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April 22, 1925 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1925-04-22

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III I will 0000mmm
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:. k _.:.

.n werr w


. ;. ..

i smo


IN ortliup, star sophiomore, en~teredl
tai javelinii and pole vault



Every studlent trying out for
the golf squad of 15 mien at
the Ann Arbor Golf club must
turn in a certified score for 36
holes medal play by* Friday,
April 24. Pairings are optional.
Sign up at the club before qual-

! ;

(Cc Yost leasedC4 Wil I Work D)onie jRcg itar Ba sebll Squaitd Lays Oft I
Duiring First Week at j After Grinid Of Long{
Prri tcel on T'1 ip)SouthI

'M I(c
gan fres]
broke hi
100 yardI
of Michi,
mneet at

Michigan will be represented in the
two classics of the outdoor track sea-
son, the Penn and Drake relays to be
held in Philadelphia and Des Miones
this Friday and Saturday.
Six members of the squad including)
the four mile relay team, Dellartj
Hubbard, and Piper Northrup will go
cast to Philadelphia while three relay
teams and some individual perform-
ers will be entered in the Drake meet.}
Half mile, mile, and two mile teanm
will be included in the latter entry
and while some members of the team
will be forced to run, in two' events
the totaml number of competitors willf
be 1:2 or more.J
Pbil Northrup will be the other
Michigan individual entry in the
Penn meet. He will enter 1both the
javelin and the pole vault and as a
result will not take part in the broad
jump, although he has dlone better}
than 22 feet 6 inches in the event.
The Michigan sophomore has cleared
12 feet 6 inches in IThe pole vault and'
can be expected to do that at the
Penn relays if he is in good shape.
Hle is also counted upon to approach
190 feet in the. javelin -throw andI
should gain one of the first few
places in both events in which hie is


T. C. TRUEBLOOD,j week Da
( AGolf Coaches. 1E___'_yard fre(
jiMore t han 90 caimdidat CS h3a ve r- C-o(ac(h Ray Fisher gave his first J of the D.
p~ortedl for spring football p)ractice paring ias ehall squadl a rest yester- I timeiC was
whiicht began yesterday. Wvithi the ad- 'day while the reserves hooked up
Coachesr M]'vaki ; ditioii of the mlen who have not as yet with Coach Mother's freshman nine in
eturned fromn vacation, it. is eCXDCeted aloeVpa1 net
an n s httisnme wl nres o The Varsity team returned from II
wt ;over a 100 men.1 Cincinnati tired from their long trip
'1 Sw m R 'A large lart of the day was spenlt through tl7e South, and was given a TO
(____Yesterdlay in isslliiig equip~fmenmt to one day respite before resuming
i~iany r(Iical ere mad men who are out* for the first time ter110' o h w-aesre addt
Mny he dWcternchangeswee ad and for this reason, not mucli real (thir JSacuts fre riday an srieay.dae
Cofrne s i- work could be accomplished., w-.o ermi
ming coaches at their annual meeting , ver Coaches Yoist, WViemami, Barker, The Wolverine mentor is well satis.- t ltri
in Chicago last week end. The Meet- Hayes, Efmery and Bllott put the men tiecd with the work of his squad dur- of 15 mieiml
ing was held following the national through the rudiments of the giame! ing the annual jaunt this vacation. outs* at the
intercollegiate swvimming meet which in orde ,to lme them uip. Forw an!r akn the bestshwn agit thn fer
was held there. pasing and receiving the 1all were the teams below the Mason-Dixonafeno a
The Plunge and the 220 yard free the" main features of the practice, and ; inhe that a, Michigan outfit has made 4troo
style have been dropped from theI a good deal of p~rom~ising material for: several years, the Wolverine dia- prevqilingr
order of events and a medley rely I was- on hand to work with. Practice m nond athletes showed promise of de- I fromn getting

'tDarnall of the Miclh- I
shoran swimmning teami
s own record in the
1free style for the state
igan. Darnall swam the
in 56.3 Seconds in a
Detroit, April 10. Last
arnall was forced to
cond place in the 50
oe style to Howard Rose
3etroit YIacht club. TheI
S2'.2 seconds. f
Tryou ts
Play Today

