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April 23, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-04-23

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i M


Sir ian



VOL. XXXV. No. 148







Dictaphone recording is now being
ment a a irst step in practcal laY EST
boaoywork, and voices of the be- U 9F PIY ETIA

FOX, '25E, KERR, '925E, GO


Cap Night Plans Well Under Way;
Copies of New Constitution '
Now Available

ginners in the department are being
recorded. Thus far more than twenty
students have given speeches in the
machine. The innovation comes as a
result of the recent establishment of
the pronetics laboratory in room 2006
Angell hail.
Each student purchases a cylindrical
record for the dictaphone. These rec-
ords, which are ordered from Detroit,
nay be "shaved" by the University's
dictaphone department, and the stu-
*dents maa pse thm ( ve ,I al timnAU1

ea ~ iy eLcseveral Mes'
Committees of the Student council The recording is done in the pho-
in charge of Cap Night, Swing Out, netics laboratory, one record being
and the Spring Games reported last made the early part of the semester
night that plans for these annual and another record at the end of the
evepts are well under way. Precise term. Comparisons for improvement
details relative to the Swing Out can then be made.
ceremonies ill be announced the The instructor gives individual
early part of next week. criticism after the record is made,
Delegates to several student con- with regard to the inflection, force,
ferences were also elected b ythe and rate of the voice. The student is
council. Edward M. Fox, '25, and 'in this way allowed an objective hear-
William Kerr, '25E, were chosen to ing of his voice, and can actually per-
represent the University of Michigan ceive his voice faults. The work,
at the Mid-Western conference which which is till largely experimental, has
will be held at Kansas State college, been carried on by Lionel Crocker of
Manhattan, Kan. Alfred B. Connable. the public speaking department.
'25, president of the council, will thu _ sp__g__am__
leave the latter part of next week for
Cornell university to attend the Third
Biennial Conference on Undergrad-
uased Acotiut.iip K. h WagnuertA, iaiosfrPeidnRcr.
'25, managing editor of The MictRgan
Daily, will attend the same confer-
ence and will have charge of the pub- OFFICE APPLICANTS
lications discussion. nnontn
Copies of the recently adopted re- topricatony ofriente o n
vised constitution of the Student A po Pre Re d
council are now off the press and lugwsecretary, Vice-President
may be secured either at the offices to be Received
of the council at the thUnion or at the m-hy r
office -of Dean J. A. Bursley. The COMMITTEE APPOINTED
constitution was not materially t a the,
changed, the section on nomination
by petition andh disciplinary power Allrmn he cay u who ited
being the two most outstanding al- to run for any office in the Union in
'terations. the spring elections are requested
The section concerning the former
now reads, "Section 3. Nomination by t rintetheh applicatns han pactin
petition. Any mtan may be nominated h
by petition, subject to the approval Acomcittee of the Union by April 30.
of the nominating committee, said pe- i The offices in the Union which are
tition to contain the names of atelective are those of the president,
least ten per cent of the men in each recording secretary and five vice-
school or college of the University.prsdn.Th aplctossud
th presidnts The appliatiose nshol
Such petition. must be filed with the enumerate the major' Union activities
secretary of the Student council be-in vhichthe applicant . has partici-
fore Ua date fially announced by they
nommnating committee in order to be pated.
conderh dy-.According to the constitution f the
ncoerdty thdyat d.The resiy AnIebro h no a r-
dens of thecoix s anvinelubsnof thyUnion, a nominating committee ap-
denty of he ounci ca in v nofnycndtnbegththbsh-
be nominated ty petition." s pointed by the president selects fron
the applicants the men whose names
Aill be placed onthe ballot. Thomas
CLINI1 ICavanaugh, ( U GD'27L, presietof theG
FREEC A Union, announced yesterday the fol-
EE lowing men appointed to the nomi-
. F . Cating committee for this yeh e:
FUR CIPPLE I IBrooker, '25L, Edward Fox, '25E, Her-
Arrangements for the freeclinic nbert Dumphy, '25y. and Perry -lay-
for the crippled children of Washte- den, '2.5.
naw county today at the Armory Any member of the Union may pre-
have been: entirely completed. Mn- sent his application to the nominat-
bers of the six service clubs of the ing committee for consideration, the
county who have made a survey of1 only condition being that he be" scho-
crippled children in the past 'few lastically eligible. The committee
weeks report that ample provision will' select candidates from among
has been made for transporting their the applications according to the
131 patients both to and from the amount of work done for the' Union
clinic,; and the general ability of" the appli-
Examinations will be in charge of ! cant,. distributing the . selections,
Dr. Frederick C. Kidner of Detroit, among the various schools in thel
orthopedic specialist of the Michigan University.
society for crippled children. It is
urged that the children come as soon j ni Kn i ii ~nr TI 11111
as possible as they will be examined j{IIfti - 111l Il Wl


