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April 29, 1925 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-04-29

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Pubtished every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Asociated Press is exclusively en-i
titied to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwase
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
Entcred it the potoffice at Ann Arbor,
dichigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May.
cuad Street.
Phones.Editorial, 2414 and 176M; bus-
sess, g6o.
Telephones 2414 and 17MM
Editor.............John G. Garlghouse
News Editor...........Robert G. Ramsa
City Editor...........Manning Housewort
;. ~Night..Editors
George W. Dai- Harold A. Moore
Thomas P. Henry - Fredk. K. Sparrow, Jr.
Kenneth L. Keller Norman R. Thal
Edwin C. Mack
Sports Editor......William H. Stoneman
Sunday Editor.........Robert S. Mansfield
Women's Editor...........Verena Moran
Telegraph Editor......Wiliam J. Wathour
Gertrude Bailey Marion Meyer
rLouise Barley Helen Morrow
Marion Barlow Carl F. Ohimacher
Leslie S. Bennetts Irwin A. Olian
Smith H. Cady, Jr. W. Calvin Patterson
Stanley C. Crigton Margaret Parker
Wihord N. Crosby Stanford N. Phelps
Valentine L. Davies Helen S. Ramsay
Robert T. DeVore Marie Reed
Marguerite Dutton-L. Noble Robinson
Paul A. Elliott Simon F. Rosenbaum
Geneva Ewing Ruth Rosenthal
James W. Fernamber Frederick H. Shillito
Katherine Fitch Wilton A. Simpson
t O. Gartner Janet Sinclair
Leonard Hall David C. Vokes
Elizabeth S. Kennedy Lilias K. Wagner
Thomas V. Koykka Marion Walker
Mariod Kubik Chandler Whipple
Elizabeth Liebermann
Telephone 80
Advertising...................-E. L.. Dune
to Advertising ..............."." ..C Winter
Advertising .................. A. Marks
Advertising.................B. W. Parker
Accounts.................... H. M. Rockwell
Ciculation......................John Conn
Publication....................R. D. Martin
P. W. Arnold K. F. Mast
W. F. Ardussi F. E. Mosher
I. M. Alving H. L. Newmann
W. C. Bauer T. D. Olmstead
Irving Berma R. M Prentiss
R Iudolph Botelman W. C. Pusch
George P. Bugbee F. J. Rauner
H. F. Clark -ILE Sandberg
J. C. Conroe F. K. Schoeneld
F. R. Dents R. A. Sorge
George C. Johnson A. S. Simons
. A. Jose Jr. Mt. M. Smith
K. K. Kleinr . J. Wineman
W. L. Mullins
Night Editor-F. K. SPARROW, JR.
Henry Ford in his life time has
probabfly received more free publicity !lJ
than any one individual, not to except
the present Prince of Wales or the re-
tired Kaiser. Hence it is that his
opinions are given a wide hearing. He
is without doubt the greatest figure
the industrial world has ever seen, and
he controls resources almost beyond
human conception.Ithis little wonder
that when he speaks the world liter-
ally opens its mouth and drinks in
the words of the oracle.
Of course he isn't always right. No
human being could be. Indeed he
makes his full share of impossible
predictions and unjustified comments.
Durng the war he tried to stop the
conflict by traveling with a few pa-
cifists to Europe in a peace ship. This
bit of idealistic foolishness was pooh-
ed at by most of the world-as it hap-
pens, it seems now that he may have
had a rather good idea though it was
of course impossible of execution. Now
he literally confounds the millions

by his statement that airplanes will
stop future wars. To those who have
been accustomed to scan the daily
newspapers and scientific journals
this will seem little short of ridic-
ulous. The airplane is generally
designated a one of those fiendish
war weapons that are going to destroy
But Henry Ford says: "The airplane,
will force the end of warfare, alone
and unaided!" And that's that.
The "Gloomy Dean" of St. Paul's
cathedral, London, who is now spend- :
ing three weeks in America lecturing
on various religious and social prob-
lems, is setting all those who are
hearing him or reading what he has1
to say to thinking about many of the !
fundamental things in modern life.'
One of the most interesting things
about the Very Rev. William R. Inge,
is that, in spite of his conservative
views on the present day "sex books,"
his more or less pessimistic attitude
toward civilization, of which he de-
clared, "I'm not sure it has arrived
yet," and his opposition to the spread
of birth control literature, as a theo-!
logian he might be the object of
severe criticism as an heretic. ;
Even in England, where the church
has long fought out the absurd battles
over evolution and the interpretation
of the scriptures which are now trou-

