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April 29, 1925 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-04-29

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________________-- -- SU90 . n

Infield Ienainis Intact Front Lust Wakefield let kazoo Normal cdown Chicago ..............1 1 .5G0 'rI(.. fI 'ICuglt'iid t As (hi1iiislai ) r omne nte norme i
Season; Bachiman Only''e' Veteran without a hit or run in the opener, Northwestern.....2 (oxe10 h tie Pwe,)'.as been rated as one of t he two or
Ito Outfield while Kuhln hld Olivet to five hits, i\Dnneiasota.......0 1i 000 sF1ichl kvlctr s trebs ure iesitemd
fanning nine batsuen. Fremont will ......
, dlA-West.
HITTING HAS IMPROnVED c ratcht, and thee infield will probably Purdue ..............0 3 .000 REA(U R E FAST
_____be madte up of Spiekermuan at first Michigan.......0 0 .0001 EA U R E
funsig Ranney at second, Gauss irr Rowley io Stat( holds undisputed psses- Golf Squad W1l
Wit th Agie inefurishng he t sort an Kible atthid. ap-sion of first place in therfoe the' AWtl he ~aeadPn ea
opposition, Coach-Ray Fisher's Var- tain Richards, Zimmerman, andi Big Ten baseball flag by virtue of; succesfully irlogate(1 to history,' Ohi Stat
iy baseb~all team will swing into Flesser will function in the outfield. two victories over Purdue and one 11 eians track team has turned its-
action in the firs.tgame of the homen I-Haskis may get a chance at first over Indiana,- and l fe liats. attention to the Ohio Stae meet to~ Michigan's Varsity golf squadl of 15
schedule at 4 05, oclock this ater- base, while Corsart is a possibility to The Buckeyes, who were co-champs be held here May 9, a week from Sat-,mn s ratii g ey trono
nona e~r iI.replace' immierman in right field with'Michigan last season, again have rday.lleyond that l~oom tle 1-j the Ann Arbor Golf club corse, in
Th'Ie Michigan team wound up its for a part of the game. a goodl start for that goal, and they linois and - iscon-m ulm.sallIlrprainfrteoeigmtho
prepraton or he ontet ysteday Thje Ag;gie team. will arrive in Ann have an adlvant ge !n their schedule, in t he Conference outdoor meet. At the I the season, when the Ohio State team
afternoon in 4~ long wku.orkout. Coach Arbor this mnoring, that, they are not billed to play any of latter event to be held June 5 at Col-i
Fis pays here Saturday.1
Fatigerantthcentrloed squa troh- the strong teams until the sca:;oi is +ztbs the Michigan team will make Prof. Thomas . Trueblood sad
tteinfrie olowed hrWolves-______________________nearly hlf 'vc. a great attempzt to dli1Plicate its i- Calton Wells, coaches of the team,
logdib ed oku.TeIovr llinois held first plalce until her I for y of the indoor season and to give I and "Capt. Mode II olsworth, asti
m larpae uls atafnNo ie inner defense is working smooth- U L fatal gajre With Iowa last Monday, itself a clean >ato for tlic 12 5 sq' yar's Western Conference champion.!
ntoly, andwilb the:sm'srngcmn - te rsitt of that game puttinig her on.; are making careful observations of
siienallntat playednsuchefatfe - back infoj a tie with the lawkeyes Mcia hudtal altreo!thegofr and will select the Mich-
psi hve l tseson.ectheenteam ap for tihe runner up position. its dual mzeets althought the last two! igan team to oppose 0. S. U. in a fewy
bl;and will probably form. a nore Aletat nayalcmu ri Minnesota and Wisconsin, who were ;wvill demand the best possible perform- kays. The men are being judged ac-
ballou thensieundefeatedets cle-clssassiit cod)te tyth latnes of evryody. "The Conference cording to consistent playing, attend-
dhangeros offe19nsie.opfAthleeou trgah civt onutd yteSa.tuirdla,$,droppledl contests to llinois meet will require more force than Iance and lo scores. As the person-)
thi wsth 94 ie. AthuhIntra-mural department are request- and Northwestern, respzectivly. and eihro!h attoda et onlo.teta ilb ibet
