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April 26, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-04-26

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VOL. XXXV. No. 151





} __ t


Architects' May Party Tckets
I Will Be Distributed This Week



Applications to the Architects' May
party have been returned, and tickets
will be given out to accepted appli-
cants Thursday and Friday afternoon,
April 30 and May 1 at the Union, it
was announced last night. A limited
number of tickets still remain for the
party, however, and these will be sold
at the same time, to the first comers.
The May party, which will'be held
May 8, will follow the now almost
traditional plan of the Architects'
parties in having original decorations
designed by the students themselves.
This year's design is in the Oriental
spirit, and costumes are expected to
follow out the same idea, although
this is not obligatory. Some special
costume must be worn, however. f

The competition for posters for the
party which has been conducted by
the committee in charge had not been
decided at a late hour last night, but
lte best designs submitted will be on
display in Grahams' window after the
judges' decision.
Wrights' colored orchestra, of Co-
lumbus, Ohio, which will furnish
music for the affair, has a consider-
able reputation south of the Mason
and Dixon line, both for the quality
of their straight music and the en-
tertainment they furnish on the side.
This fact, together with the fact that
the grand march, long the bane of
campus parties, has been abolished,
should result in a party even better
than last year's ball.

Roy Hoyer Will Come here May 10
To Begin Coaching
Walker G. Everett, '26, and Valen-
tine L. Davies, '27, are the authors
of the book which has been selected
by the faculty committee for the 1926
Union Opera. These two men are
collaborating on the final book, atj
the suggestion of the committee inJ
No announcement as to the type of
production has been made, but it is
expected that an unusually elaborate.
opera will be presented, as the chor-
uses are to be enlarged and every
effort is being made to enlist the
best material on the campus in order
to make the production as represen-
tative as possible on its eastern trip.
Everett is a member of the staff of
the Gargoyle, and was the designer
of the poster used for "Tickled to
Death." He was in the chorus of the
1924 Mimes production. Davies was
on the Opera publicity committee,
and is on the Music and Drama staff
of The Daily.
Announcement was also made by E.
Mortimer' Shuter, director of Mimes
dramatics, that due to the fact that
"Stepping Stones" will conclude itsj
Chicago run earlier than was expect-
ed, Roy Hoyer, leading man with
Fred Stone in that production, will
be in Ann Arbor for three weeks be-
ginning May 10, to coach the dancers
for the next Opera. Tryouts will be
held before that time in order to
eliminate those who are considered
incapable of doing this type of work,
and to permiit Mr. Hoyer to start I
training the men in the new routines
All the chorus numbers will consist
at once.
of entirely new routines which have
been 'devised by Iloyer. The men's
choru§ will be increased to 24 men,
which will permit much more effec-
tive numbers, according to Mr. Shu-
All men who wish to tryout for
next year's Opera are urged to do so
as soon as possible, as more than 200
men reported for the first day of try-
outs and Mr. Shuter desires that any
others who wish to be given a trial
to see himt in order that the actualj
trials may begin as shortly as possi-f
ble. He will be in his office in the
Mimes theater every day this week
from 10:30 o'clocl in the morning
until 9 o'clock at night to interview
Due to the fact that an eastern trip
will be made during the next Christ-


Annual Spring Games to be Discussed
At Last Freshman Gathering
For This Year
Members of the freshman class will
gather in the last meeting of the year
with the class as a whole at a ban-
quet at 6:15 o'clock next Thursday
night in the main ballroom of the
Union. The banquet will be similar
to that held just before the Christ-
mas holidays last winter when more
than 500 first year men were present.
The social commitee of the class,
headed by Thomas C. Winter, '28 and
the underclass department of the
Union under William L. Diener, '26
are in charge of the dinner.
At this meeting, the program will
be composed largely of freshman
speakers. Fred Lawton, '11, author of
the Victors, will be the principal
speaker on the program. Eugene4
Dunne, '25, chairman of the springI