quiet pulse and eyes clear of all pas -_L_
It will be a great day for America'M u s 1 c
when such standards are accepted by AND
the church and the emphasis is placed.
not upon the quibbling points of re- PAL OF MY )DRA M A
ligious controversy but upon the cen- CRADLEDAYS
tral truths of the life of Christ and __-.
Denizens met Saturday night, April
their application to the life of today. . T11.1S AFT EIR ? N ( : The Organ Re-
25, in the Gargoyle office, at the peti- cital in Hill uditerium at 4:15
tion of Brother Panurge. Brother
FIVE CENTS A BAG Washington was absent, all other Oclock.
Today is peanut day in Ann Arbor, members being present.
For the first time this spring, the The meeting was called to order "PLANTCITE'."
venders of this delectable ware will promptly at 10:45 by President As the last number of the Cercle
have a rushing business. The stands Cowles, and new business was declar- 4 Francais Series, Dean John R. Eff-
at Ferry Field will be filled with ed in order. Brother Mabie at once inger will deliver the lecture on the
munching customers. Incidently there took the floor, and declared that it annual French play tomorrow after-
will be a ball game between the Wol- was anything but the wrong time, in noon at four o'clock in the Natural
verines and the Aggies officially to his opinion, to consider the question Science auditorium. His subject will
usher in the local season. I of new members of the society. He be "Blanchette, Brieux and the Thesis
In the crowd today and at future wished to urge especially, he said, the Play," and will d al especially with
games there will be no doubt many! appointment of a candidate to the "Blanchette," the nineteenth annual
of those unsquelchable persons, called post of organist to the society, or French play to be presented Wednes-
in the popular vernacular "fans," in- conductor of the society organ. He day, May G, in Sarah Caswell Angell
dividuals with whom we are familiar I suggested several names, which were hall.
in all walks of life-those who have taken down by Secretary Urch, and The lecture will be in English, and
little idea of sportsmanship, and less were then voted on in secret straw open to the general public.
conception of when and where to ex- ballot. Candidate X- won the bal- * * *
press their inward emotions. Ilstead lot unanimously, but as it was only a "SANC 110 PANZA"
of keeping their paws occupied mas- straw ballot, subject to the examina- The Whitney theatre should and
ticating food they use them to hurt tion of Brother Washington, it was will be s01( out f(r "Sancho Panza"
vituperations at members of the local voted that the candidate's name with Otis Skinner in the title-part Sat-
team or worse yet at the opponents. should not be published in the organ. urday evening. It is the most pre-
Such spectators are hard to appeal } ' * tentious production to be booked here
to. Often they have none of the finer The question of new membership in some years, and it is generally the
sensibilities. Let it suffice to remind was then brought up by Brother Pan- rule that Ann Arbor supports such
them that at all athletic contests the urge. One name, upon which a favor- significant, delightful plays with a
watchers as well as the players are able, stravian ballot had been taken, packed house.
being tested. The University is judg- was referred to the President for in- In case you are still, however, hesi-j
ed by the conduct of the crowd. Let i vestigationi. To° use the words of tating about seeing the performance,
those who are inclined to be impulsive Brother Panurge, "We want you, I you should read the following review
keep all their faculties except their Brother Id Est Ex Post Facto, to of the play-with which practically
eyes busy with peanuts...... sound out the candidate unbeknownst every other critic agreed-by John
to him 'and find out if he's coming Corbin of the New York Times:
back next year." "It is rather a bewildering extrava-
CAMPUS OPINION The other member of the societvnn i,.-.+it .ir T.. 1

