DEDICATED TO JUSTICE lai Aa IaiIt I ., MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS p 4 VOL. XXXV. No. 154 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1925 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS - , FRESHMEN PREPARE FOR SPRING GAMES AT INNERTONIGHT MEETING AT UNION WILL RE- UNITE FIlRST YEAR MEN FOR CLASS AFFAIRS ASSEMBLE AT 6:15 Lawton1 '11, Authr of "Varsity," Will Give Princpal Address On Program In a last meeting of the year before the spring games, members of the Freshman class will gather at 6 15 o'clock tonight in the main assembly hall of the Union at a banquet, spon- sored by the social committee of the class. The purpose of the meeting is to give the first year men an op- portunity to get together as a unit and talk over plans for the games and other class affairs. In addition, th-ere will be a number of addresses. Fred Lawton, '11, author of "Var- sity", will be the principal speaker on the program. He will talk on the subject "Freshmen Now What?". James K. Miller, '25, acting for the Student Council will outline the plans for the spring games and make var- ious suggestions to the class. Charles A. Johnson, '28, captain of the fresh- men at the fall games will speak and Henry Grinnell, '28, president of the freshman literary class will make a number of class announcements. Horace C. Lownsberry, '28, will be the principal spokesman for the1 freshmen. He will talk on the sub-,~ ject, "Individual Responsibilities. William L. Diener, '26, will close the meeting with a talk on the work on the Union underclass department for the year ending in June. In, addition to the speeches, an orchestra will furnish music during the banquet. A zylophone solo by Bur-i ton Hyde, '25M, will be a novelty fea- ture on the program and the Varsity quartet will sing a number of songs also. Thomas C. Winter, '28, chair- i man of the social committee of the class, will act as toastmaster at the banquet. Tickets for the affair are being sold by group managers and captains, and committeemen and they may also be obtained at the main desk in the Union. The price is $.75. More than 200 tickets were sold yesterday and the committee in charge of the ban- quet expects that more than 400 men will attend the gathering. A similar luncheon meeting held before the Christmas holidays brought out a large crowd of first year men and it is expected that the meeting tonight will eclipse the first one due to the fact that it is being held at a more convenient hour. The committee urges all men who have taken tickets to sell to report to William Diener, '26 in the student offices on the third floor of the Union sometime before 5 o'clock this after- noon. All money collected for tickets must be turned in before the banquet. ARRITT WILL ADDRESS PHI BETl APPA DINNER Von Hindenburg Cabinet Will Continue Same Foreign Policy Berlin, April 29, (By A. P.)-The cIlude a comprehensive and equitable positive declaration made by Dr. security pact. His promise that this Hans Luther, the German chancellor attitude will be rigidly adhered to before the congress of the League of meets with the prompt approval of Industry and Commerce, today that the conservative organs, and is also Germany's foreign policies will be liberally endorsed in democratic strictly adhered to, is voted a signifi- quarters which only three days ago cant official utternace and is being united in support ofenyr. Wilhelm received in political and finincial Marx for the presidency. The gov- DEAIERS DISCUSS MERITS, FAULTS, OF ORGANIZED LABOR NEW ARCHITECTURE BUILDING AND SITE REPPRESENTATIVES REFUSE TO CONC'UR WITH SENATE ON PRESTON BILL ADVANCE MILL TAX State Normal College t'ppropriations Agreed Upon Add $500,000 To 11923 Allotment DIFFER ON FUTURE IIELATIONS OF CAPITAL, LABOR, IN AMERICA T circles as in complete concurrence with President-elect Von Hinden- burg's views as his pronouncement was made less than 12 hours after the chancellor had concluded a long con- ference with Von Hindenburg at the latter's cQuntry retreat near Bruns- wichi. In his speech Dr. Luther declared that in order to bring about stable European conditions the evacuation of the Cologne area by the allies must be speedily settled, and he reiterated that Germany was prepared to con- ernment's statement generally is ap- praised as timely and effective and one calculated to placate foreign and internal misgivings which the elec- tion of Field Marshall Von Hinden- burg provoked. It is recalled that Dr. Luther accepted the chancellor- ship at the hands of the late Presi- dent Ebert as a non-partisan and that he informed the Reichstag par- ties which accepted membership in his cabinet of his determination to conduct his office in a spirit of non- partisanship. NO DECISION GIVEN iiuggins Condemns Unions for Barring Special Classes; Wilson Shows Benefits to Workmen PROGRAM PLANNED FOR MOTHERS' D AY Edgar A. To Guest Accepts Invitation Speak On May 10 In 1ill Auditorium ARRANGED BY