PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY and less looking for dirt they would and energy with which the exti aordi- get much further in their attempts to CAMPUS OPINION nary difficulties of providing schools guide youth. Jazz music is no worse Anonymous communications will be for a rapidly increasing population, Published every morning except thntenwcedwlz"oa0yer disregarded. The names of coinmuni- 'eeoeeu nrc n agae Sdeey r tMondy thnte"ikdwat"o 0yas atswll hoevr be regared as heterogeneous in race and language, diii ing the Univrsity year by the Board in ta h wce at"o 0yas' at il ceeb eadda Control of Student ublications. ago, "necking" is no more malicious confidential v'"on request. are being every where met, and by the - than the spooning of our fathers and munificence, both public and private, Members of Western Conference Editorial mothers, and as to drunkenness-the THE CHAMPION CHEATERS which responds to any well grounded As-!treformers might better confine their To the Editor: educational appeal. The Associated Press is exclusively en-1 efforts to the "elders" who furnish so having sampled the wares of four__ titled to the use for republication of all news___________________________ dispatches credited to it or not otherwse apt an example to the wicked young other large universities, I say without credited in this paper and the local news pub- people. Jazz whether it he a manner hesitation that Michigan tops them all lished thereinp.M USIC of life, or a form of music on the in the matter of cheating in examina- Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, radio is all right if well modified and tions. Here it seems to be taken al- AND Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate , of postage granted by Third AssistantaPost mingled with other features of exist- most as a matter of course. There is) A master General. ence. The majority of young people. little or no compunction about it. I Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail,yomn u .. $400 at least, know how to reach this do not say that all Michigan students Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- happy medium. cheat but I do say that an altogether nard Street. cetbtIdosytaIn loehr- Pone treEditorial, 2414 and 176M; bus- too large an element is addicted to TONIGHT: "Little Jessie James" in nes,960.E GUM-ChEWING PUBLIC the practice. the Whitney theatre at S:15 o'clock.-o EDITORIAL STAFF For considerably more than a week It is a rare examination in the Lit- **'. Telephones 2414 and 176 now, the newspaper-reading public erary College that I have not heard SOPHIE BRASLAIT a has been treated each day to columns answers to questions being passed A review, by William Bromme. t MANAGING EDITOR paer inj Sophie Braslau brought to a bil- P PHILIP M. WAGNER upon columns of sensational "cave aroun, or seen books or papers tragedy" news. The somewhat limit- use, or have not been approached di- liant close the latest Choral Union Fdtr........John oG GarlinglouseL News Editor............Robert G. Ramsay ed activities of Floyd Collins, a cave rectly for aid. The honest student at Concert series last night in Hill Aud- L City Editor...........Manning Houseworth explorer who is pinned by his toe in a Michigan enters an examination under itorium. Easily among the best of thei Night Editors ahnia n o n antd yi!trun aiyaogtebs fte;i George W. Davis Harold A. M narrow tunnel, have been described in a handicap and I for one cannot do my bestrwhen.such conditions.exist, operatic contraltos, she alternately Thomas P. Henry Fredk. . Sparrow, Jr. detail and with the greatest gusto. best when such conditions exist. Keneth C. Keller Norman R. Ihl When he blows his nose the fact is It is evident that the honor system charmed and thrilled her audience ti Sports Editor.........William H. Stoneman .nh with a well arranged program. She df Sunday Editor..........Rooert S. Mansfeld wired around the world; when a doc- in the Literary College at least will is indeed a great artist, and hers is a women's E*ditor.......... ..Vern"n Moran i nedagetatsadhr sas Music and Drama.......Robert B. Henderson tor is dispatched from Chicago to am- not work unless members of the grou; Eicadiorama....Rertgor geous voice.n Telegraph Editor......William J. Walthour putate his foot ten million gum-chew- show a more decided willingness to The