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April 23, 1925 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-04-23

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Published every morning excet Monday
durng the Unversi year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The A'sociated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwse
credite in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
Entcred at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
.master General.
Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail,
4.00. My
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May.
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 2414 and i6-M; busi-
nes, 96.
Telephones 2414 and 176411
Editor .......... ....John G. Garlnghouse
News Editor...........Robert G. Ramsay
City Editor............Manning Houseworth
Night Editors
George W. Davis H[arold A. Moore
Thomas P. Henry Fredk. K. Sparrow, Jr.
Kenneth C. Keller Norman R. Thal
Edwin C. Mack
Sports Editor........William H. Stoneman
Sunday Editor.........Robert S. Mansfield
Womin's Editor.... .........Verena Moran
Telegraph Editor......William J. Walthour
Gertrude Bailey Marion Meyer
Louise Barley Helen Morrow
Marion Barlow Carl E. Ohlacher
Leslie S. Bennetts Irwin A. Olian
Smith H. Cady, Jr. W. Calvin Patterson
Stanley C. Crighton Margaret Parker
Wilard B. Crosby Stanford N. Phelps
Valentine L. Davies Helen S. Ramsay
Robert T. DeVore Marie Reed
Marguerite Dutton L. Noble Robinson
Paul A. Elliott Simon F. Rosenbaum
Geneva Ewing Ruth Rosenthal
James W. Fernamberg rederick H. Shillito
Katherine Fitch Wilton A. Simpson
Soseph 0. Gartner Janet Siilair
Leonard Iall David C. Vokes
Elizabeth S. Kennedy Lilias K. Wagner
Thomas V. Koykka Marion Walker
Mariod Kubik Chandler Whipple
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Telephone 960
Advertismg...................E. L. Dunne
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Advertising..................B. W. Parker
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Circulation.....................John Conlin
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P. W. Arnold K. F. Mast
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Irving Berman R. M. Prentiss
Rudolph Bostelman W. C. Pusch
George P. Bugee F. 3. Rauner
B. Caplan J&D. Ryan
H'. F. pa Clark . E. Sandberg
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. R. Dentz R. A. Sorge
George C. Johnson A. S. Simons
O. A. Jose, Jr. M. M. Smith
K. K. Klein I. J. Wineman
W L. Mullins1
Night Editor-F. K. SPARROW, 3R1"
Williams college, one of the first
eastern institutions to recognize fra-
ternitie4 oi cially,: proposes to take
another revolutionary step in this di-
rection. A system now under con- I
sideration would require that every1
freshman affiliate himself with a fra- 1
ternal organization and maittain thist
connection -for at least two years ofs
his college career. -
In order that the emphasis upont
fratetnities and -the social relation
may be lessened and wider activity
for larger numbers of men may bes
provided, an undergraduate committees
appointed to investigate the situation
proposes to eliminate the Independent
body, comprising 35 per cent of the
student body, by dividing it into four
campus clubs which will be supplied
by the administration with clubhouses1
and facilities equal to those of fra-
If the plan is approved by the trus-
tees of the college at their next meet-l
ing May 9, it will 'probobly apply tot

freshmen next year. Under the
scheme, the campus clubs would rush
at the same time as other fraternities.t
Each freshman not pledged by a reg-t
ular fraternity during the regularI
period would be sent a card on which1
lie would indicate both as to the mem-t
bers of his class and to the club het
prefers. Though prohibited from
changing from one campus club to an-
other, there is nothing to prevent a
student from accepting a later bid to.
a campus fraternity.
The very fact that Williams college
has become so perturbed over the fra-
ternity situation indicates that theI
problem of the independent body thereI
is a real one. A rule of the college'
prohibiting the formation of new fra-
ternities has served to aggravate theI
difficulties. The situation, however, is t
hardly comparable to anything ini
other institutions. Consequently, ther
proposed system can hardly be ac-c
corded the significance which has been
placed upon it by students and facultyI
at Williams who deem it "the mostt
important and constructive proposalE
ever made for the improvement of un-
dergraduate conditions in Americanr
colleges under the fraternity system."s
The principal reason or reforms
seems to have been to remove the in-t
feriority complex which often resultst
when freshmen fail- to make a fra-d
ternity. Is it possible that the com-t
mittee believes that if such a feelinga
exists it will be removed by affiliationd
with a body which is not selective?f
Granting a douhtful noint-namelv


