'SUNDAY, APRIL 26, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE Y / e. . d P PRO~iE SUM FOR 8 SCHLASHP k Campus Credo ".: .{,t r 7.:'ij .. } '... ":ri-+ ,e -r .'' ;^r:z -t." +'k.r e dlei loe'c*!: r?." :""yd"-i 3ti i'' % }' pL J r,.e i4 -! s Sf uiets ;elected Have Clhoice of Countries u niversit ies I~nlini ed an I( PICK WINNERS MAY I A group of dlonors have entrusted to the American Council on Ednca-{ ,Iola ysi 'i v siiojn JI)o You thli]Ik that l:( ye:-., ofg ynum~si 11111work re- quir. :l by lb e Un ivcr:tky is beneicil to the 'ludllt body? , tion' the Sii]h of $8,001) to provide for I Wlwr( aske "Sttsr eet. eight scholarshipsabroad during prpseofthel 35h 1).' Ml]X14s year12-2.Te uroeoth B..Mle, '251.--"Yes, because it scholarships is to increase under- gives t he freshmnan a chance to get standing and friendship among the acquainted with the gymnasium mnd nations through the encouragement helps hin to keep in physical trim of American college and university !for the trili ki nI ribulations of his students 'to pursue a part 'of theirl acadeinic work" education in the universities of other R. II .Sm~tl, '25E.--"I blievice that countries. g iymnatsium work is beneficial, but I' To be eligible to receive one of;d(, not see wh~at benefit can he e(I- these scholarships a student, either' rived by the students who (lodlge the' man or woman, must be not less than Iwork, as the majority of them (10. 1 18 years of age, must have been in think that the work should be made residence for two academic years at;i optimal, if it cannot he Amade albso- an American institution approved byI lutely compulsory." the American Council on Education, M. ni <'8-N. tdn and must expect to return to his Am- wh~o cdoes not care for gymnasium erican college to take his degree. work or any athletic activities, even Sound health, high mentality, ser- though he may go to the gymnasium iousness of purpose, intellectual in-; his freshman year, dloes so only be- t erests and attainments, intellectualj cause it is 'compulsory. A man who promise, high, moral character, and is compelled to do a thing against loyalty to American institutions are l his will can derive no benefit fromj other qualifications that must have1 it." I i I t t } i i i t I 4 4, ,4 : r i been showni by the student dui ingj his college career. 'there is no limitation concerning the countries or universities in which students may study, nor is there any limitation as to the field of study. Arrangements will be made with the authorities of the universities from whiich students are select~rl so that full academic credit will be given ' for the work dlone abroad. Selection of the eight scholars will be made immediately after May 1, and will be announced immediately. Ap- plication forms may be secured at the office of Dr. F. E. Robins, assistant to the President, or from the American Council of Education, 26 Jackson~ place, Washington, D. C., P. F. Lange, '28P.--"I think that a" 1year of gymnasium work is not bene- ficial enough for the student body. fTwo or more years would build upI the body to a more efficient degree of physical fitness." R. Augustine, '28.-"I do not think the gymnasium courses offered arej beneficial to the student hody, be- cause the hours spent on the work are too short and no physical benefit is received." -v Professors S. L. Bligelow and W. G. Smealen of the Chemistry department addressed the meeting of the Science and M'athematics association of south western. Michigan which' was held April 24 in Kalamazoo, Michigan. 4,,, "At the IDrtg Store Beauitifuil" Our Refrigerator Candy Case Keeps Gilberts Chocolates hard and fresh even in the very warmest weather. Make this store your headqjuarters for candies and you will never be disappointed. ~Rmembr-Gilbcrt's for Motlicr's Da.v Arcade Phar /w Fe. IT. PETY CIE W Where Prescriptions Are Filled to Your Our, Credit NO. 7 NICKELS ARCADE SalFfaction .and ,. 1'ttO .i.1 I'll 1041,1 1041,184 , i Mi . '".ra'./'".1"".E"./". e '". ". .,Y"« leI""«f. '"./°,r "1«E", " ". « *. '"'.e*°J. '",/". ''.I", ./.J!J: i . " '%«/«/°./.e"«/"a~"1.0".I« ". '"./". a 6 i , a 1 . , 3 t 6 yII (: Canoeing? Picnicking? Let us put up the lunch ! Salads Sandwiches Fruits Cold Drinks Everything to make an enjoyable lunch. A -y'lr v nl~ciir+o In __ ! . ti a ; { ' I ! ' j ' I c j t ",, ! i . ~ i i ... ..., .4 -,:; I .. 4 I, t 1 j. iA .1 IM FN IN LA UGH1 PAROXYSM S.r inl his happiest, snappiest film comnedy FE~ail " .,/'' fi + k .'1Tt"'.; tit.2 " J, " rt. S1 2yO/ N;;z+,ir! ../ tt r.,Y ". ki*;srnl, Up «v: ntfd to love-a 1141)" &I J'y he, Cupi~i ~' i'~liiis' pi oms In p I !FCwINOW! The Funniest Man In Pictures in his biggest laughing sensation. - N\Swz EVER LAUGH AT LOVE? You will-when you see Bus- tirs 7,777 near bride ; - 7 itroposals in 7 mninutes, #) wli $7,000,000 by 7 o'clock. Love tL A 4N be funny. '#i7 Loud Laughs! T. Roy Barnes, miz Edward,, i007 Giggles! vmand pretty IRuth -Dwyer jobs in 707 CImckli the fun. An~d--- 7 prize beauties. -Bring your sweethearts-th, b learn how niot to propose! M tarried folks, come and laugh over your courting days! 1 I- __ ._________ Ki'ith headlinte Feaiture The Chap Who Puts "U" in 'Hur .or "JEST, SONGS & SAYINGS" -By- (has. hun fotonamnd Neal R. Olila ra of tihe New York 14~~ I{ ' ; ,> a .,rt -11:: 7= -Prices- *OV~7ES -Also- 'NEW + SOP FABLE CARTOON IdNOGRAMS Y. Adults, 50c r Wv ". tn .. .r Tiii