P'AGE EIGH{T Tfl7 N IC-,AN DAILY SA'fTURDAYi, FEBRU-ARY 14, 1923 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publicatin In the Bulletin 1s constructive notice ti., all Members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to th,*a -,osident until 3.30 x. M, (It 30 a. n. Saturday.y Nexv French Ambassador Takes Offic ? JAUSl absolutely thne last day for acepthIS SU ayets htthgrerm~ i I litii1t nearly next xwee?;. g;amxes, and grourp disecs ons of th hihschool stuldents; of Tecunsl.. 'I!igt, six differeut mee±:tngs of rU(,n ,'ad o.)s have been arranged. volumoi SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1925 Q a To the Senate Cnnell: An adjourned meeting of the Senate Council will be held V~oay, 'b- ruary 1.6 at 4:15 P. M. in the Fresident's office. Priispecle Cocl ege anid niversfty Tleaehr: The American Council oni Education, Dvision of College and IUiversty Personnel, asks that new Masters and Doctors who are considering entering the iprofession of college andI univrity teaching reister with the Council. No registration fee is charged nor is there any conmission il case of ap- pointmxent. Registration blanks are to be had at the office. of the Graduate School, Room 1014, Angell Hall. A. I. Loy. Graduate FllowshIis and Sholarshps for 192).2: Applications for Fellowships and Scholarships for 125-2) in the Grad nate School should be made not, later than March 1. Blanks and informna tion may he had at tho office of the School, 1014 Angll halll. Information will be given also about other graduate fellowship;;, i- luding the following: the Parish Fellowship, awarded by tne lUiveisiy of Michigan and available for foreign study; the fellowships in Interna tional Law, offered by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; the felloAwships of the Robert .Brookings Graduate School of Economics and Government ;the fellowships offered by the Michigan School of Religion, and the National Melowships in Religon. A. I. Lloyd. Sludeut Lon Fonda~: The February meeting of the iversity Committee on Student Loans will, be held the lter part of next week. Students desiring to have their applications for loans acted upon at that time should apply at Room 2, UlniversityT',F l fr blatiks on or before February 16th. j0 .1.if1.frsley, (Chairmant University (otem tee ol Student Loans. Chemistry G5: Beginining IV~ndy February 16, all laboratory section in Chemistry 65 will meet from 5-6 P. M. in Room 122, Chemistry Building. French Play ltyoit: Those interested in trying out for the French Pay please meet me in Room 202 South. Wing, Monday at 4: 00o'clock P. M. TRoert V. Finney. League of" Yat$s ns :iPrtlsan "Asociaion: Raymond P. Fosdlck of the New York Bar will speak on "Organizing Our International Relations" at 8 o'clock Monday night in Natural Science auditorium. Profesor J. S. Reeves of the political science (department will Introduce Mr. Fosdk. Members of the Association andl any others inter- ested are Invited to atend. Edgar It. Alle. University :% vttcey11111]Audtorlnm, Sndany, Fe. 15th, 7:30 . . Speaker 11r. James C. Baker, Minister of the Trinity Methodist Church, Urbana, Il., Dirhector of Wesley. Foundation. Topic, "The Buiildng of Student Morale." 