PAGEI SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 1925 0 i II J / ' "T Y ' 1 see aft-ou"Mm"m .. .. MI*CHISANREA One MilerTeam lWIZ Compete at 1Penn Relays; While Other Quartets lliiRunii"at 1DrakeI Classic Rivalry Broken 15MEN QUALIFY FOR GOLF S-Q-UAD Fi &ls121ian ii (sC Out Captain AMode 1 I~oddsw( t1i By One 'stroke In IPiay VARSITY SWIIIIMERIS Members of last year's Var- sity swimming team are asked to report at 2:30 o'clock this aft- ernoon and1 at 7:30 o'clock to- night at the Y. M. C. A. pool to assist Coach Mann in running off the State Junior championship j 4 ,',I I (I I RACQUET MEN MEET G IETuoli All Intramurallpla.Fers should? j l:t y on1 ground south of Ferry field. Entries are st ill being r< < ,iveo for the Independent softball Ileag-uo. ¢, a ('A tain Cranie, 1erofiue, Voe and Eiiott Make 'frlp lirh'kbauliil, to ) 1 I L held thereI HUBBARDJ IN IDASHj FIRST MIATICH SOON - ILEAVE 1THIS~IMORNhiNG Michigan's relay teams will today Xitl i the termination of the qual- Wt ihgnArclua olg attempt to put Michigan up in the Ivjjftj Alumiiumid to1'ith25chhgneAgmcedtlsl Clleg leadl sinthe relay events at the Dakp fy J10 ',~i~lo G oemdl pa l ~III1111111 offering the Oposition, Michigan's at the Ann Arbor golf club course , U i 1 I IIII Varsity tennis team opes its regular andds h hih the s th Penng ea e t ~k i relays.Te W lv rn s o r m le r l y i "° y ; y s er a ft r o n, ffee e res a ona'an i g th s a te n o . thtthe i " ceived berths on the Varsity golf I HL I il The Wolverine net stars, olposel seam hichis th gretest9hat : ftC~ M E*t.' Crane1,11111 erato e 1 ulb school has boasted in years is con- .,I5!al oro hs enaefeh iLI~E u~ 1f(at rnrcam udForothsmearfrs-peting at Philladelphia, while the two Imno hsya n n tefu, Vos, and Ellott, together with Dr. mie ie n afmiesud r ""tM. fl. Stanton Jr., upset all expecta- e10Atitel m 16CtsIi Robert ' (. Angell, of the sociology Fie mile, ander 0halfl mile FsquadsCiaeseII dipaig hi arsa esMie rt 1 ~tions wheni he nosed cut Capt. Mode ll Ol adIdaadepartment, ho'ias been dretng' displaying>their wres attDes Moines The four mile team 'which is conm-1Ildworth by one stroke and woni igV11, Ohompe t uatetawl eaeti onn o posed of Hicks, Hornberger, Jung, f ,." premier honors in the round, with a (IA. A. C. and Calahan should cover the dis- . score of 149 for the course. Thre eiive singles and two doubles con-1 tac negtenmntso bte.I.iiteb of the cu, Bob Hs Is A.A.H.S. ENTE S1 tests "will make up the competition Ilicks is the fastest of the four hay-vFre oetonadWlrn r; nti feno'smth h ie ing already covered the distance in considered as regular members 'of Mr tai10ahlts ner1 ichiganfeon'wil rably. playfine 4:26 while all of the other men have I 'w' $' the squad without qualifying. dteodrgvnaoead sec Fk years of age, representing 1G citie inteorrginabv nIasac run under 4:20. DeHart Hubbard, w , All men listed below may obtain' mran has been showing to good advan-~ PhlNrhuadaar akn Michigan, Ohio and Indiana, will aedrn th PhlNrhuadHryHw i regular playing rights for the springtaedrn th past six weeks, of accompanied the relay team to Irbil) ~a y I season by paying eleven dollars to compete in the Junior swimming practice, Michigan ought to be well1 delphia where they will compete In onMlo tth lb rcieme to be held in the City Y. M. C.I represented at the Aggie school. it tobekthe iniiuleexstingurecrds bin 4 . ', WNLLb rounds and foursome matches will1 A. today. is not yet known as to what line-up ' o brw heexsir rcodsi be scheduled for next week, in prep-! The majority of the teams arrived the Farmers will present but its both the 100 yard dash and the broad' A fwh artioii for the first match of the sea- inh city last night . Ohio will be understood that they have a formid- jumnp while Northrup will perform in r ........................................ i son when the Wolverines encounter represented by Cleveland, Lima, able team. the pole vault and the javelin.IHa'wk- ,'>' ~ Ohio State University on the club' Tiffin and Toledo, while Fort Wayne At present the Varsity squad con- ins will throw the hammer.,'' course, next Saturday.I will represent Indiana and the Mich- sists of ten mnen, but "Bob" Angell ! At Des Moines the mWile team 'will E . The qualifying round scores fob F ian entries include Ann Arbor, D- expects to make a final cut of two or be composed of Feinsinger, Reinke, S low: M. L. Stanton Jr., 149; Mode troit, Bay City, IHastings, St. Clair, three more men in the near future Olbeiser, and Mueller, and the half .1.. -oldsxvrth, 150; George C. Weitze, Port Huron, Jackson, Lansing, High-' The regular team went through only1 mile quartet of Voelker, Hulse, Fein- 1 151; Addie Connor, 152; E. A. Vyse, land Park, Grand Rapids and Flint. a light practice yesterday to keep in singer, and Wittman. The two mile l + 152; James Prentiss, :153; E. H. The Michigan varsity swimming trim, while the reserves held regular squad will be composed of Reinke, With the announcement Thursday the Illinois star five tinies in theI Guettel, 153; Fred J. Feeley, 154; team will assist in running off the practice on the Ferry Field courts.ji Freyburg, Hart, and Likert. Reinke of tihe inieligibiility of James Brooker, eight times~ they have cashed. rown-u Fred (;over Jr., 154; Robert New- 'meet, while Fielding H. Yost, Michi-1 will, cptano the Varsitynsttracknnteam, ell, however has established better roiian, 151; Paige Lehman, 155; Ralph, gan athletic director, hs donated a Patronize ]laiy Advertisers -it in both the mile and, two mile relays, - marksatathanftBeooarery havingeamet Waterlbury, 155; J. Burnhian, 158; ! silver loving cup as a teams trophy. pays.-Adv. while Feinsinger 'will compete on the tegets ulbtre pole vault- wol'rndo eo lo;3fet 91Martin Garber, 58; Jule Harrison,i Ann Arbor has the -largest nium- mile and half' mile quartets. Voelker, ,cers in collegiate history was brought Iiiches. Brooker won a place oniithe 160. her of entries with 13 followed by Munz, Doyle and Weeks will compete t ned ro~radDa rw;~Oy-li ellls uic'~li( Highland 'Park 'with 12, 'Detroit writhr in the individual events at Des, ell of Illinois have battled for Big Brownell was injured and could do London, April 24.-New high marks X22, Lima, 'Fort, 'Wayne and 'Bay City 2C6-G P Moines. Voelker will run the hurdles,i Ten supremacy for more than two only 11 feet, 6 inches in the final try- for the post-war period were made with 10 each. w .r and Weeks will be entered in the ybis.Ily the pound sterling today in its ad- Iyar.ot.TeMcia ale'beti-I high juimp. Doyle and Munz 'will de- Brooker winds up his track career door performance was in the C'rnel vance toward parity with the dollar. Plymouth, April 24.-Alanson B. iV! wte Mnhodnthadatg.Houghton, newly appointed American t1ireforsRoEhewMgh eensE CaiLASSIoFIEoDnllinth n ;metDhiSyarwenlibceaed13fedor,! arrive'dASI Tl)ADymbssdoerrvedystrdy 'wtbuzhligteavnae er of victories 'won, having trimmed 1-4 inch. '_______________________________________ Kfl'JVFY DEDY OEI[S WLK-VERS~ FFTITH NNIVRSA1 Tree Educational Tours in Europe IN FOM OR ANNUA G 13aJc 1-O vrVia the St. Lawrence River Route W a_ 1k . 0 - These inexpensive Third Cabin Tours afford an exceptional Lexington, ayn, April 24 -Ten- opruiytovstS M tucky derby candidates here in Gen- I o eral are in excellent condition,. (1s-l Guy WOO(f r and to see some of the most beautiful and romantic places in Canada, pite the presence several 'weeks ago Com fort -that is thisicldiR isti Montreland -ebeIUM36 South I An of aincludingchistoricuMontrealrandnQuebecr of a epdemc o infuena. oreThe river trip accustoms one to the ship long before the Ocean is reached than thirty eligibljs for the cas sic ' and the scenery on almost one-thousand miles of river from Montreal 2 ass and Patterns exclu iaintakhr.Im dlare quartered at the Kentucky Asso-S es m d l nam e to the sea will live long in the memory. ciaiontrak hre.JUNE 19- Leaving Montreal on the JUNE 27- Leaving Montreal on the ,Several of thde caitidates, in1clud-1 Athenia for Glasgow, returning from Ausonia for Plymouth. returning from ds iug Step Along, Son