Y.W.C.A. Edgar A. Guest, Detroit Free Press poet, has definitely accepted the in- vitation which was tendered him to speak here on Sunday, May 10, for the Mothers' Day celebration. The remainder of the program for Sunday is being planned by the Y. W. C. A. and will be announced later. Many different forms of entertain- ment have been arranged for the three days of the celebration, May 8, 9, and 10. It is thought that some of the mothers will arrive here in time for Swing-Out on Thursday, and from that time on there will be numerous events which will prove interesting to the visitors. The Spring Games are scheduled for that week-end; on Saturday afternoon the O. S. U. track meet will attract many of the moth- ers' while others will attend the tea which is to be given by the Women's League. Many of the local churches have arranged special services for Sunday which will be in honor of mothers throughout the land. The service at which Edgar Guest will speak and which is being planned by the Y. W. C. A. will be held in Hill auditorium. The Women's League is making ar- rangements to sell carnations at a special reduced price. Everyone is requested to wear a pink carnation if their mother is alive and a white one if she is dead. A campus and city tour is being organized by Eugene Powers, '27, in order to thoroughly acquaint the mothers with the University and Ann Arbor. The party will leave Lane hall at 2 o'clock on Saturday. Many fraternities ..and sororities have signified their intentions of having their Mothers' houseparties on this week-end in cooperation with the nation-wide celebration. 111 I 1P flIR PH nN R TICKETS FOR MAY PTY GO O SL Will Be Distributed in Union Today And Tomorrow. Plan Setting For Architects' Ball COSTUME REQUIRED Tickets for the Architects' May Party will be distributed from 2 to. 5 o'clock today, and at the same time tomorrow, in the lobby of the Union. A few tickets still remain1 available and those who have failedj to turn in their applications may se-. cure their tickets at this time. Work on decorations for the affair is now in progress. The decorations consist primarily of four huge panels falling from a large light in the cen- ter and drooping down under the running track to the walls of Barbour gymnasium. The panels have been designed by Ben K. Wyatt, '28A, and the work is being carried on under his direction. The committee again emphasizes that those who attend must absolute- ly come in costume, and those who wear no costumes will be barred ad-1 mission. Those who do not secure costumes in harmony with the set-j ting, which will be Oriental in char- acter, may wear artists smocks. Pic- tures of costumes are now on display in the case in th-e architectural cor- ridor of the engineering building. Invitations have been sent to prom-' inent architects throughout the coun- try including Ayman Embury of New York city, Irving K. Pond of Chica- go, who designed the Union building,I Albert Kahn of Detroit who planned several buildings on the campus, H. V. B. McGonogle, who is an eminent architect from the east, and archi- tectural department heads of Cornell, Columbia, Pennsylvania universities, and of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. FISHER. NflTFR fCHEMII BUBWWE.* ST Whether or not the law should pos- Lansing, April 29. (By A. P.)-The sess jurisdiction over organized labor House of Representatives today, re-I was the main topic of a debate be- fused to concur with the Senate pro-; tween Hon. William L. Huggins, first posal that the University of Michigan chief justice of the Kansas Court of be granted $400,000 for an architec-, Industrial Relations and James Wil- tural building and $100,000 for a site.. son, vice president of the American It returned to the Senate the Preston1 Federation of Labor, held last night in bill carrying building appropriations Hill auditorium. for the University and a conference1 The discussion was held under the will be ordered. The bill originally auspices of the Round Table club, passed by the House provided $900,-s Douglas W. Clephane, '27L, president 000 for a museum and $400,000 for of the club, presiding as chairman. land, a total of $1,300,000. The Sen-j Mr. Huggins, who appeared for the ate amended it to read in addition,1 first time in public since the KansasI$400,000 for an architectural building ourt was pronounced unconstitutional+ and another $100,000 for land, mak-1 opened his speech by showing that ing a total of $1,800,000. although the great industrial revolu- In the committee of the whole, the tion has meant a great step forward in House advanced the University mill I living conditions, it has, too, presented tax bill. It will be finally acted upon very serious problems to those of or- I Thursday and will carry a limit of Speaking of the practice of certain mum is $3,000,000. The Senate, when employers of barring men from their it passed the bill, set the figures at employment solely on account of re- $3,700,000 next