Michigan Team Victorioas In Every
Match; Captain Crane and
Jerome Star
Lansing, Mich., April 25.-Mich-
igan's Varsity tennis team opened the
1925 net season with a victory over{
the Michigan Aggie tennis squad here
today, blanking the Farmers 7-0.
In the opening match Jerome, vet-
eran member of the Wolverine squad,,
had little trouble in defeating Law-
rence, in two straight heats, 6-0, 6-1.
Captain Richard Crane, of the Mich-{
igan team, decisively defeated Lantner
with scores of 6-1, 6-2. Stauffer, ofE
the Aggie, battled Vose in two close
sets, but fell before the flashy attack
of the Wolverine, losing the first' set
6-4, and the second 6-3.
Elliot, playing his first match for
the Maize and Blue team, took a close
match from Hendersott, Farmer star
netman. After losing the first set
6-3, the Aggie net star threatened to
take the second set, but fell short with
a 6-4 score.
Krickbaum displayed great form for
the opening match, handing Tierson a
6-1, 6-2 defeat in two fast sets.
Captain Crane and Jerome, of Mich-
igan, paired against Tierson and Law-
rence, took the opening doubles match.-
The first match ended with the score
6-3 in favor of the Wolverines. In the
second set the Aggies were unable to
win a game, losing 6-0.
The last match of the meet was
forced to go into an extra set. Krick-
baum and Vose took the first set from
Stauffer and Hendersott in a close
battle which ended, 7-5. Displaying a
whirlwind attack in the second set,
the Aggies had little trouble trim-
ming the Wolverines, 2-6. In the finalI
set which decided the match, the Wol-
verines bolstered and won easily with
a ;core of 6-1.
Band To Give
Next Concert
On Wednesday 1

Meeting Arranged by 'Non-Partisan
Association Wi be Given
Free of Charge
Dr. Manley 0. Hudson, Bemis pro-
fessor of international law in Har-
vard university, will deliver a public
address on "The Dad League of
Nations" at 8 o'clock tomorrow night
in Natural Science auditorium.
Acting-President Alfred H. Lloyd
will act as chairman of the meeting,
arranged by the League of Nations
Non-Partisan association. There will
be no admsision charge.
Dr. Hudson will arrive in Ann Ar-
bor tomorrow afternoon, coming here
from Washington, D. C. where he ad-
dressed the convention of the Amer-
ican Society of International Law.
He will be entertained by members
of the law faculty at dinner, and will
return to Cambridge immediately af-
ter his lecture.
At the conclusion of hWs speech, Dr.
Hudson will remain to answer all
questions put to him by his audience,
and those having questions are es-
pecially requested to remain for the
Dr. Hudson's thorough training in
international law, supplemented by
his experience, has given him an im-
pressive command of his subject. His
services in the State Department, on
the American Peace Commission at
Versailles in 1919, and on the Sec-
retariat of the League of Nations at
Geneva are well known. He has also
acted as legal adviser for the Inter-
national Labor Conferences at Wash-
ington in 1919 and at Genoa in 1920.
and as a special assistant in the
American embassy at Paris.
Dr. Hudson is a native of Missouri
and it was during his years as pro-
fesor of law in the University of
Missouri from 1910 to 1919 that he
first came into prominence. Follow-
ing his return from Europe he was
invited to join the faculty of the Har-
vard Law School where he has been
Bemis professor for the past two
In accordance with the annual cus-
tom Ann Arbor will observe the na-
tional forest week activities next
week. The National Forest week this
year will differ in that protection,
production, and efficient use of the
forests will be emphasized instead of
just pr'otection of1 the forests as in
previous years. In his Forest Week
Proclamation President Calvin Cool-
idge said:
"For several years the nation has
observed Forest Protection Week. It
is fitting that this observance be en-
larged upon. We have too freely
spent the rich and magnificent gift
that nature has bestowed on us. In
hour eagerness touse that gift we
have stripped our forests; we have
permitted fires to lay waste and de-
your them; we have all too often des-
troyed the young growth and the seed
from which new forests might spring.
And though we already feel the first
grip of timber shortage, we have
barely begun to save and restore."
In observance of National Forest

Week several of the Ann Arbor clubs
plan to hold their meetings on the
Saginaw Forest plantation where the
Faculty of the Forestry department
will explain how timber is grown and
how fast it grows.

