ANEDNESDAY, APIRIL 29, 1925 TIHE MICHIGAN DAILY PACE SEVEN WtIDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1925 PAGF S!~VEN AT 3 PM. ADVERTISING A 3 P.M. R 3 i Scenes Of Jup S'ip Sin king r- . r rr111Niw nil rl ' 11 ' --_.. Ir l llw w ' a FOR SALZ WANTIED TE" NNSIS1A(KET;";-' '2'line rackets, IWV101114) SAL1ESMANf ''nea new, each wiAth new strigs and 1'vl1r. student you have some spare frame at ab)out Iralf price. Dr. P~ool, time wvhie you are going to college, 2-4 P. AIf. llcalti Service, X-ray some of you will find it necessary to Dept. wvork this summer in order to make your expenses for next year. You FOR SALE-$110.0() Holton trombone '-re the men w want. Marty of youi and case for $85.00. Has been have had( sonme experience in the sell- used slightly for a year. 1008 Corn- ling game. Tro those, of you who have well :Pac o al <59J proposition will be doubly easy. FOR SALE-New McCray refrigera- IPo those who have not we will teach tor, 200 lb. ice capacity. Suitablej you how. Our salesmen are making for club, sororit y, or fraternity,.rmtw udedt n1tosn Phone 251. 11. W. Schenk, Chelsea , (mllsprwe. hl o r o ~ to college you should make bat ___________least seventy-five per week. Write FOR SALE--Ford touring car, spot- or come in and have a personal inter-a light, starter; speeflometer and li- view with R. W. McAlister. NOTICE All men who wish to try out 3for the position of Varsity bandS druim major for the school year of 1925-26, are requestedI to turn ain their names and adldresses to Rtobt. V. Halsey at 2107 Washte- gnaw avenue, as soon as possible. T~ry-outs will be held during the amonth of May and final selectionI will be made before the closing of school. TAILORS A rtAILOR.3[A])E SUIT Will satisfy your taste, and fit you bhest. W ILD) THE TAILOR 113 South Main St. The Weather May Changew I From Hot to Cold j But the meals at THE VARSITY LODGE are always, good. Pleasant, cool surroundings, delicious food, and an ' Sextra hot orchestra to furnish music, provide an excellent d pace where you may cat. -2 THE - VARSITY LODGE 611 Church :' G#Itt911##11# #####06 1L!?####!!1### #!!##k #1##1##t## #i, ----r---- ---- ---- - -----. Read the Want Ads Advertise in "The Daily". i "*a= ow. .4 cense. Phione 1808.. 1FOR SALE--1917 Chevrolet touring, leaving school, will sacrifice for quick sale. George Cone, 1022 Forest, Phone 3634. 1209-13 Majestic Bldg. Detroit Phone Cad 5962-3 WANTED Barber. Steady or part. time work. Apply Pearsall Barber Shop, 717 North University. I IAIN&MM c _c' -' - Try our Cheese Chiicken 11am ibUrg San dwiiches I~ewpee ~e (lelver i E { SEND for free copy of "Educational Columns" of Church. Doctrines. R. S. Kellerman, I-op Bottom, Pa. Compacts, watches and pictures frames of the most exquisite jewelry selections. These are especially priced for the spring season. ARNOLD State Street Jeweler Our moderate prices make it possible Sfor all to have FRESH HOME GROWN FLOWERS. ANN ARBOR FLORAL CO. 122 E. Liberty. Phone 1630 M3ARTHIA WASHI1NGTON CANDY Fresh every Friday. Tice's' 119 E. Liberty. *Wheary Wardrobe trunks best trunks made at popular prices at I1OCII AND) HENNE Rhteads Household Packing Co. Moving-Packing--Storage Call us for long distance moving. ,Loads insured. I ship to all points. 525 D)etroit St., Phone 1154 TYPEWR{ITING WANTED-Experienced man or wo- man for soda fountain work. Sand Lake Resort. Putnam, Michigan. WANTED by two graduate students. Desirable suite in quiet house near cafi~us. South side preferred. Box 98 Daily. IVANTED--Student and family wash- ings. Will' call for and deliver. Phone 1653-W. FOR RENT FOR RENT-House suitable for small sorority, Prat, or club on East Hluron, 2 blocks from campus.I Phone 1178M.j FOR RENT-Polly Little Tea Shoppe . during summer months. Inquire 225 S. Thayer. Phone- 951W. LOST{ Lost Pair of shell rimmed glasses in soft leather case. Finder please phone 2894R. LOST-Tennis shoe somewhere in the neighborhood of Hill street. Please call 1430-J.j Adet seet l' This Is' to let the A D VER- TISERS know 'that through the Daily they can reach not only all. f I" I the students, every f ac- LOST--Small gray purse containing t money. Please phone 333-R. i R~EAL ESTATE A Paradox Fire is man's best friend and his worst enemy. Properly controlled it is a great constructive factor-un- leashed it is the world's greatest I low the .Jap a { 1;ei't 'r Ih;!jjuku \i:Ixu''sank 180 miles south- east of II alifa x wVit h ll on lioard.WLNri ioc ,a'n li 011s stood within sight, -e] les ; to a i 0hc Evtl;ight c'scvcvw ec i;"S' i 'Silo c~la IIIthis ,S" ieq sof phlotos, taken by a }a sse z f' 1ai'd lhe liii I_ 1 meric'. I i-avxy scis prevenited launching o 01t1iic-I'aal>. >j i . iInk-- uilty member and. his family, but also the ma" jortyof the towns- people - m-possiblites worthy of considera- tion. Use the Daily as a medium of advertising, it is efficient, economi" I Deal Stand, chines Ann Phone 866 destructive force. For Typewriter Repairing X11l makes) The right kind of insurance is the fer in Woodstock typewriters, only thing that will protect one ard and Portable adding ma- agis ges na n Arbor Typewriter Exchange rmae e saottepoe 9 Savings Bank Buidlig. lProtection for your possessions. E I I BEAUTY SHOPPES Permanent Waving and Marcelling MACK AND CO. 3rd Floor Main St. _BLUE BIRD HAI.1 ,SHOP 5 NICKEL'S ARCADE-3168 DIMATTIA BEAUTY SHOP offers soft water shampoos, especial at- tention for. curly hair. Hair cut- ting and waving by expert, opera- tors. Phone 2939. -ill. IUiNDUS W~ithI . f i cal and expedient. Louis C. Andrews 512 First. NationalI Banik Bldg. Insurance iPRONE 3064 i Representing the tPhiladelphla Fire and Marine Insuirance Yapuny >_ Instruments with a Pedigree "Blood will tell" is an old and true saying-and it explains why CONN instruments are acclaimed by musicians through- o out the world as the finest and most desirable products of their kind. + Conn 1n~trument comnpany ; ft -NCKELS ARCAD)E+ "All thie Popular Sheet Jiusic" This brig reduction on our exce~ient stock of dishes and glassware is offered for I WEK OLY COME IN TODAY TE209-21 1 East'Washington St. P l m ne11 FeeDive / -4.'- 1' - I I lj S The Flichigan Da ly For DELICIOUS MEALS Eat at TUTTLE'Scz LUNCH ROOM 338 Maynard Press Building - - - _ Maynard Street s rurrrrris~.i..rrr J.IstIdJ 'Y.d11./1.%d../, "1l~..vl..I",r ./.l,.I".. ,J..t Pi... A4i !l + L. M A N Y 10 R79Fact