DEDICATED TO JUSTICE LY ,.frn Ap t Section I One VOL. XXXV. No. 99 SIXTEEN PAGES ANN ARLOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1925 SIXTEEN PAGES PRICE, FIVE- CENM' BLUE KEY SOCIETY oC ANIZED TO ACT AS OFICIAL HOST Raymond Fosdick A A IS1IIIN(x 'iil A1jS ILL I NTII'ANEI) BY NEW1 0 ':'C N IId r1N BE LIVMIT MEMBERSHIP .0 Juniors Will ie lChosen Annually By Society to Act For Two Yeairs Blue Key of the Michigan Union lias been given the sanacion of Uni- ver:it y c411cials to takes its place as an honorary society on the campus. The purpose of Blue Key as set forth in its recently adopted c'nstitution is "a .society organied "for the purpose of extending the hospiUtlity of Mich- igan to visiting athletes and to those competing in other activities." The need for some such organiza- tion to take charge of visitors to the University has been reaziv.e(d for yearst but no definite steps were taken in that direction until the Blue Key so- 1 ciety was organized. The increasing4 sie of the student Body has made iti practically impossible to establish any (lirect means of entertaining visitors to Ann Arbor. With a small repre- sentative group, such as composed thea personnel of Blue Key, it is hoped that all persons coming to Michigan for the purpose of engaging in com- petitive activities may be adequately entertained. Under Union Blue Key will be limited to 40 mem- hers, 20 juniors being chosen each year to serve actively for two years. While organized under the Union, Blue Key preserves its separate char- PROMINENT AUTHOR SPEAKS TOMORRO ON WORLD LEAGUE NON-PAItUSAN ASSOCIAT1ON lASj SPONSORED FOSICKI'S Am)RESS OPFN TO PUBLIC Subje-t of Speechi is "Organizing Our internIationali Rehatlons;" Reef es to Preside "OrJgilanizing Our International Re- lations" is tlie subject of a speech to be given at 8 o'clock toinorrow night in Natural Science auditorium, byj Raymond I3laine Fosdick of New York, distinguished lawyer and author and a prominent figure in American pub- lie life. Mr. Fosdick's address, which is1 sponsored by tie League of Nations Non-Partisan association, will be open to the public without admission1 charge. The entire series of speeches Io present-day international ques- tions being given in Ann Arbor thisk year is financed by a committee of Detroit and Ypsilanti citizens whoI believe in the League of Nations with- out regardt to their party affiliations and are desirous that the issue be kept before the attention of the Ameri- can people. Prof. Jesse S. Reeve , head of the political science department, will pre-s side at, the meietig. The Fosdick speech will mark the fifth large public gathering arranged by the Le,-gue association since its nception. Last year George W. Wick- ersham advocated the League of Na- Lions in an a('dress and Professors lobbs and Slooson debated the dues-j tion before a large audience in Hill auditorium. 'his year, so far, speech- es have been given by Dr. Irving Michigan WinsI Over Badigers In Tank Meet Madison. Feb.' 14.--- The University of Michigan swimming team won the dual meet held here today against Wisconsin by 33-31 points. In winning the 100 relay the Wisconsin swim, mers set a new Conference record of 1 minute 18 and 2-5 seconds. The old mark was 1 minute 13 and 1-5 sec- ond. The 40 yard dash was given to Michigan by the referee who disquali- fled two Wisconsin swimmers for false starts. COMPLETE CABINET CALLED FOR MARH ( OOtI)(DCE RECRIMIENDRS.JiRDINE, WARREN AND KELLO It OR POSITIONS WARREN OPP E D President Ca~'s Extra essIor "To Receive Conmmnunications Fron Executhve." Speaks Tonight VARSITY QUINTET LOSESTOI NDIN INLOSE CONTEST OPPONENTS MAKE WINNING POINT IN LAST THIRTY SECONDS OF PLAY SCORE, 29-28 Victory Gives Hoosiers Undisputed Third Place in Conference Standing Distinguished jurist who will speak at 8 o'clock tomorrow night in Hill auditorium on "Organizing Our Inter- national Relations." MEET TOMORROW1 C'ooley, Rogers Will Address Opening Session of Eleventh Annual Conference CONTINUES FOUR DAYS Washinton, Feb. 14, (By A. P.).- TIN G (( President Coolidge completed today the cabinet be will take into office wit~h him on March 4 when he begins the term to which he was elected last November in his own right. He chose William M. Jardine of PhysIckns Report President Suffering Kansas as secretary of agriculture Frmin Slight Iemorrhage, Ding and sent his nomination to the Senate Congestion along with that of Frank B. Kellogg, of Minnesota, whose selection as sec- BRTY HE-s ARRIVES retary of state to succeell Charles E. Hughes, was announced a. month ago. The nomination to fill the third va- Following a relapse Thursday, cancy in the cabinet, that of Charles President Marion L. Burton is resting B. Warren of Michigan, to be attor- easily. The set back occurred after ney general was made early in Janu- several (ays of continual improve- ary nd has met with so much oppo- ment, and it is believed that his con- Ioion that administration leaders in dition is again indicating improvement. 