DEDICATED TO JUSTICE cl. Amf ~Iai I MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS -Ob. XXXV. No. 152 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 1925 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS I j - HDONRVIW RE PRINCIPAL WORKS OF LEAGUE HARVARD LAW PROFESSOR SAYS HE CAN NOT PROVE IT AVERTED WAR DISCUSSION HELD tstablished Tradition And Habit Of Conference Lacking Before World War Declaring that the League of Na- tions was a continuous, existant body, Dr. Manley O. Hudson, Bemis professor of international =law at Harvard university, reviewed what he believed to be the definite accom- plishments of the League in his lec- ture on "The Dead League of Na- tions," given last night in Natural science auditorium. "The League has accomplished three things," Dr. Hudson asserted. "First, it has established a tradition and a habit of conference. Prior to the Great War, those interested in in- ternational peace could only look for- ward to another Hague conference sometime in the future. There was no definite time set for such a confer- once, which would discuss the prob- lems of war which might arise. But in the five years of its existence the League has established a conference with a memiberships of 55 nations, which is sure to meet each year at a definite time, for Which plans can be made by the various foreign offices. The League does not discuss war problems alone, but problems of daily international life. In addition to the 34 meetings of the League council, numerous conferences upon varied subjects have resulted from League meetings. "We can not say definitely that the League has averted war. There is no way to prove that; had the League not proposed arbitration in the Pol- ish-German boundary dispute and in the Smyrna and Corfu affairs, war woild have resulted. Nor can we say that should an acute situation arise, such as in 1914, the League could positively save the peace of the world. But we do know that the League in these instances at least contributed to stopping a possible war, and in the future the fact that there is such a conference as the League may avert war. "The second definite accomplish- ment of the League," Dr. Hudson continued, "is the bringing into use of alternatives to force in times of crises. The method used has been to confer until an impassable obstacle is encountered, then to reorganize the conference upon different lines, and again proceed as far as possible. "Thirdly; is the contribution of the League to the development of inter- national law. To insure peace, a law must be built upon which people 'would be willing to rely instead of war. The League has established a Permanent court of international jus- tice. In the three years of its func- tioning, the court has tried 16 cases, fendered five judgments, and ten ad- visory opinions. "The claim has been made that the League has not attempted the codifi- cation of international law. And this is true. But the time was not oppor- tune for the states which are mem- hers of the League to attempt such a thing. What they have used the machinery of the League for is to meet specific problems of interna- tional common life, such as labor, transportation, customs, commerce, the opium traffic, and the like." In conclusion, Dr. Hudson stated that the entrance of the United States into the League is inevitable. We now cooperate with the League in its various conferences, he said. Following the address, Dr. Hudson answered questions on the League and international problems, pro- pounded by the audience. Acting President Alfred H1. Lloyd presided at the meeting. Tickets For Freshman Banquet Ats nionThursday Seli Fast, Trickets for the freshman banquet quet and the Varsity quartette will which is to be hield Thursday in the sing several selections. Fred Law- main -?ssernbly hail of the Union are ton, '11, author of The Victors, willj being sold rapidly, according to the be the principal speaker on the pro- committee in charge and all first gram. James K. Miller, '25 will pres- year men who have not yet secured ent the plans of the spring games to their, tickets are urged to do so at th, freshmen and William Diener, once as thf n hi '2; will give a short talk on the work MAKE-BELEVE R NEAR PHILIPPINES ENDED YESTERDAY COMMANDERS OF BOTH "BLUE" ANI) "BLACK" FORCES CLAIM VICTORY NO DECISION GIVEN GERMANY'S CHOICE OF VON HINDENBURG FRIGHTENS FRANCE OTHER EUROPEAN NATIONS VIEW ELECTION WITH REGRET, NOT FEAR ENGLAND HOPEFUL Debates Tonight I FACULTY-STUDENTS DISCUSS ATHLETIC QUESTION TONIGHT 1, CABOT AND ALEXANDE4R TO OPPOSE REED AND CLARDY, '2L '27L, unew3ue numuer of men wnich can be accomodated in the assembly hall is limited. aihe banquet is being held by the social committee of the freshman,. class headed by Thomas C. Winter, '28 and the underclass department of the Union under William L. Diener, '26. The object of the affair is to af- ford an opportunity for the class to meet as a unit before the spring games May 8 and 9. An orchestra has been secured to furnish music throughout the ban-, of the underclass department for the year. All other speakers will be freshmen. Burton Hyde, '25M, will give a zylophone solo. Henry Grinnell, '28, will give a number of class announcements and Charles Johnson, '28, captain of the freshmen at the fall games will also talk. There will be a meeting of all offi- cers of the freshman class at 7:30 o'clock tonight at which plans for the games will be discussed. 