fat hittingland yerecwasenotchweakuesto potthofeir no tepone faded from the select class. Itwin and with that in view oach Fa- cbange for each match, the ~layers
fastbieliad teffr tecmotivepitchnrf u mbroti fieo rbf Chicago, who won her first big Ten rll and Coach Charlie Hoyt are bnd will be requiredI to keep up a steady
combestofn the m hc ostpwruna .Ete eott the Ita baseball victory in two years when ilig every effort to bring the squadl toI pace throughout the season.
aonsesorheqadwihwnthnmrlofce at Wateran gymn- she openedl her season against North- the greatest possible strength. Fromj All the probable members of the
Cofrech Fserhamion se tr pchip. i m or ca ull 68w strn fild n er seon g mepast prformances it is likely that l Varsity team were present at yester-
oraahsFisheAgestda.Ti ll usestrthreeenispitch-e~lls and bowed to the Hawkeyes, thus Wisconsin, Illinois, and Iowa will cut j day's practice and showed good form.
Fe a gai soh moAggi resrday. lT mustAllefrspterudb tednisdatchesn dropping into the .509 per cent class. Iheavily into the scoring and with A practice match between Varsity men
start the contest, and will toil for or the contestants wil be eliminated. - - Brookers certain five points lost, the and freshmen was to have been run
three innings according to schedule. This rule applies both to all-campus R op r I N o Wolverines will have to show add-= off, but was postponed due to the
Harlan Walter, another man playing and o interfraternity tennis. If for pe iS .To tional strength in the outdoor eventsj non-appearance of the yearlings.
his first year of Varsity ball, will sonic reason or other these matche I1'l~~ e n which were not onl the schedule of I Page Lehman, one of the best Wo-
take up where Fisher leaves off, and can not be played off by Wednesday,' To(Tl e h elps the indoor Conference meet. verine golfers, has not been doing
Jerry Benson, veteran right lin epease call the Intra-mural office. Unt.il1 The performances of the Michigan well lteyon 'account of an injured
will finish the tilt. Fisher and Following is a schedule of the - M onday1,11 team in the feldt events lately show left hand.
Walter are the two most promising second round which must be played{ them holding a slight advantage1
of the younger hurlers on the Wol- off and reported by Friday noon: liet h ueosahe iIIover the strong Badger team which -
vernue roster. Fisher has plenty of Dougall 1482M vs Benlham 558; 1 tivities scheduled for this week and lgvethemn such a race in the indoor
stuff and provided he can acquire IFalk 3654 vs. L. Stein 1110J; Darba- in view of the fact that Coach 1 i!se asonl. Schwarze of Wisconsin is___________ AT
control to a better degree, will be ken 2344) vs. Finkleman 1271; Gibson 'jugI. Yost will be lout. of tw onpractically unbeatable in the discus A uI
of great assistance throughout the 3010R vs. Greenspan 305111; P . Friday, Coach Roper of Princeton who and the shot }nt but Mnz, Doyle, and
season. Walter's style should baffle Chapuvan 422M vs. Maloney 1271; H. wa ceuldt e eetiIwe lawkins may take more points in the
the "batters whom he faces this sea- Segal 312411 vs. R. A. Cohn 216515; xiino!r'ieuti odawe weights than Michigan took indoors
son, as he throws with a half-under- W. F. Dreyer 99M vs. Ducket 2106R; headhsassatwl1aecag nadto otrphssoncn Supplie'
hand delivery, which is almost unique McInight 3015 vs. S. C. Oviatt 3507J; eadhsassatwl aecag of spring footall practice for a iderable talent in -the javelin throw
In collegiate circles. He showed much T. A. Marshall 1783W vs. Stormswer and it is not likely that he will be
promise on the trip South during 1512W; D. Cluff 1600) vs. Sims wee.)eaten in the outdoor meets. His
spring vacation. Benson took a bad 1051M; Brasserdet 1051M vs. DaTeMvhgnAgiiasbl gn throwv of 193 feet 11 3-8 inches down 71 ot
beating at Syracuse,.-but should hold108;Thoai 55vs rtu 825W;tdythIliosblgaeSury;ithePn rlyssmch etr