1 the Senate have hesitated to seek con- Word issued by physicians attend- I firmation at this session because it ing President Burton late Friday imight operate to prevent enactment night stated that "President Burton of important legislation. developed a very slight hemorrhage Immediately after completing his this morning, due to a non-infectious cabinet the president issued a procla- infaret. This was associated with an mation calling the new Senate in extra increase in temperature, which had session "to receive such communica-' declined during the day." President tions as may be made by the execu- Burton's condition, it was explained, tive." Should the cabinet nomina- is a congestion of the lungs, produced tions now pending be disposed of be- by the failure of the heart muscles fore March 4, there would remain to discharge all the blood that comes little for the Senate to dispose of ex- to it and force this blood into general cept the reappoinments of present circulation. cabinet members to whom Mr. Cool- Yesterdaythe President was report- idge desires to give commissions in i I Indiana university's basketball five capturedi a close contest from Mich- igan's quintet by a 29-28 score at the Yost field house last night when Sponsler dropped the ball through the net on a fast play underneath the James G. Baker, who will give the basket with but thirty seconds re- address at the University service at maining to play. The victory given 8 o'clock tonight in Hill auditorium. Indiana undisputed possession of third place in the Conference race, Michigan, led by Captain George BAKER TOv 900V H Is Haggerty, who played a remarkable game despite the eye injury sustained in the Chicago contest, led her op-, STIPponents for the greater part of the second half ,relinquishing the lead on S but one occasion, although Indiana -threatened the lead continually. "The Building of Student Morale," With five minutes to play, the score Announced as Subject For stood 22-21 against Michigan, when University Service Cherry made good on two tries from III,_the foul line and placed the Wolver- TO CONDUCT FORUM Ines ahead. Haggerty followed with a long shot and Cherry scored another free thrown, giving Michigan a four Di. James C. Baker, minister of the point lead, the score being 26-23. Trinity Methodist church in Urbana, Sponsler's long heave brought Indi- Illinois, well known for his work ana to within two points of Michigan, llioi, woleg studntswll knowhspk a but Dick Doyle gave his team another among college students, will speak at four point advantage when he made a the University service at 7:30 o'clock I pretty shot from a difficult angle. tonight in Hill auditorium under the Leading 2'8-24, with but two min- auspices of the Student Christian utes to play, Michigan resorted to stal- association. Dr. Baker will talk on I ling tactics, but Logan, lanky Indiana "The Building of Student Morale. ,, center, made good on an overhead shot under the basket, Cherry fouling Tonight marks the sixth University Ihir as he shot. Logan cut the Wol- service of the school year. Music will verine lead to one point by shooting be furnished by the Methodist church one of the two fouls. Sponsler then -louble quartet. This group will also scored the winning basket just before lead the service in singing. The ser- the gun was fired. vice will last about an hour and a Indiana too the lead at the start half. of the contest* when Becknier~ shot a Dr. Baker, who will give the main foul, but ,H-aggerty's goal put Mich- address, has been connected with stu- iigan ahead. From then on the two dents of universities for 18 years. leI teams battled neck and neck, with the s lead alternating throughout the half. Is known as one of the country's fors- Michigan l:ed 111 at the close of the most student pastors. now being oc- - I I i I s cer being a self perpetuating body ser on tle League and of Prof. ed to be progressing favorably, and h atrsing s welf ngwody Morvtimer E. Cooley, dean of the eng-Edvin D. Dickinson of the Law school Ibearing up under the new relapse society was placed under the ion ieering college, and Hon. Frank E. on the World Court. Officials of the