PAGE FOUR PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1925 SO E OD ~Detroit; Helen M. Porter, Detroit; Josephine Bay, Detroit; Margaret derwood, Detroit; Katherine Wna _____Spaulding, Lanoing; Irene Ayling, Detroit; Louioe Grinnell, Detroit; Moth Lansng; Franceo M8. Murray, East Morey, Los Angeles, Calif.; Harlan Booth 10-Phi Kappa (Continued from Page Three) Tawas; Dorothy F. Squiers, Ypsilanti; Patrker, Cincinnati, 0.; Carmsen Roth- Patrons-Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Gfell, Booth 5-Pi Kappa Alpha iMildred T. Martin, Crystal Falls; Had- enherger, Napoleon, 0.; Yvonne Ann Arhor; Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Mark- Patrons--Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Mc- eline Lister, Pontiac; Martha L. Dark- Roucax, Ottawa, Can.; RElzaheth Un- (Continued on Page Five) PhroHwl.Get-Mse i-ema, Holland; Dorothy S. Kinner, _________________________________ lion Leeson, Ann Arhor; Gladys Wood, Cleveland, 0.; Verna Mv. Prehilcock, Ann Arhor; Frances Dunnewind, Ispheming; Emma Jane Hitchner, GCrand Rapids; Margaret Rogers, Miosawaka, Ind; Elonise H. Mart is, Crand Rapids;; Katherin Booth, Muskegon; Helen B. Blahuik, Menomi- Spearfish, S. Dak.; Marjorie Mallory, nec; Lila E. Reynolds, Battle Creek; Evanston, ill.; Helco McDowell, Chi- Frieda E. Bank Ann Arhor; Eleta C. cago; Mary Mathias, Elkhart, Ind.; Seeley, Pontiac; Mrs. Don C. Wheeler, Hariette Wise, Van Wert, 0.; Evelyn Detroit; Mrs. Frank T. Whitney, Sagi- Rezanka, Detroit; Mary Hurntz, Atlan- naw. ta, Ca.; Genevieve Monitz, Atlanta,________________________________ Ga.; Prances Mallory, Evanston, Ill. Booth 8-Alpha Kappa Lamhda, GREATER Booth 6-.Alpha Chi Rho Patrons--r and Mrs. B. F. Strong. NOW SHOWING TH AN Patrons-Mr. and Mrs. Forest Mad- Guests-Misses Hlazci McCrccdy, Bad MARRIAGE 1cm, Ann Arhor. Guests-Misses jAxe; Sarah Slocums, Pasadena, Calif.; With 1-elen Bailey, Ann Arhor; Marion R. Thelma Potter, Flint; Wave Dc Bolt, ~ ~ 1 Fikes, Dctroit; Isahelle Griffith, To- Sturgis; SusIe L. Stratton, Bradford, ledo, 0.; Sarah Bonine, Ann Arhor; Pa.; Dorothy Rogers, Clarkshurg, W. 1 ( 1U T LE AN Constance Stanhrough, Detroit; Jean Va.; Florence Davis, Slippory Rock,' PEGGYE EIY Carrahin, Ann Arhor; Antoinnette1 Pa.; Adelyn Burrke, Detroit; Dorothy ElFtS1nO Feick, Sandusky, 0.; Gretchen Mulli- Crocker, Utica, N. V.; Alice Wuerfel. EFESAN N sror An ro;Mra asn, AnAnn Arhor; Mildred Boyce, Detroit; Arbor-Helen Stair, Mionroc; Helen Augs- Booth 7-siOmuge, kFt. rWayne, Ind.; Lillian Latho- Patrons--Dr. and Mrs. Lynman L. Jones, Detroit. Guests-H-isses Mar- Booth 9-Delta Chi caret Lv Stoakes, Detroit; Mayme E. Patrons-Hr. and Mrs. C. Raymond Herr, Detroit; Dorothea B. Zentgrehe, Wiess, Grand Rapids. Guests-HMisses Detroit College of Music Detroit's Foremost School of Music Exclusively Affliated with Sherwood Music School, Chicago Offers Standardized Conservatory Courses in elementary theory, harmony, counterpoint and orchestration leading to accredited teachers' certificates, diplomas and degrees in piano, violin, 'cello, harp and all instruments used in modern orchestras. A COMPLE TE VOCAL DEPARTMENT Special classes in interpretation, chamber music, ensemble playing and practical orchestra training. FACULTY OF ARTISTS Jean J. Goldkette, Managing Director 17 Brady Street, near Orchestra Hall Phones Glendale 5660-5661 DETROIT J-IIOP ORChESTRAS BENSON GOLDKETTE JOHNSON 90% CONN EQUIPPED We have the Weyman Banjo featured by Howard Quicksell of Goldkette's Orchestra. We have a completet lin of She Musicincluding a UP-TO-THE-MINUTE ACCESSORIES A Stirriing Phiotodranen of a Stago Career 2:0(1-3:36-7:00-8:10 35e-25e-10e STARTING SUNDAY FolksA Smashing, Comie to tis Iliarions Shies if YleCeey iHive to Goe ii" a VIheeled RUITH RENICK InnD '~1jfj$r The desire to be beauti- ful is older and stronger than the desire to be either modest or comfort- deep hunger of mortals; beauty of livig, beauty that is mystery and poet- ry and faith, beauty of line and color. Beauty of woman is like a garden. TENDED, it sings with glory. Ea- GLECTED, weeds creep in, romance and delight are choked. To which gar- den would you he lik- ened? A poor garden may be made to express beauty and charm. Let ELIZABETH ARDEN help you to equal the perfect garden. Drug and Preseription Store Sate aid N,,ih Uieraiy Phi., 808. "The Quarry " 14 NICKES ARCADE WOSLSO LAIWOOT WiiiOAQ5UMM A Fast Moving, Electrified Comedy That Will Register and Transfer Thrills, Laughs and Mearn Interest Galore. ADDED MACK SENNETT COMEDY - NEWS WUERTH SYMPHONIC ORCHESTRA 2:06-3:10-lv:20-7:00-8:10 10e-85c.50c '4 NICKELS ARCADE Spring Styles Suits and Topcoats TAILORED AT FASHION PARK NOW ON DISPLAY AT Next to Wuertli Theatre J. F. XVUERTHFL CO. Downtownb