'Music by the Methodist Church Choir. iiversity of flelitpn Band: Special rehearsal this afternoon at 230 at the hand headquarters in l~orrishial--.Report, this evening-at 7:00 o'cock: at the Yost Field Hos in full dress uniforms without capes to play for the basket ball gm. A full ttendance is desired at both these meetings. Arthur :1L Smith, Student Mangr. Pit els 1(apjhi: Phi De tit kppa meets at 5;30 at the Union for its initiation bnq:;et Dr. Bode, of Ohio State University, will give the address. Subject-"Thv - retical and Practical Knowledge." Clarence J. Whitne, SeCy. Taclty;:, Celege of Lltterature, Science, and Me A~ts: The February meeting of the Faculty will be held on Monday, February 1Gth, at 4:10 in Room 2225 Angell Hall. John I. Ehifirlfer. Geology :31: BeginningfMotlday the class will meet in Room G 217 N. S. for l etures. After 1:030 of. Saturday seating list and quiz and laboratory sections will he found poste(Pon bulletin board at east entrance to N. S. building. Do't Brrow--Subscribe Today . 'A .LdJ IbH Il l rI I II UU In 1 11~ lI~lI~f l church service , on Sunday # WIAI SEN S TUUL I mcrnng will We, conducted by stu-. Today mins thelaCLst lposible; nTrhiarri .fln'awill be (conducted on *.recumn chance for pa yment of suoscriptions TO 1LUM1VIHMLfl CJsoh s G'ts sstCne tedrc for the 1925 Michiganvnsian, books be-! tioni of Maurice Rhodes, '25L, and ing closed by the business manage-, !fice Crocker', of the department of iilcnt at 5 o'clock this afternoon. The' Thirty-two students left yesterday public~ speaking. booths flat have be~en ms,.intain3ed in afternoon by b.us for Tecumseh under ,_____________ the I Irar v andi AngellI hall foi- he the dlirection of the extension depart~1Sud~ ' last three das, will he enen from ; eto h Student Christian associa- vrA9~ &cokuntil noon. Faymenrt in the tHon.I ChangeAddress a ft e r n o o n mn u st b e m a d e b y p e r s o n a t A M ic h ig a n w e e k - e n d o p e n e d la s t it e o c s i h ' e s u l i g , o ' m g t w t a q e t T c m e I checks miailed to the 'Ensign office.i Group discussions andl addresses will!Records of The Daily show that Ac c .ding; to a new ar rangemient, feature the program. mori than 300 students have signed made for the conflvenience of. those- stir-I Norman Johnston, '25, Herbert Steg-chneoadrsslptusfrhi dents who cannot ipay for the sub- or '25, George Baker, '2,Ed, Robert; semester. A large number of these; scriptioni at the p..esent, timie, but wvill Fisher, '25E, andi Carlos Garcia-Pradai students are freshmren. he able to do so after the first of of the Romance languages dlepartmenti A few of these changes are due to next mionth, checks in paymnrrt. of the, were the speakers at the banquet last; t iets leaving school or graduatng, subscrizptions may be (date(d ahiead to night at which more than 300 attend-;11last semester. Si arc 5,1 2 .Ed Pe r Ha d n '2 ,p ei e t o;In order to make t he yearbook the Stuident Christ ian asociation, was Berne, Feb. 13,---.The Swiss army hats available for distribution about May 1, towtastr 'of the evening, contracted for 5,00j light m~achrine it has been necessary to make todlay Tolday xwill he oeccupied with hikes, g uns to cost 2,250 francs eachi. M M® ®®®® aE ana X0a a r® a® o a® M®®e 0 a® aa a®U SECOND SEMESTER I® I TEXT-BC)OKS 0 13 10,000O SECOND-HAND WILL SAVE YOU U U WA 'wl-RS BOOKS THAT e MONEY U tJN IV E RS~tIT y B00K STORE m [311E D. A IAIlSNER, R SI i mum mmuuummu ®U!81u®m m u ®t ®RU U U®U m m m,..,, h am21bassa)l' an' I o \aSliii ;'omi Ifrom Fraiice, (;'?Uctdin ;' l.i. 4(i I'1ler(i. 11 has are nt'Cd~tth le c('S~l a T5i(I =s- 3SlaesskFor F'aills man :ebeurvu (of apiiaint- iii en ts to;I I eta (lif s in 1 924 camie fromu :39 at, 2 on l. ing possessions, and 9. fourirci c ountries, while tplacenments for tac2 year ('0ver l1 states, 1 posses- ,lion. &iAd l foreign country, according to the records of the bureaul. From cities and towns witihin the state 012 demands for teachers Nvere r~ceived. 