with the same spirit that has charac-h ocietywall dunder the Unaion aRogers, of the State Highway Commis- !association are now negotiating for terized him since the beginning of his on practically the same basis as ! io of Michigan, will deliver the two t Ml~imes in as much as the Union is the I e addrese omorr befo a debate on the League between two illness. Ile has been confined to his It central organ for student activities on the eleventh nnual conference onen of national prominence. bed a period of nearly four months. the Michigan campus. While Blue r Mr. Fosdick has filled the following The progress of the siege of illness Key originally was started with highway engineering which opens here positions: corporz;tion counsel of New has been marked by the relapses in- Key riginallyas strtdaith the Mnd. The aconference is arrang- York; representative of the Rocke- termingled with periods of improve- visiting athletes the constitution as the engineer- feller Bureau of social hygiene in ment. At one time it was expected , nb for the ing college, incooperation witmet Europe; conptroller of the Democratic r that President Burton would leave o raftemakes Students fro Michigan State Highway departme National Finance comttee in 1912; Ann Arbor for a rest trip, and would society to tk care otcue to Mich- and the Michigan Association of Road member of the New York city board of apply for a leave of absence for the gthr universities who come t ss Commissioners and E ngineers. It is education; special representative of period. This was not done, however, igean to compcte in oratorical conte expected that between 500 and 600 road l the War department in Mexico in 1916; as his condition makes it impossible ture, d contests of a simlar na- commissioners and engineers of theichairman of the commission on train- for him to leave Ann Arbor. etestaewilandn tesesin, h chaimao SeticsIstate will attend the sessions, which ing camp activities during the World Dr. Charles Emerson Burton, arriv- .hindleK continue until Thursday morning, war; representative of the War de- 1 ed in Ann Arbor yesterday from New With respect to athics Bnddi- Prof. Henry E. Riggs, of the civil partmnit in France in 1917 and 1918; IjYork to visit President Burton, his will handle all major sports i aiengineering department, will preside civilian aide to General Pershing in brotlier. The length of ;his stay is tion to the many mnor sporsts whh at he Monday afternoon session, the France in 1919; and under secretary- as yet unknown. Dr. C. E. Burton, ey is m ng plas first of the conference. F. L. Betts, su- Ueneral of the League of Nations at called to Ann Arbor on this occasion for the indoor and outdoor inter nend ot oaf Mocoun yGeneva in 1919-1920. by his brother's illness, visited here1 scholastics, the basketball interschol- oad.t Icmmissioners of enominee For several years Mr. Fosdick has J last May to perform the wedding cere- astic, and the Cornellw track banquet. will y gantthesn been an advocate of an increased and mony of Theodosia Burton, daughter Many other universities throughout paper on the subject, "Bituminouss ur- tore effective participation by this of President Burton, and George Rip-- the country have organizations which face Treatment of Gravel Roads in country in international aftairs, pey Stewart, Jr. sre a s ar osand fution Menominee County." Followin g Mr. throumgh the instrumeitality of the - to tao Bmlue rsBetts, J. T. Donaghey, state highway League of Nations and the World i to ththe adoptn of lue Key engineers of the Wisconsin Highway C(ut. Michigan ranks as the only school n Commission, Madison, will outline _T______ the Big Ten to have such a society. Wisconsia Methods of Maiutonance of Freim information received by the of- Gravel Roads." ficers of 13 ue, vncindicationsdpoint T epartment, oewil oltie ttward the formation of similar hon- e r e duedto be held at the - o o the smoker scheduled to be held at theMT New Haven, Feb. 14.-Century Allen schoolsoide fr c et ihe of the Core.rmceimrow hMilstead, star of the 1923 Yale foot- Tile idea for such a society origi-supply information to road engineers Iowa City, Iowa, Feb. 1.