i ;-

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ANN ARBOR TOLEDO Dancing Tonight
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Anonymous communications will be present then said "Yes, Brother Id1
disregarded. The names of communi- prsn
cants will, however, be regarded as Est, we have the greatest confidence
confidential umon request. I in your finesse and discretion. You
have been a fine president."
President Cowles, greatly touched,
To the Editor: t rose from the Chair and said a few
It is just about time that Mr. Robert words of appreciation. He then con-
Bartron Henderson comes down to sented to undertake the delicate mis-
earth and becomes one of us. This sion, amid great applause from the
gentleman has bored us all season *city
with his "elevated" and "high-hatted" Various other names were discussed
dramatic reviews. I grant that it is and voted on. A suggestion from
impossible for a critic to please every Brother Mabie to the effect that Den-
reader with his reviews, but Mr. Hen- izens initiate a few women was se-
dverely censured by the other members.
derson does not seem to please any- Brother Mabie's motion was based on
one but himself. The solution to the the fact that this is a co-educational
problem is this: Mr. Henderson is institution and that therefore Denizens
imitating the professional New York should be a hetero-sexual organiza-
critics, so that his writing as a sar- tion. It was argued in return that the
critic, on tat is riing ha a s Yale chapter would be enraged if they
casic tone to it, resembling that of shudeeioeou eeadhv
should ever come out here and have
an established critic, to say mighty glad to know Im sure,
The students of a university, young Sister Y--
people such as we are, do not care The President then addressed the
for blase, professional writing such society on the subject of a Student-
as Mr. Henderson gives us. We expect Denizens mixer, which he thought
to read reviews that are from the pen would be a good thing. "The students
of a writer of our age, since The should have a chance to get over this
Daily is our publication. The climax idea they have," sai d.President
of the affair is now reached. In Sun- j Cowles, "thaththe Denizens are just a
day's Daily there was an entire page bunch of old fossils. They should
devoted to "Mr. Henderson Goes to meet them on a social footing, and see!
the Play," a review of deep plays that that they are human. This can only
Mr. Henderson saw recently in New be done outside of the pressroom."
York. Now, I am sure that none of A great demonstration greeted these
us care how many plays he saw in words, and Brother Washington (in
New York, nor do we care that his absente) was appointed chairman of1
review of Peleas and Melisande is a committee of one to look into the
good or not. We want a critic who is Mixer.
one of us, and not a Heywood Broun s * *
or Alexander Woolcott.- The meeting adjourned at twelvet
-Tommie Mac. o'clock with the singing of the Den-
izens anthem.
To the Editor: James House Jr. the famous artist
From various sources it has come alum sHwasinJr. ete daysa ist-
to our knowledge that the Michigan mnus, wvas in town yesterday visit-
ing his old chums. He reports that
Union Opera this year incurred the Philadelphia has four remarkable
severe criticism and displeasure of the Ithings about it. One is the statue of
Chinese students resident at the Uni- William Penn, another is the habit of'
versity. Perhaps they were too sen' spittig which has a death grpo l

ganza t nacil uetUi r ioengye has
'based on certain episodes in Cervan-

Leave Ann Arbor, Chamber
f Commerce, 7:30 a.im., 11 a.
111, 4 p. i., . :30) p. mn. week
days. Sundays, leave Ann
Arbor 7::30 a. m., I p. m., 4 p.
in, 7:30 p. m. Phone 46 for

Whitmore Lake
Dancing every Wednesday, 8-1 1
Friday, 9-12
Saturday, 9-12
Bill Watkins and His Granger Eight
Granger's is the second pavilion on the high-
way upon reaching the lake.


Otis SlInner


tes' story.' It is bewildering because
of the vigor of Otis Skinner's char-
acterization of Sancho Panza-and
also because of the humor of Robert
Rosaire's animal-actor characteriza-
tion of S;n-ho's gray ass, Dapple, who j
follows Sancho through scenes of
court revel and court intrigue, from a
palace revolution to a counter-revolu-
tion of the people.
"Don Qui ot e appears only in a
tableaux prologue. Silhouetted against
the midnight stars on the hack of his
steed Rosinantte, he discourses of
chivalry and windmills to the hunger-
ing Sancho-who gasps at his feet for
food ("When do we eat?" his strange-
ly modern words are), and who be-
guiles the hounds of hunger by
imagining what it well be like when
the melancholy Don has fulfilled his
promise and made him Governor of an
island. In the act that follows Sancho

(Two and three button)
CUT with that conserv-
atism carefully dressed men
demand, and tailored in ap-
propriate, rich patterns
that stamp them as dis-
$3250 to $4250
Next showing at Campus BooteryC
304 S. State Street
May 7 and 8
Our style memo. book sent free on request