cekand the absence of Coach Yost iatrheenrly smuhbte 1 ot
teFrebatrincekduring Felix 2034R;" vs. Watts 1330M; l atr htmd tdsru cta anyone in the Conference calnvestyAe
his stay on the hill. 1-I is exper- B iruskce 63 vs. T ocvs 2220;< Briggs vs. haeteTdrmnorhr etwe ~o at his best.
ieced and crafty, and has aagreatvMeyer127er;mLatppmhere nvs.tLweer
deal, of stuff when hie is right. At arus 24201; Wolfenden 2738 vs. R. so that le can have a full squad to Ipoeeti h te eat
a wok wih a alldine. imets of the team will also give Mich-
present hie is not in the best of shape,j Waterbury 1484. wokwt1taltms igan an advantage in the outdoor ________________________
but should be back in his o,t timei Second round doubles matches are AiigCahRprwlgehsmets. The one mile relay team.
form by the time the Conference as follows: Basserdet and Nieulanrstassan ocwhIsas which was forced to the limit to Lake?
scsnsat.Last year he was _one 1051M vs. Diener and Giet 231; S. ha akebl(eto n h a fourth in the indoor Conference(
of the three pitchers who twirledI Vedder and" Koch 870 vs. Meyer rand turnedI out the chamranonslip basket- I meet, today looks just as good as
Michigan into the champiomnship, coms- Abbott 1273Rx; Greenspan and Part- baltaio h atr neel any other quartet in the Big Ten,
bluing effectiveness with almost per- incr 30518 vs. Weinberg and Partner legiate circles. Both Roer ,aver Withnd not withstanding the fact that severali
feet control. 1104; Fox and Dunakin 16 vs. Levin met w ~il amrive in town Mlonday aft- other Conference teams bettered their'
Rved Cherry will probalW't handle and i'iediiian 1527M: Phelps and Bo- !will wok out it th tie squdtht ft time at the Drake relays. With 01l-
Lhe cachig i te oenig cntet.land 2056 vs. Celine amd Partner ernoon. .esr uleRene n enig
lie and Baker have alternated so far 88M;Seto ndThma 55y8 A peen. hecaddaese r running the relay the Wolvrincs
this season, with Cherry doing thei McLean and Conboy 8611; 1Metzger working hard on the fundamentals of Iuh otk issi l fteda
b ulk of the work. ; d a ie Igil and Doug all 1482M vs. Rahn and Wil- the game. Kicking.ipassim;, . met milplc xel i tm Cner
for Varsity basball last seaon, and; cox 885M; Wofenden and 011 2738 vs. ing tie all and onen field runningcnces et iI svera lhtohy
isonte qudfo tefisttmeti Sherwvood and Bruske 63. were stressed in yesterday's prcice.1 e neco mee.ti ran thiat teym
spm'mmg. Al-aupu leresjoe Sinle,, CachBarer att the eniresvuanton eet.
Latast ' sariyear'sl ebak Alstar.;ws istb paidfithouh.i d wills etorsttnbep di backp' Allrvenet i theseolgames mustne)s todayyedibyDthcoughlaostrenuous setayof settongbeig &No4 th.neimp'sesprhivenConthinothespole
inhrestdy.ihDthWlo ody a .II odeg35 sIeecss hl 'ah \s 51CIvault, ie iliilrovemment shown lbyI
at first, Buck Giles at second, -Cal)- Esteim 313411; R. S. Giet 231 vs. part of the aftrnooin in giving hack-
ta o iimm tsot n 'Brien 3211; Hi. Segal 31248 vs. A. 1 feld men special instruction in Miek- I MunzI) andt the addition of Dick Doyle'-,
George Haggerty at third. This coin- i Pekkla 24,2.; S. Eisenberg 1526R vs. injg andi side-stepping. (i otheshotpuwil.bean tienat thatthe
bination is one of the fastest in timei E. God~ard 484; L. Johnmsomn 2493Wl outdoor Conference rmet are also'
Conference, and played wel-nigh' vs. Mnhester 1855; Cannon 3211. vs. t _Y 'prrn aa factors favoring Michigan's taking
errorless ball throughout fthe 1924 Donu 321 Wrgt16vs Irniiin jjlthotdrtte. ntieatreetI
notQ d 1Eh outdooarditlue.ofIn the plae avndtT
schedule. Althoughno in mid-sea- nourtz 986J ; Sack 3211 vs. Leopold 411ibr ssr fa is lc n
son form as yet, the inner lime can be 3583;- hemtta 1797 vs. Car'away 12118; ! " niij Northrup is tie second best man in
counted on to give the Michigan I arsh 1783W vs. Mazer 3124R " Die- I~~ D l- ide-et aeFisne'
pitc her xeln upr.ner 231 vs. Swrutz 1268; Aver book 1 ___ re at work in the quartr mile late ly