-Iowa's bull team, was. dropped from Yale1 nted at the University of Washington and commissioners relating to highway Varsity wrestling team defeated the university today by the college corn- 'Knights of the Iook." Almost sine- administration, financing and organi- Michigan mal team by winning four mittee on rules for violation of the1 "Ktneoutsy there appear at smr- zation, as well as the presentation of out of the seven, matches from the glatin forbiddin a student to ulta~ileusly thre appeaethetlatest technicalnfordedeigopmstuentstin mouth a society known as the Gre - the latest technical developments in Wolverine wrestlers here this after- marry during his college course, ac- I Ke.u e Ksiey kiswn pate coel the highway engineering field. noon. The Michigan grapplers won (ording to an announcement madel Key. Bill( Key is patterned closely ; f I after the Red Key society at Cornell their three decisions on a timenadvan at the conclusion of the committe which has proven a distinct success.I NR 14-6 score meeting. Ljuided by Faculity I ILINIJ S VD - coe _____.____ B luK e ha rclthe Baker, wrestling at 115 pounds, won' .,Iue Key has received the support 1. orh cneutv ofrne his~ fourth conSecuitiyo conference I OflM of many faculty men and coaches. is Iroum Phffor, the lawkeye DITCoach Yost when questionmed yester. CI I1C D FIVE, j J ath 1 I ,fIL featherweight, wth a 6 minute 33 see- (lay in regard to the society said ,-d advantag. Preston garnered two "The purpose and Object of the so I Umbana, Feb. 14.--Illinois batketball points, for Michigan in the 175 pound I a dib Bu e n111ihw o Ccg rtIf . e re a bu ue ne tonight won over Chicago for its division, winning a close struggle he of great use but that usefulness sixth straight Conference victor'y by a ,omhPeterson. Goldstein the Mich- C depends upon the amount of work score of 19-15. The lead alternated igm heayeight oidsfrom te Sand Cave, Ky., Feb. 14.--Serious awhich the members are willing to thrughout the game, and untilthe oitha7minute,20 seco dirt falls on three sides of the shaft1 give t hclosing minutes a margin of only one advantage in the final match. I being sunk to resuce Floyd Collins tion."1pitsprtdteta . o" Rpoint separated the teams. In a closely contested overtime from his underground tomb "has de- I school stated that in his opinion "any-w i iatch, acting Captain Gugisberg, of layed work in the sinking of the shaftj thing the students of Michigan can do O DIowa, defeated Captain Karbel of to a deeper depth by eight hours," to extend courtesies to visitors will g125 pound class. ar- said an official bulletin issued at 9 be a worthy accomplishment." el had a 15 second advantage at tme o'clock tonight by H: T. Carmichael, Following are the names of the of- IJOJ fl IAIOiIclose of time regular period but lost in charge of the rescue work. ficers and charter members of ' Blue out in the second overtime period. Key: President, Edward E. Murane, 4,b vice president, James Brooker; secre- New York, Feb. 14.-Paavo Nurnmi iortlan, Ore., Feb. 14.-Reindeer Romities will resume its sessions March 5. tary; George Ross, Jr.; treasurer, great runner of Finland tonight ac- saks, shipped here from e ar O wl esu its sessoMarhp. Richard Freyberg; George Haggerty, complished what had been considered1 North, have met with a strong de- One of the first items to come upwill Ilerlert Steger, Thomas Cavanaugh, an impossible task for a human being mand, according to 17 dealers who Alfred B. Connable, John G. Garling- when lie ran to a new world's record purchased quantities of the meat. house, Edward Hartwick, Archibald of 8 minutes 58 1-2 seconds in a two Herrick, Kenneth Sykes, Justin Comp- mile race. ton, George Billman, Irwin Deister, I _aa TWO PLAYS OF NOTE Stewart lulse, W. Reed, Win. Roes- l rTeTE eVELYJEa E TW PA Y O NOT seWin. Etheridge, Alfred Goetz,1OHO 51T H RflILwHE(y X - Discussed by Paul Stic his own name. Both Republicans and Democratic I leaders said that so far as they knew here would be no serious opposition o the confirmation of either Mr. Kel- ogg, who is a former Senator, or Mr. Jardine, who is president of the Kan- uar Agricultural college and has the endorsement of the entire Kansas del- egation in Congress. The way to the confirmnation of Mr. Warren, however,' s not so clear. 9RCTIC EPOE TO LECTURE 5001 Captain Wac'tillan to Give Illustrated Address In Auditorium February 24 FILLS VAN TYNE'S PLACE I Captain Donald B. MacMillan, one! of the foremost lecturers on Arctic explorations, will speak Tuesday, Feb. 24, in Hill auditorium on the subject, "My Winter in North Greenland." f Captain MacMillan is filling the en-; gagement originally accepted by Henry i Van Tyne who has been unable'to ap- pear on the Oratdrical aissociation program. In. June, 1923, Captain MacMillan and his companions left Wiscasset, Maine, in the "Bowdoin" for explora- tions and scientific researches in North Greenland and an account of this voyage will be included in his lecture. The "Bowdoin," named for her Captain's alma