THE MId IIG AN DAILY WEDNESDAY, APRTTL-22. 1 2 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is .constructive notice to all mnembers of the University. Copy received b) tbo. A sstant to th. 11-es~c~ent until 3:30 9. im. (11:30 a. n. Saturday, Volume 5 WEIJNE:SI)AY, APRIL 22, 19:3 Nititier 1 17 .t J. J. Swartz, 2300 Mi., before Thursday night. J. J. Swartz. The recently elcited(5 men should be p~re sent at the exami'nation Thurs- day, April 23, at 7 :30 o'clock in room 273. The use of one reference book will b~e allowed. ' The initiation will be held Tuecsdaly, April 28. May Head Combine! '. A s ru ww wrrw e it , I UnTivrsity Lecture: Professor Charles K. Webster, Professor of International Politics at the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, will give an address Friday, April 24, 1925, at 4:15 P. M., in the Natural Science Auditorium, on the sub- ject "International Cooperation in 'Theory and Practice." The public is cordially invited. . E. Robbins. To Younug Men Interested in Summer Wor: Mr. Paul S. Rilett of the Aluminum Cooking Utensil Co. is starting sales training classes for students intending to sell "Wear-Ever" utensils (uring summer vacation. Those who are interested can interview him at room 2, University Hall April 23' between 3 and5 o'clock, or at the Michigan Union before the end of this week. J. A. lursiy. To Students Interested in Vacation Wor: Mr. Hart, representing the Frontier -Press company will be glad to in- terview men and women students interested in summer vacation work. He will be in room 2, Iliversity hall, from 3 to .5 .o'clock, Wednesday, April 22, and at the Allenel hotel the rest of the day. J. A. Bursley. Philosophy 33: A make-up examination'for those Seniors who could not be present at the mid-semester will be given, on Friday, April 24th, at 4 P. M., in room 100, Mason Hall. R. M. wenley. Sociology i51: The make-up, id-semester examination will be given Saturday, April 25, at 9 in room 103 Ec.: R. H. Holmes. 'Senior Mechanical Engineers : Mr. Frank B. Doyle representing the Ingersoll-Rand Company of Phil- lipsburg, New Jersey, will be in room 221, West Engineering Building on Wednesday, April 22. He wishes to interview those interested in positions with this company. H. C. Anderson. Evangelical Studets: Reverend E, D. Riebel and Reverend C. B. Stroi of Detroit wish to meet all Evangelical (Evangelical Association) students at a cmplimentary luncheon to be given at Lane H-all, Thursday evening, April 23rd, at G:00 P. M. George H. Baker. Twilight Organ Recital: -The following program will be offered by Palmer Christian, University Organist, in Hill Auditorium,. Wednesday afternoon, at 4:15 o'clock: Symphonic Poem "My Contry" (Smetana) ; The Nightingale and the Rose (Saint-Saens) ; Allegretto, (Wolstenholme) ; Sonata 1 in D minor, Op. 42 (Guilmant) ; Andantine in D flat (Lemare); Finlandia (Sibelius). Charles A. Sink, Seretary. To,; Members of the University of Xlchtigan Bad: There will be the regular rehearsal of the band tonight at Morris Hall at which time details for the Ypsilanti concert will be announced as well as iother'memoranda of note concerning spring activity. The time will be as usual. Robert . Halsey, IP. if. Veterans of Fori1gni Wars Richard N. Hall Post will meet 'Thursday at 7:30 P. M. Michigan Union. H. I). Clark. U. S. Naval Reserve Force: The University Unit will meet Wednesday, April 15th, at 7:30 P. M. in the Ri. 0. T. C. Drill Hal. L. C. Leeer. Alpha Onieg'a Alpha Lecture: Dr. Richard C. Cabot, Professor of Internal Medicine at the Harvard Medical School and Professor of Social Ethics at Harvard College, will lec- ture on "The Use of Truth and Falsehood in Medical Practice," at 3:00 o'clock, Thursday evening, April 23rd, in University Hall. Because of the limited seating capacity of this hall only those who present course tickets or invitations atthe door can be admitted. Waltiter 3. Simp son, Presidect. Public Recital and Interpiretationa 4f Maceth: "Macbeth" Publie'recital by the classes in Shakespearean Reading will be given inUniversity Hall Auditorium, Wednesday, April 22, 7:30. Students of Shakespeare and others interested are invited. The reading will be i- formal. No admission charged. . E. .Flischmia. CoslopoltatI.l embers: The