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April 21, 1925 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-04-21

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; -- L- - . -

Grid .Practice MCIA RC
To Open Today' IHGRETHO T
More than 115 candidates are cx- HE ' g
pet ted to report to Coachi Tadt ie


Tree World's Relay Marks

. -' a
1 ( 3'

BenIIIIIg Mitt ('o gi L ive ' T4HM ll ?Meeting the University of Georgia at
iirst Se t hwtk4 on alIIIIIWL Athens, Ga., Coach Fisher's men were

Gauniit handed a severe b
BEAT KENTUCKY TWICE~ at the wrong eng
____I Benson, Flovey, ar
Michigan's end in
With five wins and two dlefeats to were unable to col
its credit Michigan's Varsity baseball hitting of the o
squad, ended its spring training trip'seven runs int
by meeting the University of Cincin- Cherry continued 1
nati yesterday afternoon. Today it hind the bat.
will return to Ann Arbor for a day's With Ja~bloiioxvslt
rest before leaving for the Last to iga aeb
meet the formidable Syracuse balleandgm frn
team. eakingth game o
ta.!tknthgaeCoach Fisher's charges opened their inning. Georgia 0]
season auspiciously with a decisive by getting four ri
win over the University of Kentucky first inning to the
which fell before the onslaught of the! then, away from tl
Wn vo in c 1R0 to .ti 71-J'., qnA . C'. (7i- t o nn* it 1

beating coming out
of a 13-2 scorel
nd Fisher held up
the box buit they
ape with the hard
itherners Who got

man this afternoon at the Field house ' Takes F~ive F irst Phweine and Btrealks
for spring football practice which will Three p(' liriiiv1i Marks at
continue until the last of May. 'i a
iThe idea of the practice, according!
to Coach Wiemnan. who Will he II in ac-1; UBBARD LOSES JUMP
tive charge, is to bring out any hith-
erto ufikuown miaterial for Varsity!-
competition' next fall, a, well as to Mli igan's track team. added
get into betteir condition any men al- Jtlr list of victories to its a(chive-

IN S T 0 -H l [ [ T , A. . v..U. .& W-- 1 XJ '. a L 7 \. d'LG ''f / L C1 IL '
I N6 AT OHO MEE Philadelphia.1 a]ilDeK olnes, scenes The former mark was est ablished by
_____________________________________ of__ thle P ennt antl t a Ie relays for the the sane quartet last year at the
1:021,ahljeodbte last(decade aad utoae, andI about to Kansas gaines.
l: 2-0,a h~ifseondgeterthan be the scene of renewed) activity on Locke of Nebraska, on his way
the former meet record, was corn-' the coming week-end, will be forced bomne from the .Stanford meet tied the
! posed' of Hlse, Feinsinger, Wittman, to share their glory with Lawrence, world's record of :09 6-10 in thp, con"
and Hubbard. Kn. o he er h oeo
Kasfrthe er tehm ftury in a p~relimtinary heatif. lie later
A lot of shifting was required on ! the Kansas relays. lWith the open-i beat AlcAndrews of Wisconsin in the
the part of Coach Steve Farrell to ing of the outdoor season scarcely a finals in 10} secondls fiat. te ncwc
arrange the record breaking medley week old, the athletes participating, intercollegiate marks were furnished
team but the veteran msentor rose to in thme Kansas -amtes last week-end tlby Earl MICKeown of the Knnsas State
theocasin.Nae Finingr assmashed three world's records, tied (Continued on PagetEit)
anot her, andl iettered two former,

sistent hitting coupled with miid-seas-'
on base running stopp~ed the South-
erners in their tracks b~ut the victory
lost some of its meaning when it was
found that "Dutch" Wilson, star 'Wol-
verine first baseman had lacerated.
his foot in a collision with Cherry.
The accident occurred when the men
both wvent after a foul and it is hard-
ly likely that Wilson will 1)e back in
baseball togs before the beginning of
the Conference season. Steger withr
the first home run of, the year and
Hlaggerty with four hits out of five
times at bat were the outstanding
offensive stars. Walter pitched aj
steady game and at no time was inI
Conntiing on their itinerary, the
Wolverines traveled to.Clemson. S. ('.
andl took both ends of CL two gamie
series from Clemson college. Benson,
hurling in great form, took a shut -
out to win, blanking Clemson while
his teammates collected five runs; from
Ilarnian, Clemson slab artist. Baker
caught Benson In good style and Giles
startled the. natives by accepting 11.
field chances without an error, steal-'
ing a base, ?poling out two its, and
scoring two rtins. The secondl gamnel
saw sonic tight baseball with .Jalon-
owski pitching Michigan to a 7-0 win.
In the sixth inning the Maize and
Blue representatives fell upon .lone,;,
the Clemson hurler who had pitchiedj
air-tight ball up to the fatal inning,,
and swattedl out six rnns hef: re he
was removed.
Bunching their hits at opportune
times, Fort Benning, Ga., handed Mich-'
igan its first defeat in the first game
of a. two game series. After losing
thme first esncounter 8-1:, the Wolverines
came b~ack in the second '5-1. (,ilex
and Captain. Dillmnan each collected
three hits and the latter accepted( five '
field chances at the short-stole post
without muffinug one. Fisher and Bial~ei-
formed Mlichigan's battery for the
first gamie while Walter and 'hemrry
performed during the second till.

