TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 1925 "IL MICHIGAN 1DAILY gE ,,"'. rifl E TAYLOR SOCIE[TY r Regent W. L. (Clemnents Is Named 1:11.n ber (of Advisory,,onunnittee of 01-ganization WILL CONVENE MAY 14 Regent W. L. Clements of Pay City, has been named a member of the ad- visory committee to arrange a three dcay coitfeience of the Taylor sociey -which will begin Thursday, May 14, in Ann Arbor at the 'invitation of the Ritn o ntiuesInSofia streets ~EXCAATING EXPEDITI'ON CL UB ELECTS OFFIERSj ; or TAKES TRIP To BRIMKA VATRECU LAR LUN i EON, Z" t l:(o,ti'H . ,ind t ie' : ., After openinfg up) several sareophi- llcion 0f olf is .:,fe:atur xd the t ao at Carthage, Tunis, eleven nmeni- ' rgulai hi- eeki y 1 uileOU of tIhe! 1taors of the University of lMichigan (')' m1(zIa)I ita _ oh sLid at 1.2:1.5 Archaelogical expedition headed hby o' clock 8 Ce in - ieChurch of F rot. lFrancis\W. lKelsey, of thl I~iiin (CI' ist. 1The st udnts eleel afor he' del,,artment , have started on a, 1,500) coming y ':val'I. \ .Aa g'27M1, mnile motor t i!' to Briska on Ithe edge 'presidon I ; ("a a 1.z T. I a a, 27, viae- ofth tmSahara desert. The 1purp~ose I presid eli ; 1IoI n 1oz(1. '11 ecre -' o f this t rip is to look for ruinsI which Eta ry; and Dona 3to '1', Su,, at, '2S' might be excavated. ESt udaut reaszurer. ('arlt (liiWe](.Ph;!of j Count de Trorok, who is represent-, the rhet oi a 4epallm~efli wslh:l in" the F'renich government on the a> fa ulty treasur er. '[he z 1 lI 0 expedition, is a member of the party dire tflrs wich(1i WO Ad,'IAat wh'iceh is taking ,the motor trip. i li' l inen,(o-'istS 01 ihs..1). Gw orge R?. Swain of the. Latin depart - M skor, 1.'iCmhe tti bi meinit alld official University plioto 0 spezo 1 ii g a; =a eat. Itis IHold rup, fgrapher is also taking thle trip to . i'1I.,'.aIQ si-lhat,' i Pr IOfessfor Kelsey is in Italy at. pro'- Td ad : -xvio s t m lakinig iilans for fart her re V uI 'S oUt ta e51iL; _, rab and excavating. lHe xwillre h i i t1 U'Sgitp oft rn to Tunis in a shorttime. t iil i' 2 : ; : , , .; lio .-P -lililni 11tH or RWE D' T"4 i C;, A S i PnTS'Aj For sale 611 11 Univecrsity Phone 115 f oent. of i he University. Ani execii- tive Coiltliittee has beenl appoin ted,#"'yt>6ao c Onsl,;tillg OF Prof. Charles 13. Gordy of the mechanical engineering do-,.r ) Ya partment, Prof. Orlan W. Boston or #} }la a thle enginceering machine shops, Prof.i Clarence S. Yoakumip, of the School offI Bfusilless Administration, Dean Ead- ! :Iz>> ' ":::<'x. znunr1 F,. ]ay of the same school, and(:1 ' , , ,.> : ,: :t °'~ 'xG. Joseph. A. Ilursicy, Dean of Student~. :. Th alrscey lI~lwl ethere for the first time since 1916, is an international organization for the!)o tizofhesenef manlageient, founded by1.Prof. IFred- :.:::,:" :,,, ;, : --. e-rh!k 'AT. Taylor of the School of flu si ness A din istration. t:>:::I,, ;: .:"::::": . . ..::>.::: . The meetings are he ld three tlimes . >-. v ;,: .., :.:;;: , each year, once in New Y.ork and IC the.,tJ~ ,offse.ttwo t ime., in other cent( L 5.. The Ann Arbor meetingw ,g: :::::::..