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Night Editor-.NORMAN R. THAL
Von Hindenburg, the second presi-
dent of the German republic, a wolf
disguised in sheep's clothing, a mili-
tarist posing as a peace promoter, a
royalist the chief executive of a free
government! The very name of the
Field Marshal Paul brings to the mind
of the world alleged German atroci-
ties, the Kaiser's so-called plans for
world dominion, and the horrors of
the past war.
It is this feeling of revulsion and
alarm which is bound to sweep
through the nations that is the prin-
cipal cause for disappointment over
the result of Sunday's poll. It is in-
evitable that suspicion of Germany's
designs will be augmented. There will
be more talk about her failure to com-
ply with the Versailles treaty, there
will be fear that the Dawes plan will
* he cast aside by the new regime, and
there will be renewed apprehension
concerning the possible ascendancy
of Germany in the future. All that
has been gained in the past few
months toward a promotion of the
comparatively cordial relations be-
twee4 former hated rivals seems
about to be cast aside.
The German people will not be long
in realizing this. At present those
who voted for Von Hindenburg prob-
ably do not appreciate how they have
been duped by a combination of ill-"
gained popularity and political bom-1
bast. The light will be seen only when
the sentiments of the rest of the world
begin to take concrete form in re-
fusals of financial backing and the
like-if such proves to be necessary.
As a matter of fact the result of the
election is probably n'ot as serious as
the feeling it will arouse. Though it
cannot be doubted that the nationalist
faction of which Von Hindenburg is
the leader has designs on some res-
toration of the monarchy and that theI
Hohenzollerns hope in the future to
occupy positions of power there is lit-
tl, likelihood of this taking place.
(Jermnany is too much involved com-
mercially, too dependent on the world
for trade to phrmit such a calamity.
Thero is a possibility, of course,j
that the ,world .way be misjudging1
Von Ilindenburg. Perhaps his declara-
tions concerning peace are sincere. It
may be possible that he is the victim
THE NEXT MEAL claimed. A strict censorship has been
The daring and sagacity of the hu- applied to the wires leading to the
-man mind is indeed marvelous. Al)- outside. Yet, the papers tell us, some M U S I C
u parently there is no end to the cx- "news" seeps through the cordon. AND
tremities to which it will go in an Like that shot fired eleven years ago,
endeavor to solve one of the millions this bomb seems to be the forerunner D RA M A
i of problems which arise daily in the of another maelstrom of war, blood-
complexity of modern existnce. May shed and lies. Allow me to be more
s we present a vivid example. explicit. "THE LAST LAUGH"
e Since the first time that man arose Bulgaria during the war was one of According to all reports, the picture
from the ground in an aeroplane, and the Central Powers. As such she was of the year is the new German film,
the first time that he returned to an enemy of the Allied powers, includ- "The Last Laugh," with Emil Jan-
earth without the assistance of this ing our own country. Yet, these same nings in the leading role. Every New
- devise, it has been assumed that, in i allies immediately granted the Zan- York critic frankly lost all discretion
, any such sudden descent, the partici- kov government of Bulgaria permis- and blew the whole works on it. Rob-
pant lost all consciousness long be- sion to augment their army by means ert Sherwood, the movie critic, of
fore reaching the ground; that he was of conscription. This was so that the Life, devoted two entire issues to it,
mercifully oblivious of contact with reign of terror could be carried out representing it as "possibly, probably
the earth. But of late several great effectively, the greatest picture ever made." Rob-
minds, given to ponder upon such sub- The. same governments that kept ert Benchley, the dramatic critic on
jects, had come to doubt that supposi- the wires hot denouncing the protec- the same magazine, went even further
tion. It therefore became more or tive measures taken a few years ago and claimed that in "The Last Laugh"
less obvious that some sort of test in Soviet Russia, are now full of was "a movie which can make almost
must be arranged to decide the ques- praise for this orgy. It's all in the any play seem like the markings on a
tion. way you look at it. Cro-Magnon cave wall." "If the
The problem, however was not as But, and here's the comical part. In movies can capture humor as it was
one would assume, to obtain the serv- spite of the strict censorship, "news" captured, in this picture," he says,
ices of a person of sufficient bravery, reaches us that Russia is at the root "and with no evident effort, express it
or indiscretion, to perform this experi- of it all. This "news" was hatched in as it was there expressed, then we old
ment. The problem was how to per- newspaper offices. Pictures of Zino- theatric-boys had better pack up our
form it. Iviev, forged letters which give direc- leaden swords and learn a new trade."