1 HISTORIANS Will[ MEET HERE, MAY1 Many Authorities To Give Papers On Various Phases of American History VAN TYNE IS CHAIRMAN Opening its eighteenth annual con- vention on Thursday, April 30, in De- troit, the Mississippi Valley Histori- cal association will come to Ann Ar- bor the following day for its second session. Prof. C. H. Van Tyne of the history department will be chairman of the meeting. Five addresses are scheduled for the morning session on Thursday, at which Prof. F. H. Hodder, of the his- tory department of the University of Kansas, who is head of the associa- tion, will preside. A. T. Volwiler of Wittenberg college will discuss the I "Anglo-French Rivalry ,in the Ohio. Country Before 1754." Prof. C. E. Car- ter of the history department of the University of Miami will speak on the "Establishment of British Royal Gov- ernment in the Mississippi Valley." Robert R. Russell, of the Michigan State Normal school, will discuss the l "Pacific Railway Issue in Politics Prior to the Civil War." John O. Ran- kin of the University of Nebraska will speak on "Nebraska Farm Land Prices, 1869-1925" and F. E. Haynes of the University of Iowa will talk on the "Significance of the Latest Third Party Movement." The society will have luncheon at the Detroit Public library, and hold its afternoon meeting in the library. At this meeting William T. Utter of I Ohio State university will discussI "Kentucky and the Courts in theI t820's"; Oscar C. Person will talk on the "Student Secession in Lane Sem- inary;" T. P. Abernethy, of the Uni- vesity of Chattanooga will discuss the "Origin of the Whig Party in Tenn- essee." Two other addresses are also scheduled. The Friday program at Clements' library includes an address of wel- come by Randolph G. Adams, custo- dian of the library; and addressest by Prof. Louis Karpinski of the math- ematics department, G. W. Brown of the history department, and Nelson V. Russell also of the history depart- ment. Mr. Russell is chairman of the committee on local arrangements. ANNOUNCE AEO BALL APPLICATIONS' Will Receive Requests For Senior Dance Tickets on Wednesday And Thursday LIMIT TO 275 COUPLES Applications for tickets to the Sen- ior ball, which will be held Friday May 22, will be received in the lobby of the Union Wednesday and Thurs- day between 3 and 5 o'clock, it was decided at a meeting of the Senior Ball committee yesterday. With the exception of making a final decision on the two orchestras which will be engaged, plans for the ball have been completed. The committee is confident that this year's affair will be the most pretentious event the graduating class has ever given. Two of the leading orchestras in this part of the country have been practically selected from a long list of applicants, and .a final decision will be made by the committee in the next few days. Music will be con- I tinuous from 10 to 2:30 o'clock. The number of tickets this years has been limited to 275, which is con- siderably smaller than in the past few years. This is due to the fact that the Union ball room has been selected for the dance in preference j to Waterman gymnasium. The latter was thought too large for the senior event by the committee. Only mem-! bers of the senior class will be per-I mitted to file applications for the ball. ' Special emphrasis is being laid this1 year on the decorations, which will be unusually elaborate. According to j present plans the ball room will be r greatly transformed for the occasion. Refreshments will be served during the evening, and elaborate favors will j be given. Tickets will sell for $5. ] MAOR BURDICK CHOSEN Major Harold D. Burdick has been transferred from Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, to the University where he will succeed Major William T. Car- penter as professor of military science and tactics on July 1. The appointment comes following Major Burdick's graduation from the Com- mand and General Staff school at Oahu, Containing Pearl Harbor Naval Apprhenslion Exists That Field! Station, Objective of Marshall May Prove Weak Attackers Politically Honolulu, April 27, (By A. P.)- London, April 27, (By A. P.)