11linois repoertedI 67 posi-' Lions to ble filled, andi Ohio, 418. Sever- al states lsled for 5 to 10 teachers. l'cr;rtolKic~o mnc~ led 8.Vir-in Islands 7,anauda 2.7il'k ey 2, Syria 8.and (h'n. 1 11. No calls were maide by; l anii or A ltaoi, a last year, althouglh th lii)r>«a Y;1plc'ements were mfade'! and in Chintz 1.- ,oi'tBrown. : .i haliman cf 'v' (t ti'Dl'i a coII Gf i .'e for t1 11925! i:lil its r Il ill'i cad (u '. C. cr'eon,, , o, tmnonne Iin 'f1ie izaily yes- I I C IURCH SL RVICES I e. I MEMORIAL CHUNCH OF CHRIST (Disciples) N- v Ctreh-Cor. M-71 & Tappan K EN N E'i'l; . BOWEN, )Minister 9 :30-Bible School. 10 :30-Morning woi'ship. 12: :00--stunelit 3' Class. Prdf. 'trout. 6:00-Young People's Social Hour and Lunch. 6 :30-Christian Endeavor. No evening service. Co-operating wit'-. Y. M. C. A. service in hill Auditorium. Mini-wveek service Wednesday night, 7:30. N welcome to all. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST 409 South Division St. 10:30 A. M.-Regular morning ser- vice; topic, "SouL." 11:45 A. M.-Sunday School follow- ing the morning service. Testimonial meeting Wednesday evening, 7:30. The Reading room 608 First Na- tional Bank building, is open daily from 12 to 5 o'clock, except Sun- days and legal holidays FIRST METH1ODIST CHURCH Corner S. State and 1E. Ma'hlu ton Streets ]LEV. ARTHUiRIII'WL . 5CjIA 1,liE R, inw. V. .scoTT iWESTiEJIM A 'N Associate Iliister Ellen W. 'Moore 1irecetars of S indent Activities 10:30-Pastor's subject:"A."I1oltbt- lug (lur I~oizbts." 12:00-12:45---Dr. James C. Baker, Pastor of Trrinity M. E. church and director Wesley Foundation, Urbana, Ill., has been asked to speak to the combined Student Bible Classes. 0:00-7:00-Wesleyan Guild, an in- teresting program has been planned. 7:00-7:30-Open house. Wesley Hall. Light refreshments. 7:30-University Service at Hill Auditorium, Dr. James C. Baker, University of Illinois, speaker. 11 s i WHAT'S GOING ON I Notices to apsear ini this colunAmn'uss Le sti4! the tiox at the Oa dy oftice pr'ntdeA 'fear Uat fpurpose before 4 I y 'ctqck prfce'~ding the, diy ofisiiue SATURDAY 10:40i12 :4t1 -Vnjo membertshIp cards~ available 11in Mae rthird floor of the Union. 12:30-- tosmopohtauln emliers andj friends have luncheon at Haunted' Tavern. 1:30 -- Congregatlonl Outing club meets ' at church for a skate at~ Barton Dame. £:(W.5:00-Exhibitionl of Garden pic- tures in the west gallery of Alumni Memorial hall. 2 :30-Mlehlgtin baind rehearsal in :Mor- ris hall. 5 :00-D)r. Bode speaks on "Theoretic- al and Practical Knowledge" at Phi Delta Kappa initiation banquet atI the Union. 7:008:00- Upper Room Bible class meets in Lane hall.1 7 :34--Basketball' game, Indiana v.. Michigan at the field hiouse. 9:00-Valentine party at Wesley hall. 1 SIUNDAY 2100.5:00--ExitJonl of garden pic- tures 'in the west gallery of "Alumni Memorial hall.I 2 :30-Mrs. Doud speaks on "Amnerican.