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April 25, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-04-25

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Sir I an



VOL. XXXV. No. 150








AdmInIstraion Students, Alumni,
and Townspeople Will
Be Represented
The Memorial Convocation in mem-
ory of the late President Marion L.
Burton will be held at 8 o'clock
T4hursday, May 28, in Hill auditorium,
it was announced yesterday by the
Board of Regents. Robert Frost, wtro
has been selected for the University
fellowship in creative arts beginning
next year, has been chosen as the
It has been planned to hold such a
convocation ever since the death of
President Burton early Thursday
morning, Feb. 19. The deans at a
meeting held on that day, recommend-
ed such a memorial. Acting on their
suggestion, Acting President Alfred H.
Lloyd appointed a committee to make
arrangements on March 17.
Two committees, a general and an
executive committee, were appointed
at that time. In the general commit-f
tee are all of the deans and represent-
atives of the Regents, faculty, students,
alumni, and townspeople. In addition
to the deans, this committee includes,
specifically, Regent Junius E. Beal,
Professors A. L. Cross, representing
tWe literary college, H.E. Riggs, rep-
resenting the engineering college, C.
J. Lyons, the dental school, John
Sundwall, the public health depart-!
ment, G. C. Huber, the medical school,
and Evans Holbrook, the law school.
Dr. F. E. Robbins, assistant to the
President, will represent the admin-
istration, T. H. Cavanuagh, '27L, presi-
dent of the Union, and Margaret Dix-
On, '25, acting president of the Wo-
men's league, representing the stu-
dent body, Roy D. Chapin, ex '01, the
alumni, and Mayor George E. Lewis,
the townspeople.
The executive committee consists of
Professors A L. Cross, H. E. Riggs,
and Evans Holbrook. This committee
has active charge of all arrangements
for the convocation.
'Mr.aFrost,ethe New England poet,
was appointed to the 'University fel-
lowship in creative arts, starting next i
September and continuing for an in-
definite period, by President Burton
last October. He held the same fel-
lowship two years ago.
Syracuse, April 24.-Captain George
Dillman led his team at bat in a free
scoring baseball game here today in
which Syracuse defeated Michigan
12-11. Long clouting was a feature
of the affair, Dillman getting two
doubles and a single while Cherry
and Bachman also hit a pair of
doubles and Rhyrholm a three bagger.
Michigan drove Van Lengen, the
starting Syracuse pitcher, off the
slab in three innings but failed to
find Schlegle in the latter part of the
game. Benson pitched until a home
uprising in the sixth inning, when
Walters took his place. The teams
play again tomorrow.
Score by Innings:

Michigan Men
Qualify F o r
Drake Finals
(Special to the Daily)
Des Moines, Ia., April 24.-Michi-
gan got away to a flying start in the
preliminaries of the Drake Relay
Carnival which were held here today
by qualifying three out of four ath-
letes that were entered in the indi-
vidual competition.
Les Wittman, 1ubbard's team-
mate in the dashes, showed his eels
to the rest of the field in the 100 yard
dash in his preliminary heat winning
the race in 10.1 seconds. Wittman
will also run on the half mile relay
team tomorrow.,
Charlie Munz, star weight-man of
the Michigan team, qualified inthe
shot put; while Dick Doyle came
through with a qualifying heave in
the discus throw.
Emil Voelker found the going too
stiff in the 120 yard high hurdles and
was eliminated in a fast preliminary
heat. However Voelker will partici-
pate tom'orrow in the half-mile relay.
No preliminary heats were held in
the relay events so that tomorrow's
races promise to be a battle for po-
sition as well as speed on account of
the number of schools entered. Mich-
igan will be represented in the two
mile, mile, and half mile relays to-
Webster, Wales Professor, Declares
Gradual Development Necessary
For Political Systems
Stating that the League of Nations
has accontplished much more than
was ever hoped for by the statesmen
who gathered in Paris five years ago
for its formation, Prof. Charles K.
Webster, professor of international
politics at the University College of
Wales, spoke yesterday afternoon in
Natural Science auditorium upon "In-
ternational Cooperation in Theory
and Practice." "The most important
proof of the success of the League is
that it is a living reality," said Pro-
fessor Webster, "and in this respect
more than was hoped for."
"Only rarely has a political sys-
tem been invented by art individual;
it has generally been brought about
through gradual development," he
continued. "The late President Wood-
row Wilson had more to do, however,
with the formation of the League
than any other man. The idea of in-
ternational cooperation has long been
before the leading nations, receiving
its birth through exchange which
developed between the countries.
Many attempts have been made to
bring about this cooperation, confer-
ences being held from time to time,
most important of these being the
Hague conferences, but not until the
formation of the League had any
success been attained. "It took all the
horrors of the Great war to assemble
I the ideas upon international cooper-
ation which had so long been in the
minds of leading statesmen and put
them into working form," said Pro-
fessor Webster, "and even then it
was doubtful as to its success."
There were three plans presented
for the League, but after many com-
promises had been effected the one
adopted was essentially based upon