year and $3,800,000 the ligion or due to their possible lack of following year. The House ways and union affiliations, Mr. Huggins stated means committee cut it to $3,500,000 that every man should have the right meai to work and that noorganization Vastly increased appropriations for other than time law may deprive a- man the maintenance and operation of the of his liberty. four state normal colleges were In conclusion, Mr. Huggins assert- edta nouha h etuto1agreed upon by the legislature. The ed that insomuch as the drut agr Hue of Representatives adopted the of capital means the loss of labor, it reors of erence omteetap- was he uty f te la tosee hatreport of a conference committee, ap- was the duty of the law to see that pointed to settle House and Senate justice was given to capital. r differences on the appropriations, au-1 Mr. Wilson then took the platform (toizgicessttligmr and showed how the gradual organi- thorizing increases totallig more' than half a million dollars over the zation of labor has promoted betterI granits made by the 1923 assembly. understanding between employer and gratsma __yhe____ ssmby. employee and has been an importanti factor in bettering living conditions Adelphi Freshmen' among the laboring class. With this LT . 1 bettering of living conditions has also I ose oAlpha NLu.L come a better level of citizenship and In Annual Debate1 understanding, by the workmen, of' their own needs.- According to Mr. Wilson, the time Alpha Nu ,represented by a trio 04 is not far distant when such things freshman debaters was awarded the as strikes are unknown and when decision in the annual Alpha Nu workmen and employes shall meet versus Adelphi freshman debate which and discuss their mutual problems 'was held last night in University hall. 'with a keener understanding of each "Resolved that judges of the state other and with true cooperation. . courts should be appointed by the gov- In a rebuttal, Mr. Huggins refuted ernor rather than elected by the peo- several of Mr. Wilson' statements, ple," was the subject of discussion. attacking, in particular, his concep- With the victory of their freshmen, tion of the future relations of em- Alpha Nu regained the Oratorical as- ployer and employee stating that soc~ation cup which was reliquished such relations would be impossible j to Adelphi last year. The present due to the fact that labor would al- score now stands two victories for ways demand the payment of dues. Alpha Nu aaginst one for Adelphi. W. I C. Dixon, '25, was presiding officer of the debate with Prof . L. M. Eich and G. E. Densmore casting the 'decision. Due to a misunderstanding as to the Lme ofthe debate only a small audi R L CN CTY F Ofiience attended- _ I nI-- --. -- --2r% -1-1-1-2 Ma --- Science Gives Highest Honor To Pillsbury Science officially honored Prof. Walter B. Pillsbury, of the psychol- ogy department, with its laurels by his election yesterday to the National Academy of Science, which terminat- ed its annual meeting in Washington. Professor Pillsbury is at present away from the University on leave of abs- ence. At the meeting, the Academy for the firstetime elected a woman,sFlor- ence Rena Sabin, psychologist at Johns Hopkins medical school in Baltimore. Miss Sabin has done not- able research work with blood cells and is the first woman chosen to membership in the 62 years of the academy's life. William David Coolidge, physicist of the General Electric company of Schenectady, N. Y., was similarly honored, in recognition- of his devel- opment of the Coolidge x-ray tube. Reginald Aldsworth Daly, Harvard geologist, also became a member to- 1 day, for his knowledge of volcanoes and the inner structure of the earth. 1 MID-WST HUMOR, EDITORSTO MEET. Representatives of 17 College Comic Magazines Will Assemble Here Tomorrow EXPECT 40 VISITORS Representatives of 17. college humor publications, meeting for the annual conference of the Mid-West I College Comic association, of which Gargoyle, University publication, is a member, will assemble here tomor- row night for a one-day session at the Union. More than 40 visitors are expected, including delegates from similar associations in other parts of the country. Delegations, composed of the edi- tors, business managers, and two up- per staff men from each magazine; will be sent by each member of the association, among which are the Chi- cago university "Phoenix,", the Minn- esota university "Ski-u-mah," the Notre Dame "Juggler," and others. More complete copyright protection and uniformity in advertising rates for publication in the association are objectives which the conference will try to attain, and a large part of the business meetings will be devoted to discussion of these ideas. Unrestricted use by professional magazines of original -material print- ed in college publications has given rise to the copyrighting policy under consideration, as frequently the of- fending magazines are of low stand- ing, and use the material in