TUESDAY, APRIL 21, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE 13FV - -~-~-- i; l vt Q1 VA W A MA I M 5 .h-5Z IM I FOR '28 PAGEANTi Fre..-linia n RIehiearsals to Begin Dhider Direction of 3Miss ('inin niig Thlis Week SPOSTERS JUDGED SOON '~Rehearsals for the principal parts u, f heFreshman Pageant and thel dfanhe groups will start this week i Sunder the direction of" Miss Janet SCumnming of the physical education! Sdepartment. Members of the costume committee will also begin the actual making of the costumes at this time. These women wil be divided into #, groups so that the work may be evenly distributed and each group Swill equip a certain number of partic- Sipants. Only three more (lays remain be- p\fore the pageant posters will. be ' judged by Alfred G. Pelikan of the al.engineering school. Hlowever the pos- Ster committee is anxious to have as ,,'j-,_many more contributions as possible I '< before 'April 24, the last day of the contest. All of the chairmen report great success in their various fields of work, due to the splendid cooperation{ of the committee members and of the ? freshmen women in general. HONOR MEDAS GIVEN * TO FIE SENIOR WOMEN Five senior nur ses of the Nurses Training School were honored at the student council meeting, taking the form of an honors assembly, which was held last Wednesday at the U~ni- versity hospital. Honor medals were presented by Dr. Harley Hlaynes, di- * rector of the hospital, to the fivel seniors having the highest scholastic standings and the best recommenda- S tions. They were as follows: Grace Undergraduate Women Divided I n t o Groups, Show Statistics sf a'ist ics fru1Ii Ithe {.M ice of the year, the students are released from dealt off o -'I"I) 5>o1,11-oie 1 underI-their' contract and ,ineed not stay if. graduate \ own on 0CIi 1\Ichiganr they desire not to. Women's houses camnipus to l)o dividedin( fto four cone under a greater number of re- groups, t hose inllals of residence, in ! quir ements biecause women spendt sororities, those living in Ann Arbor, more timge in them than (10 men and. and those in alpproved houses. One more spacious roomns are required. Al of the ever prlesent prob01lems of everyj living room on the main floor must be!t co-edlucational inst itution is that of provided. adequately lighted desks in the housing problem, in an effort to ea studlent's room, dresser and mir- ialie the situmtion as desirable for ror. The double bed was eliminated both the head of the rooming house a few years ago and an attempt is and for the students rooming there.1 now being made to eliminate the At p~resenlt the division is as follows: I(double decker.I 333 women in Halls of Riesidience, 3811 In placing houses on the approved in sorority houses, 312 in their own ls rfrneisgie to those homes in Ann Arorand 833 .inlitperecgvn houses which have been approved by which take 4 or more women and in the office of the dlean of women. addition to the specific requirements, An approved house is one having 5' to these which maintain a standard or more students, and a self govern- of attractiveness and orderliness. moent plan of management. The head ae6 osso h ito of tWe house, the house itself, and the;heeae6hossntelitf must~ ap~i'oed. henappr1ovedI house at the pre'senit time. a liouse changes hands the new head I Only those are p~lacedl on the list of te huseandallchagesmus which can be filled. Orderliness, be alprovedl again by the University fienlnsadamshr ept I ortheoffce f th den o wok~I determine to a. great extent the rating or te ofic ofthe lea] o Woen.of thehos If a howse changes hanids(luring the 1_________house _________________ BEAUTY SHOPS' POPULAR AMONG COLLEGE WOMEN Thlle time of the proverbial college i I, i li i i I I: 7 : study, literature, the arts and sciences-the "Bluestockings" of his- tory-has passed into oblivion at least on the Michigan campus if we can realize' and believe the state- ments of the managers of the nume r- ous beauty parlors around campus. No more do we see the owl-like ap- pearing creatures wearing glasses and their hair pulled back very tightI and very straight from their faces. It Vocations Widen !Spring Fashions stripe look especially wvell when Field For WA ''omenl Dis lay 'C Ihi i T s bows are placed on the sleeves and ron ofthebodice. Mlany of the Maywmnhave made success- Washable broadcloth is one of thene molsrehwiwthheah Many vome I Iabout the waist tied in bowvs andl ends fuil ventures into the fields of work most fashionable materials for tub at the back. which until a short time ago werei frocks this spring. Sport frocks and Gauntlet gloves with the cuff lined thought to be ably handled by menk costume blouses will look especially in bright plaid taffeta have become a only. One of the pioneers in this field, chic made of this material since it necessary addition to the chic spring according to an article recently pub- has a smooth, satiny, finish. Although costume along with the boutonniere. lished in "The Musical Courer," is it is substantial enough for sports! The gloves are exceedlingly pretty IMrs. Edith Thomson, who has Just. fin- wear it follows the prevailing modes and dashing and will look well with a I!shed her tenth year as a concert of light colors and stripes.; costumec of any color. The sinartest manager in Pittsburgh, Pa. Polka dots are beconming the win-!I boutonnieres are now made of the. During her ten yearn 'of work, Airs. r ing favorites in patterns this yearI flowers that are in season at the Thomson has presented to the city of : combined with small tailored bows as moment, white and purpl~e viole'ta, Pittsburgh such arstists as: Hempel, trimming. Backgrounds of cool grcen' lillies of the valley, hyacinths, and Elman, McCormack, Hof mann, Zhn- or dainty blues with a thin white even a dainty sprig of arbutus. it quite evident that Michigan women j balist, Spalding, 13reslau, Alda, Wer- visi th beuty arlrs.renrath, Seidel, Graveure, Ysaye. Gar- Ther aresomehat ver ,000den, Galli-Currei, Pavlowa, Heifitz, women on the campus today and a re- Paderewski, Duse, St. Dennis, Shawn, cent survey of thme 7 beauty parlors; and the Denishawn dancers, The Mir- operating within close reach of theI acle Play, Vatican Choir, Paulist campus show that approximately Choristers, Dupre, Morini, .Caruso, 1.SO womn viit hem veryweekin ritza, Chaloapin, Chamlee, San Car- the scooeyarfo haposma- Opera company, Gluck, and others 0 ,s, manicures, etc. o numnerous to mention. All of these parlors are compara- tively new-freshmian on cam~pus, so, when a beauty parlor was visited to speak-when compared with the rarely-it was an item of luxury and history of women at Michigan. Time not necessity as it is thought of to- was, not more than two decades ago, day. !i fl ... 4 I i #s 1 ' .. SUMMER WORK. Mr. R. S. Branch of Chicago will interview Michigan university men and women who wish employment for this coming vacation at the Hotel Allenel on I Saturday, April 25, 1925 Applicants. are requested not to call before 9 A. M. Plv Ca rds Biithlay tCards Annimaer-ary lCards C'oin v a l'scenl Cards It(IsJitaility (Cardts AV Iy~'-you3'.y4l-wIie (ards P'ost Cairds Or any other card you may ish~ Applied Arts NiT~cIels Arcade ' Announcing the Opcning i of a i NU BONE jCORSET SHOP in conjunlctionlwith Miss Agnes McIntyre C oslumer and D~esigner Nickels Arcade Have your Corset made to measure. Corset iere Hen 's Oxfords In the new shades and styles, suitable for college wear. ,; " _' " ti " ' t . .,gip+" .Q ,, .: '. . 