Schubert "E King" proved to a Louise Barley elen S. Ramsay ing members of the newspaper public safeguard the honor of that group. be the most fascinating single number-C Marion Barlow R egina eichmanfl heave sentimental sighs and thank Few students however are willing to on the program. Literally a dramatic Leslie S. Bennett Marie Reed iSadas edn ihmtiadnt og S ith Cady . Edmarie Schrauder their Maker that lie has preserved stand up and say, "that person there reading with music, and not a song, Wilard B. .rb edick u -e lito h s y is cheating." And so it would seem Miss Braslau gave to the words the Valentine L. Dav C.s C. Arthur Stevens them i security. Jmes W. Faerg Marjory Sweet Yes, it is awful. It is hard to con- that the only solution is policing, and full effect of her flawless diction Joseing.Gartner Heman ise. policing of the most active sort how- which, combined with a tone resonant Manning Flouseworth Eugene H. Grtekunst deve of the mental and physical a- Elizabeth S. Ceaundy Robert T. DeVore.. ever distasteful it may be to the in- in the lower register, and trumpet- Elizabeth Lieberman n taney C. Crighton guish which this Floyd Collins must. clear in the upper convinced her Winfield H. Line Leonard C. Ball have been undergoIng while outside structor in charge. Examinations ar in the sper, undinbed he Carl E. Ohlmacher Thomas V. Koykka hv enudron hl us~e"adec htsri nobel William C. Patterso Lilias K. Wagner the crowds are summoning every de- such as those given by Professor Van audiene that o is und mbedy ----vice which ingenuity can invent, in Tyne illustrate that by this method style Style. BUSINESS STAFF an attempt to rescue him. cheating can be reduced to the abso It was an easy matter to call up the Telephone 960 But the fact remains that when this lute minimum. subject m attr of the poem: the luring accident occurred he was voluntarily Simple justice demands that the call of the rl King, the fears of the BUS NESS MANGER engaged in a profession, if it may be honest student should not be annoyed child, and the calmness of the father. called that, and was thoroughly aware!by persons with a warped sense of In this respect, Miss Braslau, alongl Advertising.. ... --....E. L Dun cl that, an was thoroghly ware honor. And only vigilant watchful- with the divine Chahapin, satisfy thef ,dJtsn......... ....I . Firm of the risks hie was taking. And while 1'1 h lV Advertising..................H. A. Marks one man is dying, hundreds and ness from the start of the examination prime conditions of what Carl Van Advertising.................I. M. Rockwell sto t last inut illinr thi Vechten chooses to call "the art nr Ccoun.....................Byron Parer thousands of people in ths "land of he at inute w isure s Cuication ...................RohnC.ninfeeo"rnuw tthcwsapr here at Mcia.HUn;ocg."The material at hand, 1t)n Publication.....................John Conin freedom" are dying the slow death of -W Il,'25 this case the subject matter of the Assistants starvatio, pt by poem, must never be subverted by an W.'F Arduass1 K. F. Mast public, the victims of a too-powerful artificial vocal technique. A lyric Gordon Bura H. L. Newmann social and economic system. While VERY FRENCHISH sng is a lyric song, therefore, not en- r. Dents Thomas Olmstad Philip Deitz )D. Ryan the whole country's attention is rivet, To the Editor: tirely because it is phrased with a Norman Freebling MaRoset Sandburg ed on Sand Cave, Ky., our suffering I Struck by the quotation from Mr. multitude of arpeggios in allegro mod- W. E. Hamaker F. K. Shoenfeld hordes at home go disregarded. There Hornblow's review of "ittle Jessie erato. Wth Miss Braslau, there is F. Johnson S. H. Sinclair Jae"wihyuue!nyu d complete control of the miechanics o. L. 1. Kramer F. Taylor is an old ma ximabout charity begin- mes" which you used inhsora-,s Louis W. Kramer____________ ing at home. miralble theatre column of this mr dramatic apeal, and, in addition, a sublmely sufficient voice. ing. I am writing to give a little dif- The Schubert group included the _ WHO'LL RULE THE AIR? ferent view of another who saw the ______________________________WHOLL ULE HE IIBtheabove number, Der Doppelganger, and, iebesbotschaft, both of whlich were SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1925 Almost every interested citizen o Libsbtchf, oh fyh.i ee UEBRUA Y14 1925 A ote va te s tdm