clubs willnever take on the character tanism of the organizations have made
of fraternities. They will simply be them impotent in their influence, al-
compulsory boarding houses. though they have been nursed care-
It seems more than likely that the fully in their infancy by college ad-
students and faculty have exaggerated ministrations.
a minor problem in their attempt to Now comes the Williams' plan for
find something new as a solution. Of four campus clubs, with one of which
course the situation in a small college each non-fraternity man is required
is bound to be different- than in the to associate. He may join a fraternity
large university, but there are points later and so leave the club which he
of similarity. It is not stretching the selects, but he is not allowed to trans-
point to say that many of the inde- fer from one club to another. The!
pendents are such because they wish students will eat at their clubs, which
to be--either for financial or social will be established by the college and
reasons. Certainly there are miany I maintained at a nominal expense to
men at Williams as there are at Mich- the members. Rushing and pledging
igan who do not wish to be fraternity will be carried on after the fraternity
men and who would resent being rushing ends, bids being issued in
forced to join a group made up pro- secret and club preferenc indicated
miscously of the left-overs from rush- likewise by the rushees.
ing. It is evident that there will still be
A more sensible solution of the a differentiation " between fraternity
trouble at Williamnstown would seem to and non-fraternity men, but it will be
be the repeal of the ruling prohibit- greatly minimized, for the non-fra-
ing the voluntary formation of new ternity men will be organized into
fraternities. If such a- movement were homogeneous groups, which will en-
encouraged the time would no doubt joy the same advantages of home and
come when there wpuld be enough mutual support possessed by the fra-
groups to care for all students . Fra- ternity groups. In time these clubs
ternal life in its essence is voluntary may be expected to develop consider-
on the part of the individuals. It is able strength in the control of campus
also to a certain extent selective just affairs. The novelty of the plan may
as are organizatiops outside of col- hide some important -defects; as al
lege. These two basic elements will whole, its success must be determined
be lacking in Williams' proposed cam- by trial. Nevertheless the Williams
pus clubs. committee is to be congratulated for
this intelligent and revolutionary at-
TE REAL ESTATE MAN emt to solve a difficult, time-worn
Along with the unprecedented campus problem.
growth' of thousands of American WILLIAMS ORGANIZES HER
cities has come what is termed an I)NFRATEINITY MEN
evil by some people and a blessing by 1Th Dail Ill'n.
those directly connected with it, Wl s l e asyacuti.s
IWilliams college, MassachusettsIs'
namely: the real estate man. In'; about to take the most important step
sense he may be said to be a necessair' for the social betterment of the non-
evil. Looked at from this angle it fraternity group that has been takcn
might be argued that people must have by any college. This eastern college
homes, there must be lots upon which has been seriously concerned with the
to build these homes, and therefore, u a nierimus wy co mpore 35h per
unorganized men who compose 35 per
there must be somebody to furnish the
lots upon which to build the homes In cent of the student body. As a re-
suit of a report made last December
which the people must live. by' President Garfield and a subse-
There is, however, another vie -qifent study by a student committee, a
point from which the real estate man distile'tl original plan has been
can be viewed and that is the one evolved.
which would place him in the same The proposal to eliminate this non-
class as the life insurance salesman fraternity group divides the group
or any other business man. It will bei into four campus clubs, to be supplied
argued, especially by those who have by rthec d sttons with
the ostdirct onnctin wth ealby- the college administration with
the most direct connection with real clubhouses and facilities equal to
estate, that their work should be call - those of fratenities. These four
ed a profession and not a mere busi- campus clubs will rush at the same
ness, because they are rendering a tine fraternities are entertaining.
distinct service to those whom they' Membersbip policies will be deter-
aidTis securing a hoe hymined by a campus club committee,
This may be true enough but everyaniMtrf reh-r
-Land after the rushinb_ Uo