Al Turk's Fraternity Favorites and
Jordon's Kentuckians Supply
Continuous Music
Red, white, and blue in profusion,
scores of flags, and a sprinkling of
olive-drab uniforms transformed
Waterman gymnasium into a blaze of
patriotic color last night, and created
a martial setting for the fifth an-
nual Military Ball given under the
auspices of the University R. 0. T. C.
The national colors of the allied
countries surmounted by a brilliant
canopy of red, white and blue bunt-
ing which completely hid the ceiling,
and obscured the walls and roof of
the gymnasium.
Approximately 700 couples attend-
ed the affair, including compliment-
ary guests, and the hall was well
filled by 9:30 o'clock. Dancing
started promptly at 9 o'clock, to the
music offered by Al Turk's Fraternity
Favorites of Chicago, and Jordan's
Kentuckians of Louisville, the for-
nmer playing two novelty pieces com-
posed by Mr. and Mrs. J. O.'Reilly of
Ann Arbor.
The grand morch led by Milo Oli-
phant, '25E, chairman of the ball,
and Miss Sally Walser, '25, both of
Ann Arbor, began at 10:30 o'clock,
and lasted for twenty minutes, the
members of the Military Ball com-
mittee and their partners formifng
the van of the procession. Follow-
ing the grand march a picture was
Dancing was continuous until 2:30
o'clock, the orchestras alternating.
Refreshments in the form of punch
and bon-bons were served in the
thirty booths that lined the hall
These alcoves were each named for a
prominent military leader of the
World War. A large American flag,
served as a background for the or-
chestra stand on the north side off
the building which was effectively
decorated to represent the deck of a
man-of-war. The other orchestra
stand represented a sand-bagged
Prominent guests at the dance in-
cluded aviation officers from McCook
flying field, officers from Fort
Wayne, Detroit, the military faculty
of Michigan State college and mem-
bers of the University faculty. Fav-
ors were dispensed at the door of the
building to those who had not prev-
iously received them. The favors
were, silver-plated letter openers in
the form of miniature sabers, each
with a maize and blue tassel at its
Rome, April 24.-In special dis-
patch to his newspapers tonight, the
Sofia correspondent of the Giornale
d'Italia says that the streets of the
Bulgarian capital still present a
"civil war aspect" and that the at-
mosphere indicates the possibility of
a recurrence of violence. He says
that severe police measures are in ef-
The police are making many ar-
rests in their search for terrorists,
who, when cornered, are making des-

perate resistance.
Describing the death of Dimitril
ITeaountouloff,secretary to the com-
munist leader Ninkoff, and member
of the communist military committee,
the correspondent tells that the man
barricaded himself in his home,
throwing bombs for several hours at
the soldiers who were trying to cap-'
ture him. Finally he was killed.
* When his body was removed from
the house which he had set on fire
when he realized further resistance
was useless, it was found to be rid-
dled with bullets.


Leaders Of Millitary Ball

Expects Help


Miss Sally Walser, '25

Milo Oliphant, 125E

Miss Walser and Oliphant, who is general chairman of the Military
Ball committee, who led the grand march of the annual R 0. T. C. party
last night at Waterman gymnasium. Both Oliphant and Miss Walser are
from Ann Arbor; the Ball is the first major social event of the year to
be led by a local couple.

