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Aggie Pitcher
lluibhar'd, gorthrup, .iand il Mile out with Harvard for s (Special to the Daily) Benso And Jablenowski Faill To Tennis Squad To ook up in Second
T'1' Ne III 'lrisC \ietiories fis plcei East Lansing, Mich., April 27.- Peliver And Tarsity )1&tlci of Season
n the event was off form and finished ihgcttAnesbsal s T yi e ToSon
thnd ilaHrvaivasaossinth IMichigan State college's baseball Falls Twice Inllroe
Golf Team
Hook Up
Michign's track stars again made
great exhibitions in the Drake and
Penn relays last Sat urda y afternoon.
Philadelphia yiclded two first places
in individual events and a third place
in the fo'ur-mile relay while at Des-
Moines the great Wolverine two mile
team took its event in record time
and the half mile team, unheralded,
smashed another record for victory iii
its event. Michigan also took a sec-
and in the Drake relay special sprint
DeHart Hubbard and Phil Northrup
were the winners in the thirty-first
annual Penn games. The former,
competing in the special internationj
100 yard event beat Porritt of Oxford,4
Brtish and Australian sprint champ-
ion, by a full two yards in :09 4-5 ty-
ing the relay mark. It was the fourth
time in 25 years that a man had run'
the distance in that time at the great
Eastern carnival. After the finals of
his event Hubbard was given a great
ovation by the throngs which crowd-
ed Franklin field stadium. "Piper"
Northrup was the second man to win
at the Penn games. The victory of
the Michigan man in the javelin was
all the more remarkable considering
that it was the first; time he had ever
competed in the event in a collegiate
meet. His distance of 193 feet 11 3-8
inches was the best he had ever done
rear. The Michigan team ran a good team, with victories over Olivet col-
race in spite-of its lack of usual form, lege and the Kalamazoo Normal PLAY TOMORROW SHOW FORM AT M.A.C.
;and heat out Syracuse for third place school, is confident of a win over the
in a great final spurt on the part of Wolverines in their game with Coach 'I'e double defeat of the Wolverine After scoring a decisive victory
Ilicks. Hicks, Hornberger, Calahan, Fisher's nine Wednesday at Annm over the Michigan Agricultural Col-
Arbor. ~~~bas eball1 team 12 to11 ad9 t 2 ly
and Briggs ran. Harry Hawkins who ort lege, blanking the Farmers 7-0,
made the trip to throw the hammer In defeating Kalamazoo, Coach the Syracuse team last week end's Varsity tennis team will
was (lisqualified on each of Ilis three -Kobs' nine scored its first victory )e attrihlted to the boor pitching re- swing into action again tomorrow af-
trial throws and did not get into the over the teachers in its last seven ceived ly the Michigan team. ternoon when they meet Marquette's
finals of the event. Northrup was starts against the Normals. The in- Last season Benson and Jablonow- netSnad wn theFerry field COeMrtS.
fielnetksquadlon the Ferry fieldlcourts.
also entered in the pole vault but was field problem is practically settled ski hurled the Maize and Blue into a The Wolverines had little trouble
3 eliminated at 12 feet while Hubbard, with the exception of the shortstop tie for the Conference championship with the Aggie team, taking all the
who had been expected to enter the position where Gauss and Rowley are with Ohio State, but so far this sea- matches in easy fashion. Jerome,
broad jump was kept out of the event fighting it out for the berth. Be- son the two veteran pitchers have playing number one, had little
by Coach Farrell in order that he cause of Rowley's floundering in the tailed to round into form. trouble in defeating Lawrence 6-0,
'hight save himself for the dash. Olivet game, Gauss will probably Benson is still unable to go the - Captain Crane the Michigan
Michigan's two mile relay team start against Michigan. lull nine innings. In the first game E leader easily beat Lanter, taking the
proved to be the sensation of the Spiekerman at first, Ranney at at Syracuse, although lie was ex- two sets 0-1, 6-2. Vose encounteredi
'Drake carniyal In the course of the second and Kiebler at third will make tieiely wild, issuing seven passes, a little difficulty with Stauffer of the
' race two men, Likert and Hart, won I up the Aggie infield. Kuhn is likely he ;anagcd to keep his team in the yAggie team, but the latter fell before
their letters and intercollegiate to drow the pitching assignment with lead until the eighth when he lost 1Ithe flashy attack of the Wolverine,
stripes while Charlie Reinke and Fremont as his battery mate. Against control of himself and the Orange losing the first set 6-4 and the second E
Dick Freyberg ran the fastest half Olivet, Kuhn was particularly effec- team scored four runs thus wresting
miles of their long and brilliant ca- tive allowing only five hits in nine the lead from the Maize and Blue, Playing his first match for the
reers. The race, as had been pre- innings and striking out nine men. and keeping it until the end of the Maize and Blue, Elliot took a closej
dicted, proved to be a contest between Captain Richards will take charge game. match from Henderscott, 6-3, 6-4.
