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April 28, 1925 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-04-28

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Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice toi all members of
the University. Copy received bj) tl:e Assitant to the Fresuk'ent until
3:30 p. in. (11:30 a. in. Saturdays
Volume 6 TUESbAY. APRIL 128, 1924 Niumber 1-)"
To) Seniors Interested in P'ermanent Positions; and to Juniors Interested in
Summer PositionishIn Branch Factories, Where rl1"e3. ill be Under Ob-
servration= for Permanent Positions:
Mr. J. B. McClere, of the H. J. Heinz Co., will be in Room 2, University
Hall, from 9:3A0 A. M. to 2:00 P. M., Wednesday, April 29.
J. A. Bursley.
Attention, Art Students:
The Inlander wishes to use in the next issue several woodl block cuts.
Cuta In either wood or linoleum can be used in the presses without harm
to the block., They may be of any size up to five by eight inches and may
be mailed with a proof print, to the Press Building or left in the Rhetoric
Office, 32 2 Ang-ell Mall. Full acknowledgenment will be given, each cut used.
The Editors.
Contributors to the Inlander:
Manuscrip't for the poetry issue, of the Inlander will be received t the
Press Building until=,May first.
The next group meeting will be held Wednesday' evening, April 29th, at
7:30, at Professor Cowden's, 1016 Olivia. Manuscript to be read at this
meeting should be left beforehand in the Rhetoric Office, Angell Hall.
A number. of manuscripts which were submitted without return postage
may be obtained on application at the Rhetoric Office.
The Editors.
English 3-Public Speaking-For Engineers:
The regular weekly assembly will be held in Room 348 of the West En-
gineering Building at 7 P. M. Thursday, Pril 30. Chairman, Mr. S. G.
Reddy; Speakers, Messrs. J. A. McCowen, J. C. Lever, H. C. Dahnke, R. C,
Reason, 1R. L. Lindemulder, C. L. Foster, and A. S. Hall.
R. L. Lindenmulder.
French 113-Mr. Wadsworth:.
My French 113, which meets Tuesday, .Thursday at 11:00 o'clock, will
meet beginning Tuesday (today) in room 209UH.
James R. Wadswo~tli.
31atlieniatics 170:
The class in Mathematics 170 will not meet on Thursday, April 30,
1925. T. R. Running.
Public speaking 31:
Mr.. Crocker's andl my classes will meet in the auditorium of University
Hall at* 7 o'clock tonight. Henry WV. Grady's "The New South" will be
livered. __________ Carl G~. Brandt.
Fatulty Women's Club:
Tlhe Nursery Section of the Faculty Women's club will hold its annual
meeting on Thursday, April 30th, at 3:30 o'clock at the Club' House.
Taybelle 11. Whitney.
* The annual banquet and initiation of the Society of Sigma Xi will be
held Thursday evening, April 30th, at the Michigan Union at 6:15 o'clock.
Initiates are asked to present themselves at 6 o'clock.
A. S. Warthin, President.
Sienior Literary Comitl tee Chairmnen :
There will be an important meeting of the Executive Committee of the
So~nicor Literary class at 4 o'clock this afternoon in room 306 of the Mich-
igan Union. Richard L. Lau~renice, '2;, Class President.

