TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVI TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAG1~ FIVU .... r. .. ,... A AM& AWE t Dormitories Make Pi Lambda Theta will hold a short which will business meeting at 7:45 o'clock to- and from 1 Choice Of Women morrow in the library of Martha Cook. I University1 gNOTCESMyra Inzst For Coming Year' NOTICES Field, '27. All women who have 100 honor ~_-points in the W. A. A. and who have be held from 10 to 12 to 3 o'clock tomorrow in ball. The (caudidates are terwald, '27, and Irene Daily Advertisers - it WEA.TLeader In Girls' WorkWill Speak E ~flm PN 11110 1 A DO flMiss Fayc F razier, Detroit, who is! IN PAMER FIED TDDAY1 Every year at about this time, the directors of the dormitories make I paid their dues are eligible to vote C rat(?Ilize The schedule for Freshman pageant in the second election for president pays.-Adv. rehearsals is as follows: Tomorrow at U II U I I I L U L nI U U I Ithe hv'ad of the girls' work depart- 1ment ofl the Y. W. C. A. is to speak Portia Literary Society Will Oppose Athena Team in First of Series OPEN TO PUBLIC at 4:15 o'clock tomorrow at New- berry hal on "Camps and Camping." This talk wifl be given under the auspices of the club leaders commit- tee of the Y. W. C. A. of which Louise Pennington, '25. is chairman. "Resolved: That the proposed child Special reference will be made to labor amendment to the national con- the work of came couneilors and any stitution should be adopted ly the woman who is interested in this United States" will 'be the question phase of work for the summer is in- for debate between members of the vitedl to interview Miss Frazier who has Athena and Portia Literary societies had wide experience in this field. She at 8 o'clock tomorrow night in the is now in charge of the Y. W. C. A. Adelphi club rooms of Angell hall. camp near Port Buron known as Anyone interested is invited to at- Camp Cavell. It is urged that all tend. women make their appointments wit' This is the first of a series of five Miss Mary Ross at Newberry hall any debates to be held between the two time today and tomorrow. Miss Fraz- women's societies upon the sugges- ier will be here from 2 to 4 o'clock tion of Miss Ruth Hueston, '18, of i.nd will be glad to see anyone inter- Detroit the first president of the euted at tis time. Athena Literary society. A second debate between the societies will be iinn inmi T ninaj held the first w eek in M ay w ith only w t part. The rbnh freshmen women taking part. The UIU IUULU I I~ remaining thre debates will be hel winning the majority of debates will be presented with a silver cup by Miss Hueston. Miss Ruth Price of the physical The Athena tema for the debate education department will have tomorrow night will consist of: charge of the class archery tourna- Charlotte Harrison, '25; Margerite ment. Last fall was the first time Dutton, '26; Dorothy Cline, '26; and that class teams were organized ik Florence Pollock, '26.' Portia Liter- this sport and, according to Miss ary society will be represented by the Price, the enthusiasm and competi- following: Margaret Henckel, '26; tion shown at that time point to a Della Houland, '25; and Genevieve successful season this spring. The 'Goodman, '26. fall tournament was wor' by the junior and senior teams. ?H old Ticket Sale Woen desiring to naticipt e ih this sport must sign u1) in )B3abour For Installation gymnasium or Pallser feld house. Practices will be held Monday and Sale of tickets for the installation Wednesday at 4 o'clock at alfer supper for the new officers of the field. Women's League will continue this According to Miss Ethel McCormick week, and those tickets may be ob- of the physical edluatiom staff, Uni- tained at the candy booth in Univer- versity women are beginning to real sity hall between 8 and 5 o'clock and ize the imbortanlce of archery as a: at Grace Clark's desk in Barbour type of athletics requiring skill air gymnasium front 2 to 5 o'clock every erfect coordination and not. solely a: day. Ethel Schroeder, '25, chairman the "sport for kings." of