S MfAYV, APRIL 26, 1929 THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MIaCHIG aN DA \i~ ILY PAGE T1IIRT1ERN ___. a A. }'IYusic and_______ 4 a *' "'"mo"t. .. a t" --.+' ThTeteI emnBeing A Treatment Written By F ICampbell On The Presen I ' y Prof, Oscar Jamues Campbell (Editor's Note: This is the first ofj .a series of six articles 'by members of the faculty on. the adaptations and reactions of the various continentalj countries to the present progressive tendencies in the theatre.) m * The American drama has come of age. The career of Eugene O'Neil'sl plays abroad is clear proof of this. "The Emperor Jones' was presented last year 'in both Paris and Berlin. "The I.-airy Ape" was received withj enthusiasm in Germany. The suc- cess of "Anna Christie" in America was repeated in D~ondon, Paris, and Berlin; and I have just heard that, three companies have been playing: this drama in Russia during the present season. Never before has the work of any i I American playwright spoken with a voice of power so far-flung. Like all great art, his work has transcended the world from which it came and the medium in which it took form. Although Eugene O'Neil. is clearly our greatest 'dramatist, hie is by no mfeans an isolated figure. As Mr. ,Alexander Woolcot says, "The pro- " d uction of every play is the melting ''place of many roads of destiny." The presentation of a drama is a great co-operative enterprise in which playwright, producer, scenic artist', actor and audience each con- tributes an important elemenrt.TIni I - A r e cacompose Aeia In "Sun-Up" ''is procedure by Zola, is that man is ut,-I ..,.e. ® , i p s n .a hea~n~ic ,c c a ( f aterly the creature of natural forces t ~m er cwomnan of the rew ot uiouint a ins 0 over which hie has no control. P n- fTennessee. In "7 h y 1K"new Wht viioiiflt becomeCs destiny and the} ~ro. 0'They Wanted." the cssenifial spirit of essence of the play. It forms a kind rof.0. J i n Itlia frnt ;,owe in outern' of sea o misery upon whiell char- California is pressnt ed w~'ith syn- j ilter's appearike chance bulbles, to jN.patby and insight. burst. and disappear. : Am e i a o ag In Eugene O'Nii's "Desire Uinder ,ugene O'eil has written in "Be- m rc nIaeltehIs th Ems, the bleak tragedy of a yofld the horzon" remorseless nat- family on a to ) , unyielding New uzralistic tragedy in terms of Ame- only upon giving fine play s their best F ngland farm is revealed with all the can life. Robert and Andrew Mayo ;4 p o unio n ho f E u tyPartis tst r o r a n p t o tfo u n d e dt st b o h o n n fo rm e N e n g a n a la o r u i o o a t st f u d e f r r . oaa en dep a s o n a ne p th fa rm a re d e s tro y e d b y a h o stile e n - purposes like that of a Guild of the of these plavs with the picture,, of vironment. Robert, the poetic lad!' MideAe. TeTeteGidAugustus Thomas and you realize who should have sailed . TeTeteGl( "beyond the above all has become a vast imper-I how comnpletely the mere sens;e of the horizon'' is trapp~ed by his irrational , sonal enterprise for producing great Anieiicaii scene has been transmuted love for a. country girl, and ound to j' ply.into life tragically conceived. The the hostile soil, His life bemies, playa. same sense of differenc e can be felt then an utterly forlorn decay. Simlary, rous lke hatof hein comedy from a comparison of the Andrew, who should have stayed Cleelad Payous, funed n ii-theatric clap-trail of "Abe's Irish on the farm, sails to far places andI i tation of. the Moscow Art Theatre, Rose" with the Tenet'tnsaie are being formed throughout the' hon n ht. l o--Of.atisj made a futile gambler and rest-, country. Reerhowynina"The Show-Offt."less ne'er-do~'el This is natural-1 oY Miss Bonste/la's are beginning t ~ sm given anr American form, because idrxldlza ,4zs E'Tz prosperous careers in many of our.' The grat fecundating- ilfiflcs here, as no where else in the world, j .V B r c1:Co ds =Y* v o< mo imporance of