- ization Work in This Country" at the Helen Newberry residence.j 3:00-Mfembers of 'dimes meet In Mimes theatre. 3 :00-Hitndustan club meets in Lane hall.. 5:30--Congregational and Baptist stu- -- .__._ rirn s nrnrrrwerwr s.wo.ren or 1 "'inemecour~t giviug effect to i. v L cu ,o (a ewas isuedtoday. i's 1Aotiiv1 - -h c.a dWill iam;i4. 1. :., F. (TWN ERI, Pastor t)A. Al .---- I 4hlle school. i . \]. - Sermon, "Excuses." .t.--I--Stuodent: Supper and ' cl o w ;ip hloul'. P.Al. - I udent Forumn. i e;from thle :Pittsbuirgh Cnvolifion of the Lutheran ,, [(,u it . Asociia lion.'' Floyd % inoir, D~orothby Kieffer, i -1 If It's Men You Will F 1 i }! j ST., PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHUI RCH (M~issouri Synod) Th'iird uandlAWest Huron Streets CARL. A. BIRAUER, Pastor 9:3(0 A. M.-Sermon, German. 10:30 A. Ms.----Students Dible class. 1 1 :30 A. l.--Sermon;, English. Few Good Christians." i:30-7:30- P. Al.---Student Chub meets at parsonage for social, supper and discussion. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Washing'ton St., and Fifth Ave. E. C. STELLILOUN, Pastor 9:00 A. M.-Bible study hour. 10:30 A. M.-Service with sermon. Subject, "Sabbath Sins." An - other sermon on the third commandment. 5:..0 P. M.-Supper and social hour for students. i BETHLEIEM- EVANGELICAL CHURCH (Evangellcafl Synod of Nti A.) Fourth Ave. between William and Pawlchardl G. A. Neumann, Pallor 13:00 A. M.-Bible school. 10:00 A. M.-English ser~vice. 11:00 A. M.--Germm seyrv ee. Ser- mon01 topic: "1: Really All1 That H~a ppi'ns for Our lles-t? 0:3(0 1'.PM. ---Young 3People's lDis-< cussiOIon Hourat the c(hur'ch house. inw the est Here at the Lowest Price SUIS , . :.; - : ,. : ,: r Reduced 1. A All Fall and Winter M'erc handise REDUCED TO BELOW COST THIS INCLUDES Heavy Underwear, Flannel Shirts Flannelette Pajamas, Wool Hose Heavy Gloves, Mittens and Sweaters I I c i 1 i I i i f iI i t r I I i I 1 i a CO\ JGREGATLONAL CHURCH H ~iE I WIr 'A. J17311, Illnister. F. K N OX 1i11HE121L, [Untversity Pastor. LUCY il' 111, ,Secrel ary for Women Students. 161%-I r. ,i:ni'imwil ''rc ch on "('AN WE RESCUTE THE 3MAN 1N '1"l:E(.AVE!" IM( t:(toinli e. t go Bahp lt ist church 1fo' supper and IUnion Tit in1)g. 21 a vo ;t vService, 11i11 Auditorium. p l icturom ;'lVUc wii chur'ch. The exquisite Scotch film, i 'a 1 ir's '-TV 'I: LITTLE MIN STERII" with Betty Comp- 'ii. The ch:urch has; been crowded for several Sundays. ?sr.;open at 7 :30 .11.. t.'; fzl i:-'i;A3 t cuse :and SocialHI-our, Wednesday, 4 to 6 p. ni. . I 1 6:30 P. M.-Student Forum cussion hour. di;;- I FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Huron at D)ivision REY. MERLE II. ANDERSON, 1). D. Mtinister. LEWIIS C. REIMANN 116, Scey Men Students MRS. NELLIE II. CA DWELL, Sec'sy Women Students. 9 :30-Intermediate Sunday school. 10: 30-Mormning service. "Is Sincertty of Conuviction a Test of Truath r'. 12:00-Discussion classes for students. 5:30-Social hour. 6 :30-Young People's Meeting. "hIow Can Christians(Control and lnfluniee ;I L-jg i1 Press?" Tom Dasef, '25L, hearer. I I U-NITARIAN CHURCH t; tE' and Huron Streets SMIN Y S. REOBINS, Ministfer. 10:45 Note change of time) CORNER CATHERINE and D)IVISION STREETS HEN1RY LEWVIS, Rector. II. L. LONSDALE, Assistant. RACHEL HAVILAND, Secretary for Student Work. Sunday, Feb. iS-Sexigesinia Sunday 11 I }