-PAGE SIC. THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, F EBRUARY 14, 1925 f-.""r.n joll R I --- 14044 gft ' a- nw__.o ,"WAM-pmp- r c= v THE IA ,TEAMS VIIl p E g 1 1 T a SWIMMER s REACH MADIS ON FOR MIEETi 3;att )Iiin(Gi,,Proteges IDrill ti C~ A. f'.1?irinig Restover in ChicagoI Eight BigT Teams To, 'lonigit will s5(C all b)ut B.ig; Te'n 1ba:;ietball I cans in 011 ig t11, :he neaten 11] incu Ohio Stato, runmners up in t Mili n plays Chiicago a Me t'OLVERINES TO PLAY INDIANAl Meet ,,rnF TNHRDPLACE IN 816 ILN! Leads Hoosiers HAPPLER3TK Ni IUIN iOI 'alit:dni Ka rlel wvill wrestle in the 1 25 pound class though hie has not as yet r 'covered from an injury suffered early in the year. Last season Kar- bel was one of the best in the Con-, feren(,e but his chances are poor to- j i~lE . Aile, who will replace Cran- ni action iii- )i sive Uand lie race. mIt Urbana (iolltC: ioFiold 1ilu"e LINEUP IS &UNCERTAI~N a ad irc m 11all reports tie lillni will WISCON\SINI IS FAVORDI) ; ie le ' ]r 1 ls esnsczrl ponent. In tomorrow's clash with the ganie. eration for the starting positions. If: las h Badgers much stronger opposition is ____L.______ ___ [itrel plays. Doyle will play his cus- wxinning a year ago, looked for than the Maroons were ; - tomary back guard but otherwise to othesonofa able to'muster ' Herseberger and Gil-'Ray Stil fter, Doyle will play center .and Reason and iff they rep~eat t breath are the backbone of the Badg- ! o t ' I xwill probably go to the forward post.coeteerme er squad; IHelrseberger swimming in: {aue i Ilutzel's work has been below his usu- sc deol. ~ ch the 100 yard free style, the 40, and I- - al standard for the past week and the B ie h ih the~ relay, with a possibility of enter- Chicago, Feb. 13.-Joie Ray, thej "Skipper" will probably wait until he 2,5IllinsdefYaledwo ing the 220. Samson and (Gowawill :diminutive Illinois A. C. star, still gets into forum again before giving Pol0,ytechnic 2,408Bde lahi hefrt hns i ,anba PaoNrmtef i cac n h ieu.Rsnc oytcnc2 t0 ( son will be Michigan's entries in the ; a mile. He intenids to go out and at- good basketball all week and Line grp' tand 'thae re: r longer race. Whittingham is slated to' tempt to force Nurnii into such a race has been showing signs of brilliant olca NwHv cop the bre~ast stroke event with b)y regaining somme of the records that form from tinme to trime. -b'Cit iecii) Milziner a possible third, were his until the Finn camne along. t Indiana will bring one of the finest lcc oteczp In the back stroke Captain Kerr! Ray is back homec after his second squads in the Big Ten to (10 battle McmilFb 3 will meet stiff opposition in Gilbrea th, eastern campaign suffering from a with the Wolverines for thbird l~ ace MarFe. who has been turning in excellent heavy cold but determined to continue f in the Conference standings. Not ; *ri svstecm xwas timhes in Wisconsin's early* season training and tryig. only will the H-oosiers have a strong1 Lieut.-Ctol. Vermzin meets. Halsted is slightly bothered five to put onto the floor but the re- l ecture before the with his injured leg and probably will; London, Feb. 13.- Forty thousand serve material is considered to be al- taf.. not turn in as good a race as he did, Londoni school children are influenza most as good as time first string. Cap- against Chicago. Wisconsin's diver victinis, in some cases less than half tain Pam-ker, one of the finest centers j ---- - won first place in both the Iowa and the average attendance beinig in class in the Conference, who stands six Milwaukee contests while Starrett has roomis. feet and a half, has been replaced by1j only been entered in one other Con- ; ,- -9 .