PAGis wGitir THE MICI'IIGANDAL DAILY ?AWI~ IQUT UESDAY. APRIL 21, 1925 --- ~ DAILY OFFIILBULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all miembers of the University. Copy received b) t,bo AssisL~ut to th* Prsident until $:30 p m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday. Volatme 8 TUESD)AY, APRIL 121, 1925 Niu nilr 1,161 . t Ti the Deans: There will be no conference of the deans on Wednesday, April 22. A. 11. Lloyd. Itoniors Convocation: Tile annuzal Honors Convocation will take place at 11 o'clock, Friday, April 24, in H-ill auditorium. The address will lbe given by Dr. Richard C. Cabot, clinical professor of medicine in Harvard Medical school and profes- sol of social ethics in Harvard college. ,y in accordance with the directions of the Senate Council classes through- Out :the University are dismissed for the hour of the Convocation, to permit the attendance of students and faculty. Trhe main floor and galleries are open for the student body. A block of seats. on the center aisle, main floor, Ise reserved for honor students. Seats on the stage will be provided for members of the faculty, who are requested to enter by the rear doors of the auditorium and proceed directly to their seats. There will be no academic procession and academic cos- tume will not be worn. A. 11. Lloyd. Undergradute Scholarships for Study Abroad: The President's offce is in receipt of information regarding certain un- dergradute scholarships of $1,000 each offered under the auspices of the American Council on Education. Students of the various schools and col- leges who have been in residence for at least two academic years are eligi- ble.' Appointments are to be made soon after Ma~y 1. Information and ap- plication blanks may be secured from the undersigned. F. E. Rob~bins. Action of Ad nIiuistrative Board, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Mr. David Levine and Mr. Benjamin Juliar have been put on probation for the rest of the academic year, and have been given grades of E in Rhetoric 2 bccause of dishonesty in the written work of that course. W. It. ]I ill)nhrey s. Faculty of thle College of Literature, Science, and tlie Arts: Attention is called to the mid-semester report cards which are being distributed through the dean's messenger boxes. All mnembers of the faculty are asked to report cases of students whose work so far has been unsatis- factory. Such reports, in order to be of any service to the students con- cerned, should be made promptly. All reports must be in by Friday, May 1. W. R. Iluipb~lreys. To Students Initerested in Summer Vacation Wo 4rk.- 10M.E. C. Edmunds, vice presidlent of the Fidelity Health and Accident company of B~enton. Harbor, will be ini room 2, University hall. on Thesday, April 21, from 3 to* 5 o'clock. to meet students interestedl in selling automno- bile personal accident policies during the vacation period. .. B lursley. 'To Students Interested in Vacation 1Va*ik Mr. Hart, representing the Frontier Press company will lie glad to in- terview men and women students interested in summer vacation work. Hie will be In room 2, University hall, from 3 to 5 o'clock, Wednesday, April 22, and at the Allenel hotel the rest of the (lay. J. A. Blur sicy. English 13-Public Speaking for Engineers: The regular weekly assembly will be held Thursday, April 23, in room 348 of the West Engineering building. Chairman, C. if. Clemiens; speakers: C. 3. hBredt, H. H-anford, C. M. Clemens, 13. D. Snider, H. Cedargreen, L. Bluell, It. K. Chappel, and S. G. Reddy. It 1. Litideinulder. building on Tuesday, April 21, for the purpose of interviewing mien inter- ested in securing eiployiiiciit with their complanly. Joseph I1. Cannon. Hlygienie 101 'There xwill wno q uiz 's~cct ions \Wednecsday. Thie make-ip ll)eiboo)0k will b)e given F'rid~ia[.1fternoo01 at 3 ocelock in- stead of on Wednesday. . Siai. Bela Ni: The recently elected men should be lpresent at the examnina tion Thurs- da;~y, April 23, at 7 :30o,'loc k in room 273.' The use of onie reference book will be allowed. The initiation will 1)e held Tluesday, April 28. 11ad Iicnnit.IICilublii: RIegular~ meeting will b)e held in room 300:1 Angell hall at 8 o'clock to- night. Professor Anning will present "ThIle Thirty-live- point Configuration.'' M~r. D~ostal will present "Some Theorems andl Applications of an ~Umbral Calculus." All persons interested are invited to attend the meetings of the REAL ESTATE lotTTIIEAST SECTION Real pride will be yours if you 1)0 ruhase this unusual home.3 Attractive front porch entirely glas- sed in. Living room across the entire front of the house has large fire place and book cases with leaded glass doors. iinrg room with bu~tilt-inl buffet, andI the best equippedl kitchen wei have seen this year. A large sun p~arlor, and a toilet and lavatory! complete the first floor. 