PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE"MI@IG AN a [>ILYFiA.AJL2,1 I+ T; I DAY. AP-Rill, 24. I'll ANo'I P ALE 15Per Pou A car load i of strictly f resh fish, c four different kinds. N sistingof be soldI Friday and Saturday u. 10 P.M. No deliveries low ,price. will be made at I on- ntil this 31j THIS AGE ,IH IS DEVOTED TO ADVERTISEMENTS OF THE FOREMOST MARKETS AND MERCH-ANTFS OF DOMESTIC NECESSITIES IN ANN ARBOR. TO FIND THE VALUE OF SUCH ADVAN- TAGES ONE MUST PATRONIZE THESE ADVERTISERS. ,YOUJ WILL ,APPRECIATE THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MARKET PAGE AFTER SUCH A TRIAL,. Butter, Eggs, Poultry and Vegetables Staple For , , You Will Be Rewarded With the Highest Quality Goods at Lowest Prices by Purchasing From Us. Goods Your Sunday Deal with us and save the middleman's profit. We have the only exclusive fish market in Ann Arb( Ann A rbor Fish Mlarket Come to us anid be assured of first class goods, 115 West Washington Phone 11I I We have all the essential '.r..err..v.,r rrrr. .,r. . r~err. rir. r r r. .r. . .rr .r. grocery - AM- -a- 'a. -, -I - e -a 811 . ... : ' . ..I On May tenth you will want to re-. member your mother with a box of = our pure and delicious candy.- - =- m ll items necessary for a successful meal. Pione 6-,j 102 8 East University . __ . i -'S .., - .. MILK KEEPS THE FAMILY FIT -I Ann Arbor Produce Co. Fris&Vgtbe 2276-R 707 Packard Street- 21 40-1 II Fresh Roasted Coffee 42, lb PecanMeats X 90b IS hW Cocoa - 2 lbs. 259 r - -- . The result is inevitably Fancy Japan Tea lb. 57C a pleasing one. You -willw find that our policy of quality and service corn- bined gives perfect sat- Show rocerisf action. Phone 816 709 Packard Std~eet - 223 N. Main Phone 3100-3101 f Fresh ! Safitand Smoked Our special for this week-end- I ~~Vanilla-straw berry ice, Pecan- sundae. Order from our dealers or direct. ' M, P Sof all kinds Phone 423 imin~j fWashingtone MaretAnn -Aarbor Dairy Co. 201 East Washington Ho eoIue Ml Phones 19, 2762 j________________________ . _____________________ Patro'ize' lDdily Advertisers - it pays,-Adv. So say 'wives ,and mothers eve rywhecrc, milk, is uru greatest tor for pure bottled Nature's SO-Uht(l l lip for arc oung and old all ones our pt 1 ke,'. To keep your lo) well tand happy, se tire, rich milk. Phone ved rye u~s I your milk,, ten a note (order tod ay or Cileanliness bottle tors on your empty alht. Prompt service to all. r fas- milk and and Purity7 it courteous West Side Dairy 720 Brooks St. Phone 2051 Is may bitt our aim. and practice. ke all kin~ds of sweet We and 11 A Bottle of MiV~lk Is a Bottlc of Health ter chocolates in our own kitchen. LAND candy. Come to S~TrEET.. III for that next box of A cool and refreshing soda fountain---a place of 'eaty and quality for the enjoy- Saturday Specials Best UTRBROOK-a Creamery UTRDALE 4'7LBIS ioDo:9 FREH G S t Dz.30c CHOSENc POT RQAST' LB. -i.LBj Choice Roun STEAK 23-c ALL KINDS OF CHOICE FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Phone Orders Till 10 O'clock Saturday Nil ht ment of our patrons. v~ies Cakes jCookies' SOur superior baking faii- ties' make it possible for us ,to give you the very bes in all BAKED GOODS. kW2Qindtn E S7 O)RANGES 30c size43 fImperial ce Valley EACH r1*1all'uui Jueach I - 1weetland 212 South M'ain St. AS THREE POUNDS FOR 25c R ...a I *,.W,., LDeliver to All Parts of the City I I I 'a i Y