@The ]The joint army and navy maneuvers election of Field Marshall Von Hin- for 1925 were officially concluded at denburg to the German presidency noon today. The tactical exercise is regretable but not a catastrophe in was declared ended with the capture the opinion expressed in the various by the "blue" attacking force of European countries, except France Haleiwa which guards the Pearl har- where the German people by electing bor naval base. the field marshall are held to have The umpires of the maneuvers late thrown off the mask and issued a today were receiving contentions challenge to France and the allies. from commanders of both the "blue" The Paris press appears to believe attacking forces and the "black" de- that not much separates Von Hinden- fenders, preliminary to the commenc- burg from. a monarchic militarist. ent of the verbal "war" to decide who Outside, of France, however,=so far won the maneuver "war." as views are available, the election of The military exercises concluded Von Hindenburg" although it clearly today were the most extensive ever disturbs officials and popular opinion attemnpted by the U. S. army and iis neither a great surprise nor con- navy. sidered a great disaster. England's For the purpose of the problem the earnest hoes were expressed before Hawaiian Islands, or more specific- the election that the German electors ally the island of Oahu, were assumed would take a sensible course and to be in the hands of an enemy torce, avoid placing at the head of the na- the "black." sThe United States tion a man who, although his hon- feet with a skeleton landing force of esty, sincerity and even possibly his Marines was sent out from San Fran- devotion to the republic under the ex- cisco to capture the island. isting conditions, could not be doubt- Contact between the "blue" and the ed, yet could hardly escape becoming "Llack" was established Saturday a rallying center for reaction and the morning. The objective of the "blue" military spirit. Now that the unde- was the capture of Oahu, containing sirable event has happened no dispair the Pearl Harbor naval station, the is visable and many hope that thingsI only base of its kind in the islands. will turn out better than at present Thte "war" between the two forces, {appears possible: handled mostly by airplanes and sub- The apprehension that exists is notl I I i , i i s E . li i . i . f Photo by Rentschler1 Dean Hugh Cabot Dean Hugh Cabot of the Medical school, who will oppose Prof. Thomas H. Reed of the political science de- partment in the Student-Faculty de- bate on the question: "Intercolleg- iate athletics, in their present form,) are objectionable and should be mate- rially modified," at 8 o'clock tonight in Hill auditorium. ALUMNI POOL FUND Estimates That $8,000 Out of $11,000 Guaranteed by Graduates Has Been Raised REST EXPECTED SOON While complete figures are notl available, it was yesterday estimatedI DAY WILL PRESIDE Debate Arranged by Oratorical Board With University Senate's Cooperation "Intercollegiate athletics, in their present form, are objectionable and should be materially modified," has been announced as the subject of the first Faculty-Student debate to be held at 8 o'clock tonight in Hill aud- itorium. Dean Edmund E. Day of the School of Business Administra- tion will act as chairman. Dean Hugh Cabot of the Medical school and Prof. Thomas H. Reed of the politfcal science department are the .two faculty members who will oppose each other in the debate, each supported by a student. K. F. Clardy, '25L, will join with Professor Reed in presenting the affirmative side of the question against the combination of Ray L. Alexander, '27L, and Dean Cabot. Although Dean Cabot was never a member of a college debating team he is considered a speaker of nation- al distinction and will furthermore be voicing his personal views regard- ing the status of athletics, having been a football player during his un- dergraduate days. Professor Reed is likewise a distinguished speaker and represented Harvard university against Princeton as a member of a Harvard debating team. iThe two student renresentatives marines continued Saturday and yes- on accoun terday. sonality n prove fail Iconstitutic MITCHELL TO CONTINUE but that politicall those aro AIRts,,be FI__A COLONEL uld be and mnilt Washington, April 27.