The solution came last week when tions for tle bomb explosion, lies and The announcement, therefore, that
two aviators from Mitchell field, as- lies, are being dug, up. And that is this remarkable picture will be piro-
cended to the height of 3000 feet and right here in this country. An attempt sented in Hill auditorium Tuesday
leaped from their planes. The plan is being made to fasten the blame on and Wednesday evenings, May 5 and
was that their parachutes were not to Soviet Russia. Somebody has to be 6, under the auspices of the American
open until they had descended some the goat. 'The Soviet government, Association of University Women is of
1500 feet, and found if they were still Communist papers both here in this special interest. This organization
conscious. What was to be the pro- country.and in Europe, all are pro- has been the sponsor for the Paul
cedure should they loose conscious- testing-against this brazen falsehood Whiteman concert, the Clavilux, and
ness before that time was not made which someone is fostering. Mrs. Richard Mansfield in "The Goose
clear. The result may left to one's All students of history and modern Hangs High" without a single failure
more morbid imagination. current events, are aware that the in the entire list. An attraction under
It seems; however, that they were Balkan situation always has and al- their patronage has literally come to
still conscious at the 1500 foot mark, ways will be such. It is their mean the guarantee of a striking,
and so opened the parachutes and nature. original entertainment.
landed safely. They also brought to The Bulgarian government of assas- * * *
light several psychological facts of I sins, is known in Europe as a political THE ORGAN RECITAL
great interest besides, of course solv- puppet of Great Britain, the favorite Palmer Christian, University organ-
ing the problem at hand. They found child of Austin Chamberlain. It can ist, will offer the following program
e that in their downward flight, their be compared favorably with Poland, tomorrow afternoon at :15 o'clock in
r whole lives did not pass before them, the puppet of France. This Bulgarian Hill auditorium:
s 1
r as is the general belief. On the con- government seized power with the Allegro Marziale (Egyptian
n trary they report that their thoughts conniknce of the British government Suite)............... Stoughton
n were on the more prosiac subject of and ha held office since then by the Chant d'amour . . . . . . . . . . Stojowski
what their next meal would consist supporof the same government. Zan- Marche Champetre ............ Boex
of. They seemed to have taken it kov, the present premier, had Stam- Prelude and Fugue in A minor..Bach
for granted that they would have a boulsky the former premier murder- Fantasia from the Symphonic
next meal. ed; 15,000 peasants lost lives in the Suite, "Sheherazade" ........
Well, the problem is solved, and insurrections which he provoked in. ..............Rimsky-Korsakoff
perhaps the great minds are spending September, 1923. Since then he has "Kol Nidrei".... ..... . .........Bruch
restless nights trying to find another ruled with a mailed fist. When this Chant de printemps .........Bonnet
equally important and unsolvable arch fiend Zankov thought he had * * *
one. Again we repeat: the daring and pacified the country in 1924, he order- THE STUDENTS' ItECITAL
the sagacity of the human mind sur- ed an election. The "yellow social- The following numbers. will be in-
i passes all belief. ists" (European term) allied them- eluded in the Students' Recital to be
selves with him and bargained as to presented Thursday evening at 8
TEY O ONOT RATTLE the number of deputies both should o'clock in the School of Music:
Commupists throughout the world have. In spite of this, the Commun- Nocturne in E major........Chopin
have set and followed a precedent in ists and peasants polled 200,000 votes Five Waltzes from Op. 9..Brahms
late years which designates May 1 as and elected 25 deputies. Zankov then Marguerite Shattuck
the appropriate time of the year for made up his mind to eliminate his Alleluia.................umphries
the fostering of a general world-wide enemies by means of assassinations. Katherine Saunders
revolt against authority and demon- Since then Zankov has assassinated, Sonata in A major ..........Haendel
stration of the growing power of the at a conservative estimate 500 Com- Roselle Rider
"red" organization. Instead of a day i mnunists and peasants, not to speak Liebestraum, No. 38............ Liszt
of joyful celebration of the coming of I of the thousands he has executed in Stewart Churchill
spring it has become, in many Euro- mass. Those who manage to escape Elegie.......................Faure
pean countries at least, one of terror from the country were tricked to for- Scherzo.................Van Goem
and apprehension for the safety of the eign countries and executed there by Olive 'Wilbur
state. hired gunmen. This is not imagin a- Si ina vers .................. .Hahn
Next Friday is to be no exception to tion as similar charges against Rus- An Open Secret ...........Woodman
the May Days of the past few years if sia appearing in American Virginia Hobbs
there is any truth in the widespread are. The proof that an elaborate sys- Romance...................Sibelius
rumors which are being sent out fromn tem of assassination has been worked Elva Cuthbert
London, Paris and other great Euro- out by Zankov and his cronies has Trees.....................Rasbach
pean centers where much is made of been shown in George Landbury's The Response .... .......Brown
the international labor d ay. The ee- "Weekly," the editor of which is a To a Hill Top..................Cox
tion of Von Hindenburg as the new member of the English Parliament. Bessie Sickles
!German president wis interpreted as a IH as reproduced letters written by Gnomerweigen ................ Liszt
serious aggravation of the situation, Za v's.right hand man, Stancheff Frances Adams
especially in Paris where feeling toth Bulgarian minister in Rome, Accompanists: Marguerite Shat-
against the former field marshal is boasting openly of one murderand tuck, Lucile Graham.