iedth re- I refer in particular to his son- intelligibly clear for amateurs in the the United States has admired the r- Night Editor-HAROLD A. MOORE cent action of Brigadier General Vil- tences: Teutonic tongue. Never throughout -;_liam Mitchell, assistant chief of the "The one at the Longacre could the program could Miss Braslau be; PITU N IN ON THE JAZZ AGE 'I army air service, in his defiance of all have been softened a trifle more criticized on the grounds of being in a few of its scenes, but since ununderstandable. Her enunciation In the pulpit of the Congregational precedent and his fearless denuncia- blushing has gone out of fashion, is clear and precise, the quality of her church last Sunday, the "jazz age" tion of the leading officials of both the it doesn't so much matter." diction unwavering. ryandl the navy, if for A modern group was well received was the subject of discussion . It was moeaday ayi o nothing And again: Amdr ru a elrcie smore than the fact that he has firm by the audience, which became quite the same old theme-the younger gen- convictions about the need for devel- "Except for a few vulgar in- enthusiastic over a rendition of conicios bot he ee fr evl- nuendos, the play is highly enter- .nhsisi, o a .edi,, o . oration dancing its way to destrue opment of the American air service ,, Kreisler's "The Old Refrain." One of ( too the popularappeal numbers, but not tion, failing to appreciate what the and is not afraid to declare them to taiing.hpo -pones Od olde geeraionhad ive thm ad th wold n te fae o theat of I saw the comedy in New York dur- cuite in the class with "Love's Old older generation had given them and the world the face of threats of ing ts first run. I do not think that Sweet Song," it became a beautiul is doing for them. In the course of demotion and discipline. Any virile gs -"y nyth e csoft era t f s 1 ! te type of so-called "risquaety" in melody for the softer quality of Miss the more or less avid discourse, even individual likes such a display of the play should make anyone blush Braslan's voice. The Coleridge-Tay- the radio-"that greatest of modern courage. .nor merit the term "vulgar." Of for lyric lent all of its color to the inventions"-was maligned because But when it comes to accepting his course a sense of humor is required. resonance of her lower register. someone over in China installed a set views on what the United States air "Little Jessie James" impressed me the oustangsky "B er of te only to tune in on this country and service is today, what it ought to be, ssT heoutsanding nuer perthe get for his first program an orchestra and why, there will be a slight hesita- nening frenchish in the highest final group, was done in the best which was rendering "Barney Goo- tion on the part of discriminating meaning of the expression. It seem- Braslau manner. Sonorous, crooning, whic was, rederi h "Ban G- minds.Not that he is unsound. in his emore l ne of the Fren appealing, always therewasna careful this mAav eclaoud tbeusedtor, theat on ta hsbrnho hesri farces translated and peppered with display of emotional nuance, always clever music, than any other recog- a restraint that was truly artistic. propagation of such travesties on all has been neglected too much in the d that is fine and good! Past, until America is far behind the' nized kind of play. It is artistic. There was an unfamiliar setting to thteisdnotngowd!r.Jurpra until America is f a the clever-what more can you ask? I "As We Part," new and not at all medi- If we did not know Mr. Jump better program of the other leading nations going to see it again. ocre. Miss Braslau sang it with as we would call him old-fashioned (he of the world, notably France, Great o ee i an much feeling as Tito Schi Bianan aHow sad, indeed, if any timid soul muc eln a ioShpa perform-' can hardly be that with movies on Britain. and Japan, but that he iss, ed the more popular version. Sunday night). He did not say somewhat over-zealous when he de- s Miss Braslau has deserted the oper- whether or not this particular China- jdares that the air service would be simpstagecausheofesrg morou con man or American enjoyed the pro- more important than either the army naughty comments!.cert platform. And thereby the con- gram. More than likely he did, and or the navy in the event of another E. C. W cert going public obtained access erful contaltos like