La Sociedad Hispanica :
There wilbe a meeting of La Sociedad hispanica in room 302 Michigan
Union at 7:30 Wednesday evening. MIarshtall .1. Levy.
Tau Beta iPi:
The spring initiation will b~e held in the Esngineering Library at 5:30
P. Al. Tuesday, April 28th, and will be followed b~y the banquet at the Union.j
Initiates should meet at 5 :00 1'. TNL. over the arch.
Waldo K. Greliner.
! Acolytes will meet tonight at 8 P1. M. in 106 Al-. IH. Prof. R. lM. Wenley
will read a paper on "The Historical Influence of Philosophy.''
! Johin kuiper.
Matbenitlicill CI lb
Luncheon for the Club will 1)e servedl in the M.Ichlgan Union l'nesday,
April 29, at 12:15. 11'. 11. Dent on, Secretary.
Alpha N u Literary Society:
The regular meeting of Alpha Nu will he held tonight in the society
room at 7: 30. This meeting will be for initiated members only.
Norman Jothnson.
Republican Clb:
Th'lere will be a meeting of the Republican club) at 7: 30 o'clock tomorrow
I night in Room 304 of the Union. All interested are invited to attend.
11. A. Marks.
All Members oif the University:
Attenltion is called to the Facult y- Student dlebate tonight at 8:00 o'clock
in I-hill Auditorium. At this time the question of Intercollegiate Athletics
will be discussed, by Dean Hugh Cabot, Prof. Thomas HI. Reed, K. F. Clardy,
'25L, and Ray Alexander, '27L. All members of the University and residents
of Ann Ar or are invited to attend. Mill1ard 11. IPry or.
'Graduate Students in Education :
Conference of graduate students in education will meet at 7 o'clock to-
dlay in T .appan Hall, .instead of on Wednesday. Professor Carr of University
EHigh School ;will speak. All graduate students in edlucation andl members
of stal!C will 'be expected to attend. Clifford Woody.

Will Fly To Pole

BOOK NOW. Deposit holds
space on IT. S. Lilies, White
Star, C'unard, (Canadlan Pacific,
French, Hamburg - American,
Holland American, North Ger-
mana Lloyd, Royal IMa il, Adamiral
Oriental, Paeific :Hail, T. K. K.,
Munnson, Laitihiport & Hlolt,
Grace, Fabre, Italian National,
All third class student, tours,
IT. S. lines, Bleales, Henrys, Stu.-
dents Travel Club of New York,
Hubbell's Second Year College
Tour-36 .dhys, .4 countries,
$330 with extensionms anywhere,
etc., also Cook's or any other
Round trip rates to England
$150 t. France $162 upi, Ger-
many $17; up, Italy $178 up.
E. G. Kue bier
Licensed and Bonided
Steamship Agent
601 E. Huron St. Ann Arbor
Phone 1381
All Travelers Checks, Tourists
A cident and Baggage Insurance
P'assport and V'isae Informnatio n

.IIli!!1!!Q!!!!! 111 11111111 1 I!!dl;,_-I:
-During these xwarm cvcnin) .
_You'll Le (Ieli'hked with our
fine fountain service. Try
Jour, special malted milks.
Get your smokes from our
fnez f re h stock.
Cor. State and Packard
I Read the W v ant Ads

.The Zepplin company has complet-
ed plans for an airship flight to the
North Pole, with Dr. Frijhof Nansen,
famous evplorer, as leader of the ex-I
pedition. The project is reported to!
have American backing.!
that company, in room 2, University
12 : 1----atlheunatical club holds luinch-
eon at the Union.
-IM0-Mu iners D)ramnatic society
meets at the Alpha Omicron Phi
7:00-8 :00-Outdpor bard concert on!
the campus near the large flag-
7:30-1:a Soeliedad Ilispanica mneets
Sin room 302, Union. k
7 :30-{group lit Ning of cointributors
to the Inlander at 1016 Olivia.
7 ~:30-Adeiphui iticts iitsiroomitui
Angell hall.
17:.30- Reprbhuican club incetls in room
lQ4,' Union.
7 :45-l)e Molay titeets on t he I hlrdl
floor of the new MAhsonic Temple.



!F '4

Read the Want Adsl

4 J

be left in the box at the Daily office
provided for nIoat purpose before 4
o'clock, preceeJing tae day of issue.
41:00--Executive commiiittee of thejf
senior literary class meets in roomj
j. 36, ,Union.
4: 15 -Physics Collorqniii meets in
*room,=.1041, new Physics building.
Prof. It. A. Sawyer speaks on "Spec-
troscopic Displacement Law."
3:00-Initiates of Tau Beta Pi mmeet
over the Engineering arch.
4:30-Sprinig initiationi of 'Ian:Bel a
Pi in the Engineering library. R
7 :0%I----r. (Crocker's and Mr. Brandt s#
classes in Public Speaking 31, meet .
jin the auditorium of Uuniversity
Write Your Name with
It Will Lost ForeverI