most bitter. fiplanning others. The letter is too'* * *
The authorities in London, Paris, Ion rep duce here- "THE VANITIES"
Berlin and Constantinople have made Ti Jnua7, alone, 150 political as- A review, by Thomas P. Henry, Jr.
every sort of Precaution agast any sassinatfmns took place in Bulgaria by Aside from the famed-and justly
serious uprising, even going so fany! Zikov' tools. This government of so-Mr. Joe Cook, Earl Carroll's "Van-
serius priingeve gong s fa~ a
to suggest the banning of special May murderers is now trying. to use the I ities," playing at the New Detroit
Day assemblages. Reports from Wash- latest act of retaliation as an excuse theatre last week, were a sad failure.
ington state that the initcd( States for a fresh orgy of assassinations. The chorus of the production, "one
federal government has ordered no The motives behind the whole thing hundred and eighty beauties rivalling
precautionary measures, because of are too subtle for the American mind anything ever seen"-in the press-
the statements of the justice depart- ,to .comiprehend. It all simmers down agent's undiscriminating eye-were
'nent to the effect that no "sign of ex- to an' international struggle against but fifty pulpy. women, most of them
tra manifestations on May 1 in sym- Communism, seizing every opportun- recruited right in Detroit.
pathy with movements abroad" have ity toexecute a few more Communists, There were, apparently ,no princi-
been discovered. whether they are guilty or not. pals in the show; Kathryn Ray, Mr.
With all of the foment among the Communism is a more significant Cook and a likable dancer by the
nations across the Atlantic ver con-Iword in Europe than here in Amer- name of Chester Fredericks were the
,munism, the United States should con- ica. European politics center around only exceptions.
cider herself fortunate that there a-reit at the present time. This present Another young lady seemed to be
no very evident signs of such activity outburst is but the forerunner of starred in the production, why we
here. However, there is no point i11 many more to come. The spread of could not figure out. She. coupled
being smugly complacent to the point the flame will not be as rapid and with the mediocrity of the majority
of blindnes and officials would do well I sudden as it was 11 years ago against of the show, did more to spoil a good
to watch the movements in localities German Imperialism. It will smoulder three hours than even Joe Cook and
which are known to be radical strong- for a long while and then burst into his eight henchmen could reedem.
holds. The "reds" are not i-n the habit flame, giving "civilization" a war more Miss Desiree (Note that!) Tabor was
of rattling before they strike, horrid, gruesome and scientific than, apparently the prima donnas but as
the last. we could not understand a thing she
t We in America with our interests sang, 'except her yodeling, we will not
C AM'SPUS OPINION centered on jazz, radio, movies and pass opinion. In fact we went out
Anonymous Ormmunications will be "sodies" do not realize the internal especially between the acts to be sure
disegrd ed. hevna mes egrcommons. .s.
dinregarded.owheenamee ofgarmeu(i- struggles taking place in Europe. it was English she was murdering.
aints wlhwvr b eace s I
confidential iu>on request. America has not lived through what And now we turn to Mr. Cook, leav-
they in Europe have suffered for con- ing out entire mention of the remain-
INTEIPIET-AS YOU WISH turies. We should not be too hasty der of the vadueville acts which de-
To the Editor: in our condemnation, but try to view stroyed the evening. He, with eight
Eleven years ago a pistol shot fired the situation from afar with all-seeing of the funniest assistants he could
in the streets of Sarajevo unluckily 'eyes,-not with one eye shut or sen- have selected, carried off all the hon-
aimed at the head of an Austrian timental viewpoints. ors of the show. On the stage a good'
archduke started the blaze which The world is not war-sick, but pre- part of the time after the middle of the
flared over the world for four long paring for this war which I prophesy. first act, he did nothing but tell his
years. Witness the manoeuvers of the Ameri- pointless, exceedingly funny, stories
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