theC tenlthIIwi LIIthe co
pushed two runsc
Georgia could do
squeeze in one. Cl
ing up )Jablonows
contrib~utedI off ensi
outcome by getting
After their retu
on April 26, Fishem
down to the final
before opening, its
with Illinois May
The team will have
petition before the
M. A. C. conies her
Baseball prac
Iandl outfield can
freshmnan baseba
gin today, accor
fnouncemont mac'
I J. Mather, fref
mentor, yesterda
All candidates
edl to bring their
uniforms and be
lice at 3 o'clocl
on that day. I.
obtainedl 1by
Coach Mathier i
on the field.
'Read the

the "sixth inning.! ready Varsity candtidates and who niets ever the lasit: week end when it
is steady work lye- want to get back, into shame after t he took five evenits andi set three new
winter's inactivity. Not all the first !meettmarks at the Ohio State relays.
i in time box, Mich-l string men will be in urniforni for the1In addition a, number of Wolverines
andl took a hard- practice, as most of them are already! took secondary places in their events.
the Georgians, engaged in some form of athletics, The only upset on the part of the
6-5 after an extra which is all the coaches desire. Coach M bichiganr athletes came when DeHart
pened up the game 'Hubbard was forced to take a second
,uns but from the in the broad jump at, the hands of
tenth Jabby kept OlB41 Dot'sding of Georgetown who took a
heTBL home-pate. I half inch victory at 2< feet 2 inches.
aunt even, Michigan Spin Hubbard's failure to take a first place
I Srn football practice starts in the event was due to the fact that
over the plate and( today. Every student with any ie a ore!oru h,10yr
norymorieshand- inclination or desire to play is 1 ash. after having only two trials.
tery bsieshod invited( and urged to report. ;; Hubbard madle up for the first ile-
ki ingood ordier, , R.E. WTEMAN. fa fhs aeri'hebodml
Lively to the final lfa fhscre ntebodjm
two hits. 'Ia hm by oset ting a new meet mark of :09I
irn from Syracuse L - 1! 4-5 seconds in the century (lash. Two
s outfit will settie R -!of the five watches caught the Mich-
tfinishing touchesl Wieman wishes to emphasize esJpec- ;ingan flash iin :09 3-5, one in :09t 7-10,
Conference season ially the fact that all men who are in- anci the other two in the official time.
2 at Ann Arbor. terested in playing footb~all are urged The pterformatnce of Hubbard on the
e its last real com- to report. Spring practice is not toj rain soaked tract: last week end gives;
Illinois fray rhena be the completion of an all-,year grid- mrise to the btelief that he may set a
e for a game April iron program. but is to 1be used( as new world's mark in the event at the
an agency- to hbring out material necv-j Penn relays this weekend. Hill of
I er before out for Varsity competition. Pennsylvania, a member of the
jThe Chicago Alumni cup) will bie Olynipic team last summer, was a full
R ISSUES ('ALL awarded to the player who, in the opin- three yards behind Hlubbard andI
C~ I S inon of the coaches, makes th the bes Wit tmtan of Michitgan was 'a foot be-!
L ANIshE, ofing du ring t avig es i hind(I Hill, in sp~ite of the fact that he
for ifield I The cun was ptresented by the alumniI ran thme(distanice in :101 flat.
tice tooncurgecadiateetldllmfor The Michrigan milers made a great
indidates for the i it ncuaecaddte;tsepr ho
LI nn ~il )- Ipractice, andl green men will stand showingY in the team race. FNicks wonf
as good a. chance for the trophy as th vn n42 -0 fiily,a-
riling to an an- j th oug i a lckdb eea
Ic by Cach E !veterans due to the grading system to ua ws lce b eea
demaby basall . e employed 1by the mtentois. timers in 4:27 3-5 Hornberger was a
ay. Coach Bill Roner of Princeton, will godsInlwieClhnto it
willlieexpct- arrive next Monday to work with the andl Briggs sixth. This quartet of
own gloves and i Wolverine squad. Coach Yost was atmieswltaeprinhePn
retyfrpa-~ Princeton (luring the spring vacation vo iaepi audy n
on Ferry field , at Michrigani, andltunder the arranmge- wt" owntefu ierly
y ,IThe 880 yard relay team which wotn
2ockrs my be ment made bet ween time two famous
wih mentors. Roper will spend(Ian i (1 El.ts eventI by awie m in n
befrreoring I length of tinme in Ann Arbor. Coach
iefoie reprtin Yost saidI today thiat li eec~t ed 1the
exchange of coaches to be profit blid
for both schools.
W ant Ads PatroulAe IDaily Advert isers -- ii
Yyy ]( i ays.--A dv.


