SUNDAY, ATRIL 25, 1925 1 AI THE MICHIGAN DAILY YALE FIVE3 __ I i Summer Weathe ~Of Social Events Summer came on with a rush last week and with it brought many social events of interest. The Military ball ,of Friday evening vied with the lake resorts and fraternity parties for l popularity. Every night the air was filled with the melody of inspiredj serenaders. Delta Gamma entertained Kappa Kappa Gamma with their annual in-' formal party Wednesday evening. It was in the form of a beach party,1 the house being decorated with gayly colored beach umbrellas and bal- loons. Hot dog and lemonade stands also helped to carry out the scheme of a beach resort. Mrs. Edson R. Sunderland, a pa- troness of Kappa Delta, and Miss Ellen Stevenson will entertain the r Heralds Varietyj A [ [R A fter Vacation _ AferV caio 1T SPRING STYLE SHOW Mrs. Archibald Diack of Ann Arbor, who has recently become a patroness Ten style show models have been of Pi Beta Phi, was honored at a re- selected for the spring style show of ception given by the chapter Thurs- the Women's League party to be held day evening. In the receiving line from 4 to 6 o'clock Friday, in Bar- were Miss Patch, Miss Helen Porter, bour gymnasium. Each model will and Mrs. John Spiegel of Indianapo- display six changes of garments, lis who is the province president vis- suits, gown, wraps for spring and iting Ann Arbor. summer wear. An opportunity is of- fered for the selecton of fitting de- The memlers of Alpha Phi will en- signs for college women with 1925 tertain at a faculty tea this afternoon snap. Following the style show the from 4 to 6 o'clock. Kappa Sigma orchestra will play for (dancing and refreshments will be The Honor Council held a bridge I served. tea at the Alpha Phi house yesterday The women who have been chosen afternoon. as models are: Mabel Crotty, '26, - Virginia Spain, '26, Millie Moorman, Martha Cook building will enter- '26, Dorothy Waldo, '26, Nellie Ritten- tain a number of the faculty at a tea house, '25, Caroline Paul, '27, Maude this afternoon. Corey, '25, Julia Hicks, '25. I, + ( I 1 CThe house teams will practice on National campaign committee of the Lansing, April 25.-The State Su- cssMondays and wi'ednesda wmny sge.nomn fn r pre me court today iCevertsealth order ,til EecatlMassnandrsWenesayhol ling a niecting Monday afternoon i~ y. de Whtro h Baseball Nsanagers N are up at the tennisocensrts h.;:; a uwm fundr rsed by utgl re ter ordih at Palmer field ana the courts are a teoan'sCity club in Detroit. Wyne Crcuit court, in the I)etroit B~ean JIean I1-mnilton, chairmnan of theCa copycsean rud Class baseball as well as intramur- open for practice. The regular class- campaign committee will be in attend- ta h al will start this week. All women es will start tomorrow. Women who ance at that meeting, be hereafter rate tate ublc ti who wish to try out for the class wish to enter the tournament miistcommission. teams should signon the bulletin1 sign up before Tuesday night in Bar-5 oup on hhur gymnasium or Palmer field Patronize Dally Advertisers-ii _______ board in Barbour gymnasium. The house. pays.-Adv. READ THE CLASSI1FIED ADS, first practice for freshmen and jun- Women who wish to enter the iors will be held at 4 o'clock Tuesday spring archery tournament should at Palmer field, for the seniors and sign up tomorrow at Barbour gym- sophomores at 5 o'clock. At these nasiuni or Palmer field house. 11 meetings the class managers for the Miss Louise Howe of the physical teams will be elected. Class prac- education department will conduct tices will be held regularly on Tues- elective classes in corrective work days and Thursdays. on Fridays in Barbour gymnasiui. All managers for house or zone Women wishing to enroll in th~; baseball teams will meet at 4 o'clock course are asked to make appoint- tomorrow in Barbour gymnasium. ments with Miss Howe between 8:33 Dates and other arrangements for the and 10 o'clock Tuesday at the gym- intramural baseball tournament will nasium. be decided. Managers who are unable to come should send a representative. PATRONIZE DAILY ADVERTISERI r s (, i ,' , xc chapter at tea today at the home of Mrs. Sunderland. Miss Jean Hamilton, dean of Wo- men, will entertain at a buffet lunch-, eon at 1:30 o'clock, Wednesday, at her home at 922 Olivia Avenue. Announcement has been made at the Alpha Gamma Delta house of the engagement of Elizabeth Montgoin.- ery, '26 to Harold Duggan of Toledo. Duggan is a member of Alpha Tau Omega fraternity at the University of Colorado. The announcement was made at the Delta Zeta house Wednesday evening of the engagement of Joy Carpp, '25, For DELICIOUS MEALS Eat at, TUTTLE'S LUNCH ROOM 338 Maynard - CO=1 *4 "BLUE CANDLE TEA ROOM" 209 South Ingalls Sunday Night Lunches Only. Special Waffle, Sausage, Syrup and Coffee 35c Open from 5:30 to 9:30 P. M. 4' 4' 1 , $2.q0, Dexdale and Quaker chiffon hose - full fashioned - in mauve, French nude, cham- pagne, gold, silver, gunmetal and black are wonderful values at $2.00 a pair. Sizes, 812 to 1012. GOOD YEAR'S 124 SOUTH MAIN DG.. 1. A. CO C/1.I1Jl,/ll~./. %. ' or.1coopi to Walter B. Remley, Chicago. Mr. Remley is a member of Delta Upsilon fraternity at the University of l1li- nois. Ticket Sale Opens For League Supper Installation of new officers of the Women's League and the installation supper will be held Wednesday even- ing, May 6 in Barbour gymnasium. Tickets for the supper go on sale to- morrow morning at the candy booth in University hall and at Grace Clark's desk in Barbour gymnasium. Tickets are 50 cents and are limited ? in number to 1,000. This small price is made possible since the Women's 3 League plans to pay half of the ex- pense. The League has started many ino- vations and they have all been suc- cessful. It is the wish- of the old board of directors on concluding their term of office to give this in- stallation to the new board members. Olive McKay, '25, is general chair- man. Working with her are the fol- lowing committees: ticket, Ethel Schroeder; '25; decorations, Helen Brown, '25 publicity, Dorothy Cline, '26, and Marguerite Dutton, '26. Members of the University Girls' Glee club will meet at 3:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon at Hill. auditorium for the Faculty concert. I Oil i;h hi m HER BRIDAL BOUQUET-- Lbidently from Goodielv 's G OO DH EW FLOR AL CO. 225 E. Liberty St.I Phone 1321 Fasy to take with you Ready at a moment's notice-small and com- pact, playing any Vic- tor record, the new Victrola No. 50 is as easily carried as a traveling bag. 1=1 r - OUR OWN BRAND- I ~Full Fashioned- Silk Hosiery in all the Spring and Summer shades at $f85-$2- $2.50 dA - MI - Y t r" ~ Sodi n ro nya Its makes convenient it fit easily size into a boat, canoe or auto- mobile. Take one along on your vacation trip. Come in and let us show you one.. Schaeberle & Son Music House 110 South Main III m