THE, MICHIGAN DAiL'Y 1AG ° iRF.T Eer1ti 'le (eof'Iniis April 27 FOURTH TALK OF SERIES Dr. at nley 0O. 1 Iudson, Tl(imis pro- fessor of international law at lilr- yardl ttnivercity, will deliver the fourth lecture to lbe given undler tIke auispices of the League of Nation.; Non-P'artisan as-sociation, for the pur- pose of promoting unprejiudiced dtis- misasion on international matt(.ers, whe rn lie speaks Monday, April 27, onl "The Dead League of Nation;." Thle first of these was given by D~r. Trv-k ing Fisher of Yale university in Oct:- ober.I Later Prof. Edwi Dickinson' of the Law school a((lresse,(d a World COT7rt meeting 1i(1d1iinTLane hail, while the, third address delivered an. de(r the ausp~ices of the association was Jby Raymnond 13. Fosdick. in Fseb- rutary./ Dr. I ludson has had extended' ,,erv- i(e in interntional and diploma1tic afia ii's haVing l, )t'QU attalched to the ALL . PmA .W O NCLUE int nainl?11 ;7iviion 1--of the AmLt ('icn om is n to3egota-e ea" at ~ ~ ~ '' who v I ls i 1 18- 9 Chne nvest L is:~ ~ I~J 22 )1.1 ,di~i'u N~ 33 3 3 1 1 1 [Y H~~~rCIxi . 2 . idacel i hol 1. orders. 3l,1v Pd Ithe )a 11n order to be 0 i's 5for Ithe Covk. rl' C (I- la:. excoW((iiS the Spbort shop -I na- not, to filers the i(et;ae]lce( iI~ls Wvonk. I ONE HUNDRED ADYiyYMIS. r p Since the "Shot Was Fired Ilea;"'ou!nd theWrd - ot a41 That from April on to June, and r vng icture. It is ane 6 A Lexington and Concord, Ameri : epic and needs no AN Arlington and Cambridgc, with retelia,- Today Lexing;ton on,] V Ithe residents along the line of Cot, cord are shrines of the Sthe famous mparch from Boston nation, and this year t';ousandsz3 WA to Concord in-1775, are playing more will n-nkes the i igimg 1~host to the American Nation? to these hsoi pt.J ssi p This is the sesquicentennial of that he guest book,-of h e a Ad the colonists' first armed rests, Hancock-Clarke (lousceat Stance to the mother country. TLcingto containsi more sign i- " The events of that memorable turps rthaxn ny other histc 8 Sday are celebrated in verse, story place i the country.I., The John Hancock is piarticularly inre; red in insuring college mecn and wrrrwn avrlala rni e colleg-e graduates for the persor,,,iJ of th,. dtaf Over Sixty Yearsaff. y ve Sxy eas nBusiness. Now Insuring ((p Over Two Billion Doi- P1 LarsOfl3,500,000 Lves L it ar .w LtiPt d 1. u Y 'e" C" ' , sL 2 9 p,; ~j ThewB. 284 2 1 Ionr1 Lady S28/146 Wlie; 28-47, ' We' 1 ol w IST ip 611'I 616 E. Labe ia yof M~y Cigareti cI, LCll11l Kr 'ild is Orc he Irc ii I Think of 't Ig b3) Ivicle11C.U ret Back TC~vctt Fake He Pe ack lants to (Come10PI ed bV R~ai) MIiller IIis Orches~tra 't Bring Luilu d b) Ben~njc Kr ndi Hiis Orchestrc NO"'SF.] 1111111111li11111111 i 1111t11111111Il I Release .a 'as :ier Again When She ack1 r and w Wash igton rl Prestige- 9Ii4I0~ SCRENSURE-FAY IIFICANT IN IT1MA1";t~ LAST TIMES TONI;GI_ \y f y !.7"15 rye! / / . X .i r , . :a- '- ery 110 E.I S in of Mu'rsica, Send foi the NORTH GERMAN LLOYD booklet- "296European ours"t for the Professor, Student and Teacher and kindredTourists.The unusual attractive TOURIST CLASS accomodations of three fine steamers are exclusively reserved. From New York S. Ventana, June 13 Bremnen, June 25 Muenchen, June 3® (Midnight) From JBremen Bremen, Aug. 15 Muenchen, Aug. 29 (France and Engand one day later.) (One Way) (Round Trip) and upward One of tiie 29 Tours Offeredf: d6cays on the S Continent Travelling by the 'NORTH1 GERMAN' LLOYD will double your pleasure because of the world famous service, attention and Address: or any local S. S. Agent GERW L_______%ff __~n....f# l P1HONOG1'4APHS AND XECOfLDS\E I- ' ML As Funny as a Bashful Beare As Romantic as a Sweetheart's fI t.n' ;; 4/A of laghing time D.cks frstyaug show- an it' af wow fromthestart t end. V Supprtgcd by beautiful as produced on The stage by Sam Hi. HarrisI Scenario bylosepline Lovet F ern em~ ;i. I lw You IEnjloyed " Classnities"? 'You'll Like 'ibis "Lh( n A ole So USKLY--WCW! WOW! WISKEY-WEfl iWET' A 1101 r bv~y in eollc---i M o i«li: 1 a 1h I sal ti ;litlike aan eiabattkd Troja1. 3More spedt Iln .ai2 1Ite i11 mu lgl t-niore jazz than awi llvan-111ro ,1;;1411 tla ndi-d re d a (1MLs-:uo% pep .I luaa ea)l&' ' na-- &-Stories by America 's Greatest Humorist I-I. c. iWITWER Thie Very~ Zenith of Speed-Rorance-Ad vent'i e Featuring How! Starting Today he* story jo R s7 hw a o ' s P ris, so sh e ca me to Nam O" S treet! re Milo 0 -7M U llf, 1 . FAQ A o T4 A - P R "Lolly - X w AlI erta Vaughn Al Cooke George O'Hara And All Si~r C(dA4 in WELCOEGAG "1 1,1111) tNY--S AT Ifi DAY "THE SWAN" wvith All Star, Cast ,Z~ ~ ' ;;IfU-'< rtr(3::llli omuedy and ti ll tti gsiVI' how--lucre is the tree- YES--ITYSTIARTS SUNDAY MATINEE IA _111d ilwv'- liain Iloor, 4w~ Children, Wek IBA'll et Eil E "WATE'R' iVA(C()N 5" tItlle.Sell lnett Com~edy' htiNO4'' i A NS b'athe ate rep S-" I (Of Course To It~ Syd_ Charey it WALITElR P HA I)I' 111l', iDancer "S.'PS 9A ND)TUNES" -3mpo illuiJzz Orchestria DW7 0 IF am= iiUflk.m0 m l .