9 Ii The souper $7.50 in black owl tan Calf Regal1 49, A lot of the latest hits has just arrived, including "The Old Man's Whiskers" and "No Hot Water"' by Harry Rich- mond. Any phonograph can play these.' GOOD YEA R'S DOWNSTA\IRS } K t Shurlow, Edna Duskin, Helen Elliott, Marie tWicklund, and Doris Gustine. This year a chevron was awarded to the student in' the lower three54y classes having the best scholasticj bel Adriance '27. t f 1 Lea sHBERT rUESENTis It's Convenient- i It is always ready to serve F you. You may carry it in your purse, pocket or shop- ping bag -at the office or NDi for evening use. It will al- ..IN HIS GREATES~T LAUGHING SUCCEJ r ways be an ever-ready corn-S / panion-a beauty aid that P O* L F you will always appreciate. . The frosl Humorous and Lovab.e Chi'racterzaiou I the Stale Has Ever Known I ~ WHAT THE NEW YORK CRITICS SAID "I FOUND SOMETHING IN MY EYE THAT STRONGLY RESEMBLEDATEAR. 's' s.;. 1 AUANDALE " NEW VORK (AMPICAN 'AWE DGFY ANY PERSON OF ANY ORDINARY HUMAN SENSIDILITIES TO DENYC TO MR. HODGE NOT ONLY HIS FINE SINCERITY BUT CREDIT FOR AS MOVING r y r.....rAND EMOTIONAL PERFORMANCE AS ANY ACTOR RAS EVERGIVEN TO OUR TH4EATRE. i BU8RNS MANTLE-" DAILY NEWS "TAE HUMOROUS INTEREST OF FORALLOFUS IS AS GREATAS THE SERIOUS MESSAGE. IT PUTS MR. HODGE IN THE FIRST ROW OF LIVING AMERICAN ARTISTS." JAMES' METCALFE& WALL St JOURQNAL "MR.NO0DGE IN FOR ALLOF US' ADDS AN UNFORGETAULE PORTRAIT TO THE Price $1.50 i GALLERY OF .GREAT AMERICAN STAGE CHRC E VEIIAS (A Comes filled with Fleur Sauvage (wild.-LI Plowder)ianour, a fr agratrench II" A DP' A) Wowdr~lnyoufavoiteshad. IHENRY FORA SAYS =TIHE BEST PLAY I HAVE EVER SE.EN. For Salk by ) p . '1AT DOYOU SAV1? Your Favorite Toilet Goods Coiuter0111IloIN la N Correct Attire Adds to the joy of the Hike The Suede Jacket Chic Hats' i~ of Suede I 10 Jackets of tan suede with the' knitted collar $ 0amnd cuffs are el si '4teto tora mping andl / S t ~athletic wear---'T'ney are warm enough with- These clever little ats of suedel' out being cumber some and ar e timly smart. 1y Wahr' s Shoe Store (downt(own) 108 S. Main 1 . 1.s'. ""« ..rfres . ' / Ydd , ,/'. ",v , "./.i"v ,Pi"«n ~, .d" */. .Yl %. I'.d. .Y"./ :Y". '".I:Y. D'" . J ' ". 1 ',1. i . . " '",I"«Ir /./,I"J,/,/".%.t", ".I^ . ",0". ". ./,/./". "d Six of the Artists who are to appear on programs of the LAIVIIIN(E T[BBE LT (3aritone) "Not since the days of Lillian Nordica has an American heard suichthflunders of applause be- stowed by a Met ropiolitan audi.. ence as fell to the lot of Law- renice Tibbett in the part of Ford in Bloito's 'Falstaff,' "re p~orts time Literary Digest under (,ate of February 7, 1925. MAY' FESTIVAL Hill Auditorium Ann Arbor AtAY 20,, 22, 23 KATHR~YN MEIl~JE (Contralto) Miks AMeisle is the possess, of one of the most beautiful at opuilent voices to 1)e heard t (hay. She has been with t Chicago Civic Opera Comupai sinei1923, making her deb~ut the immiiportan t role of E~rda "Siegfried. to Ily in i ica- flly the ra VICENVTE RALLESTERL +B! ritone) Mr. B~allester was born in Spain. Ilie sang frequently in Ba rcelona, and later went to P aris, where he madhe his debut in olpera. Since then he ha~s sung with great success in Italy, South America, and with. both the Chicago and Metropolitan Opera. Companies.. CTenor) Mr. Morgan, time Younmg Wel tenor, has beeni describedi "Evan. Williams of this gener tion." Since coming to Ameri hie has .aplpoared in practical all of thme :music centers of t East and Middle West in or torio and reqital. His engag ments hlave been veritable t: unphs. Six Concerts -Four Days AUGUTi'IA JlF-NSKA M ;zzo-Soprano) Another member of the Chi- (ago Civic Opera Company. Course Tickets on Sale Up to May 11 th $5, $5.50, $6, $7 ;ILSCHA EL3LAN " 11 1 11