I _______________---

1I i




- -- ALL WEEK ---__

The program for Mr. Maier's Inter-
pretation Class to be held tomorrow
evening at 7:30 o'clock in. the Recital
hall of the School of Music will be
devoted almost exclusively to modern
composers. Mrs. George B. Rhead
will play a Scriabine Sonata, Mr. and
Mrs. Maier works for two pianos by
Saint-Saens, Poulene, Ravel and,
Schutt, and Mr. Maier the Debussey
ballet, recently presented in this coun-
try by the Neighborhooid Playhouse
and the Ballet Suedois, "La Boite a
The concert will be open only to
members of the class and invited
suests-more's the pity!
* * *
A review; by Jason Cowles.
"Is Zat So?" by James Gleason and
Richard Taber, the financial miracle
of the present New York season, is the
work of two very good observers and
actors rather than of any very good
playwright. It contains, however
just the right proportion of good and
bad elements to make a fairly meri-
torious popular success.
The authors start the play with a
comic situation that should stand with
the best. Two hard-boiled eggs, a
prize-fighter and his manager, are
brought into a swank Fifth Avenue
house by the drunken brother of its
mistress. He wants them to train him
to be a boxer so he can beat up his
brother-in-law. But in order for
them to stay in the house, they have I
to take the posts of butler and second
man. But the Messrs. Gleason and
Taber have so .enshrouded this simple
situation with the tinsel intricacies of
melodramja that nobody ever under-
stands quite how the play comes out.
Palmer Christian, assisted by the
University Girls' Glee Club, will of-
fer the following Organ Recital Sun-
day afternoon at 4:15 o'clock in Hill
Concerto Overture in C major. .Hollins
Intermezzo ..................lollins
Mr. Christian
Fly, .Singing Bird .............Elgar
Violin Obligato by Jeanette Em-









