it is not fan- some important plays-unusual when tasy, but downright good camera work - it is remembered that young man is I that distinguishes this picture. e an undergraduate. Why should such "And good camera work also makes e reviews not find a place in The Daily?I it tremendously interesting. It forti- re e oi as, sports and the fie me in my propaganda-that the rest of the humbug more important in American producers of films are en- e a University paper than things which tirely on the wrong track, that they o pertain to the mind or is the Univer- are using unsuitable materials and are s sity to become more and more what forcing the camera to do things it some rustics asretor ake it? cannot do because they (10 not know ruotcs sru ,akeoi goo are the things it can do" I Yors tulyM. Lvi.* * M. LeviTHE ORGAN RECITAL f review, by Robert Henderson. Not too many people attend Mr.t EDITORIAL COMMENT Christian's recitals; they are profes-~ 'ssors, nuns, maiden ladies, odd stu- dents for the most part. They sit very GERMANY AT THE POLLS quietly very near the back of the -New York Times. auditorium, arriving late and leaving Sunday's election in Germany early. It is all as it should be, nothing brought out 3,500,000 more votes than efficient or highly organized. There were cast in the preliminary election is no constraint, everything is casual, a month ago. Of the new votes five soothing and almost church-wise with out of every six were cast for Hin- a man playing a program of some denburg. To the managers of the Na- pretty pieces-far too many of these tionalist campaign is due credit for chants and amours by Stoddard and exceptional astuteness and courage. Stojowski and Stoughton-balanced They dared to swap horses in the mid- by a magnificent Bach or Rimsky- die of the stream by abandoning their Korsakoff. original candidate, Dr. Jaryes. The About in February, Mr. Christian figures in the March election showed announced the Stravinsky Wedding plainly that the Republican bloc was March from "L'Oiseau de Feu," but ahead. If the campaign was to be something happened and the concert saved, it must be done by appealing was postponed-this lyric rhapsody by not to issues but to a name. The re- music's greatest modern prophet and sults ,on Sunday more than justified mountebeank somehow has never been this strategy. Millions of voters in re-included in his program. It is un-I the agrarian districts were roused fortunate, wrong: Mr. Christian could from their indifference to politics by easily with his select, constant audi- the miagic name of the hero of Tan- ence be experimental and original; he nenberg. The people of East Prussia could and should be the first to intro- whom he rescued from the Russian duce these compositions that the Fes- invaders rose up for him like a tide. tival dare not include in its reper- Part of the explanation of the Hin- toire to the few of the town willing to denburg victory must be sought else- listen. where than among the German peas- Such pieces-the "Sheherazade," for antry. Reaction against communism instance-make a concert an adven- is plainly read in the returns from the ture, be it ridiculous or thrilling, a I Saxon urban centers, and to some ex- new experience that is dramatic and tent, from Bavaria...... That it was sen- unique. The other tendency, save for timent, whether patriotism or fear, the fervor and ungodly genius of rather than reasoned policy that 1Bach or a Brahms, so frequently ends I swelled the Nationalist vote would be in the polite dullness of a facile clas- indicated by the showing in the Rhine- sic technique. land and in the Ruhr. These sections * * * have felt the burden of foreign occu- TiIE FRE-NCH PLAY pation and might have been expected "Blanchette," one of Eugene to rally to Hindenburg; yet they went Brieux's earlier dramas, has been se- heavily for Marx. Precisely because lected for the nineteenth annual the people of these regions were face French play, to be presented Wednes- to face with the realities of a lost war day evening, May 6, in Sarah Caswell they swung to the candidate who stood Angell hall under the direction of Pro-! for cociliation and peace.,1 fessor Finney. This year's produc- The immediate effect of the Na- tion is in the nature of an experiment, tionalist party on Germany's former standing as the first modern thesis enemies obviously represents no gain drama in the repertory of the Cercle for the cause of European appease- Firancais. ment. At the best, the outside world The cast is as follows: is bound to mark time in order to ap- Blanchette ......Marguerite Steinfeld praise the full significance of Hinden- Madame Rousset ......Mary Loughin burg's election. For the President- Lucie Galoux......... Germaine Baer elect himself it should be said that his Rousset .............. Donald Snyder pledge of loyalty to thetRepublic was Le Cantoumier .........Cecil Betron undoubtedly sincere. At his age it isI Morillon ............Herbert Sewell not likely that he will lend himself to Auguste Morillon. any- desperate adventures. But it is...............Frederick McDonald still to be seen whether the unrecon- M. Galoux .......... William Randall ciled monarchist element will not read Georges Galoux ...... Emanuel Karav U R BOTH ENDS OF THE DIAGONAL WALK RE MANN'Sc We Also do high Class Work In CLEANING AND REBLOCKING HATS of all Kinds FACTORY HAT STORE = a !Nv L~A1 ni i 11(11 !VI