1t1 WAAL
si t


Thme following all-campus matches
must be played and reported to the
Intramural office by Monday noon,
April 27: Celine 885M vs. C. R. Dou-
gall 1482M; R. C. Fuller 246711. vs.
N. R. Benham 558; H. Kopf 825W
vs. Al. Falk 3654; L. Stein 1010)1 vs.
RI. Bartlett 344; R. L. Johnmson 1070M

:1011 IOf' WID TlIYOVTt
Among the 94 men to report
Cto Coach Tad Wieniap for
spring football . ractice -yester-
dy vas Charles Todd Lee '27,
Ewho Claims Nottingham, Eng-
land, as his home stamipin
ground. Lee is a candidate for
colneul position. His fattier, a
cnugraduated frpm Mlici-
Jgan years ggo.

11, 4

4' ,



and the 440 yard dlash added. The
medley event which has been acd"d d
f will be a three man affair, each i na-
tator Awimming 100 yards; the lead-
off mean will swim backstroke, the}
secondl man breast stroke, while, the
anchor mian will s~vim the crawl1.
Water basketball has also' bee4
supercedIed by water'-polo.
SThe pr1obable 'place of next year's
Conference meet wvas discussed but
no action was takeni, as the choosing
of the school for' that honor is left
up to the Western Conference athletic


The Michigan two mile team at tihe committee. The, majority of th~eI
Drake Relays will be composed of coaches favored Michiganm as havingj
Reinke, Freyberg, Hart, and Cochran the best facilities' for holding suchf a
and with Georgetown at the Penn meet.
relays the Michigan team should have Mcia' ariy eegdvic-
little difficulty in winning. The, half torious over the 'freshman team, inI;
mile squad will be composed of Fein- a water polo game and a 200 yardi
singer, H-ulse, Wittman, and a fourth relay race which Was 'held the last!
member to be selected. The mile' day before vacation. The varsity r'e-
squad will consist of Freyberg, lay composed of Sanmoom, Johns~on, .
Mueller, iheiser, and Reinke, both' Dunakin, and Captaiin-elect Gow coy-3
Reink~e and Freyberg running in tw~oj eredt the 200 yards in 1 minute 44.6 jI
events. Charlie Muhz will be en- seconds which is three-tenths of a I
tered. in both the shot put and the; second better tha~n the state record1
discus throw. which was set up by' the D. A. C. atl
The Michigan four Bmile team, the Detroit last Satntrday night. The
best in the middle-West will have as yearling quartet' (Batter, Kelley,f
'its_ hardest competition the Oregon Rose, and Darnall) covered the" di s-i
Aggie and Harvard quartets. As a! tance in 1 minute 45.4 seconds. TheI
result of the good competition theI varsity took a fast water 1)010 contestI
* Michigan squad will probably be by a 7-3 count.
compelled to break 18 minutes to will___________
the event. All of these runners can
approach or better 4:30 in the mile jITTI~ ~~l
and they are expected to winl their SIXl VII IIIUIUI w uEM
event. I
Hubard will ieemndgoinotePn me nr
lays eemnd ocimxhis crerIULLAD90 BIG TEN TEAMS
in college athletics by breaking the i --
100 yard dash record. Thme, mark Six shortstops will lead their teams
which now stands at 9 3-5 seconds in; into action in thme Western Con ference
spite of repeated' unofficial claims to; baseball race this year. A first base-
better times stands in dlanger of b~e- ( mian, a pitcher, a catcher, and a field-
ing blasted if the Michigan phenomn- er will guide the destinies of the
enon is in as good form as lie was other nines.
last week when lie did 9 4-5 ou a rain I Michigan, Chicago, Iowa, North-
soaked track. Hubbard will also beJ western, Purdue, and Wisconsin all

