I PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY. APRIL'25. 1955 4 COSTUME PRIlES. Will Give Awards After Elimination ftance At May Party On 3May 8 GRAND MARCH OMITTED Four prizes will be awarded to thje1 wearers of the best costumes at the Arhtects' May Party, which will be held May 8 in Waterman gymnasium. 'the winning costumes will be select- ed in an elimination dance. A com- mittee will allow those Judged to be among the best to remain on the floor during the elimination dance. Then! it 'Will select the four best. Everyone attending the party ab- solutely must come in costume, and even those in formal dress will be barred, According to R. E. Burket, '25A, chairman of the committee. He also said that the costumes that are In harb~ony with the setting, which will be Oriental, will have the best chance in the costume contest. For the benefit of those who ex-! pect to attend the affair, the 'coin-I ittee has placed costuming infor-I tioin at the main desk of the I- birary And in the architectural refer- enc'e room. There are also a series of original costume designs on dis- play in the case in the architectural corrider in the Engineering b:uilding.' Since the grand march has been elimninated from this year's May Pafr, dancing will begin imwediate- ly at 9 o'clock and will continue un- til 2 o'clock. Music will be furnished by Wright's orchestra, of Columbus, Ohio, a colored Aggregation. HIand-colored 'programs and spec- ially designed invitations have been prepared, and these will be distribu- ted with the tickets. The refresh- ments this year will take the form of a midnight- supper. Most 'of the de- signing of decorations for the May Party this year has been done through competition in classes in the architectural college. REED, TEALDI ATEND ^10if 112*12 uMuIA S~ mIMPrh~qP , Bank- Of France Is Center Of Interest il i ;i This unuretentious building in the Rue de la lBanque is the center 1 of iintoi ast in France 'now, literally and figuratively speaking. It is theBank of Prance, through which any noCw financial policy growing out of the downfall'of the Herriot government will be put into -effect. The bank has alr~eady issued 2,000,00 ,0 francs more 'than the legal limit for note circulation, and government einployc es are being paid in promissory note,. Ask any of our Satisfied Customers! Welding, Brazing Auto Repairing Fenders Repaired PR OCH NOW 312 South Ashley Serenaders Conclude Pleasant Evening In. Clash With. Police Springtime, youth -and romanceltouched by the',anxious chorus froia mean noDthing to the Ann Arbor policeI the unrer windlows. "C aess well h:iv force, and as for serenading-the of- to let 'em go,' 'they dlecidedl regretful- ficers have never heard of the word.l. Ift Was 1:30 ol'clock Thursday night WVhereupon the duet removedl it self when two young men strolled down a 'nd its banjo fromn the vehicle of thue South, University. avenue,,-epquipped la dl(prcedonisw. FY bNid Bill iss weetWillia i now,"' I bc N with a banjo and a p air 'of tenor ~ e ste wne hi a voices. They* were hot, but~teywr aolda they weidd hi w,, happy,. They~had spen t *hrev- i te direction of Wasliteixa ave- nue. The windows of die Leaguie iois(i ning, croonIng plaintive melodies, 'neath the Windows of various sor-beaedsrdonemele inI ority and League houses, ibut h Irl ing 'of tile banjo died away in I In had~~~ a~n~ii~ h It thefgirlstdisfbnce, the venerable B11ick linlpo(I -------had. ap-~r---..- 'toniritsfoay..an fors of niewspapers throughout the state, and full professors in the Uni- vers it y. The remaining 500 copies are- placed on general sale. Work is now undlerway on a cinderl running track at Palmer field. The] track will be 330 feet in length and, five lanes wide. It will be ready fUri use, by May 11. Patronize Dlaily Advertisers - It palys.-A dv.I (Fakethe B - .v You can laugh at railroad tracks-when your car is equipped with Dunlop Bal-, loons. They swallow bumps! Dunlop 36-year quality is the best reason why they are right. DUNLOP BALDONS 1 itYu Present Rims ' Smfith Tire'R'e pair Company i= "One of the Finest Tire Dealers in Michigan"- -3-31 S9. Main Ann Arbor, Mich- VA 1 IIEU fit mul seemned that "Frivolous wbSal, hn dqie 5 iso't, bi~~ rL~rn~i I rendered in close harmony in the:Itesrn igt Imoon light, stil I badl power to soothel Prof. T. H1. Reed of the political The female hieart. Papers Of StateI science department, and Prof. Au- They' approached the League house brey Tealdi, head of the landscape at the corner of South and East ilni- Praise Editions I design department, have been in New versity, -and agreed to close the eve- O ~o rils York since Monday attending the In- ning in a blaze of glory., They en- - Jo rn lit" tern ational City and Regional Plan- tered, perched themselves on the back! ning conference. The convention Is yard ?fence, tuned up-the banjo, and Editorials commenting uponl the ill- the first international regional plan-I let 'er go.' "Big bad Bill is sweet WXil-I trodtictioii of rThe~ Michigan Journa- ning convention to be held in Amer- 11am now,""they announced "and the ica and delegates from both domestic nec"ssary audienceo appeared' in t t thenwwel apspbia and foreign cities were present. Prof. 