Makes Record Time MICHIGAN TRACE
Schwarze of Wisconsin Smashes
Drake Records in Both Discus
And Shot Put
(By Special Correspondent and A. P)
Des Moines, Iowa, April 25.-In
.<......: taking two firsts and a second in the
three relays it entered, Michigan's
three teams turned in the best marks
in their careers. In the two-mile re-
lay which Michigan won by a yard,
Reinke ran his half mile in 1:54 3-10
minutes, the best mark he has ever
made for the distance, while Frey-
burg also ran his pest race in 1:55.
The mile and half mile teams made
better times than Michigan teams
have done in a number of years. The
Michigan teams will take home four
large trophys, their share of the
An army of nearly 2,600 athletes
from 191 universities, colleges, and
high schools participated in the rec-
ord breaking. Fifteen records went
by the board in the two days of com-
The new records established today
were the discus, shot put, two-mile
university relay, two mile college re-
lay, mile college and half-mile col-
lege relay, and three interscholastic
Charles Reinke, Michigan star half events and the running hop, step, and
miler, running anchor man on the jump.
two-mile relay team, won the event Cver shadowing the performance of
for the Wolverines at the Drake relays the individual athletes was the record
yesterday by defeating Conger, of smashing of Herbert Schwarze, giant
Ames, in a sensational finish. Reinke 1 weight man of the University of Wis-
covered the distance in the fast time consin, who shattered two marks.
of 1:54 3-10. Schwarze, who has been tossing the
discus for only three weeks, threw
the nickel 146 feet 7 1-3 inches, beat-
1beat- Ing the Drake relay record of 138
feet 6 3-4 inches.
Schwarze excelled his own Drake
record in the shot put with a heave
RIFE IN DETROITl of 47 feet 9 1-4 inches. In the trials
yesterday, the Badger giant put the
1-ball 45 feet 6 1-8 inches which broke
Report Shows Graft in Several City the old Drake record. Butler college
Departments; Taxpayers also cracked two records, winning
Suffer Huge Loss the one mile relay in 3 minutes 18 1-5
second. The Hoosiers also won the
JUDGE ASKS WARRANTS half-mile college relay in 1 minute
27 4-5 seconds.
AI The two major university relays
Detroit, April 25.--Irregularitles,I went to Michigan and the University
;raft, corruption, and extravagance in of Texas. The Wolverines, with the
several city departments, costing the aid of the brilliant running of Charley
taxpayers of Detroit hundreds of thou- Reinke, the anchor man, won the
sands of dollars were set forth in the two-mile event in 7 minutes 51 2-5
report of Judge Frank Murphy of the I seconds and bettered the Drake relay
Recorder's court, on the findings of mark of 7 minutes 52 1-5 seconds es-
is grand jury inquiry made public tablished by Ames in 1921.
.late today. The race developed into a thrilling
Graft and corruption were foundin struggle with. mes, Wisconsin, Notre
the board ot education, the depart- Dame, and Michigan threatening
went of public works, the motor trans-
portation division, the park and boule- throughout. The Badgers led at the
Vard department, the water board, and end of the first relay with Ames sec-
also in connection with the purchase ond, the team finished in the same
of a site for the county morgue, Jdge position at the end of the second re-
Murphy's report states. lay, with Notre Dame third. At the
No recommendations for indictments start of the final relay, Ames was in
were made in the report, but it was the lead with Michigan second.
understood Judge Murphy has for- Reinke, of Michigan, and Conger, of
undestod Juge urpy ha s or-Ames, then stled down to a sensa-
warded a letter to the prosecuting at-tinldvebuth Woereha
torney of Waynetcounty recommend-d etdtheWoerine ha
ing the indictments and prosecution greater endurance and finished two
of certain city officials and certain yards in the lead. Reinke went his
private contractors who have been do- last half mile in 1 minute 54 3-10
ing business for the city. scOnds.
In his letter to Robert M. Toms, Texas captured the four-mile event
prosecuting attorney, Judge Murphy 'after a spirited contest with the Ore-
practically ordered the issuing of war- gon Aggies. The Texan time was 17

rant, for nineteen men. The prose- mmu
cutor -10seconds..
cuter said lie would take no action The team of Haskell Indians, hon-
until he had thoroughly' studied the I ored with traditional Indian names,
report. bagged a victory in the two-mile.