'through the co-operation of
Coach Mann and the officials of
the U~nion, Michigan's Intranmur-
al department is planning an
all-campus swimming nmeet to
be held Thursday, May 7. The
meet includes 25 yard free style
breaststroke, and backstroke
races, 50 yard free style breast
andl backstrole races, a 220
yar'd free style event and possi-
b~ly a fanicy diving contest. ]$n-
tries for this meet are now be-
ing received at the Intramural,
office. A relay meet is also be'-
lug planned with relays varying
from two lengths of the tank;
free style for each man to one
length a maim back and breast-
stroke. Enfries for the relays
nmust be in by today.


i i
i I






Will fleet Wolverines In lDual Match
At Three O'Clocek on ferry
Field Courts
Michigai's Varsity tennis squad
will nieet the strong Marquette ag-
gregation at three o'clock this after-
noon on the Ferry field courts.
Inspired by their victory over the
Michigan Aggies last Saturday, the
! Wolverines are out to hang up
another shutout score. while the Mil-
waukee netmn are determined to
(add to their laurels by a win over the
Varsity net team.
Captain Crane, Paul Jerome, Vose,
Elliot, and Krickbaunm will represent
M Vichigan in the singles, with Captain
Crane and' Jerome paired in the
doubles.' Vose and Kkrickbaum will
propbably be the other teanm entered in
the (doubles.
Te squad wenit through a. light
ffI workout yesterdlay afternoq aand «will
# not work again before the meet. The
ljarquette squad are expected to ar-
rive ii} Ann Arbor this morning. lim-
{mediately after' arrival they will" hold
a ligh~t workout to rid themselves of
any. stiffness acquired on their. jour-
4ney, and then they will rest until the
time of the meet.
! Bogota, April 28.-The Colombian
1 abinct resigned yesterday, the minis-
j Mrial situation having been brought
,; to a crisis by the resignation of For-
eign Minister Velez.


Intramural playground ball
games scheduled for this after-
n~oon have been. called off, on
account of thme varsity b~aseball
game with M. A. C.


IThe all-campus fencimig tout -R
( namnent which' was originally
planned for Saturdlay will be 4
( held at 1:30 o'clock Fmiday af-
Read thip Want Ads'

--.- .-


s for Every, Branch of 4Sport


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The flans ,Shop


Ballard Bachman, Bill Coleman,j
and Johnny'Ryrhiolni will play field.'
B3achman is the only man of time
three who played lastI season, Ryr-;
hol'm being a newcomer to the Var-
sity, and Coleman having broken lzis
leg during the 1'924 trip South. All
three men' are excellent fielder:,i and
strong hitters. Ryrholni replacesI
Herb Steger, whio lied down the right
fielder's post last year andl duringI
part of the trip this spring. I-I is aI
heavier hitter than Steger, which Is
the chief reason why Coach Fisher1
made the shift. Colenman is also a
hiard hitter, while Bacbmamm's batting
is niore timely than heavy.
Besides the pitchers, there will 1
probably be other shifts in the lineup.
Steger is likely to break into the out-
field as well as several sophonmorej
gardemners whom Coach Fisher is
anxious to test ini conmpetition. Baker
may get a chance behind time bat, but
it is unlikely that time rest of the in-
field will be shifted.
The M. A. C. nine has not played
any big ganmes so far this seasonm.
*having only defeated Olivet and Kala-
nmaaoo Normal. In the latter contest,
the Far~mers scored their first victory
over the teachers in sevemn years.
These two tilts are hardly sufficient
to form, a basis uponm which to judge
time merit of the Aggies, but advanice
signs are that their team is strong.
Last year, aided by excellemit pitch-
ing on the part of Wr4ennier, they gave
time Wolverines stift competition in
two games, dropping thme_.first game
t t Feirry field, 1-0. after 10 innings,.
amid the secoind at East Lansinig, 3-1.!
Both gaines were great pitching

