SATURDAY, FEBARUJARY 14, 1929 TU--E MiCHIGAN DAILY PGr {1t _;,..,. .__.....e,.__., - Pro'Jf. B. 11, Bode Will Add~ress Honor- j ary Edu(;itionial I'ratei'ily ]aa AMeeting Here My~stery HdsCuse O Fatal Kansas Ri rs~ ^. . : { ;I { ,; . . v r x ~ r :: : " , : . : . ":? } a n ! ri ;" . . : . &IFT OF ALEX SOO 4 0I'I INJV'JEH[PLAT ...,..Y.....,. i no room for such a course on the cur- WOLRn 11LL LECTUI nRE rrrln_____ -___w_ I r r; t 4, t w INITIATE 5 TONIGHT "Idealisml is tiie one thing tmoay upon which an appea,,l canl he rmaCe to any audicnce of Amenricans," Prof. 11.l 11. Ba0(e of the Ohio State univerrsity3 ,;. g. k . 4 ro i declared yesterday to an a55e21)ily 0of students of education. ;nL r ~: i f{p S Professor Bode(, who is; an ed Iucs .tional philosopher of liromuinence, is liere to adldress the Mich igaixal era),(l of Phi Delt a Kapp , national ionIi"'arv ycv: r educational frater ni.v, atL. a 3 tiia . it "q;.h r{ ~,^a . > to be given following the initiation at 'R "o'clock today atf, lie Union, His f. ,o. jest this evening Will be"11rtPa ,Lnd Practical Kn1cwled ge. In his tall{ yestoelay jrt'f(,s Bode noted i nres{cflptXt of our national lif(e and arguiedl tha1. '.:.:. ai'" , ss social changes,, far from being prac- ttical merely, are charged with a "lia-- tent, inarticulate idlealism'' which ed oaxs the cause ,o' thec 1I('ad-o:i (olli:;on o° a Missaour Pii-''s a-~ cicatioli is popularly expected t0oX(,-, 2~( t erma,1 n ~X1S '> r -,.le ,._,; alp a _' a(v'' -o "press. Educators have not yet ao tMat u; x sil ihn rf l ithlb a pasesn re~a ud'np5'2aiI off1 :IPaaiu~ i uL i? u1ytely e h iut~.2W i v.Sin 1e ~2~(frhl!'I ) aff~te he:,'C7 al ~- $Bt)I n -ewInstrumients; \r', "j hU.!)-1 nt (a el t the Ull- k p: 2ti2i11 0oilthe('installa- 1:;: ( -eseIs .' :)oooin new instru- %S, 1 i'r upn enl , 11(10possible ' -l",it o ;:ft s by alex i)ow, presi- ' :t o , ' Detroit; Edison company. ITa he f t gift, 1\lr. 1)ow made iewinstrument; and recordC- rr.~~. ga ' tall type.s wjth a value ( 2c1e to ;;20,f)01, pratically Al of t eY 1inst;all ;d inlthe s .... 4 .fl3pi:' O- 0on thle gi., . . ( .. . sl c, A31C ilenCtof bulildingFs q -~ V ) I )'!7-i S i 11(1: that ,t a ) a "r; ece: t, and vt ~of o V i 511021 2pia etical of il:i~5 2Ithe ,finest type. . .1,0,71of this E quiplnent brings am,~e aPa with the best in the ,ns! Aum ersta su1h as carbon dioxide I aibe recouders for aliajyzing flue j : is;';s; (traft, gauges; boiler meters, t,) "-di ci e proper lire c'onditions; ntl-'idera; are iuclnded among t> ~ -eI are now read:, for use as t f1V .. ow's gift. .:-K:V~1 -Jr. Dow will provide 101 ne0', sw"itchboard for the ~-~r .1ot~. i -hxwill cost close to; ;', ,. lie Unii vor-ty is to erect a, I '" :a14tit in c()flfl ' :iA-,1 ith I ! f I i i1 i { r' 1 { t i JU MUtlUAL dSAIULN ISLORCH, CARRI TCO Pd ' P 1 ~, A. Collor of thesr- a rIN F IJC g.~ ax departmrent in the ofia ', t e s('hrool will lecture onl "Surger yo the= Park Ages'' next Wednesday in41N1) .V(211 ftedpilm th~e W est aniphritheat re of the xneiea I ,of P1~ 1) Vii3 I f X~ii bluildirng. TCis the second tspe-aker CC rin , cro a ' ir heaspFoa h riso tli n eialli f lt tory held' under the auspices of Alphaj versify sartinrg Feb 0l)he-cI- Omega A'lpha, national honorary Ifle~li- will he an introduction to moral ca l fr aterniti-. philosophy. The class will meet once Prot .,,or C'oller has studied mcedi- 1 rweek on Tuesday evenings for the cal ihstory for many years. Ile has reinrainoler of the semester. already given many talk~s on histori- I Prof. Emil Lorch of the architectur- cal topics in the field of medicie. al c'ollege is directing an extension This course of lectures wais course in architecture in Grand Rap- inauguratedl rccently because ol tbc !lis for which students will receive intareasinp; desire of n- ic.