Officers of Honorary Society 'Will Be
Chosen After Initiation
Next Thursday

"Intercol egiate Athletics In Present
Form Objectionable,"
Is Question

Michigan chapter of Sigma Xi A faculty-student debate, under the 1
national honorary society for the auspices of the Oratorical association
promotion of research in both pure .,.nd sponsored by the University Sen-
and applied sciences, recently held ate, will be held at 8 o'clock Tuesday
their annual election of members. In in Hill auditorium. The purpose of
all, 9 were elected to full member- these debates are to discuss current
ship, 13 advanced from associate to questions of interest, especially those
full membership, and 48 to associate relating to the campus. The first
membership. question for debate will be: "Re-
The initiation banquet will be held solved that, in their present form, in-
Thursday evening, April 30 at the tercollegiate athletics are objection-
.Flt iable and should be materially modi-
Union. Following the initiation fie
there will be ail election of officers Fied.-
Four mien will compete in the de-
for the ensuing biennium. Dr. A. S. bate, a faculty member and a student
Warthin of the pathology department, upholding each side. Prof. Thomas
the retiring president, will give the -. Reed of the political scien e-
address of the evening. partient and K. F. Clardy, '25L, will
Faculty members elected to full present the affirmative side of the
membership are N. F. Miller, R. C., Cbestion i moppositiol to ean Hugy
Wanstrom and W. A. Ver Wiebe. Cabot of the medical school and Ray
Graduate students elected to full L. Alexander, 27L upholding the neg-
membership are, Adelbert Ford, J. M. ftive. Millard Pryor, '25, president
Hover, Selehi Izume, J. E. Kotila, of the Oratorical association will act
D. W. Lee, and B. R. Stephenson. as chairman of the debate.
Graduate student,- ad vanced f rom as- Both Dwan Cabot and Professor
sociate to full airrbership are, Lloyd Reed are considered debaters of abil-
Ackerm m, W. A. Archer, W. aE. Bach- ity, Professor Reed having been a1
mann, . N. Clark, W. J.Clench, 11 member of a Harvard debating team
W. Hann, M. It. Hatch, J. P. Jones, ! in his undergraduate days. The two
J. L. Kassner, Aaron Levin, A. I. student representatives have had ex-
Ortenburger, J. C. Pernert, W. M. perience on Michigan debating teams
Simpson. in the past, Clardy having been a
Graduate students elected as asso- member of two debating teams while
ciate members are, C. E. Burnside, in the literary school, and a Michigan
M. S. Chang, C. C. Furnas, A. J. representative in the Oxford debate
Good, E. S. Gurdjian, J. R. Hickman, this year. Alexander, president of
T. H Langlois, Adelia McCrea, J. W.the local chapter of Delta Sigma Rho,
H. Monaweek, R. B. Newcombe, E. H. honorary public speaking society,1
Potthoff, T. C. Schneirla, W. H. was a member of th'e team which de-
Stokes, K. Y. Tang. R. E. Townsend, feated Northwestern last year.
G. B. Watkins, R. K. Winters, S. W.
Wishart, Y. F. Wu.
Undergraduates elected to associate
-embership are , A. F. L. Ford, J. A.
Barkovich, L. F. Beach, C. C. Driscoll,
F. L. Everett, W. K. Greiner, 0. M. ITHBORD' ATION
Henderson, S. 1. Hulse, C. L. iuls-
wit, G. F. Keiper, Jr., C. C. McArthur,'
F. L. McPhail, W. 0. Menge, R. J.1 Washington, April 24.-President
Minard, S. A. Warner, and R. R. Coolidge intends to pursue a hands off
Whipple. policy with regard to the action of the
shipping board in selling to the Dollar