some other persons thought it war, from which he reasons that it' _n___hemtwde__onrlts ' that we have record of. Within our best not to admit it. There are many should be made a separate and inde- T hamewory, e recall bt. gter older people today who really like the pendent branch. Those who are inter- EDITORIAL COMMENT Smhmann eiec And steglaced best in modern jazz, but as they must ested in permanent world peace, may the brilliance that Miss Braslau evin- have something about which to rave be inclined to look upon the whole ed last night. The ultimate decision they decry this tendency in modern matter as merely another move of DUCATION I TE ITin regar to Sophie Braslau will name y an h1) erd o Ameria's os brillame popular music. They seem to forget militarism and thus one to be frownedAher as America's most brilliant dra- for the moment the sickly popular upon and rejected. There is, how- --A communication from H1. A. L. matic contralto. TEXT-BOS 0lee NEW AND SECOND-HAND BOTH ENDS OF THE DIAGONAL WALK ormance long scenes of pantomime, ,~ 4'-«~||@f'|'.A"%r .I.: . :< . r; : n elaborate color background, music, ; id unisoxi speaking in the style of E e O aowi of ne he Greek chorus. Many of the stage Vle ictures are also directed in terms of11 Mastic sculpture, and the James isspring hats ight masks, used in the New York roduction of the poem by the Prov- ncetown Players, have been secured. Popular 1-eat Sh Oi By way of contrast, "The Man With he Flower In His Mouth" is in Piran-' ello's highly modern, psychological& tyle. Robert Henderson will play the ame-part, while Richard Forsythe. -________________________________ t one time the president of Comedy Club, will take the leading role in The Ancient Mariner." P ANY WHERE BUT, EAT AT REX'S T 4E CLUB LUNCH 712 Arbor Street (Hear StntR and Packard Slta. 71 frnticipaifed PIe.tjre Sc l Studay II?:4 MAPBRUCK ThA 440P 632-Forest Ave. Phone .2641R IR~iN WABMOITS, D, S Cy GRAUA-r AND RFG1tTFRFD 1 Cliropodist rthopedist 707 . University Ave Phone 2652 Terrace Garden Dancing Studio Open Daily, 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. We teach all modern, fancy, ballet, stage, tango and folk dances for children and adults. Cla>s every Monday and Friday. 15 one-hour lessons $5.00 22 Wuerth Arcade Phone 241-R UNIVERSITY P EOP LE We are offering a very fine home, which also gives an excellent income. This 11-room house is located on Hamilton Place, between State and Main. First Floor-living room, dining room, kitchen, library with fireplace, vestibule and reception hall with hall close French doos in hall entrance to living room and library. Second and Third Floors-Seven bedrooms with large closets, Lathroom, linen closet, etc. Hardwood floors. Large basement v"th laundry. Lot 50x 100 wjzh fireproof garage. THIS IS AN EXCELLENT VALUE at $15,000. Good terms. LUERE ERG CLOTHES FOR THE COLLEGE MAN For appointment, call Mr. Sergeant with I CHARLESL.o K R I; A L T TR I dtLi 215: FIrst National Bank Bldg. Phones 31-3552 The FLY-FRONT COAT 'BROAD shouldered, easy hanging-their conservatism proclaims their smartness. Cut in lightweight and winter weight woolens in patterns approved by college men. $3450 to $4950 NAT LUXENBERG a &Ros. 841 BROADWAY, NEW YORK Next Showin. a Camaus ootery 304 S. State St.. Ntlarch it anti 13. 'h'i w 6 DI melodies of their younger days-Im- possibly sentimental just as Barney Google is impossibly vulgar. But to get back to the radio-the se- lection of stations must be more or less a matter of personal taste, it being possiole within a few minutes to get good or bad classical music, interesting or dull lectures, and enter- tainments of the modern sort which are also varied in their worth. It is a safe prediction that there is enough of the good in all three fields broad- casted to make this invention a worth- while factor in the life of today. Just incidently one might mention the fact that several of the largest stations in the country have recently combined to broadcast programs, representative of the best in these three fields. Thurs- day evening from New York City were broadcasted the rich voice of Emilio De Gogorza, world-famous baritone; the marvelous tone of Maud Powell's famous Guadanini violin, played by the brilliant young French violinist Renee Chemet; and selections of popular and classical music 'played by the Victor' Salon orchestra-all