Ames and Michigan, Reinke winning of the outfield play directing the The Orange won thEa second game IKrickbaum of Michigan handed Tier-
for his team on the home stretch. work from his place in center field. by an even larger score, mainly be- son a defeat, taking the two sets 6-1,
Reinke's time for the distance was Zimmerman will take the lead off cause Jablonowski was not in form. -2
1:54, a second better than he had position in the batting order and de- The star of last year yielded 11 hits Captain Crane and Jerome paired
ever before been 'timed in, while vote himself to right field for the for a total of nine runs. He passel up for the first doubles match and
Freyberg did his leg in the race in state college's success with Fisher four men aiil made one wild pitch. defeated the Farmer conbination of
1:55, more than a second 'nder his dividing the work in the other field Unless these two hurlers shbw a Tierson and Lawrence 6-3, 6-0. In
former best time. Likert, in his first with Flesser. Corsart has also been complnlete reversal of form Michigan's the second doubles match, Krickbaum
college competition ran a great race showing up well in practice and may hopes in the Conference race, which and Vose took their match from
against experienced opponents and get a chance to relieve Zimmerman. starts next Saturday with' a game Stauffer and Ienderscott 7-5, 2-6, 6-1.
although jostled badly due to his Haskins at first is the only other with Ilinois at Ann Arbor, will be No official information is at hand
lack of experience, finished well up possible change in the inner defense considerably dimmed. The remaind- about the Marquette squad, but it is
in the crowd of runners. Hart, run- The Aggies will work out here to- er of the team is in fine form, theyab
ning number two, started off with a morrow afternoon, leaving for Ann are hitting as well as can be expect- I__
g s n s Arbor Wednesday morning. e4l, and fielding is as good as anyPE
great show of speed and was running isYcolIeInin
in third place half way through his college nine. ISP- -OR IT
Playing at the Detroit Golf club
j last Saturday, keight members of the
Michigan Varsity golf team vied with
each other for honors in a practice
match of four singles and two doubl-
es. The purpose of the match was to
round the men into form for the first
encounter of the season which will
take place here Saturday, with Ohio
State offering the opposition.
Four Michigan players who are
members of the Detroit club, Diet-
trich, 'eid, onner and Feeley,
Sfought to a tie with Glover, Lehman,
i -astings and 1oldsworth, the other
Michigan representatives.
Those who are the best bets for
the team are Capt. Mode Holdsworth,
Fred Feeley, Fred Glover, Jame:3
Prentiss, Bob Hastings, Lehman and
Saturday's Conference match with
0. S. U. will be played at the Ann
Arbor Golf club and will consist of
four singles and two doubles. The
twosomes will be played off in the
morning and the foursomes in the af-
I rumored that they have quite an able
aggregation of netmen and a stiff
battle is expected.
Michigan's line up will probably
be the same as the one that faced the
Aggie team.
Through the co-operation of
Coach Mann and the officials of
-~the Union, Michigan's Intramur-
al department is planning an
all-campus swimming meet to
e be held Thursday, May 7. The
meet will include 25 yard free
e style, breaststroke, anl back-
stroke races. 50 yard free style
o andl backstroke races, a 220
t yard free style event and possi-
I1 F bly a fancy diving contest. En-
ties for this meet are now be-
ing received at the Intramural
office. A relay meet is also be-
ing planned with relays varying
, from two lengths of the tank
free style for each man to one
r Ilength a man back and breast-
stroke. Entries for the relays
must be in by Wednesday of this j
f: All candidates for the fresh-
man tennis team are to report
e at the Varsity tennis courts at
- Ferry field this afternoon at
2:30 o'clock. All first year men I
- are eligible to compete.
Freshman Coach.
Entries are still being received for
the Independent soft ball league-
Aggie team. the Iim(lependelmt soft ball league
and is considered an indication that
he may better 200 feet before the end
of the present track season.
The Michigan four mile relay team
which had been expected to battle it
i a
andei "Inc*
half mile but at ;the end of the race All men desiring to train for spring Te team opens its home season
his first spurt told on him and he was all-campus cross country should re- tomorrow afternoon, meeting M. A.'C."
running fifth when he passed the ba-. port to Coach Sullivan at the Water- at Ferry field.
ton to Freyberg. During the first man gymnasium.r
anI second legs of the race Wiscon- Class managers should enter their
sin, Ames, and Notre Dame were run- All Intramural players should play baseball teams by Wednesday, April
(Continued on Page Seven) on ground south of Ferry field. 29.
All sophomores lits who are
trying out for the class base-
ball team should report to Man-
ager Warrick, at 2:30 o'clock
this afternoon on Ferry field.
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