Germany is looking more and more
to the League of Nations for the so-
lution of her problems which will
assist her toward a state or permanent
peace, declared Prof. Charles K.
Webster of the international politics
department at the University College
of Wales in an interview following
his lecture yesterday afternocaia n
Natural Science auditorium. Two and
a half years ago, Germany could have
joined the League but refused, he said,
and at that time much influence was
exerted by several countries, includ-'
ing the United States, to prevent her
joining. Now the same influence is
in the opposite direction, he said.
In the opinion of Professor Webster
the irreconcilables in Germany are
a very small, though powerful ele-
ment. It was such incidents as the,
occupation of the Ruhr, which he
characterized as "foolish," that in-
flamed public opinion In Germany and
did much towards agitating a group
such as the former.
Professor Webster remarked that it
is nonsense about Germany not dis-
arming. Her military strength is!
practically nil, he said, with no air-
planes or other defensive weapons.
In commenting upon the presiden-
tial campaign of Field Marshal Von
Hindenburg, Professor Webster thinks
it a significant fact that the military
leader of the Nationalist group should
put forth a program which scarcely
differs from that of Chancellor Marks,
the social democrat.
Harvard Professor Will Be Brought
Here by Local Non-Partisan
"The Dead League of Nations" is
the subject of an address which will
be given by Dr. Manley 0. Hudson,1
Bemis professor of internatiodal law
in Harvard university, at 8 o'clock
Monday night In Natural Science
The meeting, which is sponsored
by the League of NationspNon-Partis-
an association, will be presided over
by Acting-President Alfred H. Lloyd.
There will be no admission charge,
the expenses of the meeting being de-
frayed by a group of citizens in De-
troit and Ann Arbor, interested In
fostering public discussion of pres-
ent-day international questions.
Dr. Hudson has had extensive ex-
perience in international affairs
gained from his connection with the
Department of State and the Amert-
can Commission to negotiate peace at
Paris in 1919. His reputation In
Europe has become wide through his
membership in the legal section of
the League of Nations secretariat, his
services as legal adviser to the 'In-
ternational Labor Conferences at
Washington and at Genoa, and his
short association with the American
embassy in the French capital in
Following the completion of his
legal studies at Harvard, university,
I Dr. Hudson went to the University
of Missouri where he was professor
of law from 1910 to 1919, since which
time he has been on the faculty of
the Harvard Law School. His rapid
rise to distinction and prominence
was recognized two years ago by his
elevation to the Bemis professorship.
Great Falls, Mont., April 24.-Sen.

Burton K. Wheeler was acquitted of a
charge of unlawfully using his influ-
ence as a senator before the depart-
ment of the interior, by a jury in fed.
eral court here tonight. The jury was
out about three hours.
The accused received two pieces of
news simultaneously, his Acquittal and
the birth to Mrs. Wheeler of a daught-
er in Washington.
Senator Wheeler only smiled when
the verdict wasannounced. Judg
Frank S. Dietrich, before the verdict
was read, warned spectators agains
any demonstration.
Senator Wheeler said he would is
sue a statement for the press later
His chief counsel, Sen. Thomas J
Walsh, declared, however, that he ha