MAY 20 TO 23
Array of Artists Procured Includes
Lawjence Tibbett, Noted
American Baritone
Variety is the keynote of the May
festival program which is to be pre-
sented on May 20 to 23 inclusive in
Hill auditorium. An opera, Pon-
chielli's "La Gioconda", threesym -
phonies, by Schumann, Brahms,
Tchaikovsky, and Rachmaninoff's
"The Bells", a musical setting of the
poem by Edgar Allen Poe, are the
outstanding compositions. In addi-
tion there will be orchestral compo-
sitions by Beethoven, Bach, Stauss,
and Wagner. Another unusual or-
chestral work will be Deems Taylor's
Suite, "Through the Looking Glass,"
which was performed in Ann Arbor
several years ago by the New York
Chamber Music society. Since that
time it has been scored for a full or-
chestra by the composer and has been
chosen to represent the American
The array of artists which have
been procured includes many of the
leading virtuoses who have appeared
in America. Particular interest has
been aroused by the addition of Law-
rence Tibbett, the American Baritone,
who was accorded one of the greatest
ovations that any singer has received
in- the Metropolitan Opera house, in'
his appearance as "Ford" in "Fal -
staff." Tibbett is a native of Califor-'
nia and although trained entirely in
Anmerica he has had the benefit of
some of the best instruction that
Europe has to offer.
Ossip Gabrilowitsch, who is partic-
ularly well known in this vicinity as
the conductor of the Detroit Sym-
phony orchestra, istone of the most
popular pianists in the present mus -
cal world. In his recent concert trip
in Europe he received a tremendous
ovation, and was generally conceded
a rank among tire foremost pianists
of the time. Although he conducts
the Detroit orchestra, he continues to
devote much of his time to concert
Mischa Ebdan, the violinist, is well
known and there is little which can
be said of him that is not already
known to most of the musical public.
He has appeared several times beforef
on May festival programs, and his
popularity caused him to be included
this season. This will mark his first
appearance with an orchestra in!
these concerts however. There are a
number of other equally famous ar-
tists who are as well known as
those mentioned. Among them. are!
Mario Chamlee the tenor, a member
of the Metropolitan Opera company,
Vincente Ballester, Frances Peralta,
Augusta Lenska, and Rh'ys Morgan.
"Two Aunts and a Photo" and 'The
Mysterious Suitcase" will be presented
by the Evangelical student club at
8:30 o'clock tonight in Bethlehem
church. The production is given in
conjunction with the monthly social
staged by the organization. "Two
Aunts and a Photo," a one act com-
edy, will be given by the girls of the
group. As well as the playlet, "The
Mysterious Suitcase," the male stu-
dents will present several dialogues
and a minstrel entertainment consist-
ing of Southern songs. Arnold Bach-,
mann '26, is chairman of the commit-
tee in charge of the program.
Cheating Results S
In 11 Suspensions

Cincinnati, Ohio April 22.-Eleven
Universiyt of Cincinnati students,
many of them leaders in campus af-
fairs, have recently been suspended
for cheating in examinations, it wasi
learned today. The announcement
was made by university officials at a
student mass meeting called for dis-
cussion of the adoption of the "honor
system" in the University.
Prevalence of cheating was gener-
ally admitted by the studentsten-
gaged in the discussion, but there
was diversity of opinion as to
whether inauguration of an "honor
system" would prove effective. A
vote of liberal arts students will be
taken next week.