the ticket committee has appoint- I ed the following members to assist in Tea Room Opens thie 'sale: 'Margaret Townsend, '25; l Miriam Olden '27, Elizabeth Van At F eld House Valkenburgh '26, Genevieve Wright '25, Germaine Mastens, '26, Gretchen Schroeder, '26, Margarette Nichols, ; Sandwiches, cold drinls. and other '26, and Margaret Hardy, '28. Tickets refreshments will be served at the are 50 cents each and should be W. A. A. tea room which will open at prchased at once. '4 o'clock today in the Palmer field 1ouse. The furniture for the tea room Elective outdoor track work will start today under the direction of Miss Germaine Guiot of the physical education department. Special fea- tures of the course will be javelin andI discus throwing. The work of the season will culminate in a track meet for which all women will be el- igible. The sophomores and seniors will meet at 4 o'clock and the juniors and freshmen at 5 o'clock on Tues- days. Practice is scheduled for only one day each week and the hours have been arranged so as not to con- flit with practice for interclass base- ball. A straightaway running track, 330 feet long, is being erected on Palmer field for the use of the women of the I campus. The track is now under construction and will be completed by May 15, acording to the buildings and grounds department who are supervising the construction. Class Will View Washed Out Dar Students in hydraulic engineering will make a trip to French's landing near Flat Rock Thursday to view the Detroit Edison dam which was washed out during spring vacation. Prof. Horace W. King of the Hy- draulic engineering department and Prof. C. O. Wisler of the Civil en- gineering department will accompany the class. The business meeting of the Tues- lay afternoon dramatic section of the Faculty Women's club will be held at 2:30 o'clock today at the home of Mrs. U. B. Phillips, 1954 Cambridge road. Mrs. Theophile Raphael will assist Mrs. Phillips at hostess. Girl's a* I their choice of new women to be--- 4 o'clock, Ball group; 4:45 o'clock .............-..... ............... taken into the houses for the follow- Pan group; 5:15 o'clock, Dream=- - -. ing year. Out of the many applica- group; today and Thursday at 1 tions that are received every year, o'clock, Princess and Companions; 4R Y 1 the same general method is followed I o'clock, Waltz group; 4:45 o'clock. in trying to take in some girls fromiMirror group; 5:15 o'clock, Crystal every part of the United States and group. Friday, at 4 o'clock, Mother EANER also some from other countries. Dur- Goose group. All rehearsals are to .-Art- ing spring vacation the work of se- be in costume. WE m REssERs - 1L looting girls was finished and the F-'I'E"CAIN, CI Slists arepractically completed except Miss Louise Howe of the physical FOR ANDAI of course in case of some unlooked education department will conduct DELIVER1 for vacancy. -elective classes in corrective work Helen Newberry residence will take on Fridays in Barbour gymnasium. in approximately thirty-five new Women wishing to enroll in th s " women. There will be one new course are asked to make appoint- oriental girl taken in and the three I ments with Miss Howe between 8:30 remaining from this year will make and 10 o'clock Tuesday at the gym- P 6 8 a total of four oriental girls all of nasium. Phone .J whom are here on Barbour scholar-: ships. i The executive board of the W. A. A. E. STEIN - PROPRIETOR Betsy Barbour house will take in will meet at 5 o'clock tomorrow in ............................................................. approximately forty new women, one Barbour gymnasium. new Barbour scholar and a Barbour ^ scholar who has been on the campus Portia members should call Doris" ::or: . . . : wo years. Three Barbour scholars Slingluff, 1463-i, today if they intend vill remain from this year. to attend the banquet Thursday. Martha Cook building expects to r.ake in mr than eighty new rest- Theta Sigma wll meet Thursday t dents. There will also be one new at the Alpha Xi Delta house. Mem-: ^ .a.: . . Barbour scholar taken in and two re- hers