15AML, A5 AU I I

Professor Lists Five Qualifications
Indispensble For True
"Scholarship and the ability to get
high marks represent two fields which
have been confused," stated Dr. Rich-
ard C. Cabot of Harvard university In
addressing the second annual Honors
convocation yesterday in Hill audi-
torlum. And with reference to the
honor accorded scholarship, Doctor
Cabot declared that "to the mix up in
distinguishing the high mark-getter
from the scholar may be traced the
lack of honoring scholarship."
To the student who may be char-
acterized as the high mark getter, the
speaker attributed the qualities of
timidity, imitativeness, and bloodless-
ness, supplemented with an ability
"to know how to manage their pro-
fessors." In opposition to these Doctor
Cabot enumerated the following five
qualities which he designated as In-
dispensible to the true scholar:
"A scholar must posses a keen and
unforced enjoyment of his task. One
is not born with scholarship, the taste
for It being acquired and bringing
with it a secure reward." Secondly,
the scholar must have a zest for In-
dependence and venture, the speaker
further declared. Good sense, and a
nose for what is significant, was the
third characteristic attributed to the
A comprehensive mind that Is capa-
ble of retaining things, Doctor Cabot
distinguished as the fourth necessary
quality of a scholar. As the fifth re-
quisite of a scholar the speaker cited
the necessity of being cosmopolitan,
"having some aidsIip-wth s cholars
In answer to the question as to the
relation of high scholarship to educa-
tion as a whole, Doctor Cabot main-
tained that "scholarship is a part but
not more than half of academic educa-
tion. The human being who has been
absorbing Information has the impulse
to give it out and then come back for
more. The answer to the question
lies In this continual ebb and flow."
With reference to scholarship and
the business of living, Doctor Cabot
claimed that "No man does anything
more foolish than when he t'rns
away from the path of his chief inter-
est." Although it may withdraw the
interest from those particular pursuits
In which money Is most readily made,
the, speaker stated that "the life Of a
scholar does not make a man imprac-
"Scholarship is the making of plans
and life the carrying out of the plans,
with the intellect holding the key to
character as the key to the lock." In
finaltribute to the scholar, Doefor
Cabot declared that 'The scholar
looks before he leaps, and if he is the
real thing, he leaps also."
Acting-President Alfred H. Lloyd
introduced the speaker and presided
over the exercises.
French Radicals
Blamed For Riots
Paris, April 24.-Communist mem-
bers of the Chfamber of Deputies today
were blamed in the chamber with hav-
Ing engendered class hatred which
culminated early this morning In an
ambuscade of a meeting of the nation-
al republican league in the Rue Dam-
remont in which three persons were
Ikilled and 43 were wounded, nine of
them dangerously.
The charges were made during an
'interpellation of the government by
the opposition. M. Taittinger warned
the communists that "it is you who
will be the hostages and the first to be
executed" if the government fails to

f preserve order and the people have to
defend themselves.
Chicago 4, Detroit 3.
. Cleveland 8, St. Louis 4.
I. Philadelphia 7, Boston 6.

Michigan 3 1 3 3 0 0
Syracuse 3 1 1 0 ' 4
Batteries: Benson,
Cherry. Van Lengen,

1 0 0-411
1 0 x--12

15 6
11 21

. j

Mahoney. the plan presented by President Wil-
Prof. W. D. Henderson of the Ex- I Professor Webster then discussed
tension division will speak at 7 o'- !the Council League which was pre-,
clock tonight in Lane hall before the sented by Great Britain. It is limit-
students of the Upper Room Bible ed in membership to the leading na-


tions and its work has been quite
successfil. The Assembly of the
League, however, is composed of del-
egates from all countries, has re-
ceived much publicity, and has de-
bated with great freeness the workI
of the Council. The International
Court was first made possible
through the League of Nations.
Profesor Webster closed his ad-
dress by stating that part of the
blame for any unsuccessful work of
the League may be blamed upon the
three great nations which have not
entered the international cooperation,
i Russia, Germany, and the United
States. The League is now generally
accepted in the public opinion of all
civilized nations except these three,
he added.
Paris. April 24.--Le Matin says

interests five of its vessels operated!
UHIO SHI UL WILL by the Pacific Mail on the California-
Orient line.
OHIOMGIDDES ILLAlthough the President had request-
TAIN Oed of the board informaiton as to the
--- attitude of minority members who op~
Columbus Ohio, April 24.-Dr. posed the sae he is satisfied with the
John W. Wilce, gridiron mentor of expianation made and sees no reason
C -0--I- drifothpfi fiifp t~~v~fn nn hip anrf

Ohio State university hrias adUoptect ieI tor ILIL f14-Luon ontIns Pu4-4
sugar plan for injecting energy into Itwas made clear today at the White


showers and thunder-


football players. Dr. Wilce has is- House that. the President communi-
sued orders to each member of the cated with Chairman O'Connor of the
spring football training squad to eat board after reports had reached him
H24 pieces of loaf sugar daily. Dr. "that several of the board members op-
Wilce declared this will build energy posed to the sale intended to appear
in the athletes. in court in a suit which the President
Lwasaled to believe was in the nature
of an action against the government
Lansing, April 24.-Years of un- Good Time M ade and board itself.
ceasing work was rewarded by the .&. * -
house of representatives Thursday lDirigible On 7 r i p .
when it passed the bill sponsored by LMiners Rescued
Renresentative John Holland of Go- Lakehurst, N. J., April 24.-Exact- A, . ifl 4 JvA



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