of John, and I Your eyspois o tye n teWl-Oe erborg Jly 17 on the Ausona. Liverpool July 24 ontheAania. H THU UdrupieGu o aLmtd UdrapieW..enyLmtdTraymiore, have been prushied alongnfame quality-but comfort? You can't describe iote' Montreal Y3-evn Montreal ontheLeitizfriGasgwnjuRP in1 their treining at a steady pace the; comfort. You can ' ga t etti heo rtrigfo CebugJl 3 nti 4cIi.Udr1 last several weeks and are ready for yu el armi.Gtms heo urings frGyom ebourgmulydMontreania.UnerI OADWAYAtr4O0hSTREET ymedaourcig foot. Fe the roomy sense of ease at toe and afsieso u TmsLiieMotelMTROPLITAN OpIRA HiOUSEBlocG Two 'of the foremost deirby no011i-I tread, the snug and clinging grip of the pear-shaped s..,-cs 84 BROADWAY-A fle ~ - r.i 1""'Te ~",wConsult the followin for more details and for neshere,' ixen ucky - ardinal and[ heel. Tenyou'll know why comfort is everv Walk-. Pariculars of tierary- - K ing N adi have been brought along O ver r sh oe 's m idd le n am e. Guy Tom bsH atLtd. ll 2$ H an,enry s Ltd. in th r t a n ng T e fo m s 8 f av."p c al y s g i g s ow n h s w rk flirusaalatteLxntnThe Robert Reford Co. Ltd., 01opital t, Montreal V I f l e r n t ' l t t e L x n tnme e tin g w h ic h s ta r ts A p r il 2 5 it w ill s Iw A R ACO OS be in the B lue G rass stakes on the f n l d y l M d l h s s o n u v ° ' 's i expected prowess in his iioi'kouts. ', 1z13 Wa shlngton Hl d, Detroit, tli As a two-year-old he was coinsidered'; ~ ~ - r IC \\ ' ="fr II Entries in all-campus close Friday night. liol'Se:;hoe:-, IJunior engineers' batseball practi(,e Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock., INTRFRATl~ il'YTFN NiS The 'following matches must be playedl and xenoi~ted to t:he IntramauralI office by Monday noon, April 27t: Theta Clhi vs. Delta Tau Upsilon, Beta Phi Delta vs. Delta Phi, Acacia vs. Phi Gamma, Delta, Phi Kappa vs. The- ta Xi, Sigmia Phi Epsilon vs. Cfrunumw Sigma, Sigma Alpha Mu vs. Phi Kapn- pa Sigma, Clhi Phi vs. Aluha Ka ppal Lambda, Zeta Beta Tau vs. Theta Del- ta Chii, Pi Kappa Alpha vs. Phi Clii, Phi B3eta Pi vs. Phi Sigma Kapapa, P.hi Kappa Tan vs. Sigma Phi, Delta.' Cli vs. 'Phi Delta Theta, Signia Delt iaja- pa vs. Phi Lsambda Kappa,,I.Delta Uprsi- Ion vs Alpha Tau Omega, Phi Bela~ Delta vs. Hiermitage, Tau Kappa Eps:-- Ion vs. Phi Mu Delta, Triangle vs. Xi' Psi Phi, Tan Epsilon Phi vs. JBeta Theta Pi, "Pi Lambda Phi vs. Deltai Tan 'Delta; Delta Sigma, Phi vs. Sig;- mna Chi, D'elta Alpha Epsilon vs. Phi Mui Alpha, Psi Omega vs. Alpha Cli Rho, Alpha Delta Phi vs. Phi Kappat Psi, Alpha Sigma Phi vs. Kappa Num, Nit Sigma Nu vs. Alpha Chi Sigma, Lambda Clii Alpha, vs. Phi Delta Clhi, Alpha Rho Chi vs. Phi Sigma Delta,. (Continued on Page Seven) 4 J ' i . 'LES 1Display at 'Ik & Co. Fte Street r, Mich. isive our own des SIqJn f [QW.V W.1Q22'' l lb lau %F I I I I- .- .... --- :_1 3 &HARDY ORATED 144 WES'T42N° STREET KNICC KER BUILDING lT WALL B E2ET 4, - j~ I a strict niudder, but his tinie on fast tracks this spring has conviniced his owner that lie is capable of runniing the derby over any kind'of course. r Second semester freshmen or Ii men having three years remain- I Iinzo rn the. eamtln'i,'din a to IE $9.00 :211 1 MEN I II t 1 s tlJY'14t t wous ao wr TaRflI REC US.PAT OFF. 11i5iSouth Arain St. -41 try out for managerial assistants, season 1925, should report at 2 o'clock "todlay at the Field house. GLENN DONAImDSON, Manager. I' I i L ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , G OLFERS - j3LA YINTG Privileges .for students i $10.50 from now on to ,June ofour tenpa- ment plan. Suits $4ftto $55. Soci- ety Brand.= IwFlannel trous'ers $P7.00 to $00 1= °. Flannls For the man who is interested in flannel trousers we are offer- ing a snappy new model in the latest shades, grey, biscuit and tan. The wide belt loops were made- just for this season's unique belt and buckle combi- nation. The flannels sell for $9 and $10. The belt and buckle in black or tan, $2.50. 20th. Come out and try the t ! I course at our nominal greens fee of S$1.00. I' Mi x x 0'11wt I.40 IR 1 ' fl f