mater and the smallest vessel ever built for Arctic work, made a previously successful journey to unknown Baffin Land, the subject upon which Captain MacMillan lectured on a forimer speaking tour. In conjunction with his lecture, motion pictures are shown depicting life and conditions in the far north regions.R The Arctic trips have been primar- ily for scientific explorations~Jnhis recent trip the expedition whinorth with the view of studying atmuospheric elecricity and the cause of specific gravity. Another mission which was accom- plished on this trip was the erection of a,.memorial tablet to the heroes of the Greeley expedition of 1882-4 at the spot where its ill-fated members camped and died before rescue came to the six survivors of the Party of 25. - LIMO 5LMU~irpabwo, rves clusV;.first period. cupied-as pastor of the Trinity Metho- ifis erg dist church at Urbana, Illinois. lHe Haggerty was high scorer of the has also ateen pmesint oftie Un- contest with ten points to his credit, has also been president of the Unithe Wolverine leader garnering fou versity Men's Cristipn association field goals and two free throws. Line summer conference at Lake Geneva. playing his first game for Michigan, Dr. Baker's talk will he upon the and Chambers ,each shot two field morale of college students. It will contain impressions resulting from a",gasad n ol scientific study of therattitudes of un- Indiana presented a strong five man der-graduates now being conducted team, minus any outstanding player. at the Uniersity of Illinois. j Beckner and Krueger, forwards, and A forum, open to all interested, will j Sponsler, and Replogle, who substi- Sbe conducted by Dr. Baker at 4 o'clock tuted for Sponsler , each shot two this afternoon in Lame aHall. I baskets while Logan accounted for hthree. Last night's contest was reminis- cent of last year's game with Indiana J ELLat the Yost field house, when Lorber, visiting forward, snatched victory from Michigan with a shot from the center of the court with less than a minute to play. Reservations have been practically j Michigan has lost three games thus sold out for the Chamber of Coi- far In.the Conference race, and each merce banquet which is to be held time was defeated by a one point mar- Tuesday evening, Feb. 17, in the new 7igin, Purdue defeated the Wolverines IMasonic temple, at which members of1 37-36, 'Chicago conquered the Mather Masoic empl, a whch mmbes o clan 20-19 and Indiana won 29-28 last the Varsity Band are to be entertained night. as guests. The ticket sale was thrown night y open to the general public yesterday, TSummary' and by noon only a few reservations i Tgi~ Indiun were still available. The committee rt RFin states, however, that every effort will !IHaggerty......RF... u.... kner be made until Monday night to care I for those making late applications. Chambers..G...C.........Logan The silver Sousaphone purchased I Cherry. ..RG........ ponsler for the and by the Chamber of Com- aDoyle:........LG.........Alward merce will be formally presented on Sungmary: Field goals, Michigan; this occasion. Music will be furnish- Haggerty 4, Line 2, Chambers 2,{Doyle ed by the band, under the direction 2. Indiana; Bnser 2, ruge 2 I of Wilfred Wilson who promises aLo 3, Sponsler 2, Replogle 2. j lively program of popular and semi- Free throws: Michigan; Haggerty popular music, and by a quartet from 2 out of 3, Line 1 out of 7, Chaibers the University Glee club, in charge of 1 out of 1, Cherry 3 out of 6, Doyle 1 Theodore Harrison., g out of 5. Indiana; Beckner 2 out of The principal speaker of the even- Krueger 4 out of 6, Logan 1 out of 13. ing will be Dr. F. Bradford Pengelly, director of the Chamber of Commerce Personal fouls: Cherry 3, Doyle 3, it Flint, who will talk on the subject Sponsler 3, Alward 3, Line 2, Krueker "The Body and Soul of: a City." F. 2,:Logan 2, Replogle 2, Winston 2, Roy Holmes, past president .of the Chambers, and Beckner.w U chamber will preside, while Shirley W. Referee, Kearns, Deaw. Umyire, Smith, secretary of the university, will Ritter;IaPurdueo act as toastmaster. The guests ofs honor are to be Hackley W. Butler, i Sponsler, Sponsler for Replogle, president of the chamber, and Mrs. Winston for Alwpod. Butler. Invocation will be given by M Rev. Kenneth Bowen, pastor of the Furnish Antique Church of Christ. Other speeches for the evening are: l Vase Standards j" AWord to Hackley," by Ralph Dolph, Spast president of the chamber; "A Standards to hold vases collected Wor FomHackley," by Mr. Hlackley. by Prof.F. W. Kelsey of thme Latin de" ephenson i ohe Music Page