games committee will




outline the

Northrop Achieves Victory In Javelin
Throw by Hurling Spear More
Than 193 Feet
Philadelphia, April 25.-(By A. P.)-
International competition, which saw
the defeat of both Lord David Burgh
ley of Cambridge university and A.,.E.
Porritt of Oxford, was over shadowed
in the final event of the University of
Pennsylvania relay carnival today by
the attainment of a mighty team of
relay stars from Georgetown uni-
The Washingtonians who yesterday
romped away with the world's records
for the mile medley, today accomplish-
ed a greater feat eclipsing the two-
mile record made by Boston college
last year by 5 2-5 seconds. Swine-
burn, Holden, Sullivan, and Marsters
ran the distance in 7 minutes 42 sec-
Lord Burghley, who defeated a
capable field of American performers
in the 400-metre hurdles, proved un-
able to cope with American speed at
a shorter distance and over the high
barriers. Woods, of Butler ,and Scat-
tergood, of Princeton, defeated him in
the first heat ofthe 120-yard hurdles.
For a time it was Porritt's day. The
British invader, a sprinter from New
Zealand, delighted the crowd of more
than 30,000 with. his victory in the
second half of the 100 yard dash.
The field for the finals included
Porritt, MacCready of Princeton,
Hubbard of Michigan, Duello, of the
Army, Cummins of Virginia, Schoon-
maker, of New York university and
Irwin, of Ohio State.
Hubbard proved the snag for the
New Zealander. The Michigan man
was off like a flash and half way
down the stretch l., by kve yards,
but Porritt was gaining speed' an
rushed to the tape only two yards be-
hind. It was a battle that brought
the great assemblage to its feet,
cheering, and both men received ova-
tions. Schoonmaker, of New York
university, took third place. But
Hubbard had to run the distance in
9 4-5 seconds, a fifth of a second
slower than the world's record to win
from, the British flash. - Porritt is
credited with less than 10 seconds in
the recent Oxford Cambridge meet in
Boston college won the four mile
relay, Michigan placing third in a
slow race.
Philip Northrup, star sophomore
pole vaulter and javelin thrower of
the Michigan track team, won the
javelin event with a heave of 193 feet
11 3-8 inches. This distance is three
I feet further than the qualifying dis-
tance in the Olympic trials last June
at Harvard. Bench, of Yale, placed
second with a distance of 186 feet
4 1-4 inches. Runtree, of Vanderbilt,
won a third place with 182 feet 1-2
inches, while Frieda, of the Univer-
sity of Chicago track team, threw the
javelin 176 feet 9 inches for fourth
Boston garnered five points in the
four mile relay event, covering the
distance in 15:5 1-5 miinutes. Penn
State finished second, ahead of the
University of Michigan team.

plans for the games May 8 and 9 and
William L. Diener, '26 will also talk.
Thomas C. Winter, '28 will act as
toastmaster at the banquet and
Henry Grinnell, '28, president of the
freshman literary class will speak.
Paul W. Endriss, '28 will lead the
class in cheers.
Tickets for the affair are being
sold by committeemen and group
captains and managers and they may
also be secured at the main desk in
the Union. The price is seventy-five
Because the number of men that
can be accomodated in the assembly
hall is limited, the committee in
4 charge urges all freshmen who intend
to be present at the banquet to se-
cure their tickets early.

mas vacation, including such cities as
New York, Washington, Philadelphia,
and many others, an unusually large
turnout is expected. Actual re-
hearsals will begin on or about May
10 when Mr. loyer ai'rives in AnnC
School Graduates'
To Hear Crocker,
Lionel Crocker of the public speak-
ing department will give three highf
,school commencement addresses dur-
ing the months of May and June. He r
will give the commencement talk at.
Sandy Creek high school, May 28;
at Fowler high school, June 17, at Ox-
ford, June 18.
His subject will be "Personalities
of Great Americans.".

Three Mile Mark
Broken By Nurmi
Colsieum, Los Angeles, Cal., April 25.
-Paavo Nurmi, Finland's fastest mile
distance runner, won a three-mile race
from Hight Sherman, Indiana, here
today. The first quarter mile was