'Three nice sleeping Chalmners, thr'ee extra large closets, and beautiful bath ('omlet Q the second floor. Duist, proof coal and ash b~ins, fruit and lauundry rooms, and furnace room with hot water heat in the basement. IThe owner is leaving~ the city, and therefore quoting a low price. Phone "KEEP SMILING" Just as long as we do your cleaning and pr~essing, you will have a smile on your face. Quick Service Good Work " :titiiiiti11tiiiiittitit11iiInttitti'- .COPPER, SILVER, NICKEL PLA'1i 'NG T done in our shop - Razors Ground and Honed. TySafety Razor Blades Sharpened HOSPITAL " 216 E. Washington Telephone 2964-M 328 South Main St. Phone 644 r *. club.h Golf Tryouts Start Today Qualifying rounds to (1et(rmine the 15 members of the 1925 Varsity golf squad will start at the Ann Arbor golf course this afternoon. All those intending to try out for the squad must report to Carl tonz Wells at the course this afternoon, at which timne they wil be assigned playing time. and 1)artners . The trials will be in the form of 36 holes medal play andl must be completed by Friday after- noon,1. Duct to the caliblre of materiel an(Il the good coni(tion of 1.h1e players, those trying o ut for thme'sq 11011arej expected to mahe an verage of of 451 'or better for the course. l HIILLWORtLD)MAR~KS FALL V' t KhANSAS RELAY CARN1IVAL (Continued from Page Six) WV. IV. IDentoni, Secretary. .._._._. ., :w I-" , tZ7 Try our Hewcpce Sand wichies Hlamburg Chickeni Cheese We deliver Ph. 799-111 i. I ,v WAN iTED) SHOES IREP'AIREID WHILE YOU WAIT 0. G. ANDIRES S .a 122SO0UTHl STATE STREET WANTED-A few girls to eat at a sorority house after vacation. Phione 184. MANUJSCRIPTS typewritten, neatness and( accuracy our motto. B~iddle's Book Store, Nickels Arcade. FOR RENT F'OR RENT--Second floor. apartment, WANTED! Discarded Suits, Overcoats, and Shoes. Highest cash price paid. Telephone 2601 120 Fourth Ave. MOTHER'S DAY May tenth you will be sending mother some token of love and rever- ence. Nothing could please her more your than your own portrait. sitting today. Arrange for a j 4m" 6 0000*61 Aj Teachers college and lleiibert lourF rooms, Udli, steepJI1jJing pow for ScI reo icni.Tefre next-school year, garage if desired, t___ Photographer z Schwrzeof Wscosin.1'lc fomer available July 1. 905 Forest ave. made a great coimebacli after a period Phone (946-J. of mediocre performIances andl clear- ed 13 feet 2 7-8 inches. Last year) TYPEWRITING1 Li Dh~T T Kansas meet and 13 feet at the D laeto WIIU&MMORLIN~~ew i : et12ic i h j* JIe H e 34Poe 0- in spte o a promptly and nreatly ,done by experi-I relays i pt famudldy run wax. At the ;Illinois relays the best 1rc enced operators at moderate rates. Sixteen years experience doing - could do was12 feet 3 inches andl be thse or orUiversityvtdnt.. extraordiinary at the begnning of the 0 .MRIL outdoor season. I)can BrIownell imde' 17 Nickels Arcade, hard fight for first place and clear- i ioe 86 £11 ed 13 feet but was unable to top) the For Typewriter Repairing kli bar at the next level.,almke) r WU d ''UI i e is IRaUkIeL Dealer in Woodstock typewri ters,r EKansas, April 20. -- Engineers Of;: Standard and Portable adding mna-- T the water and sewerage department! chines. -A , n- research work for the purposes 9 Springs Bank Building. of tabulating the occu~rence of iodine A TAILORS Ui ER SITY fntewater suppliesoftesaeA H4SATIO- DE UTBO KO R Geneva, April 20.--Mexico has de- Wl satisfy your taste, and fit the arms traffic control conference. WILD) THE TAILOR It 113 South Main St.!".Pe-4.'o..J~.P.J./6d..r*.l"1.I.:~.,ll.YI~W ' oice to Seniior lectrical and Civil Engineering Students: Air. L. B. liossiter, employment manager of the North comipany, Rochester, New York, will be in room 274 West East Electric Engineering !classifieds-Cont. Dancing We are open now. Private lessons daily, both modern and classical. Adult classI evnry Monday and Friday. Fifteen 1-hour class lessons for $5.00. Free dancing, 8:30 to 10 p. mn. tnroll Now. TERRACE GARDEN DANCING STUDTIO S 22 Wuerth Arcade Phone 241-R T . G . k., _ -A4 E; I i 1 i I 1 1 i. I, F~ I e SIX WEEKS LEFT!! Which means some good hard work before Finals. With the proper things to help you do your work, much valuable, time may be saved. Student Supplirs of All Types .,,. lip,.. Drastic 0 dctoS ON ALL.- Correspo noc Stationery ATTENTION ADVERTISERS Box 67, 8 answers. Box, 92, 11 answers. Box 93, 3 answers. MISCELLANEOUSI Rugs shampooed or. dust cleaned. Ann Arbor Carpet Cleaning Works.' Phone 50.r Printing, Engraving and Em11bossing Mimeographing and Typewriting Nw equipment, skilled help and prompt service will insure you satis- factory results. 17 Nickels Arcade The Typewriter 'and Stationery Store! LINDF NSCHMITT - APFEL & CO. ANN ARBOR'S LADING CLOTHIERS I I "Exclusiv.--But No!tIExpensii'c." 209 S. MAIN ST. ENE WEK ONLY 5 F t'atumring This is the largest and most complete stock in Ann Arbor. STEIN-BLOCI- Smart Clothes M IC HALLS-ST ERN Value-First Clothes It confsists of plain stationery, also die embossed Michigan, i 'High Gradie Furnishings FraterniOt and sorority papers, including the finest and best I hN selling numbers manufactured such as Eaton's Higl ;and :o.. Lincn, Crane'.s Linen Lawn, Whiting's Deckle Edge, Ward's I G OLFERS Club Parchment, Polo Cloth, Old Hampshire Wond and Vellum. Man-y boxes wvill be sold at cost. The object of this sale is to reduce a Large overstock, alSO PLAYING privileges ;for students to provide additional capital and writer department. store space for our tIype- JL. $16.50 from now on to June 20th. Come out and try the course at our nominal greens fee of $1.00. t FREE-- A loose-leaf pocket note book or a bottle of ink with each stationery purchase.. imll VII I'll I 1111