Since the present drum m
the band, Robert V. Halsey, '
not return to school next fall,
man will be chosen before th
of school to fill his place ne
Mr. Wilfred Wilson, of the Sc
Music, who conducts the ban
yesterday that the choice of t
drum major will rest largel
Halsey himself, since hehwill
bly approve the man whom1
Men who are interested in
out for this post are requested
Halsey. After the candidate
seem eligible have been ins
and coached in the art of
majoring, th'y will be give
chance to lead the band in pi
The man who seems best fiti
handle the band after this te!
be chosen tobsucceedHalsey.
Since the appearance of the
major, together with his sk
wielding the baton, do much t
the vigor of the band, physical
ifications for this position ai
portant. But even more nec<
according to Mr. Wilson, is the
to handle men without driving,
the drum major is complete
charge of the band as long a
on the march.
Amended Tax Bii Allows $3,
for 1926 and $3,800,000
Lansing, Mich., April 22, (By
-A score of House bills inclu
appropriation measures wer
ported out of the Senate com
today in an effort to clear u
Senate calendar in time for ad
ment next week. Includeda
these bills, was the Univers
Michigan mill tax as amended 1
committee on finance and appi'
tions. The bill as originally
duced by Sen. Harvey Penney o
inaw, calls for the raising o
$3,000,000 restriction in a law
originally granted the Universi
operating expenses, th'e pr,
front a 6-10 mill levy on all t
state property.
As amended, the bill allow:
University $3,700,000 for the
1926 and $3,800,000 thereafter
order to hurry the bill to the E
the rules were suspended, anm
bill passed on general orders
comes up for final considerai
the Senate tomorrow.
Washington, April 22.-Thei
ble Los Angeles notified the na
partment late today that it wot
main at Hamilton, Bermuda, t
and not attempt to return to
hurst before tomorrow.
The craft arrived at Hamiltc
morning from Lakehurst and m
to the tender Patoka. In a di
to the navy department, her
mander reported:
"Los Angeles -lying comforta
Patoka mast in northwest
averaging 35 miles per hour
will probably continue until
and then diminish and change
tion. Expect more favorable

Thursday so will remain at1
mast over night arriving Lak
Thursday night.
Washington, April 22.-Final
ment between the U. S. and Ca
government on instructions
given the joint engineering
charged with responsibility of

New Cabinet Triumvirate to Appear
Before Senate Tomorrow For
Vote of Confidence
Paris, April 22. (By A. P.)-
Edouard Herriot, former premier was
elected to the coveted presidency of
the chamber of deputies today in one
of the stormiest sessions ever staged
there. He suffered a stubborn con-
test from the opposition however as
M. Herriot was the only candidate
who failed of election on the first
ballot, his supporters lacking 13 of
constituting a majority of the chamb-
er membership necessary for a quor-
On the second ballot he was really
unanimously elected 267 to 1, as this
negative vote, it was learned, was
cast by M. Herriot, himself.
Stiff fighting is no novelty In th'e
French house but today the presiding
officer expressed the greatest indig-
nation that the deputies shouI carry
their rioting into the rostrum itself,
even upsetting the chair of the pres-
dent, who immediately donned his
silk hat as a signal of suspension.
This happily ensued during the
second balloting when deputy Bala~n-
ant charged that ten deputies had
voted twice. Two socialist deputies
attacked him and the fight became
The cabinet triumvirate Painleve-
Briand-Caillaux faces the Senate to-
morrow and will ask for a vote of
confidence on the ministerial declar-
ation presented yesterday. M. Call
laux will appear before a body, half
the members of which sat in judge-
ment upon him when he was sen-
tenced to imprisonment and exile and
strippeda of his civil rights. Though
it is expected that the senators will
be reasonably peaceful there is no I
concealment that a strong hostility
to Caillaux exists in the upper house.
The Senate is created with the
intention of following tradition andI
allowing the new ministry torshow
definite plans and specific acts before
it passes judgement. M. Caillaux 's
tactics in refusing to become Involved
in the controversyin the chamber
yesterday over his past are taken ash
proof that he will confine hims elto
financial matters before the Senate,
if he specks at all.-
From the 58 district oratorical
Tchampions who survived eliminations
conducted through various high
schools in the state, ten representa-
tives will be chosen at the zone elm-
intaions to be held Tuesday. The con-
test is being sponsored for the p-?
pose of furtheying study in the con-
atitution in elementary schools and is
jkinown as the national oratorical con-
test on constitutional government.
IThe ten candidates who are select-
ed Tuesday night will contest the
Iright to represent the state of Mich-
igan at the meeting of the cenal
national zone finals May 1 at ndan-
l apolis. The -zone champions will
meet in the auditorium of Cass tech-

Fathers' Day, the third annual af-
,fair of, its kind here, will be held May
116 this year, sponsored by the Union.
The object of Fathers' Day is to pro-
vide the opportunity for students par-
ents to visit their sons and become
better acquainted with the life and ac-
tivities of the University.
The entire week-end will be de-
voted to entertaining the fathers. Fri-
day, May 15, they will have the op-
portunity of visiting classes with
their sons and in the evening they
will beguestsat thetCap Night cere-
monies. On Saturday morning the
Union will provide guides to escort
the fathers about the campus while
in the afternoon seats will be ar-
ranged at the Minnesota-Michigan
baseball game at Ferry field.
Saturday evening the annual Fath-3
ers' Day banquet will be held at thel
Union. At this banquet it is the cus-7
tom for some prominent father of al
student in the University to give thef
principal speech and for some facul-
ty member to talk also. The speakersf
for the banquet this year have not
yet been chosen: Two years ago Rep.
Patrick H. Kelly spoke while last year!
Judge William L. Day gave the prin-
cipal talk.