under the au-' spices of the Victor Talking Machine company. It was a remarkable pro-I gram, a tendency which should be en-j couraged. Mr. Jump would do well to use his radio for another similar con- r-+ in +mn mairk a n nrthe mmenv ever, a very logical answer to this ob- jection in that any expansion of the air service might be organized and carried out in such a way that it Fisher in THE LONDON WEEKLY TIMES I should be sorry if my American, friends were to infer from a neces-j i i An will * *I * THE FACULTY CONCERT I interesting and varied program be offered in Hill auditorium would be comparatively simple to sarily abbreviated report of a speech Sunday afternoon at 4:15 o'clock by 3 Our style memo. book sent free on req'uest convert it into a commercial system (at the annual Conference of Educa- 'Mrs. Mabel Ross-Rhead, pianist, and wh h o d e ti d ns f inl s aikti r t CraeInvo neit T s s which could be utilized in times of tional Associations at University Col- Ora Larthard, viohincelhist. This is ______________________ peace. Secretary of Commerce Hoo- lege, London) that I fail to recognize the first appearance of Mrs. Rhead + :.°1111111IlltllllllitIIIIllit1ItII111. ver recently declared that any gov- the admirable work which has been, in concert this year, which makes the ernment air system for commercial and is being carried on in so many recital of unusu.l importance. The purposes would logically come under fields of scientific and literary re- general public with the exception of the jurisdiction of his department, search in American universities. My small children is cordially invited. which seems very reasonable but allusion to the subject, though brief, The program is as follows:wnc intaiaasp .a would not necessarily mean that the was specific. ISonata Fantasie, Op. 19...Scniahine development of the system could not What did, however, strike me when Andante; Presto be carried out by the air service it- I I visited the country fifteen years ago, ( Mabel Ross-Rhead MENU t self and later turned over to the de- was that America had made a mistake Allegro Moderato, from Concerto Iop, Cream of Tomato partment of commerce for direction in in framing too closely her plan of in D major (Klengel)... .Hayden the matter of routes and rates. university studies on the German AdagioWl The matter resolves itself into a model, not that the system in Ger- Ora Larthard Young Chicken question, not of the advisability of many is bad, but that it implies as a Four Etudes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chopin with Dressing considerable expansion in the air condition of success, the social sub- Opus 10, No. wh rs service, but rather into a problem of structure of the German gymnasium. Opus 10, No. 7 Prime Rib Roast of Beef au jus j how this can be brought about in the The leaders of American educational Opus 25, No. 3 Asparagus Tips on Toast most satisfactory manner. If army thought have now come to 'recognize Opus 10, No. 8 s officials are blind to the necessities that a reorganization of their univer- Mrs. Rhead Mashed Potatoes ofiil r ln o h eeste hta eraiaino-hiruie-IMs ha I for development along this line, either sity studies on the English plan Waldesruhe .................Dvorak Rolls unwittingly or purposely, and if the would, so far as it can be G ffccted, be j Scherzo .................... Klengel - Fruit Salad. navy officials are not willing to co- more appropriate to American condi- Miss Larthard operate in the arrangement of suita- tions. Honours courses are being Accompanist, Maud Okkelberg. Dessert ble joint propositions made necessary established in many seats of learning, * Home-made Apple or Huckle- by the very nature of the case, then 'and the gap between the low standard THE YPSILANTI PLAYERS berry Pie General Mitchell's plan to make the of general attainment required of the For the fourth program of their Brick Ice Crem with Cake air service a separate department of average student, and the high degree subscription season, the Ypsi'anti 1 defense is the nnlv nlternntive .-How- of nneialization demanded of the re- Players are nresenting an original ,=Tea Coffee Milk NICOLAI - WELCH - DeMILT, Inc., bring you The SUPRUHE MUSICAL COMEDY SUCCESS 7 MONTHS 1. LAWENCE IN CHICAGO ONE SOLID YEAR IN NEW YORK. FAMOUS BROADWAY CAST - WORLD'S FASTEST DANCING CHORUS AND A m2au a® mu)E1m1a A ILA &aul