assigned1 to the 4401, Dick iFreyberg American intercolegiate mmarks. IKnaArl2.Kna nvr
to the half mile, Charlie Reinke to Thre three nmew world's marks came sity is being introdlucedl toy a new
the three quarters, andh .ung to the in the 440, 880, and niedley ielays, ganme, speed ball, which was originat-
mile. The resulting time of 10 niln, while the mark tied ws that in time 'e t tie University of M ichigan in
51 5-10 secs. was a new meet record. 100 yard dash. Thle University of ]999 ra.cobiato
Piper Northrup was the other first Kansas team took time homnors in thme 132. he gm i .cobntino
place winmner wheni he tied with four! 440 yard race. Powers, Wongwai, baktlfobllrisce.
others at 12 feet in the pole vault and! Rooney and Fisher running thme four
womn the toss.I legs iin 42 seconds. 1 3-10 seconds bet- 11
{Charlie Munz was another athlete }. ter than the mark: made by the Lin-!FO1'0 1BA1LN iE
to contrib~ute materially to time Mich- iversity of Illinois team at the 1923!'____
igan total of places. The fact that line Drake gaumes. But Illinois huad am- Second semester freshmen or
did not win time triathlon was due ple revenge for seeing its former Imn having three years remain-
alimost altogethmer to time method of world's mark topple when t~me 880 team;1 in,-: on the canmpus desiring to
computing points. lI-e was the win- took 4-10 of a second off time formerI try, out for managerial assistants,
ner in both thme shot, put and tieme iark held by lime New York A. C. sesnI95 hol eota
discuis throw and made a good show-' team of 1 921, beating Kansas in 1 :27., ocoktdya ieFedhue
ing in thme javelin buit was given only Schoch led off for the Illini while G1LNN DONALDTSO)N,
a second while the winnmer~ took two 'time veterans Yarnell, Hughes, and Mngr
third places and only one first. Time EanManager.tieotertrefr
comparatively free(istr'ilntion of longs. The IUniversityof1'Texas learnm _______________________
poiints for showing; utade in the commposed of Budd, Coc.Lrell, Glassi,
hamimer throw was responsible for; and Reese brmoke its old. mark of 7:381 V
thme final result. Munz put time shot 2-10 i the medley, by 2 6-10 ) 5co)i. R eac th V nt


44 feet 6 inchies for a new meet mark:
threw time discuss 135 feet 7 incies,
ammnd tossed the javelin 1.40 feet ini his
attemmpts. Later lhe was lbeatenm by
Dauber in the shot'put, thme Iowa nvin
heaving the weight only 44 feet, 5 1-2
inches for his win.j
r Michi gan's other place camne in thme
jmile relay. Time Wolverines, forced
to r~un without Feininger and Reinke
who had been ptut into the ineoly atnd
who has beenm put itnto the mmedley and
ICochran, hlai miler's, took a fifth
place in spite of their handicap.
Read the WV'ant Ads

Ak~i ardenc.




---- I I










I I l I I 1L II I.t I1J . 1






CLOTH I N G e,. F-up N I5 H INrGs











45will give you a
splendid selection of
new Spring suits. Light
medium and-darkgreys
with 'and ivithout
stripes. Two and three
button models.

Wednhesday Night, 8-1
Dancing every
Wednesday, 8- 1 1
Friday, 9-12
Saturday, 9-12
Music by
Bill Watkins and His Granger Eight
As we have moved our entire organizationt to thle
Lake, for the balanuce of thle school year Gxranger's
will bie available for rentals.






0 "\

Jfor men c:i~9nce 1&48'


Foun-taron:Pen Ink
~Why Students
Rushed Back
' Fresh. supply of tobacco and w'
=- cigarettes is sufficient proof ~
2of our fine, fresh stock.
STry our new smoking mix-
E tunes specially prepared over
~the holidays. r
SYou'll want to 'have your1
Ssmoking facilities all set =
Swhen you start hitting the 2
2books again.




________________________ ______________________ Li







a.. .......:r.






FqA --




In the Double Breasted as well as the Single Breasted are ideal for wear with




Bothof wichwe are showing in a large range of Imnported and Domestic fabrics.
Bothof wich The New Colorings are in Oatmeal and Greys.


The new English trend is, decidedly
pronounced-very individual effects
'~II Ite







[ 1

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