-. studrnts cue hour credilt at the end of the to ieai'ir sod cthziIg abou,,-t riucA ai his- semarester. More than 75 were enroll- ft ,;-. AtLthe present tua ic; 11e is ed in the course at the registration . sR, ; ; s } yr 1 / t I he -: / y' . ' " 1+ #5 Vii, y -''; ti 1r A The end of education henceforth must be the discovery by the ('1il10I swithin his, environment of a, new~ spiritual world, -,o I hat inter^,stI and' culture shall eniter' into national life I and emphasis must. fall utpon m~aking BIthe individual in thought and ac~t ion socially effective. The substitution of 'efficient methods for" mechanized, ~'stereotyped instruction is to l e the z means of relating classroom infora--. .2' ion andl skill to actual living. Professor Bode received his deg reu here in 1897, having studied writh Dean A . 11. Lloyd and Prof. R1. M. Wenlcy. In 1900 hie took his doctor's de gree atf .Cornell. Before accepting his present place at Ohio State the held proeessor-- shins at the universities of Wisconsin pand Illinois.' 1~t ~ o' ' Jolt- va geaa;" fve i, linf :i csa~oi";s allt. 089122f'1 of daile.'' A'' :no52c('01')'orl 1111." PLAN rigF ~7{ I- i1 NIklt I - 'A 808 y, ,('tl"- I sP~t:i-~ ~P~EhCY ljbraise for its- Masterful Cimax { (ESI ~f yi.. Fo' . h yo hni . Ltiap 0' I '(- q e ar oI : t'm'x'ee ?ll t'£ '-id P. -tAI t eL 'flu' s u es 'I s'o X> or'en, 2 * 'La 10W 1015 131:' 1 21) i~iJli'~e " F.:.' >i'-si 'ras ;of t;artens dc- lC .'1z4= MI) 7.., warp Ng k tS C55J 4 A'&by ii; 'minentflandscape'i)NOarchb li- ;i1,1 h ' ,,;~iil£u it - ((i'i()of AN t mm'-): )V are .being e'''i' V - T) '90m' ust A 1W'' 22 thave N ''1112C 1 b e , na! liiiliiiii eoial hall. -e ;14l10h0'(ls°F', Christmas \5A';lion01. :;ilfo 1t~m )l) otlgrap:1m a3 ''' te 'pro. IbeeaoHit was f, is .t C anlt :0311 Aei an t'-v yof'(t. 1 Ie.l:na(:i c.Ar'.silt- Ib will 1 £l i may 1t':' III 'A.lil-,' ' t'-\ Mofs Othis wkic(11bujol to4Cthe W-0s1. ad Itii Is '1Vas ted that \ l('- l anId =;;e;l:!- e. iaoils1cmo Ii'ciy wo i . 52 college will he in the trails by Mo- d-(ay. rrhe ampount of tithel requitmed to , arme A' j rih o ('fi, ,laume s Crecar'leaf, - Chrs He; att, fleat inix Farrandl, Ruth 7 Mo:'il wixd 07 a ance Fowlr. Most of1 Me( ,) Sit, a s -woretaken in the ?I c ad'I C W A rm Th.1 e (lIiit ilip be (,J1m {''i (1'- 1 ovrt'V d (ay of' aext 1 Ii'. l :. ~ . 01'aglKAI). I,",.--- A 1in&li'iGa-;~it i '-:7s v' -ihi '?.v ' n asium. LI .r: p. ,l 5- (135, ro -li'or ffit5. .o .,.':1 i~nL-e;;s,,, circb oa 01 ~st~iwill inS nad r C s<( 1 r'('bof this city,0 as the iV'':I a ar's'of Ithe TAI d -in Ihuc vi I(i'l! Mu1 c'sat ion. I_)rx Marquiis in " loo<''. 1t sillt :11an2 5a:;s il- o Qvt''0'< ~t. am: Oto-rt at Ire 0 411( Featuring 2IOTRiNO and I ti I i .. .SAi .e'E'SL".%':x'."; i :&' - Sat ..n $'.1 :Y£ E£S t'@i^Gvw: ur. V' i'TS... . .: kSZY'iI3:: :z''Lti iSR;C 3ak. ffi5 ., . .., ^'1 S.: "..Y prepare thecea'rdl for mailing is ill- creased by the many processes ,hmoug h which 11)i eca rils murst #_,o to complete the task. iRegistration for ti b! new Ia::hot£or. close to thctelleiring nml]' I'ures of last February. The 10)1 a I of :~entering st udent,; at thsi perlo'£ -1 year was 1206, wi il e, fgre:'.? I"S ' dol!.3{' -,- ;Thurs day shoxwed 1 hat Ithe I 1.