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April 26, 1925 - Image 11

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1925-04-26

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SUNDAY, APRIL 26, 1925




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East And West Vie For Honors In Drake And Penn Classics



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_ ," 7

Upsets Mark Early Games In American Circuit
By David C. Vokes ing additions to the Yankee staff.
With the excitement, the halo, and O'Neill veteran catcher is dividing
the red tape of opening day celebra-1 the work with Wallie Schang this
tions over, the ball clubs in both of season. Odom, Shanks, and Wants-
the Big League circuits are now en- siger a're working for infield places,
tared unon the dull routine of the with Gehrig filling in in the outfield.
season's championship race. 1 The Chicago White Sox have sur-?
Upsets have been frequent in the prised the fans by a. sudden spurt and
American League, while one or two are gracing the first division. Eddlie
of the higher rated teams in the Na- i Collins the new Sox manager seems
tional league are now reposing in to have instilled some of his fight
the second division. Both of last_ and pepper into the Chicago players,
year's winners however are up in the: and the Midway fans are anticipating
first division. In the American league j an old time Chicago team.
Washington, Cleveland, and Phila- himself as yet, and Leonard cannot
delphia stand head and shoulders last the route. Wells, another port-
above the other nines by reason of sider who promised much last sea-

advanced his right in token of wel-
"Well, my dear old friend, Mr.
Wheelblower!" Delight was written
upon his features. "The last time I
saw you was when I disposed of
Ritchie Mitchell in six sessions. Re-
member that night-we celebrated
with a big dinner attSami's (Kosher)
restaurant. Indeed this is a pleas-
Modestly warding off the champion's
fulsome flattery, the writer sank to his
ease in a mohair chaise-longue and
languidly consumed the Orange Pekoe
and ham sandwich which a Peruvian
servant brought in upon a carved (bye
hand, Benny said) teakwood tray.
Giving the fighting Irishman time to'
collect his thoughts, before committing
himself, the writer then proceeded to'
interview with all due severity and
asperity, not to say temerarity, this
peer of all living lightweights who

has now refm 1i he glwr o:
are ligi,*--& , lite
battle as h ,-
'in the resin, while his manaeh h .
i iersn vieiiopers encouragingly through the ropes,
"Sock 'im, kid, sock 'im."
Breaking the ice with a story about
the travelling salesman in the small
town followed by the one about what
M1\Tndy said to Jemima when her
'ole man' came home drunk for the
100th time, I said to Mr. Leonard
.with all, the guile and craft of the born
interviewer, "Benny, you old sun of a
gun, how is everything aI'',ay?"
Staggered by the suc n realiza-
'tion that after all I did know, he
mopped his brow with shaking hand
while his eyes took on the furtive light
of a hunted man.
"Fine", he muttered thickly.
Using a straight left which he him-
(Continued on Page Fifteen)





a I'll Om-

their consistent good playing. New!
York, Cincinnati, and St Louis are
leading the National leaguers.
Washington exhibiting the same
good pitching, with almost errorless
fielding, and fair hitting scored a de-
cisive advantage over New York int
both of their series, and managed to
split even with Connie Mack's Ath-
letics who are imbedded in the first
division with them. Mack's squad
got away to a flying start at the ex-
pense of the lowly Red Sox and then
played good enough ball to stay up
with the leaders in the series with

son, is also floundering. Ty Cobb
has not as yet appeared in the game
except as a pinch hitter and prob-
ably will devote himself this season
chiefly to directing the play from the
bench. Sylvester Johnson, the ex-
pensive right hander who has not de-
livered since his purchase by the
club two years ago, at last seems
ready for the big show and may aid
Detroit's chances. Doyle and Dauss
are the other right handers who have
pitched well in the early season
St, Louis is still a second division