7 :30-Alplua Nu Literary society mieets
in the society's room in Angell ball.
S :00-Facult v-student dlebate in 11ill
Sauditorium on the question, "Re-
solved, That in their lpresent
form, intercollegiate athletics are,
objectionable, and should be mater-
ially modified."
8 A1)--Acolytes meet in room 106, Na-
son hall. Prof. R. M. Wenley recads
a pa per on "Th e Historical Influ-
ence of Philosophy.''
9:30-2 :00-11r. J. It. Meclre of the
II. J. H einz company interviews
seniors who are interested in perm-

Frames that suit the portrait-- -

We have
all possibl
and sizes.

them in
le shapes



Berlin, April 27.-The German
ine1~ club is lprcparing to attempt
summer to reach 1the summit of

this '
m t.


Tarsity Glee
Come to
4 acidl 5:30.

the office this afternoon for your Detroit fare refuned between
Last chance. Carl Sclioonmaker.

Physics Colloquium:
The Physics Colloquium will mnee on Tuesday. April 28th, at 4:15 P. Al.
in room 1041 New Physics Building. Professor I. A. Sawyer will speak
on "Spectroscopic Displacement Law." All interested are invited.
H. llI. Randall.
The meeting this week will be held on Wednesday instead of Tuesday,
at 7:30 P. M. in the Adelphi Room. Trickets for the annual banquet next
week will be available at this meeting. Following a brief business session
the House will attend the debate with Alpha Nu.
Richard Ford.

Funtain Pen Ink
"The Ink that Made the
Fountain Pen Possible"

I -pecial Price o1

CrO-- - eeC.Zw w w w w n


' Teini Eacket-
e /, 'r4:' "r~ /if« / i//./' ' / r ' .rR. r~ "'.'.~rd"4 '/",r'" .+"+r '. ".r"a ".r"r , ' "ra1.d1

annt lipositions, and juniors wV~ho Everest, highest mountain in . the
are interIestedl iu summer Vworkl( wtth world.
lust as long as we do your NICKOP~ EL PLA'JLiNG = fPoito gr-aphcr
cleaning and pressing you done in our shop
will hal e a silie on your Razors Ground and
acHoned. 33 Sut State Phone 313-W
Quick'Service Good Work Safety Razor 'I
Blades Sharpened ~___- - - -__ ____
- i1 H OSP~ITAL, --
38SuhMiSt:. SUP~PL'E'Co. 4
P2 Shnein644.216 E. Washington 4 jor m
Poe64Telephone 2964-M=
asweaA1. Asmiss
1115 nvriy v.Poe1 0 r.
~gather you'll find Fitform
Clothes. By their high 1/
- quality they set themselvesd
" off - distinguished by their
- approved~ styles, distinctive
fabrics and excellent work-
Felix writes manship.-- _
Ho for the land of Cheese, Choco--2
late, and yodels! We went alping 2 Fitforrn Clothes are made es-
first thing this morning among the= pecially for Tom Corbett2
Sfoothills to get in condition for the frtecleemno n
0 Olympic's Yodeling contest day fo-h olgemno n
5Safter tomorrow. Imagine represent--
I /~ cou$ ing our country in such a famous Arbor. The man of dlis-h
col peil itentoal it criminating taste buys hisI
192dIJ.NE19~ I put the finishing touches ona- -
19 N 95 new crescendo -prof undo yodel. - clothes here..
Swith which we hope to carry the .
field. Jack is acting as my all-
round manager, rubber, and trainer r
and I have to give him credit in --
spite of our spat over Kitty.-
This is a beautiful country, old-
feline, but you can't help but notice._________________
iy4Zep'b how the advertisers have sipdu A S ,:, 1 IG
!.r on a wonderful opportunity to cover ti IIl'nt h outisds

N4.00 a 000 0 0 0 a 0.-.#.*0 acc GO a


L(~E -
T' pleases us. because Our pastry~
Ipleases " mothers. We've been
electedoto ja high- place in mnother's I
estimation. - On " platform of pur-1
ity and wholesomeness we've car-i
ried the votes of all who know thel

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H~en 's Oxfords-
In the new shades and styles,
suitable for college wear.

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in black and
tan call

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... : .,,



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