a fashion injurious to the college magazines. The proposed policy would permit only recognized publications to re- print articles or art work. Uniformity in advertising rates is sought in order to prevent unreason- able demands by advertisers, which !have proved troublesome in the past. One aim related to this is the uniform page size. Of the 17 magazines sending repre- sentatives, 10 are members of the Mid-West association, while the re- maining 7 are petitioning for admis- sion. The petitions will be voted upon at this convention. MICHIGANDEFEAT AGGI 10 TO 4 IN OPENING CONTEST RAIN ENDS GAME IN SIXTH IN- NING; HITTING AND BASE RUNNING FEATURE GAME HOMER BY COLEMAN Fisher and Walters Hold Opponents To 4 Hits; Varsity Totals 10 Safeties By Carl E. Ohlmacer With a cold drizzle falling for over half the contest, Michigan's Varsity baseball team defeated the Michigan ,State College of Agriculture and Ap- plied Sciences, nee M. A. C., by a score of 10-4 yesterday at Ferry field in the opening home game of the 1925 sea- son. The rain ended the tilt at the end of six innings, and made the going rough for players and spectators alike. The slippery ball was hard for the pitchers to handle, with the result that their control was impaired toward the end of the hostilities. The Michigan team won by dint of superior hitting, pitching and base running. Big Tom Fisher, who started the clash for Fisher's team, hurled three innings during which he allowed one run and two hits. Harlan Walter* finished the abbreviated tilt, giving the Aggies two hits and three runs, none of which should have been scor- ed. All the scoring off the underhand pitcher were pushed over the plate in the fifth inning, after three batsmen had struck out, with one man on base. Baker dropped the third strike on Wakefield, the visitors' hurler, how- ever, and the runner was safe on first. Walter temporarily lost control, pass- ing the next two men and filling the bases. A passed ball by Baker and a single on the part of Richards sent the three tallies over the rubber. Wakefield Ineffective Wakefield, of no-hit fame, was un- able to hold the Wolverine batters in check, being hit for 110hits duringthe six frames he worked. Captain Dill- man, Norrie Ryrholm and Buck Giles led the attack. Dillman and Giles each connected safely three times out of four trips to the plate, while Ryrholm got a triple and a single in three times up. With one man down in the third; Spiekerman drove the first ball pitch- ed to him to left center for three bases and scored a moment later when Giles muffed Zimmerman's blow. Zim- merman stole second and on Ranney's single to left tried to score, but Cole- man's great throw caught him by a foot at the plate. - Michigan Scores in Third Michigan's big inning came in the winner's half of the third. Nine men batted and five runs crossed the plat- ter before the third man was retired. Steger, hitting for Fisher, started the fireworks by drawing a pass. He went to second when Giles' hot grounder took a bad bounce and got away from Gauss, giving the Michigan second baseman a hit. - Both men advanced when Kiebler threw out Bachman after making a beautiful stop. Hag- gerty dropped a safe hit over first base and Steger and Giles scored. I Ryrholm drove a single through first, Haggerty going to third. Dillman fol- lowed with another safe wallop, bring- ing Haggerty in while Ryrholmn went to third and Dillman to second on the Ithrow-in On __ C l ' inom L~ 11V11.11' low 1 V a wl..®1141 r i rr n.i nt~llEi rurnT "An Ideal of a Liberal Education" U i~asbee annuncd as the subject of the address ofProf. E. F. Carritt, of thephloophdpatmet, for the I annual initiation and banquet of Phi Midnight, next Saturday, May 2, has Beta Kappa, national honorary schol- been set as the date for the cut-over astic fraternity, Friday, May 9, at the to the new dial telephone system Union. Iwhich has been recently completed At the banquet last year, Dr. Robert I in Ann Arbor by the Michigan Bell A. Milikan, distinguished physicist Telephone company, according toan and one of the two Americans to announcement made by J. J. Kelly, win the Nobel prize in physics, deiv- manager of the local branch. ered the principal addyiess, speaking While there are still a few final on "The Significance of Modern Sci- arrangements to be made, officials once." I express the belief that the change _ _ _ _ _ _ _ from the old to the new system will be successfully accomplished on the Or aTter n date set. taWork'on the offices and equipment in the company's new quarters on East Williams street, which has occu- pied more than a year to culminate and which has entailed an invest- inent of more than $800,000, has re- sulted in what is said to be one of the C most modern telephone exchanges in the country. For tihepast month the company has conducted an educational cam- -looks for rin and continued cool paign for both operators and sub- weather I scribers in the use of the new auto-I matic