Ou ewatharM n
--Says that it will continue to be
What it is all about, but I'v seen
some very strange ladies here on
the campus. They're good look-
ing, vivacious, and of smart at-

passed in 63 1-2 seconds, Nurmi drop- As the second outdoor campus en-
ped a few paces behind from the gun, tertainment to be offered. by the band
but after the first quarter timed hin- this spring, a concert will be given
self on increased his pace to lead the from 7 to 8 o'clock W~ednesday even-
field in the second lap. ing from a stand near the large flag
Nurwi's time was 14 minutes 15 9-10 pole. Last Wednesday a similar con-
seconds, a new American record for a cert was presented, and as long as
three-mile run. the weather is favorable these con-
certs will be given weekly. Mr.
,Wisconsin NineRobert Campbell, treasurer of the
r so, * University, stated yesterday that the
Loses To Illini University Glee Club would probably
sing as a special feature of the en-
Madison, Wisconsin, April 25.-Illi- tertainim,ent, but that as yet it was
nois defeated the University of Wis- iot quite sure whether they will be
cousin baseball team here today, 10-4 able to appear this Wednesday.
in a slow game marked by frequent The band will play their regular
errors and heavy hitting. repertoire, or as much of it as they
Wisconsin gleaned most of its runs are able to include in the hour's coi-
in the fourth inning when two Illi- cert.
nois errors, coupled with bunched T hese campus concerts are replac-
hits sent three men across the bag. ig the ordinary rehearsals, since the
Kinderman, Illinois, got the only band, a continuous organization and a
home run of the game. unit since last fall has perfected its
technique to the point where studied
, r, _1 ' rehearsals are unnecessary.


Bishop To Leove
For Conventian




Ohio State Squad
Beats Purdue, 15-4
Columbus, Ohio, April 25.-Ohio
State won its third Western Confer-
ence baseball game here today by de-
feating Purdue in a slugging bee
15-4. Today's victory marked the sec-'
ond this year over the Boilermakers,
the Buckeyes havin beaten them
earlier in the season.

Syracuse 9, Michigan 2.
Illinois 10, Wisconsin 4.
Ohio State 15, Purdue 4.
Chicaeo 4, Detroit 2.

I ,

W esterners Club William A. Bishop, University li-
Plais For Dance brarian, is leaving Tuesday, April 29,
to attend the convention of the Na-
tional University Extension associa-
Final plans for the Westerners' tion at the University of Virginia,
club annual spring dance which is to Charlottesville, Va. The conventionj
be given May 1 at Packard's Dancing will be held from April 30 to May 2,
academy were discussed in the meet- and on the morning of May 1 Mr.
ing of the club held recently. OW-I Bishop will deliver a paper dealing
ficers for the following year were Iwith a detailed study of university
also elected. and library extension service whichj
The dance is to be open to the stu- has been made by a committee of the
dent body, and tickets will be placed American Library association of
on sale at both Wahr's and Slater's which he is a member.
bookstores Monday. The price of the En route, Mr. Bishop will make an
Iaddress at the Western College for
San Francisco, Cal., April 25: - Women at Oxford.I
Johnny Weissmueller broke his own Prof. William D. Henderson, direc-
record for the 100 yard swim here to- tor of the University Extension di-j

Michigan shared honor with Butler .,Washington, April 25.--Secretary
in winning two races, taking tne 880- Kellogg declared himself tonight to
yard university relay after a battle be "heartily in favor" of American
with Illinois. The Wolverine quartet ticipation in an international tribunal
ran the distance in 1 minute 27 15 for the settlement of international dis
seconds, which tied the Drake record pute
for the event. } Addressing the delegates of the
Roland Locke, the University of American Society of Law, Mr. Kel-
Nebraska sprinter, and George Guth- logg asserted it was strange that,
rie, of Ohio State, were the athletes though we are approaching 1926 the
to tie records in the individual events. United States, one of the leading
j Locke sprinted to victory in 9 4-5 countries in arbitration is not a mem-
seconds, tieing the Drako mark. Witt- ber of any international court."
man, of Michigan, was ;second, Fisher ' '"I am heartily in favor of the re
of Kansas third, Edgars of Dart- establishment of a judicial tribunal,
mouth, fourth. in which nations may present their
Doyle and Munz ran into stiff com- problems and their international dis-
petition in the discus and shot, each putes," he declared. He said that al-
placing sixth in his event. Following though international law is not yet
the meet tonight dinner was tendered, in a, state of evolution there are still
ot the track team by 'the Michigan enough international regulations to
alumni. The victorious teams will make such a court workable. For this
arrive in Ann Arbor at 3:30 o'clock purpose, he added,* he believed thor-
tomorrow afternoon. oughly in the "effort to codify and ex-
tend the principals of international

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