> - : y.. en over to discussions of t he adm in- * istrative problems of the automlobile -".r )ma:. y. ind ;ty, the h ankers' andm .v.t.rif s'f interest in good industrial inanag'- 1 *.tO - ment, scientific office management, ex- ~~2(/kD~~ perimental psychology in p)ersonnel , Strees of Sofia conthi1111 to fie the Bele(f (' 1 tiolal riotiing f(,iiien tad ty revoflitoinla r* elemnentis att 0111i ag problems, and other outstanding Pro])- to overt brow the Pilgarian golverane Andl : ,^lc, 11i jolt ohit'i V(iSliilie ca t lii axveri, govera ime nt.tfo icesar bins f prsent(lay ianaeiuet. Ishtot inliown Jili 1(1reds 0ofSn spist s vii holnlt ,til. T'i s is heI'ala I st photo to belie ivl vd im ilSofia, shoxx - The discussions will be presided over i~000 i i i tet n I i oeIle11itghgn by leading industrial executives of the conr. i If ' l i lI ~I( 1tiIS i1f'S'i(1 f1111 othir'r Wa,"illpro- ~~l<.i 'nola soilion of*sulphuric e'cid cThe meetings will he open to any- ci ' __ - 11 u 25011 w f' hot, watle'. The anid pot ilt in 4 lobrolna toe, thriee one interested in the matters disens s- I I '~I~~J ed and visitors will be permitted to p i is W i f(ii I )11 inh ii (afiii plile ll 1 01'the x aiijl igsiedw,<(tr(tilbe(ufewhichl take Hart in the discussions. ? 10e g J 91101 h.od a , i1121lu Ie xx ;ttee is:>the iiial rnsinig o' the lushe(s, i __ ._-1Iil. xal~i'is ipj d'4- gshr~tld ryia- oven Wlteoa Ithe Geneva, April 27.--Estimates of the.etl Iilt'X i" 1505 lild asi if s.11xvIiioheil~illydriedl, a n AlCI of t riaill ,t e soP 5111 i:I st.e '~ i l 0 a i Iiii l) 'lI11,i. '. j~u ii 'to i oil tieposists in tihe dispuited iViosaI 1 I o 1 area in Mesopotamia are said by morn- nltiY11ttii ae trxiiI'i iic i21t X: is n; i IOI ~- ______ byl P 'lt lwl )'i ers of the League of Nations invest- washed in t iehe (w isxa 1:1>ei as 5 V. dr" hch %-a c m leedansi f l: t11 Fx, X Aili 3. - a l igation to have been greatlyexag,- tn' hc a ~ipee ~~ 'a.~ I' Ii I e3 ,1 1) 1 it)tvIIi.i27 -Saiu geae.IThe 11851 li dtItiliLy c"'~eneiit~t. .' IK Tr,2(1 0e )01>o h i olicca, Calif., xwen the next meeting. Your order NvIll rece'v e p~ros apt and courteous at- tentin. R'EAD THE' CLASSIFIEl) ADS, li~i ii l Ii.ius ~\s ~sli fl.i t }° 17'los -:t )e 1lit.( te I i thesi:III . . .....M.. ., .--s_____._. . a ; 1 :'- v ttu I iii)I 1),,of L eo unltad States (1 ood roads and 'iaal (1:1 l mr (1151 ut iv xa -iii og xill bIsthe lalBita d lleo 4 1 iway asso3ciat lon. at minimum cost Itineraries' include France, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Holland,Austria, Czecho Slovakia,j Switzerland, and the British Isles. Student Third Class 314 ,oa64 days S-305-$845 including passage both ways, hotels, m~eals, railroads, sightseeing, etc. Descriptive booklet, outlining all tours, daces visited, costs, etc., mailed upon request UNIT I) DAMERICANL E (HA N E) joint Seri Nce dt Sarflaa mflnaaan.- .flfl~nrsJat 1 .4, i :1 . ".'1 +' ¢i: {j:, _ ':' i . F= s _ - rti t '1 % i j ; ., ". I NI } r iHIM 46 1 . fit.. r r G v l .J ! v .:is 7:t4 . -4 EN R."MEfIRR ESISTIBHLE A .. G . ISCREEN ISUP'REMACYISIGNIFICANTllIN 81T S MNEA -NING NOW PLAYING The Absolute Naximuwm In Te ,World of Fun! ft's A'mo kuv 1Relew' ;d fl IThis is the Cat OIdPD l a,.a I()N 7I hat Killed the Rat g 'What Ate the Malt a, l That Lai in, the - il Huse Tlht ChIarIic'vrB tuilt i qjkid, IIIIIlfI ~Not AllillllCross-I ordili111111I Puzzkllll ead / Yo~ Sek Plasur r0 1,0 ' t No . res o u eo'k 0 110 "4 If z~l 0a C w Cit)A ' W 0 I-aa OT0 l(a.-"(T \ ,, 6 S - -- --e-.- __ __ __ __ _ 7 Added4' POLICY S is yAwrc" Al eI t-L,"P.it,;fW 2":00 and 3:40. al 1 ho It~RPIEH i 0 CONTINUED:''Clevrer Fcllah, if -you litc' "Guess I'll take it in"-- "If you do you'll iearn howt)t plan pool"- "How's that?" "Spend 50 celts, ysu -1- xl .__ kill you"- And S6, Far Into the Nig t 1,2-,' the Brave Six Flun ire - Gigglesto the Right of T - :__ ° - jo 14 'It will mov'e tc to tears anyor y yspark ..of sym t r. a, trials and hump "'~ his fellow men. ALSO Eskimo Pie- Ey ~J~j~' /( S~t~presents 'edt NETI v ',' _:,, i i I i r,