3007J vs. Seiigsomn 1324J; Merr'ick
3211 vs. Vedder 879; Muscovitch 72J
vs. Cochran 12111R; Jackson 127aW
vs. Specter 244R; Greemebauni 7512
1 vs. Chmrter 3634; Stienhiauer 3003J
' s. Sm;all 2576W; Weiss 131 vs. Mc-
iMahon 19W; M. Stien 31241R vs.
IDreyer 99M; Marlecy 3211 vs. L. Ei-
senberg 152611; Shoesmithi 1855vs
1 Norton 878T; Kranier 3007J vs Purdy
j AlI-Caamppns Horseshmoe lDoubles
The following gaimes must be
played and reported by, Monday, May
4: Werkey and O'Brien 3211 vs. Mer-
rick and Sack 3211; Shoesmith and
Mondertes 1855 vs. Kramer and Aver-
Boo0k 3007J; Greenbaum and Partner
I751W vs. Spector and Rabnourtz
1 986J; Stein and Levy 312411 vs. Clark
and Beatty 1809; Mazer and Stein
13,124R vs. Lyons and Deikel 1460;
1Diener and Giest 231 vs. Caraway
and E. Cockramn 1211R1; Baer and
Goldberg 3654 vs. Wright and Schoet-
they 1366; Norton 878J and Pekkla
2432J vs. Segal and Stern 31241R;#
Eisenberg and Eisemnberg 1526R1 vs.
Muscovich and Green 72J.
inter-Fraternity 'Tennis
Following is time schedule of time
second round of time inter-fraternity
tennis tournamenit. These matches
Imust be played of f amid reported to
the Intra-nmural office on or before
Friday, May 1.
GaChiaPhig.meavBetiga.A;phi:Mu Ch
CahimahiguZea vs.tSigauAlPhi CMu
vs. Zeta Beta Trau; Phi Chi vs. Phi
Sigma Kappa; Siguma Phi vs. Delta
Sigma Pi; Phmi Delta Theta ys. Phi
Lambda Kappa; D)elta Upsilon vs. Phi I
:Beta Della; Beta Theta Pi vs. Pi

Iowa City, Iowa, April 28.-lowa's
yearling track teami will meet Mich-j
igan, Wisconsin, and Illinois first
year mmn in i dual telograhipie meets
fthis spmring, accordinig to thme an-j
mounceimiut0 of Coach B~resnahman.I
IHaving beaten these three during the
indoor seasom, it is with great con-
fidence that time I-awkeye freshmien
await time corning mmeets. Michigan is;
first on time list, the mecet beinig 1
schieduled M\ay 16.

heas also given rise to the hope that lie
may lbe a winner for the rest of the
s easonm. At Des Moines he ranl his
leg' of the relay ini :50 flat and lie is
expeocted to (10 evein better thianithatd
i:;efore the seasonm has come to a
close. Eves' since his unexpected
Junior engineers' baseball practice
toniorrow afternoon at 1:30 o'clock on
the Intramural diammond south of
Ferry field.


pcoats for th~e ooler evenings
1suits fpr s orb ba street wear
s lecqt 'Of c4both that will
Pt with your, pro ya1.
Coats $4.2
Suiits '$48 to ~

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Athletic Supplies
Men's FurnIshings
A complete set of Golf Clubs
including Bag
_ _ _ __ _ _ 1 2 5 0
A new shipment of
Shirts, Neck~wear and Golf HJose


Linen knickers in. a number
of good new pattern

:rA .







} A ti

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