uo nxeean drama have also found larger cities. The iprtneoe-f ' n i mria ~avs I-ito cosnfl it othuierltaoer-At aPte Winey Theatre, Sahmr ,y , y these organizations cannot be oe-epeso nAeia ~~.I-it ofitwt u nvra agr estimated. They have put the play at sen's dramatic spirit inspred William ness for change and mfovement In only that reality which more and streams of powr' and beaty. Yet the center of dramatic activity in Vaughan Iloody's "The Great Di- I old New England, too, there was, more tyrannous fear and deepening we have cased t:, Ib" (depedent and JAmerica. Until this had been done. Vide." Like most of the Noiwegians often a conflict between the two horror can create. Fantasy has be- merely imitative. MIay' of our drm ol nthv eahdisma raetplays, it deicts a. struggle loyalties, the one to the sea, the other cane the only truth. ~draatits see beneath . the pictur- jit.which takes mlace in the mind of one to the land. *** esque surface of our diverse life and * -* Even Expressionism, that newestI This is of necessity but the griefest present its meaning with relentless Tefrt *America. Arizona and Massachusetts of the dramatic movements, has made sort of review of contemporary, yet sympathetic insight. In other tamn any real distinction were thoseda's frtecnoloRu i.m- its Ppearance among- us. Its objectI American drama. It has served to words, we are taing an imorant Iwhich made an honest attempt to deal fids itself fat. war F ith her ernoion5 i 1witoinptemnl n enthedaa talcarse curelywhatin thes re a flowdaingprio of amticheao'ngete with the American scene. Some o ihnemn f one hentraltrugrglecfoely in th andat ,fecundaing, totep intoamaticbraintand the first of these were Bronson How-wih sae.g;efrsoeadbet-ace.l' tpit i ri n - space. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~behold the world1 through his senses 1111111111titIlilltll~lllll11Diltult6l1~3111ltttl ard's ""Saratoga", Augustus Thomas' Aioa nte )i(. oerbs "I Mrino Jns i uh ly "Alaba",v nCyM itconr 3a s!and" n dcconquers, but only after -a (des- A s soon as the negro porter beg ins zon"Ee ld ic o alhs;erate st aggle. This is a successful 10feearss Ic)fle acossthe tangled forests of koldeothwelmdplyd-transposition into anm American mode. sIIvpne o i fet agl nhs hisemi-tropical island to fancied Iknwegofte el-aepyd-W e Ue viipeneflois ets aglyo.i similarly naturalism has been su- safety ait the other side, we enter his j The sense of life in New England drma The essential feature o e tugewt has given us "The Old Homestead", tri~*do tugewt primitive fear. The ...t-~1 Youtotrya Barecue- "Shre Acres",an more rcnltinain aeauoa aesthetiie sceneOs, the stage settings all have 'LI- IOwen. Davis' "Icebound." This im -______________________________________ pulse extended to the middle-west f _______________________________ -Sndlwich because it is s has produced "Lightnin' ", "The First Mdec-idedlyh7 different- f4r .-im Year", "Miss Lulu Bett", "Minick" I1~.~.1 tGl and "The Goose Hangs High." The: - auhr fteepasseem tohaves ordinary 'been entertained by the life they] Rea1lstate and, Insurance o dnay know, but never shaken by it. These ! dramas therefore, appeal largely to ~~1 our sense of amused recognition. i - "'NUV Their construction . is conventional I _Te and the feelings evoked time-worn. On a higher plane this same sense - of local-color has given us plays inj I LLI TS and CU SH I NG 440 South State Phone 2948-W which pictiresquepess is but inci- dental to a presentation of the (deeper 31Iot tt currents of life which course through31SotSae the 'utterly diverse characters who________ _______________ Read ThIde Daily 'Clasified;' Columns each one of these fields, the develop- ment during the last twenty years has been immense. At the beginning of this century in America the theatre was not regarded as the home of one of the great arts. It was simply a place of amusement, probably of 'a questionable sort. The -stage created a little self-contained world of its own. The proper re- garded it with wistful sentimental- ity; the improper as a possibility for -naughty intrigue. To all, the most -interesting thing about it was the stage-door. Scenery, , crudely realis- t~tic stuff, was daubed by the yard. -'Plays were vehicles for stars. The best were those who gave this un- disputed center of the stage for. the ,,greatest part of the evening. Natur- Sally, dramas thus contrived were never printed and never read. S Now the entire situation has ~.changed. Drama is receiving more and more social sanction, and more, and more wide-spread recognition as San art. Responsibility for it progress Sis widely felt. Universities are gv giv ing students an opportunity to 'do- ~'velop intelligent taste. In almost every .town one or more organized i;groups are reading and discussing '~dramas. The play and not the green- -room has become the thing. S The advance in all of. the arts of -production has also been great. On -one hand, we; have reached in the work of such persons as Belasco the Dvery summit of realistic finesse i Ssehoo l "has given us such triumphs t Sof actuality as the incessant tropical downpour contrived by John D. Wil- Hams in "Rain." VOn the other hand, we have in men like Arthur Hopkins, Robert Ed- Smond Jones and Norman-Bel Geddes able exponents of the movement in staging hwhich tends directly away from photographic realism. This 4 movement, often called stylization, is ,,symbolical and atmospheric in inten- Stion. In devising his sets the scenic Sartist looks not at nature but into Sthe play of the dramatist. The stag-, . ing seeks in every way to carry the, i Prof. OJscar ,J. Campbell Who has written the first of a series of six articles on m~odern drama be- ing prepared for The Daily by mem- bers of the University faculty. Pro- fessor Campbell's article appears on this page. spectator to the emotional heart of the drama. To take an extreme case. Jones devised for "Macbeth" distorted suggestions of wall, doorway andl throne to indicate the dread of im- pending tragedy. The witches were l disclosed by the light of gloomy emn- l bers, above and enclosing which rose I a tall, tapering white pillar to sug - gest the king's dependence on fata- listic guidance. The star system as such is being broken down in favor of various group-theatres. Tihe Provincetown Players form a closely knit group of l creative and critical minds intent up- on exploiting no particular actor, but U________M___ In the 'Spring -- This is the time of the year when canoeing and outdoor pleasures are the vogue. We would like to offer you our suggestions to things that will make these exercises even mor'e enjoyable. There is nothing that adds. more to tihe pleasure of a canoe ride than the soft strumming tune of a ukelele. And besides they are cheap! WE INVITE YOU to come in today and see the extensive showing of novelties that we are carrying, which we feel sure wvill aid you in enjoying these warm Spring days. A Few ,Suggestions--Peter Pan Grarnaphone and Ukelele Ike Records, Banjo-Uikes, Big Kazoo. U U m U IN m (Baritonle) Some of the World 's Noted Artists with *TiEEEUUAyE ma s~aaa,., m mu**ui~c m (Contralto) I N CONN MUSIC SHO'P 14 NICKELs ARCADE r ,me -+ I.- . .1 ;1 11 jus ersey" L Helps your children to grow-besides being a good all-around food. "Just Jersey" milk has something special in it that makes children grow. This something is found in some other foods, but not in such large amounts as in "Just Jersey" milk. Give your boys and girls "Just Jersey" milk for their chance to grow. The Oak lands. U U U I' RAiN ES FEB ALTA (Soprano) e s HILL AUDITORIUM SConcerts A Days 4 U E s U U U OJSSIP GIABRLOWITSCII 1 HENRI SCOT'r (Bass) 0 MARIO CIHAMLEE (Tenor) U. COURSE TICKETS On Sale up to May 11Ith $5, $5.50, $6, $7 If festival coupon from Choral Union I Im .11ilI II II I U I I .5, :..2 .. I I ._ I II I 11{