Al Turk's of Chicago and
Kentuckians Selected.

Jordan s

Music for the fifth annual Militaryc
Ball to be held in Waterman gym-
nasium Friday night will be fur-Q
nished by Al Turk's Fraternity Fav-a
orites of Chicago and Jordan's Ken-
tuckians of Louisville. Both of thesec
organizations are well known, Al !
Turk's orchestra being a favorite at
several of Northwestern's social. fung--(
tions such as the Junior Prom. and ,
the Senior Ball, and at other Big Ten
Jordan's colored aggregation played Is
in Ann Arbor at last year's J-Hopn
and is one of the most popular in the p
South. A novelty feature in the formk
of two songs, written by Mr. and Mrs.
J. O'Reilly of Ann Arbor, composers
of popular music, will be offered by
Al Turk's orchestra. These songs are
"I'm going back to Dixieland," and
"I'm looking for a handsome man."
Rules for the Military Ball were
announced at a meeting of the ball
committee last night in the Union. I
They are essentially the same as
those in force for the military .ball inF
previous years. Additional informa-c
tion may be obtained during thec
dance from the military police. e
Extra favors in the form of minia-'
ture sabers may be purchased for onev
dollar apiece this afternoon from 2 to
4 o'clock. An extra program will be
included with each favor. A limited,
number of tickets to the ball are still !
available and may be purchased at;
this time at the Union' or in the R. 0.E
T. C. office.E
Washington, April 22.- President
ICoolidge has selected William S. Cul-
vertson of Kansas to succeed Petere
A. Jay as minister of Roumania. Mr.
Jay will be transferred to Argentina
f in the near future.
Mr. Culvertson, at present vice-
chairman of the tariff commission,
has not, however, made known to the
White House whether he will accept,
nor had the usual formality preced-
ing a diplomatic appointment been
Mr. Culvertson conferred with the
President today and it was assumed
that the executive had laid the dip-
lomatic appointment before him'as a
personal matter and a promotion, as
has been the case frequently within
the foreign service.
The state department holds . the
Roumanian post of high importance
and has canvassed the names of num-
erous available men to find one capa-
ble of maintaining American rights in
the delicate situation obtaining there.
C. C. Brandt of the public speakingt
department left this morning for De-'
troit where he will be a judge of the
i debate between Northwestern high
F school and Rogers city high schnn1

Members of Jackson and Wastenaw
County Medical Societies To.
Attend In Body
"The Use of Truth and Falsehood in
Medical Practice" will be the sub-
ject of the speech to be given by Prof.
Richard C. Cabot of the internal medi-
cine and social ethics departments at
Harvard university, a brother of Dean
Hugh Cabot of the medical school, at
8 o'clock tonight in University hall
auditorium. His lecture will be the
fourth and final one on the course
which is being held under the au-
spices of Alpha Omega Alpha, national
honorary medical fraternity.
A large number of state physicians
are expected to be present at the lec-
ture and word has been received that
the Wasbtenaw county and the Jack-
oi county medical societies will attend
in bodies. Because of the attendance
it has been announced that only those
who have course tickets or Invitations
will be admitted.
Professor Cabot will also give the
principal address at the second annual
honors convocation at 11 o'clock to-
morrow at Hill auditorium. Although
the subject has not yet been an-
nounced it is thought that he will
discuss the relationship between high
scholarship and the business of suc-
cessful living. The senate council se-
lected Professor Cabot to speak at the
At the initiation banquet of Alpha
Omega Alpha at 5:30 o'clock tonight
at the Union, Professor Cabot is again
cheduled to speak. He is a member
of the Harvard chapter of the so-
ciety. W. L. Bonham, F. J. Fischer,
C. H. Fortune, F. R. Harper, and N.
R. Kretzchmar, all '26M, will become
nembers of the organization.
William W. Root, who founded the
society August 25, 1902, at the Uni-
versity of Illinois, will also speak
while Prof. Frederick A. Coller of the
surgical department will be toast-
master. Dr. Walter Simpson of the
pathological department, president of
the Michigan chapter, will conduct the
Great Falls, Mont., April 22.-Sen.
Burton K. Wheeler, testifying in his
own behalf today admitted he had dis-
cussed one oil land permit with the
department of interior officials, put-
ting the entire story of his connection
with Gordon Campbell, Montana oil
operator, before the jury.
The admission cAme while he was
being cross-examined by District At-
torney John L. Slattery, prosecutor.
Senator Wheeler was, indicted on a
charge of accepting a fee for prose-
cuting oil land permits for his client
before the department.
In admitting that he took up one
matter involving an oil permit with
Edwin S. Booth, then department sol-
icitor, he testified that his action did
not constitute an appearance and that
it was something he would have done
for any Montana citizen on request.
The accused senator was on the
stand nearly four hours and thedis-
trict attorney had not completed his.