will bie held daily and tihe squad will' veloping into an aggregation that
be drilled in time finer points of the. should capture the Conference title
game as soomn as they have mastered for time second successive season.
the preliminary fundamentals. Time Wolverines won six gamnes out
Coach Yost expressed great satis- l of eight, an enviable record due to
faction in working out with the ;thme high caliber of the teams which
Princeton squad last week and i'e- thmey encountered. The pitching. on
marked that they ha~d quite an ab1le 1time Southern teams was not as good
aggregation of material. The Tiger as it has been in fornmer years, but
practce wa limted t tho e me the Varsity batsmemn showed well-de
thatreceved nvittion fro tievelopedl hatting eyes comnsidering theI
coaches 'numbering about 40. Were 1ea;rly stage of the 'season. Especially
1t ii t 'for the fact that a number of :gratifying was the work at bat of the
tlmds receiving invitationms were par-; men who were unknown quantities.
ticipatimig in other spor~ts this number Twill Coleman, who was unable to
woridd hAve' been over 55.
lt 'iwas 'the' opinion of Coach Yost play last: year on account of injuries,
that the Prmnceton team played a i canme through with a crash on the
much safer game tlhan that ordinarily tril). hitting hard amid fielding well.
played -lbitime Wolverines. He statedlRrmli.crid aog a tlt
that they did not use the pass as uman, bids fair to wini a berth in the
often as the Michigan team does and ;outfield if his work continues to be
thei~ gnerl gme s cnsevatveas satisfactory as it was' on the trip.
tergnrlgmiscnevtv.!However the fundamentals of the !,Herb Steger hit a home run in the
game are alnmost universal ini all first ganme of the tour, and narrowly
colleges and in this respect the Tiger missed omne Monday at Cincinnati
miethod does not vary munch from !whmen his long drive went foul by in-
that at Michigan.j chies, but his work with time stick in
Coach Roper, the P~rimnceton iment or, time othemr games was not strong.
and his first assistanit will arrive in D)utch -Wilson's injury is responding
Ann Arbor during tihe early -part of1 to treatment, amndlhe will be in tihe
next week, and will have charge of I lineup against Syracuse when the
the practice for a ,week. team goes East to meet tihe New
Yorkers Friday amnd Saturday.
Patronize Daily Adyertlsers - it l H LSSFE IS
pa ys.-Adv. RA H LSIIDAS
APRIL 5t-i®W5RS~
~ amtY Sickers.
Sport coat

The trialsv
holes medal
pleted by Fr
W 'ells are v,
{w*o can" do
ter for the+
than 20ni
it is expect,
be increased
year's freshr
teani and' A
Making bids
1be k~ept as'r
iatrial 'tor

es for the qualifing roumnds
1c the Varsity golf squad;
hers will begini their try-
eAnn Arbor golf cou'rr: j
Lon inmstead or yesterday
is wvas scheduled. The
winmds prevented thme men'
zg under way yesterday.1j
will be in thme forum of 36 ;
0 play and wvill be coin-
riday afternmoon.
.Trueblood and Carlton
vary 'Anxious thmat all menm
Dan average of 40 or bet-!
course will report. More
en reported yesterday and !
Led that the mmummber will
c today. A nunmber of last}
imen are trying out for tme
Pfew, froni this' gea r are'
sfor the' squad.
Oad of 15' men, eight will
reservres in order 'to traimit
r next year's team. Un-