{ Ir) Terence ineit, placing second on that ' _______________________________________ occasion. P'apengutli, a veteran of two years' standing, was off form in v ia the Glorious St. Lawrence Route the Chicago meet and showed another lapse in good -springboard work imm this' Three Inexpensive College Tours to Europe /afernonmi n~tic sssin.BRITAIN -- HOLLAND - BELCIUM -- FRANCE Siednman has been working hiard awl:d may come through with soniething in? THESE Tours via the St. Lawrence Route, include in the itinerary the plunge but it is doubtful. The an almost one thousand mile trip down the mighty St. LawrenceRieadscnsobauyndhtrcitrs;adafrdn team will leave for hiomne Sunday opportunity to see the grand old cities of Montreal and Quebec. The morning sir that they will be ab~le to trip down the river also helps the traveller to get his sea legs before grit in two full weeks of p~ractice be- reaching the open sea. uled for February 28. ively for members of the touring party. JUNE 19 - Leaving Montreal on the JUNE 27- Leaving Montreal on the 4 u ri ,- RAthenia for Glasgow, returning from Ausonia for Plymouth. returning from!f _THEY11Y Cherbourg July 27 an the Ausonia. Liverpool July 24 on the Aiauniia. Under auspices Guy Tombs Limited, Under auspices W. H. Henry Limilted. ___Montreal. Montreal. 1 1,000JULY 3-Leaving Montreal on the Letitia for Glasgow. returning from Cherbourg July 31 on the Ascania. Undo r Ohio State4 5 ' 1 auspices of Guy Tombs Limited, Montreal. : eforward positions aphinore flash, will er job. Spomisler a 'ears ex:pem'ience inf ill take care of the while .Beckler will position. stamrt at 7:30 East- .rbor timme} Team Dvepauw{ oral bowlimng team, legiate champnions, Depauw University score of 2,756 to ;an bowlers were seth and Mlesner 2,756 points was the ed in by any of the is under the aus- ,mur"al department, members were oni ipionshmip team. By ,time team came in- ihandsome trophy, this ye-ar it will be- lit property of time iganm-Depauiw match yracuse 2,720 to on from Rensselaer .o 2.279. conducted by tWe- suits of the thr11ee ed to the centr-al 'n, C'onmn., anid then timm; school1S. -FTee A ni!irani hig;hly prazised by E . siallam'ga :sina :e S <:islmgeneral age in the 145 pound weight will have \lwmq-~ms\ar~ty'~:r~'~iig e~um ;~-gim goig in his match and only a xvill miiEel( Io)wa toel."iq:;iaiisthird (decidled inprovement under fire will ('on t'z'c nice tilt of I lie year. '!hsE, Varnsity ;xx in for himi. Sinclair who has 'won io ci i~ none'ii ~' ~ amE,:!11, f-neamd lost two imatlhes so far this' ; :ti iz isi o c ".K) ~io~g, osa ,'sai on xwill endceavor to earn himself - :;n(1 ml I2mnlime amid istwa lKenedt , ii 0even'm.500 percentage by winning to- b': 1u- i 0' 1ec''and i'' e iii ty. iilat. 1F 'W tli' start oL' Ii ~od a ,ilr.st. -Coildsteim is favored to win for the it\XaMIi'-~s h It iea ~ einie1)mg W Ieria~;having won two and lost i hmo]in_ 11 t be a voided but studies ca 1ooe m ('i n,g" iiinte 145 onoi latci CLso far this season, and in d i'en, tI boug-h restomi All- addition, Howard the Iowa heavy- cainiw. xiner mbi ime 1715 1oumid class weight has been declared ineligibile on 1!1 s tr i''ar msaaimi in ib" g'zood grces time1 eve of the match, so that Iowa of the f'acuslty an! will probably 're- will be farced to send a second-rater t I~ Oii(( aiigith in ll thilght-heavyweight ;aantteMichigan heavy. division. 'ioepher, prmohimising' confemr in both- lie 125 amidI ''a i5 to~ml divrisiolls, xthrN i; . 1A N OTICE als;o 1W immax'a;,iable I'Or 11W 1owa en-E count en, so t hat C'oach Darker was Class officers andl committee-. ,faii ainhmr°,J to scod a<