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HE co-ordination of commercial strength, arch-
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This, the largest office building in the world, pos-
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tion which place it among the most significant of
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With such existing structural achievements no arch-
itectural future is impossible, no project too vast
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Certainly modern invention-modern engineering
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Offices in all Principal Cities of the World

sitive and failed to fully
the burlesque nature of
Still from what we have hE
seemed to us who have ha(
tunity to know China an
more intimately, that so
features of the play were
nature as to misrepresent
duly caricature and ridic
Chinese customs which, wh
ing very strange and peculia
not so regarded by the C
l now their background an
Since the Chinese studen
as those from other count
no small sense guests inc
is to be regretted that th
against the play did not
more sympathetic hearing
fore or after it was giver
glad to hear that the Unioi
an effort, if somewhat beh
move some of the objecti
tures of the Opera before it
formance in Ann Arbor.
After having seen out h
the whims and foibles o
exaggerated and misinter
can perhaps more fully
with the feelings of the C
dents in regard to the p
are about thirty Chineses
American members in our
igan alumni club and a
spirit of fellowship and lo
University prevails. We
very unhappy indeed if an

appreciate the dwellers in Philadelphia, another j appears at the strangely anachronis-
the Opera. is the dogs, and another is the smokie. tic court of Barataria, where they are
eard, it has I He stl'l thiink that Cowles' face is the already reading the novel of 'Don
d an oppor-) best:. Quixote;' is welcomed by the amia-
d her life try aicatuist's model in the coun ble and cultivated Duke-and is act-
me of the . * * ,, ually given an island city to rule.
of such a The arcitect's ball, we learn i "The production, by Richard Boles-
and to utn- the an lawsky, is in the very best manner
not to have any grand march. This is ( of th primitively gro-
ule certain undoubtedly thethgresstes-t improveyment-
ile appear- that has come in since the introduc- tesque curtain revealing scene after
r to us, are tion of the fox-trot to replace the scene of highly colorful architec-I
hinese who Ischottische, the lancers, the hidalgo, ture entirely out of plumb. The
d history. and the other old-fashioned dances. costumes and other incidentals. de-
nts, as well We shall patronize the signed by Emilie Hapgood and James
ries, are in reason if for no other. Reynolds, touch the very summit of
our land, it * * * brilliance in fabric, in color and in
eir protest In Lhe atter of a costume, how- design. The music and songs by
receive a ever, both Cowles and Washington are Hugo Felix struck at least one lay
either be- at a loss. The committee wants some- auditor as original and highly char-
n. We are thing Oriental, so Washington is go- acteristic. It is many a long day
n has made ing in aTx oashnJpnesa-Isince so brilliant a galaxy of talent
ated, to re- bassador to the United States, andwe has shone upon a single production."
onable fea- are going in a Suit of Clothes, as a
ts final per- I!Chinese tiidjent at41h-.TT.-.4+- I JOKES!
e student t1 Lth U JiVKESL!




Read The Daily

"Classified" Colur ns

"--. - - -°-- .-.- r.....-


ere some of
f our land
rpreted, we
hinese stu-
lay. There
and twenty
local Mich-,

v111te ~ ueLat neuniversity,
Give me a sentence using the word
cholera. What's the cholera your new
Arthur R. Turner please copy and
send to the Krazy Kracks department
of Judge.
Mr. Jason Cowles. j
veryitti I jileen Uivesityof Cncinatistu

The Theatre Guild's production ofj
Sydney Howard's "They Knew What
They Wanted" has been awarded the I
annual Pulitzer Prize for "the origi-
nal American play, performed in New
York, which shall best represent the
educational value and power of the
stage for raising the standard of good
morals, good taste and good man-
Of coiirse, with Pauline Lord, Rich-
ard Bennett, and Glenn Anders in the
leading roles, the piece is brilliantly

In springs past the Arcade
has met warm weather with
foods that mean a pleasant,
healthful change. Even truer
this year than ever before

L vey lne levn Uiversity of Cincinnati stu-
yalty to the dents have been suspended for cheat-
should be ing. Moral: Don't go to the Uni-
nything has 1 versity of Cincinnati.


...Yrg JIM i

-N'"Ai _0W

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