"-the Senators. team in spite of the promises of
Tr:s Speaker's veteran Indians, George Sisler, former Michigan star,
# favored by warm weather, took their that he would this year lead the
.M W> first five contests before they lost a Browns to victory. Some of their
a Y ,- . game, winning their fifth contest in worries are now over however, since
1% 4 oL/4 15 innings against Ty Cobbs Tigers. the salary dispute with "Baby Doll"
The Indian's roster boasts chiefly Jacobson has been settled, and th
veterans, Spurgeon at third being the big outfielder will again be seen in
-1only rookie who has broken into action in the Browns' garden.
either the Cleveland infield or out- Boston is again gracing last place
field. Bob Knode, former Michigan I in the American circuit hnd does not
star first sacker, has seen see vice in pronise to rise. The Red Sox hardly
I several of Cleveland's victories know what a win means and the Bos-
IN E sometimes as a pinch hitter, and also I ton fans are fluent in their denoune-
- at- his regular position in place of the ments of the owners.
veteran Burns. The New York Giants are out after
The New YYork Americans facing their fifth consecutive flag if early
Washington in eight out of eleven of season play is any indication of a
S' their games without the services of club's desires. Humbled by their deC-
Babe Ruth have found the going feat in the World Series by the Sena.
rather stiff and consequently are tors the Giants are playing with a
hovering around the .500 mark. vengeance in the hope of getting an-.
Huggins in an effort to hit a win- other chance at the American league
:Yning stride has given the patrons at leaders, no matter who they may be.
the New York Washington, and Bos-; McGraw has a veteran aggregation
4 ton ball parks their money's worth by to work with and is anxious ta pile
pa'rading almost double the number' up an early season lead so that he
of men necessary to play a game. will not have to drive his charges too
Shocker formerly of the St Louis hard near the close of the year, just
These four athletes were among Captain Sam Orebaugh of Drake i manjor:ty of nrmiidiron expert; for the Browns and Francis formerly Detio t before the crucial inter-league con-I
he collection of track and field competed in the 120 yard hig place ofuartebackon the All Mis- and Washington property are pitchcacttests.
tar who competed in the Drake and hurdles and broad jump at the West- i Varte Clnen te
:Tern relay carnivals held yesterday ern meet. He led the Drake football b
at Des Moines, Ia., and Philadelphia, team through- a successful season ; arold Osborn, world's champion
enn., respectively, last fall, and was chosen by a high jumper who is competing for MWHEELBLOWER GETS DOPE ON BENNY
the I. A. C recently set a new world's
record of 6 feet, 815-16 inches. Os- Leonard Confides At Length In Marvel Scribe
borne was formerly on the Illinois
track team, and while in school -- - -
established the existing Drake Relay An Interview by Huggsy Wheelblower. [he crash. When his flashing orbs
-record of G feet, 6 inches in the highf
F irst N ational B ank rup.g Benny Leonard, erstwhile sultan of fell upon me his hands stole to his
. tsi. the roped arena in the lightweight vest pocket, and holding his gold
SOrganized 1863 Watson, of Kansas University, is
_ne__heth_ m he Jay- division, sat patiently molding his fea- watch firmly with his left paw, he
r________ West this year. le ran on the Jay- tures at his walnut William and Mary
hawks' two mile relay team at Drake. dressing table in one of the better
t D D A N m Delart hubbard, Michigan star en- Hollywood studios. tFunIIIII'llI
SAVINGS DEPARTMENT tered the 100 yard dash and broad I dropped from the sky-light just
jump at Penn. He won the latter in time to hear a muttered oath es I
TRUST DEPARTMENT event and the running hoa, step, and cape from Benny's rouged lips as he;M-
- jump in the Quakr carnival last leaped to his feet and assumed a fight-i l i lillll111111111H
_ year. ing stance to see what had caused
Oldest National Banik in Michigan u
When you brang_
..- °-r
a roll of films to
Lyndon and Company
Omfor developing youdaylyorode elopigdao
yacan rely upon the iii -

An Innovation

to Dancing


Situated in an entirely new and different
environment, Granger 's since the opening P
dance on Saturday night, April eighteenth,
has proved a popular rendezvous. to those
who find recreation in dancing. Established
in a fine new pavilion, attractively appointed,
large, and right on the shore of Whitmore
Lake, it offers a splendid place to spend an
enjoyable evening. The Lake House Pavil-
ion is the second pavilion on the highway
upon reaching the lake. There Bill Watkins
and his Granger Eight are furnishing their
same excellent brand of music. You'll enjoy
Granger's at Whitmore Lake.
Dancing every
Wednesday, 8-11
Friday, 9-12
Saturday, 9{12.
GRANGERS 4-Ail ' t 1E


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Phone 1981w

in which to buy the
famous Hoover elec-
tric cleaner at the
$3.25 down payment
The Detroit Edison

assurance t1
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will be satis
75ring your,
to Lyndon 'i

bat the
de servie
w=Warm Weather
From now on
will become w
unless a partic
- properly laun
reliable assura
with that same
role y + r" .-.I



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