system, the latter department being cared for- by a flying suadron FLIBBERTYGIBBET of 40 experts from Detroit who have WIL LET I VTH I VNib c l All county and city offices will be ,U IJIVO ILL ELU i occuiedby high school students to- Dr. H iher esearC"h chemist ro, as the boys' day in citizen- of the B. F. Goodrich company, willI ship part ofi the international boys' give a lecture at 8 o'clock tonight in 'week which is being conducted here Glee Club officers for the ensuing the Chemical amphitheater. His sub- I under the auspices of the Chamber of I year will be elected at a meeting of ject will be "A Chemical Talk on Commerce. Selections for the var- the entire club to be held at 7:15 Rubber." ious posts, some of which will be o'clock tonight in room 308 of the The lecture will be presented in a 'filled by girls, have been nmade by the Union, where the Glee Club offices non-technical manner so it will be of student council at the high school. are located. Four positions will be interest to the average student. The arlocdatt meeting, insuig every subject matter wil consist of time E filled at this meig includingevr hstoy of rubbr, tie cllection o M ichigan Orator office in the club except that of bus- to antrawmateialand tessethodsLe sFes.manager, which is filled separ- th a aeil mdte mtosLeaves F'oi ]I~eeti tey used in manufacturing it into the fin- I Aterhetoshaebe dealt After the elections have been dat ished product. Specimens and lan- with, the club will resolve the meet- tern slides will be used to illustrate Philip N. Krasne, '27, who is to rep- ing into a discussion of plans for the the talk as several experiments, resent Michigan in the annual North- Spring Serenade, which will be held which Dr. Fisher will perform. The ern Oratorical league contest which within the next two weeks. Accord- lecture is given under the auspices of ' is being held tomorrow at Northwest- wting to an old custom, the Glee Club Phi Lambda Upsilon, honorary chem- ern university will leave for Evan- will serenade the girls in the various ical fraternity. ston this morning with Prof. T. C. dormitories about the campus on --_-____ Trueblood of the public speaking de-!same evening before the close of pertiment. "Emancipation of the school. The exact date of this sere- EFFNGE1Wll I Twentieth Century Slave," is the sub- nade will probably be set at this ject of the speech which Krasne will meeting tonight, end the program to NA Tpresent as the Michigan representa-e offered will be arranged as well. N i O ~tive. b fee ilb ragda el Dean John R. Effinger, of the lit- Coolidge Accepts SEEK ANIDATES FOR erary college, will give a lecture on Beck Resignation 1nMinn "0.. ~nnhoF nrt~ Trtcc1 tar7iv = 1 EtLwli. vu ueman sinriei out, both runners advanced, Ryrholm Will Give Out 300 scoring. Gauss fumbled Wilson's grounder and Dillman scored the fifth Tickets For Ball run of the inning. Baker ended the I inning by dying, Ranney to Spieker- Apphictions for the 1925 Senior l n IaWalter took up the pitching in the ball were in great demand yesterday fourth, and set the Aggies down in afternoon, the opening day of distri- order without letting a ball leave the bution. The ball committee will be at infield. The Wolverines also failed to the booth in the lobby of the Union score in this frame. To start the again today to give out the applica- fifth, Fisher beat out a hit to short for tions. M. A. C. Gauss, Stiekerman, and More than 200 members of this Wakefield then struck -out in succes- year's graduating class indicated sion, but Baker dropped the third their intention of attending the affair strike on Wakefield and the pitcher yesterday and the number of tickets was safe. Zimmerman walked, and the to be allotted has been raised to 300 bases were full. On Baker's passed in order to take care of the demand. ball, all three men advanced, Fisher This increase is an in increase of scoring. A pass t Ranney again filled 25 over the original number. the sacks, and Richards' single 1 through third base scored the first Baseb ll two runners. Fremont was the last Baseball man to bat in this inning for the losers, and he was nipped at first Scores when Wilson made a brilliant catch of Dillman's hurried throw which was low and wide. AMERICAN LEAGUE Coleman Gets homer Detroit 11, St. Louis, 5. In the Michigan end of the fifth, Cleveland-Chicago, postponed, wet Dillman singled off Wakefield's glove grounds, Iland Coleman brought him in ahead t ; i I i i Play" at 4 o'clock today in Natural t UIIU r[ Science auditorium. This lecture will Washington, April 29-PPresident I be the final number on the Cerele Coolidge has accepted the resignation AMen who wish to try out for the po- Francais sei'ies and will deal with j of Solicitor General Beck and his sition of drum major for the Varsity the annual French play. The address retirement at an early date is ex- Band next year are still urged to turn will he in English. pected. in tiir nnmes and addresses to Rob-j