vs. R. Siimonds 286611; L. F. Kn'oepp 'Vose 3056.1; R. Rice-Wray 371 vs. D.
111399 vs. Dunakin 16; 0. N. Cobb Caldwell 1484; Rl. M. Sherwod 63 as.
1070M vs. G. R. Swintz 1268; Bur- 1JA. Storrps 1512W; M. McLena
stein 1463W vs. E. C. Eddy 1166; C.
11. Fines 558 vs S. Katz 2921;'HI. M* 45 vs. D. Cluff 1600J; Sni 151
Birk~s 1166 vs. D. Knapp 33; A. H. vs. J1. W. Rice 238J1; L. W. Denson
McGee 849W vs. A. K. Darbaker 1188 vs. T. A. Greehe' 231; C. Craw~
2344J; Finkleman 1271 vs. E. Sor- fora 1430.1 vs. E. G: Cochran~ 121111.;
reals 289111; W. L. Diener 231 vs. H. Small 2576W'vs. J. Shiapero 15263~;
L. Gibson 301011, A. Hartwell, 909 vs. C. Sestolc 595 vs. G. Aldertozi 2O;'
Greemnspan 3051; Rearic 1595 vs. F. M. Basserdet 105M'vs. IfH. 'roibet
Smithm 1138.1; G. 14. Rich 1010.1 vs. C. {11.53J; zN. M. Pwavis ~188W vs.
W. Greene 2985.1; Hirschman 1304 vs. Bartlett' 444; ,i. Bernsti' 126Wv*
R1. G: Reason 1484; A. C. Funke 1837R1 Hickling .18Q5R.; J. A. 1Jarh1r 783W.
vs. Irwin Goldberg 2093R1;' Gilmore ; vs. G. '3. 't~night 3015;# C. Thomas,
Larson 231 vs. S. Fernandez 1247M; 825W1 vs;. 13 . Wood 85IM; -I. Ratner
S. Eisenberg 152611 vs. C. L. Charter 2923W vs. RI. Felix 203411; E. ]F.W
3634; E. Walker 2540W vs. Fox 16; Watts 1430M vs. H. K~uenzel 26411
Mledster 1217.1 vs. D. H. Chapman C. I ress1baeh 1,366 vs. E. 'W. Bruske
422M; E. Maloney 1271 vs. E. N. 'God-. j63; 1. Tojevs 220 vs. J.' E. C~aa
dar d 484; 1I. Segal 3124R1 vs. W. G. 1iR; C. L. Briggs 2738 vs- L te1u-.
Phelps 2056; 11. A. Cohn 2165R vs. berg Jr. 1104; S. E. Dianid 402W
H. H. Passolt 171911; W. F. Dreyer vs. S. 1K. Meyer 1273W;. F. X11ne
99M vs. F. E. Mosher 1393; N. 1.-777M vs . Lein 15 2714; . 5 1mi r
Ducket 210611 vs. H. Kane 209311; J.. 9M-3007Jrv,4.;L. I-nsh343:6
W. McKnight 3015 vs. H. Weinberger \Tlathees 1Jo. vs. ' Stibri
209311; L. '1R. Joslin 1797 vs. S. C. 312441;'PB.' Gross 1104 vrs. It. S, Giekt
Oviott 3507.1; P. Wilcox 885M vs. G. 237! ..Veensbra 1197' vs. A. LaDppln
1510.1; J. Steinhaiuer 3003J.1 4. . .
doubtedly, a few of thme reserve posi- Lazarus 2420.1;It. Woolfenden 2739.
tions will lie filled by sonie of this I vs.H 4 Vedder , 79'.n Waterbury.
year's freshmen. ' (ontinuted on 'age eye)

U'.' -___________________________________________ 'dl

Supplies for Every lPranch of Sport

711 North
University Ave.

v ~ I

;text to


T he Mans Shop


entered 'in' the broad jump and should
have 'little comipetition, in spite of
the fact that he was beaten in the
event 'at the Ohio meet. The hurried
manner in which hie was forced' to
compete at Colunmbus is comnsidered .
the only reason for' his mnot winniing
at that time.I

*will lie led into action by short stops.
Dillmnan will lead Michigan, Cunning-j
hiam, Chicago; Scantlebury, Iowa;
Christian, Northmwestern Hall, Pur-
due, amid Ellingston, Wisconsin. Illi-
mnois is captained by Sinmonichm, a first
baseman, Indiana has Niness for its
captain, the only 'fielder' to lead a


conference nine thins year. urirstgau,
-London, April 21.-A dispatch toi time a catchier, will guidle the Gophers,
change 'Telegv'alh fromm Comnstamtinople ammnl Miller of Ohio is the only pitcher
says the Turkish govea~riment hias d0C- to lead a nine.
tided sto renew dlplonrmtie r;lationa , Time spectacular mnature of tihe
with Japlan.' shortstop~s work is tiemenost p~robable
j reasonm for thie selection' of so many
-Patrozilzo Dailly Adv ertisecrs - it 1 players in that positiomi to captainl
tas.--Ad'v. ' their teeams.
Dancing Tfonght 8-11f
Dancing every
Wednesday, 8-1 1
Friday, 9--12
Saturday, 9-12
Music byI"
Bill Watins and His Granger EightI
As ive have move o ur011'entire or'gainization 'to the



-- -
-- \ ,


Fancy bright new colorc om.
bin ations - Light with,,hrqpad
stripes - Both fpJ r - in- a
and bow fQtiards. ci e oj -q
Hosiery and Handkerchiefg
to m atch



' owea o fi v'er


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