'app'e'windows.: It looked 'proiisinwhich ngeiedb h Eliel Saarinen of Finland, who isj And* then the*,polcefrcstudenin 11tejourithi]fldepart- I noted for his architectural work in Half of it ,approachied fr om., hetd ent,, have been wvrittei] in ac (vora] America and who has given co urses] bearing a large flash light,' and the paertor ougnoetd the sat e Thesed in architecture in the University, other half appae'ntews i- aut pnteis ( sus also attended. The convention -ad- jilarly equipped. "Whadaya think fclyuoltefrttohUs journed Thursday. yo'e o ?".te asked rather gru'" and point out the i ill ortallce(,"oof'a Professor Reed, who is a member, fyouTre moing teysd.laboratory'for ,itudents inllii:; . de-1 fl. hemui casd.lai'tment. of the National Municipal, League andj "We're serenading," declared the! In atdditionl to the edlitorials wh il an early advocate of the city manager minstrels, offering the banjo as evid- Iaebe rte oninigae plan of city government read a paper ence.I To :he sure, the vistois had no hav bnew rbittca ompin)u15 hg v wi Wednesday on "A Plan for Organi- Itwritteewinuvlicatiton, paptersaty, zation." HeI discussed the Various required, by. the Jnterfraternlity:coun *p1inited several oft thle lea ture si 0110 needs for governmrental'organization cil, but they okda ebl, ~ iI le di h is ' ~ i and -activity in present day cities. the blue uniformns "Joi ues ofkTie'placedIuralstorThe new '1-I The conference paid particular at- singers suggested,' hospit~ihbly,, "and Y kTms dcda tr g(~ fh tention to the four major problems of We'1l have a quartet'!" n h U tdnswo r epl city goVernment,'rfing, con- But the;!nfiicers were ssp*eJo;i to put themselves through schlool by ~~~~ove new traficzonng, ,giving blood tranisfusions at the t'ni -! toovrnwsubdivisions, and reg- they had been .on the force for years, vriyhsiai natceOlIh planig.Thedeegtesalo ut they, had never heard of: serenad-if'ollt page. studied the housing problem and -Ing before. There, was something j 'rTheIthird issue of Trhe .lournali it parkway system of, New York City. wrong, they - decide Id', after a. consulta- wl epae nsae-odyo K tion. "Come along 'with us," 'they Il~-cmu n l iebosoe.'1- Wrile 's Ofervited the duet, politely opening the1 priinting ofthis edit ionl has;been.do-1 Camnpus Free GUMni The victims sighed 'andI obeyed, via- Trenton Timles. valizing a Period- of rehearsing in jail; Both issues of Tile Journalist have Mor tan ,00 smpe pc1age ~but 'the fair audience was, not to he been practically sold out during the; Wrey'san"P-K"0gumpl arektoesdi I robbed 0of'its mus -ic. The inatron of mOrning of their -appearance 111)011 tWriutedy the ri'glme copany next'the house Inberfered and explained to the campus. One thousand copies ar' Monda andTuesay tothe tude the 6fficers just what was meant by a printed. Of this number five hundredI' MonayandTusda t th sudets"serenade." They were convinced and copies are sent to the Regents,., cii- of the University through the agency_________________________________ Step starts on the starter - your- -M,- otor one immediately.* That's Just of the advantage's of STAROLINE ,High 'fest Gasoline. I It's pokwe--not mere gasoline ABBOTT GASOLINE CO's S E p Distributors AeA Aft, good mafly WOLVERINE MOTOR OILS I4 of The Daily. it Is proposed to givej out part of the samuples in the fratern- -ities anid sororities., while a general distribution will take place at the, State street entrance to Nickels' Ar-: cade. Slusser Obtains Prin ted Textiles! Fifteen pieces of printed textiles, secured :through J. P. Slusser, Who is now traveling in Europe, -have been received by the Architectural college and will soon'be placed on -exhibit in the architectural corridor case In the engineering building. At present a series of Mosaics are on display in the case. READ 9T1lE CLASSIFIED) ADS, I' ft extras AOR N AS H S ALES ER VICE NEW LOCATION Proper lubrication is the use of the right grade of Wolverine Motor Oil for your engine. No one grade of oil can satisfactorily meet all conditions 'encountered in dif- ferent types of engines in automotive service. There is a right grade of Wolverine Motor Oil for -every engine. Free crankcase service at all of our stations. MICHIGAMME OIL'COMPANY Other used cars $25 and up One-half Block South of Packard Street COMPLETE.EQUIPMWENT, BRAKE LINING, IVRECiiIN G STRAIGHTENNG FRAMES AND AXLES AND) REPAIRING Ri.A BID 521 South Main St. N. Unliv. and Twelfth St. First St. and A. A. R.I. Cornier IDet roit and Catherine Su;mperior Garage 21.5 Beakes St. Hill and Packard Sts. Ypsilatit Hlamburg Todd's, Whitmore Lake L. H. Steffe, Worden Coirner Witshingtonl and Divisionl 1Phoje 1199-N PHONE 10-27 A. C. M~ARQUAIRDT i Advertise 'in "The Daily" 1 r I 1921 Ford. Coupe *$160.00 1921 Ford Cou pe $165.00 4/ 1922 Overland Touring 1922 Overland Touring ..$225.00 9 $110.00 11 II 4 d~A~ 4 E~ ~ /n -d