Cosmopolitan luncheon will be held Saturday noon, April 25, at 12:15, at the Church of Christ, corner of Tappan and H-ill. Please notify l'r 12tt.i n< "hgin c:r4iqtrC "vs":{1R The regular weekly assembly will be lheldi Wednesday, April 22, at 11:40 . .. iii room 38 Engineecring I uilding. Prof essor A. HI. White will speak to the class. J1. C. Brier'., Iwith the Studlent Chiristi:an associa- WHAT'S GOING ON Arrnements arc being completed Notices to appear in this columnn must J he left in ire box at the I~a y ot e with local florists for the sale of j providledJfor',rat purp"ose lbefore / lwrzo5t1ln n a 0 n I oclock tareceediinptiP da4y of issue.4 foestot?1nt nMy1,ad " t ~it eeiIrying to make it II WEDNESDAY Iiposs:ile for every stuiden to wear a j 3:0-5:63-31r.flower on that date.saer :i (02 :O-)l.Bart of the Frot ier r Mothers'ict Slllellwee'iok end is thesin week end as the annual springt arie interested in summer vaua I ion I:isbt~nIle' work, in room 2, IUniversity hall, r~nair se.13sophomoend 4:0 -6:0-O3en ons atHarrs hll.l coibdatochese s. Besies eing es- C.Wimer, executive in the D ancng.IO - p n h u e a a r s h i. u e i t h s ai e , the im iothers r n d e ralI T iii ri Dacn.will he ihowi5 rabout the campuiis d(lt;GoodearFire ad(uberC., i 4 :5--almr (hiristil ifftrelt" w1 i-ig Sar tiirday. PEfforts will be made1 expected to lbe named chairman of the I light organi recital in h ill aii dii r- to lav all buildings open ini the af- bor fte ne 17,0,00Iro- :3P Frestr ci II, aze~t siii zoia for lthe visit ors. Thelie eetinigatn omdiyheprhaesofIb 7:30-- orestrychili eek in oom onSunda y XwithIiEdgar (G uest as they infre yteprhsr ffh 21,Natural Science buldn- .eat i(C is to bethe ladig eent o Dodge motor company. 214,ubicreit buf iding. lea"ling o 7 :y-ul eitlo "a t ,'the week zend. Mothers .,will lbe the { yclasses in Shakespearean red- giests of honor, but all students arej Geneva, April 21 .-(Soviet llussia torium." coming conference on contro l of' the 7 :45--De 31'olay mneets on te third READ) THE CLASSIFIED AI)S, traffic in arms. floor, new Masonic temple. 8:00-1Iusic sectiou of the F"acuity Women's clb meets at 1107 Mich- igan avenue. ----- ----- - 3 :00.5 :t0--haunl S. Ililel t of t he Al- uminumn Cooking Utensil comnpa nyA V I messtudents who are interested T N NIS ND GOLF GOODS ATE L' I/1 i .. ,i Read The Daily "Classified" Columns - _______ j LU~tE in summer 11~Fvacaion IIw Ufi in room '1 2, U~niversity hall. 0 :ft- Compimientfary lun cheon for all Evengelical association students !in Ijane hall. e~iilt~1 o newly elected mnen in room 278.,IEn-. jginreering bilding. 7::30-Il icia rd N. Hall lost, Velera :w, of Foreign Wars, meets at the Ur-- ion. /7:1 - e t r e s c u o N m ei andl election of officers at Hlarris hall. Salt)-Dru. Richard C'abot of the Il ar- In the Double Breasted as well as the Single Breasted are ideal for wear with FLANI TROV3ERS v arod Medical scnlool Use of Truth and Medical Practice," speakis on "Thie Fralsehood in in Univ~ersity j hall. EDDY GUEST TO GIVE MOTHERS' DA Y TALK HERE Edgar Guest., well known poet, has been securedl to speak at a gathering for mothers and students on Sunday May 10, inl Hill aiuditoriumn which is being arrrngeol by the Student Christian association in connection jwith the plans being made for iMothers' week-end on that (late. Edgar Guest, who is on tihe staff of The Detroit Free Press, has writtena many poems on the relations of ;a mother to her chlidren and for this reason special effort was imaoie to I secure himn for the Mothers' day pro- gram. James Miller, 25, chairman of the committee, reports that many studlent s are arranginig to enter tain their mothers in Ann Arbor at h-i s time. Fraternities and sororities are pilanuning their annual Mothers' «ieX endo on this date in order to c ooper a tI Both of which we are showing in a large range of Imported and Domestic fabrics. The New Colorings are in Oatmeal and Greys. T INKER0&COMPATNY South State at William I - _ _ ' t 4 ZS2OM4.1 1 ro 0.11014.1 io0 Special Price on Tennlis -AT- Rackets - XYAT4?'RNIVERSITY VV~kA 'S U OOKSTORE ol M*o*wl r4m r. 4 0. G OLFERS - ' PLAYING privileges for students S$16.30 from now on to June I t I 20th. Come out. and try the course at our nominal greens fee of $ 1.00. 11