are requested to be there prompt-. : . . ; : : : mnaining from this year. ly at 8 o'clock. --:;f4L;.:JIJLV K . - r o' ;.ti . s r $25-00 The Month End special price on these new coats is much be. low their real values. Smart sport and semi dress models of polair, twill and flannel in all the latest shades. All are silk lined. SECOND FLOOR GOOD YEA R'S 124 SOUTH MAIN i 'r I ( ,I son KAPPA PHI TO ELECT lis the gift of this year's executive Iboard of the W. A. A. members. The I Elections for Kappa Phi will be ?color scheme of blue and orange is held at 5:30 o'clock tonight at Wes -carried out in nictures for the wal ley Hall and every member is urged as well as in the furniture. to be present to vote. ~~- - - L I A 1 A A Following are the nominees: Ruth READ THIlE CLASSIF I EID AS, carson '26, Dorothy Cline '26, Mar- uiterit Uttn '29_ rn sPide.nt - rrit a L 1 1 _ . ., i O, l././d.O1.iddd111,1, "l~J./, .r. . ' S'WJ ,".9 '9. , . ?i'.V: '".I'"11.I""J. ,IJ./ ./ 1ld 1./"". ./ ".O". .d1J.I . '.d../. '1. . ". .i'1. .J.i", ". .~, Js'~.I./.s'". . w .f, '« ,/".0',P1. .i'. .0:i^ Six of the Artists who are to appear on programs of the guu Ie "L LG, pre le~ ; Oa a Davis '27, Alice Wuerfel '27, vice president; Margarette Nichols '27, Inez McCormick '26, recording secre- tary; Hazel Spedding '26, Norene Bushaw, treasurer; Helen Dodge '27, Madalyn Leland '26, corresponding secretary. W.oGrn Mr. Charles W. Garfield, of Grand Rapids, will speak on "Adventures in the Realm of Horticulture" at 3:30 o'clock tomorrow at the meeting of the garden section of the Faculty Wo-' imen's club to be held at the club- house, 226 South Ingalls street. The public is invited to attend.' Class baseball practice will start to- d ay at Palmer field. Juniors and fresh- men will meet at 4 o'clock, seniors and sophomores at 5 o'clock. Class managers will be elected. A - After eatin o Wri ley's res mouth and swe So easy to carr packet in your p important to hav mouth needs cle freshening! Odors of dining quickly disappea brightly burnish just naturally co nerves are soothe refreshed, the stom and digestion ai "affter 0e, ai/ times! r smoking shens the .etens the breath y the little ocket i So re when the ansing and or smoking r-teeth arei ed. Smiles thanasweet-ttsa me because positiWebeneft, A. throat is Many doctorsand nach relieved dentists recpm. ded. mend It. ymeal " 4 hi .. 1 _,......... . ..._. ... 1 AII RfE E TIBBETT (taritone) "Not since the days of-Lillian Nordica has an American heard such thiunders of applause be- stowed by a Metropolitan audi. ence as fell to the lot of Law- rence Tibbett in the part of Ford in Boito's 'Falstaff,'" re- ports the Literary Digest under date of February 7, 1925. MAY F ESTIVA Hill Auditorium Ann Arbor 2 PAY It's Economical! The first cost is practically the last. With proper care it willlastfor along time,much longer than ordinary pow- der cases. One case is all you need-the same case for any loose powder you wishto use. No waste powder-every bit is used. No more powder cakes to drop and break. VICENTE, BALLESTER (Bartone) Mr. Ballester was born in Spain. Ie sang frequently in Barcelona, and later went to lParis, where ho made his debut in opera. Since then he has sung with great success in Italy, South America, and with both the Chicago and Metropolitan Opera Companies. KATHRYN MEISLE (Contralto) Miss l\Teisle is the possessor of one of the most beautiful anod opulent voices to be heard to- day. She has been with the Chicago Civic Opera Company since 1923, making her debut in the important role of Erda in "Siegfried." 3 TI RiHYS NQRUAN (renor) Mr. Morgan, the young Welsh tenor, has been described as "Evan Williams of this genera- tion." Since coming to Amnerica he has appeared in practically all of the music-centers of the East and Middle West in ora- torio and recital, His engage- ments have been veritable tri- umnphs. 311SCIIA EL31A IS IS IS YI Six Concerts Four Days A t'xUtSTIA LENSKA (M zzo-Soprano) Another member of the Cli- cago Civic Opera Company. Course Tickets on Sale Up to May 1i1th $5, $5.50, $6, $7 I. ~1w \M 41% 11 1 1