-Within a few hours after he should surrender the HO stars which for almost five years have marked him a Brigadier General, assistant chief of the army air serv- ice, Colonel William A. Mitchell, ap- 1 peared today before a group of officer; who had gathered to bid hin} farewell and take up a new his fight for unifiedt air service. While he had found it impossible to do anything to promote the air serv- ice through the war and navy depart-I ments, Colonel Mitchell said he would continue his efforts " before the peo- ple and Congress." He made it plain; that he would continue his fight re-I gardless of whether he was a general or an officer of lower rank, whether t he was in Washington or Texas. Brigadier General James Fetchel,t former conimander of the advanced flying school at Kelly field, Texas, took over the office and rank vacatedj by Colonel Mitchell, and Major Gen- eral Patrick, chief of the army air Opportt ture that lastic rei critics, "'. forded n May 5 am given in auspices the Amen sity Won made po: of the M "The L titles of stead up( the actin and actio played b; leading c nt of Von Hindenburg's per- by the Alumni association that more have both been members of Michigan nor for any fear that he will than $8,000 of the $11,000 guaranteed debating teams, Clardy, in addition, ihless to the republic, whose by University graduates to finish the having been a member of the Michi- n onhe has franikly accepted, fIantby wiUniversity Ofod he might prove too weak I Union pool has now been raised gan team which opposed the Oxford to resist the intrigues of k T. Hawley Tapping, '11L, field secre- team last semester. Alexander de- yund hei, hoe oneriea oftary of the association, gave out par- bated on a victorious team last year restoration of the monarchy tially complete figures, and it is ex- and has been active in the campus rrism. pected that the remainder of the fund public speaking societies, this yea' arsm. will be raised in a short time. being president of the local chapter 1 Alumni clubs all over the country of Delta Sigma Rho, honorary public tEL T are aiding in raising the quota, which speaking fraternity was guaranteed last fall by the asso- The debate has been arranged by ciation. At that time more than $5,- the Oratorical board with the cooper- ?000 was raised on the campus to com- ation of the University Senate. The Hl1E1BE T WEi 'plete the pool and the graduates purpose of the debate is to provide agreed to double the amount con- a means of open discussion on topics unity to see the motion-pic- tributed by the students. a of immediate and pressing interest, has received such enthus- ; Detroit has contributed the most particularly those subjects relating to views from the New York money, their total now amounting to the campus. In the event that to- The Last Laugh", will be af- $1,715, while Chicago is second on the night's debate vindicates the experi- ext Tuesday and Wednesday f list with $1,500. Of these clubs De- ment it is planned to continue with nd 6, when the film will be troit las more than 4,000 members debates of a similar nature. Hill auditorium under the to draw upon and Chicago has 2,000. Millard H. Pryor, '25, president of of the Ann Arbor branch of New York is third with $1,000 and a the Oratorical association will act as rican Association of Univer- membership of 800. ' presiding officer. There will be no en. The engagement WasI In this campaign the clubs are be- admission charge and the public is ssible through the courtesy ing divided according to districts. invited to attend. ajestic theater. 1 The third district of the association, ast Laugh" employs no sub- I made-up of eastern PennsylvaniaHUbbI I W on the rem arkable quality of com e nearest to filling its quota with t e a ha c r $ 6t n e r 5a d g to explain the characters I$465 of the necessary $500 raised, n. The leading role is Philadelphia has contributed $315,ODWA LIUMRKOW y Emil Jannings, one of the Washington $100 and Harrisburg $50.__ ontinental artists, for many The first district, made up of New nnected with Max Reinhardt, York and New England has contribu- Hon. William L. Huggins of New us German impressario. ted a total of $1,527. New York City York City, former chief justice of the for the entire house will be 4 has donated $1,100 of this and the fol- Kansas court of Industrial Relations 50 cents, and all proceeds I lowing cities have also contributed: which just recently has been declar- donated to the Woman's Buffalo $155, Elmira $125, Boston $62 i ed unconstitutional by the United uilding. and Albany $85. - J States Supreme court and James Wil- __________________________________son of Cincinnati, vlce-~nresident of ( the American Federation of Labor Ni AME NES Council Of Honor will debate in Hill auditorium at 8 Ho ssE tn o'clock tomorrow night on the sub- Houses Entertain ject "Capital vs. Labor." lTf LfTeH oconlhlabrd- The debate is being ield under the The Honor council held a- bridge- auspices of the Round Table club and tea Saturday afternoon from 2:30 un- no admission will be charged. ations for officers of the Or- til 5 o'clock at the Alpha Phi house.i Mr. Wilson has been president of association were submitted Twelve tables of bridge were in play. the pattern makers union for 23 nominating committee of the Dean Jean Hamilton' and Mrs. A. years, having