cross examination when court ad-
Alumni Secretary
To Speak In East
Wilfred B. Shaw, '04, executive sec-
retary of the Alumni association, left
Ann Arbor' Tuesday night for a trip to
Bethlehem and Harrisburg, Pa. He
will address the University of Mich-
igan club of Harrisburg tonight and
go to Bethlehem for a three-day gath-
ering of alumni secretaries.
In conjunction with the latter meet-
ing will be held a session for the
Alumni Magazines associated, of
which Mr. Shaw is president.
1 Scores
Chicago 3, Detroit 1.
St. Louis 3, Cleveland 2, 10 innings.
Wash'ington10, New York 1.


in the order 'of their arrival. The
clinic will open at 8:30 o'clock.
The history of each case will be
taken by senior medical students of
the University and the children will
then be examined by Dr. Kidner. 1
Upon conclusion of the examinations
he will make recommendations to the
parents, suggesting the treatments
Lewis Reimann, '16, is at the head
of a committee to furnish amusement
for the children while they await
examination. It has been announced
that motion pictures, games, reading,
and story telling will be presentedj
Milan, April 22.-A daily, passeng-
er service between Rome andl Berlin
will be inaugurated next month.
In order to have the caps andI
gowns here for Swing-out seniorj
engineers must place their orders
with the Moe Sport shop thisI
1 week.

Frank Speaight, the distinguished
dramatic interpreter, of .Dickens, ap-
pearing in America under the man-
agement of James B. Pond, will pre-
sent a recital of excerpts from the
"Pickwick Papers" tonight in the new
Masonic temple. His program for the
[Ann Arbor appearance is as follows:
Chapter 1-Mrs. Bardell's Mistake.
Chapter 2-A Fine Example of How'
to Manage a Horse.4
Chapter 3-A Renmarkable Shooting
? Party.
Chapter 4--Sam Weller Very Much
in Evidence.-
Chapter 5-The Great Trial of Bar-j
dell vs. Pickwick.
Mr. Speaight's recent New York re-
cital received considerable favorable
comment from critics there, and tie
presentation tonight promises to offer
equally acceptable entertainment.
Beginning in 1906, Mr. Speaight
commenced a series of American ap-
pearances which proved entirely suc-
cessful, and which were only inter-
rupted by the start of the World war
in 1914.
Tickets for the performance tonight
are on sale at Slater's, Wahr's, and
Graham's bookstores, price fifty cents
to one dollar. All seats are reserved.


which nical high school, Detroit,
sunset ing of April 24, at which
direc- Michigan representative
winds i chosen.

the eyea-I
time the
will be

New Ruling Bars a
Hospital Visitors
Hereafter visitors to the new Uni-
versity hospital which is now under
construction will be admitted only by l
special permission. This action was
deemed necessary by the buildingJ
committee because of the large num-
ber visiting the building interfering
seriously with the work.
Permits may be obtained from Dr.
H. A. Haynes, director of the Uni-
versity hospital; Dr. J. F. Shepard,
cii'r visor of huildinz lans. and E. C.

opn teS. arec ivrdep1superviu gl puiu1 iliz, u. .
oping the St. Lawrence river deep Pardon, superintendent of buildings
water way pioject was announced to- and grounds.
! ,day simultaneously in Washington and____________
Ottawa. Negotiations have been inj
progress for more than a year on one Sofia Explosion
clause of the instructionswhich has
been in dispute.I Kills Few Dozen
The comliplete correspondence, in-____
cluding the final draft of instructions Sofia, April 22.-Regarding the wild
to the engineers, is covered by 15 rumor4 in cirefulation that thousands
notes exchanged by the State depart- , of persons have been killed or arrested
ment and the British embassy. They { since the bomb explosion in the Sberti
oI- v ha a om nr mia nily ur .. ! t,-, -+ii, iif s i. v ,_r m n

Paris, April 22.-Louis Barthou
nlaeed his officea nesident f the

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