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-ood salesman today us es the same men who have failed to "make" a mons and Eunice Northrup
tactics. His appeal to the people with fraternity will be given a preference Volga Boat Song (by request)..
whom he is trying to make a deal is card by this committee. The fresh-. .. -.-....Russian Folk Song
that he is rendering them a, real serv-man will express a preference as to Evening Prayer in Brittany.... .
ce.' And so lie is, if he is an honest;
e classmates and club. The final lot of. .........Cham. inade
business man and is giving the People the freshman, however, rests with the Dorothy Cozad, soprano, and Eunice
their money's worth in his comnmodity. club, and will be determined in secret Northrup; contralto-,soloists
When seen front this angle, tie an- as in the fraternities. Girls' Glee Club
jnojncement that a real estate course The Chrisan Science Monitor for Angel Scene (Haensel and
will., be offered in the University be- April 18 which gives a full account of Gretel). .......... Humpertinek
ginning next fall might be interpreted the proposed system, calls attention to Prelud o....................Corelli
toe be somewhat ofemacadep rturetioomt
Ito be somewhat of a departure fromn1 the evil of the fraternity system as im- Toccata in C .................. Bach
the policy that has been followed in Mr. Christian
the past of keeping out any purely on-fraternity men. Educator, who Goin' Home (from the New World
salesmanship courses. At least this in. tle East have become vitally inter- Symphony).... .. ........vorak
has been the argument used by, tle est d in the situation, say that the Virginia Hobbs, soprano-soloist
officials of the School of Business Ad- failure to make a fraternity gives rise It was a Lover and his Lass ..Dunn
ministration against the mnstitution of to discouragement, a lack of interest Girls' Glee Club
a course in Life Insurance Salesman-In-college affairs, and a feeling of in- Marche Militaire, No 1 .... Schubert
ship., It is their idea that salesman-feriority at the outset of the fresh- Gvwemndolyne Wilson-Accompanist
ship has no place in a University cur- mCan's college career. Nora Crane Hunt-Director
riculum, that life insurance is sales- Further expansion of fraternities at * * *
manship, and that, because of this, sAND STIL ANOTHER CONCERT
the college has been deemed inadvis- ND 1ILA1OHRCOC T
it should not be offered by the Uni-a aleh by the administration. The re- Of-Michigan's hopes from the
versity. port of the student committee points younger generation to fame--the
If the same logic were to be appliedot.th4ilmtngpnsgeraon o
1t sthainlimiting fraternities the quietest and most talented was Max
to the proposed Real Estate courso, a Tminration has "allowed to grow Ewing, who worshiped at the shrine
there is little question but that Iu Nvt in itself a system which gives of the divine Mary, Carl Van Veebten
would be barred for the samiie reason. ijmle opportunities for social and and his cats, and who was a pianist
While it is true that the real es.,tat(,-
Wre esa tr-cprriculum activity of 65 per destined to genius.
men are making a valiant effort < t.f the college body, while it arti- For two years he has been studying
dignify their work by calling the bush-I ficially restricts the remaining 35 per with Siloti in New York, and next fall
ness a "profession" and themselves cent. The college has placed itself in he goes to Paris-to return again,
"Realtors" it will be a cold day before a position it cannot justify. perhaps, as az musical prodigy. This
they will convince many people that 'It is practically saying that it will summer, during the latter weeks of
they are any more than mner business take no action 'or expense calculated July, he is to give a program in 1ill
men, and salesmen at that. Fortunate- to give the non-fraternity body facihi- auditorium as one of the soloists in
ly for the sponsors of the new course s and opportunities enjoyed by the the Faculty Concert series. He has
they sought out the College of Archi- jfraternity body; nor will it allow neu-, arranged for this recital four groups
tecture and not the School of Business I
I tral men to better their own position of such odd or modern compositions
Administration to introduce the study, by setting up fraternities of their own The numbers have been tentatively
initiative. We are agreed that it must arranged as follows:
abandon this position: that it must I.
EDITORIAL COMMENT either remove the ban on fraternities, Fantasia (C minor) ....Bach-Siloti
or it must take action and expense Melodie............ Gluck-Sgambatti
upon itself to better the condition of Sonate (A major)............Mozart
COMPULSORY FllATE IRNl1l ES the non-fraternity body." iL
-The Cornell Sun. f The Williams college plan is of lit- Rhapsodie (Opus 119, No. 4) . .Brahms
After a five months study of the fra- 1 tie interest to us at Illionis except as Gavotte (Opus 49, No. 3) (19th
ternity problem at Williams College a milestone in the evolution of the century ballet).......Glazounow
a heterogeneous committee has re American college system and a sig- Fantasy (Opus 49),..........Chopin
ported in favor of a plan which seems nificant step in the. development of . III.
to savor of compulsory fraternity democracy on the campus. The sit- Pagodes .................... Debussy
membership. Such -a plan is of course nation at Illinois would hardly war- I Jardins Sous la Olive ...... Debussy
revolutionary in type from those meth- rant the establishment of this system Sometimes I Feel Like a Mother-
ods of solving the fraternity problem of campus clubs for the non-fraternity less Child ........ Negro Spiritual
which have been used in other col- body, even though it were possible. (Arranged by Coleridge-Taylor)
leges; xyet it 6eems a plausible solu- We do not believe the non-fraternity "Times Square...........Whithorne
tion, and distinctly ingenious in its men here have any feelings of In- IV.I
aspects. feriority or discouragement that char- I Prelude .................. Prokofieff
College administrations have long acterizes them at smaller colleges. Gavotte .................. Prokofieff
realized the inferiority complex which I Many of them prefer to remain outside Movement Perpetuel ........ Poulene
shades the non-fraternity world as of a fraternity, and we very often "Bereceuse" from "L'Oiseau deI
soon as rushing ends, and have felt doubt that they can be blamed. Feu" ................ Stravinsky -
that the condition was detrimental to However, there is on this campus, a "Danse Russe" from "Petrouchka"
those who for one reason or another woeful lack of social co-operation I ."............... Stravinsky
did not join fraternities, but they have amiong the unorganized men. We are
been seemingly unable to provide an opposed to herding men into clubs and the Illinois Union. As a non-partizan
adequate solution of the problem. The I houses and turning them out at the body it may be able to accomplish E
desire of human beings to organize end of four years all wearing the this. As a lop-sided political organiza-
for social purposes was too strong for same wide trousers, thinking along tion it can do little more than it is
them to deny students the nr'vlpLv( lp pn n rnwmtr+,, an d n ars~ me r11--T,_ .,. a1


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