been elected to that al board at a meeting held I S. Hobart were the guests of honor.1 position at the age of 26. k. The following candidates ( Spring flowers formed the decorative ected to appear on the reg- note. Those holding high scores npus ballot: William C. Dix- were Geraldine Mastens, '26 andj and Elmer H. Salzman, '27L, Charlotte Wardell, '27. The committee PUBLICATIONS NOTICE ident; Frank P. Weaver, '26. in charge consisted of Catherine Lard- { abeth Van Valkenburgh, '26, ner, '26, chairman assisted by Ruth ; The Board in Control of Stu- -president; Dorothy I. Cline, Moore, '28 and Helen Shaw '27. j dent Publications will hold its guerite V. Dutton, '26, and The next meeting of the Honor meeting for the appointment M. Olden, '27, for secretary; Council will be held at 4 o'clock of managing editors and busi- . Merkel, '27, and Robert S. I Wednesday at Newberry Hall. ( ness managers of student pub- 27, for treasurer. 1 lications on May 9, 1925. Each , i AgLUMNUS F FOR SEN Seniors of all subscriptions to organ tof the 1 when they pay the Treasurer's nounced yesterd official. This a when the cl groups to thei the seniors in architecture. limn niumnrmiTO service, were among the officers pres- years con ent. Both praised Colonel Mitchell's the famo work in the air service. Tickets sold at5 Earl Of Balfour Lile b, Gets Cabinet Job_ Iondon, April 27.-The Earl of Bal- II1AI t C e 1111 I TMEN Port Leavenworth this June, and four today joined the British cabinet i Major Carpenter's assignment to duty being appointed Lord Presldent of the l at the Army War college, Washing- council in succession to Marquis Cur classes can pay their ton, D. C. zon, who died recently. the Alumnus, official Major Burdick was graduated from He will not, however, become gov- INomin Alumni association, the U. S. Naval Academy in 1908, and ernment leader in the House of Lords, atorical their Diploma Fee at served in the navy until 1912 when,i the post held by Lord Curzon. That by the n office, it was an- he was commissioned in the army. He duty will fall upon the Marquis of Oratoric day by the Alumnus served as a lientenant,colonel of field i Salisbury who is a younger man. Lord last wee irrangement was made artillery during the late war, and af- Sbiisbury is 64 years old and Lord were sel asses subscribed as ter being recommissioned in. the coast Balfour 77. ular cam magazine, except for artillery corps, was professor of mil- on, '26,{ engineering and in itary science and tactics for three Free Gun Supply for pres I years at the University of Kansas. s and Eliz an each of the grad- Vanishes Inz Hour frvc dho rtlial to thn fr ie t Our VateraMai% i Under this pi z . uates will pay tnreeco larsPLoL11 o LI'2,ta Alumnus, fifty cents of which will be IetLLhaiiCOafasiTnanho '2 M r refunded to the class treasury for any ILUUlItV RII~ More than 800[0 packages in an hour Miriaml fu1thc s srfr yis the record established yesterday by I.wis F purpose desired. Seniors in the en- I E Ribers of te business staff Mi, F gineering college and the School of when they distributed samples of Architecture are collecting their sub- Iwhegey"- distrbut s e o scription through class committees I ____ urisey's th-e gium whc wr and these payments will not be Made I Washington, April 27.-Representa- furnished by the advertising depart-I through the Treasurer's office. tive Nelson, of Wisconsin, chairman ment of that company. The original In addition to the campus sub-! of the LaFollette-Wheeler national plans had called for a distribution to scription drive, the Alumnus is carry- committee in the last presidential last over a two day period, but the Iowa ing on a campaign among the alum- i campaign, announced today that with supply was exhausted in little more coming ni clubs over the country, working the opening of Congress he intended t n .Illinois through club officers. to launch a fight to curb the acti.-tyrUniversi of the department of justice which,iRussel Forner back in t Lansing, Mich., April 27.-The he said, had been abusing its powers' . . n ed three 41 Lose Game To Hawkeyes 9.7; City, Iowa, April 27.-Over a five run lead piled u'p by in the opening inning, the ty of Iowa baseball team came he fourth frame and hammer- Illinois pitchers for five runs, i I I Baseball Scores AMERICAN LEAGUE St. Louis 10, Detroit 8. Chicago 12, Cleveland 4. Philadelphia 8, New York 0. Washington 2, Boston 1. applicant for a position is re- quested to file seven copies of his letter of application at the Board office in, the Press build- ing no later than May 4, for the use of seven members of the Board. Carbon copies, if legi- ble, will be satisfactory. Each letter should state the facts as to the applicant's scholastic rec- ord in the University, hip ex- ---expects cooler weather and prob. able rain. i I