PA2I;E FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY,-APRIIJ 21, 1925 0 1 Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Studeat Publications. Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titied to the use for republicatioi of all news *dispatches credited to it or not otherwse credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished therein. Entured at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postape granted by Third Assistant Post- master G>eneral.1 Subscription by carrier. $3.50; by mail, $4.00. Offices: Anat Arbor Press Building, May- nard Street. .Phones : Editorial, 24,14 and 176-M; buil- ess, 960. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephones 2414 and 176-M~ 3 MANAGING EDITOR PHILIP M. WAGNER Editor..........John G. Garlinghouse News Editor.,......Robert G. Ramsay City Editor............Manning IHouseworth Night Editors George W. D~avis Harold A. Moore Thomas P. I lenry Firedk. K.. Sparrow, Jr. Kenneth C.. Keller Norman R. Thal Edwin C. Mack Sports Editor........ William H. Stonemnan Sunday Eduor.......... Robert S. Mansfield Women's Editor.............. Verena Moran Telegraph Editor,..William J. Walthour Assistants Gertrude Bailey Marion Meyer Louise Barley Helen Morrow Marion Barlow Carl E. Ohlmacher Leslie S. Bennetts Irwin A. Olian Smith I3. Cady, Jr. W. Calvin Patterson Stanley C. Crighton Margaret Parker Wiliard IS. Crosby Stanford N. Phelps Valentine L Davies Helen S. Ramsay Robert T. DeVore Marie Reed Marguerite Dutton L. Noble Robinson Paul A. Elliott Simon F. Rosenbaum Geneva Ewing Ruth Rosenthal, James W. Fernamberg Frederick H. Shillito Katherine Fitch Wilton A. Simpson Joseph O. Gartner Janet Sinclair. Leonard Hall David C. Vokes Elizabeth S. Kennedy Lilias K. Wagner Thomnas V. Koykka Marion Walker Mariod Kuhik Chandler Whipple Elizabeth Liebermann BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 860 BUSINESS MANAGER WM. D. ROESSER Advertising .................... E. L. Dunne Advertising ....................R. C. Winter Advertising....................H. A. Marks Advertising................. B. W. Parker Accounts ...................H. M. Rockwell Circulationi.................... John Conlin Publication.....................R. P. Martin Assistants P. W. Arnold W. I. Mullins W. F. Ardussi K. F. Mast I. M. Alving H. L(. Newmann Irving B~erman T. D. Olnmstead Rudolph Bostelman R. M. Prentiss II. F. Clark W. C. Pusch C. Consroe J. D. Ryan .R. Dentz N. Rosenz'weig J. R. Det'uy M. E. Sandberg George C. Johnson M. L. Schiff 0. A. Jose, Jr. F. K. Schoenfeld K. K. Klein I. J. Wineman t t 1 l 1 i li I' a 1 their share of slanderous publicity, work a newspaper reporter and that the only difference being that the pub- - relporter is made into an insufferable lie gets mnoireexcitedl. Every time the; ass and wholly unrecognizable by any m usi c press exaggerates anirregularity in one in tepoeso, edntwieAND an educational centier there is much! letters to the editor. W e don't think tl b u h a . o as of t e t ee tr rf si n o e i nt e1I I M younger generation. fore the world because of this coon- For awhile Michigan was4 in the: strosity. If we did think so, we limelight. A few monthls ago~ Wis,-I wouldn't get apoplexy over it. TO- IGH I: "For All of ds" 'with consin was designated by news stories M\ichael Arlen's p~lay, "The Green ;Wifliatn 11041g4' inl the Whil1ney theatre as the promoter of viscious revelry--- Hat," had two newspaper men, so- at S: 1U O'clock. just because it was discoveredl that called, in it. They behaved like the*** some fraternity dances were niot all edit orial staff of a Detroit, Toledo, TIlE: ORG AN RECITAL1 that they shouldl be. Now Northwest-; and Ironton time-table. We never! Pailmer Christian, University organ- emn university comes in for its part: had seen two like them before, but be- ist, will offer the following program in the publicity simply because one of cause we never have seen them doesn't tomorrow afternoon in Hill auditorium her prominent students committed 1 necessarily mean that their proto- at 4: 15 o'clock: suicide and left behiind him a diary I types do not exist. Nor do we carry Symphonic P~oem, "My Country" which expounded at great length on about a grouch against Arlen because...............Smetana certain "wild" p~arties lie had attend- of them or think him a beast. The Nightingale and The Rose.. ed. Already the heads of dowagers When Somerset Maughan created a.............Saint-Saenis are wagging. Again we hear of the missionary of exaggerated zealitry, Allegretto ............ Wolstenholme "ftast" younger generation. how'ever, we heard from ceirtain min- Sonata 1 in D minor, 01). 42 .... It is hopeless to try to refute thej isters that "Rain" was an attack on ............ ulan impression conveyed to the general the Christian church. a. Introduction andl Allegro public by newspapers. Let it suffice We disagree with those who pro~- b. Pastorale to say that just as it is an undoubted nounced it a vicious. advertisement. c. Finale fact that the majority of 0our citizens WNe (disagree with them that Rev. Andantino in D flat .........Lemare do not imitate the practices of the ec- aIDavidson dries not exist in real life. Finlandia .................. Sibelius centric individuals whose adventures Webeivhwertateitam-** in love and fortune are featured inj ority stockholder in the church, but he our daily papers, so it is true thatI is not without his counterparts, teach- A review, by Carl Ohlinaclier. most college students do not indulge' ing "morals" to an unmoral savage4 The rather voluble p~rofanity and in the excesses of some of their com- I and (dressing the loins of barbarity in delicate situations of "Rain," the patriots. The average is in both cases a Mother Hubbard as a push toward dramatization of Somerset Mauglian's about the same.I salvation. "Miss Thompson" presentedl by a see- The argument against "Rain" 'seems a nd company Saturday evening in the A RENEWED ALLIANCE to he based on the theory that only Wite theatre, have aroused the 1 1,1 .1, ",.,.n nm. 11- I;9.,- ~ 1,.t (ar -cod Uv f "d~ ,irt" ev rv here ' it I' r _; lj E I i L { n ul t I f' S l e s e e t SPECIAL SALE OF BOXED PAPER ALL WEEK U RJA H A M'S BOTH ENDS OF THE DIAGONAL WALK I r Though Aristide B~riand on his j.c- Iuapay sar', ni cesionto he osiionof renh fr- ever that may mean, deserve the foot- einminister announced) that the lights; that people go to the theaterj would follow his predlecensor's for'- for exaltation, as well as entertain- eign policy, it was quite evident that I ient. Thley do nothing of the kind, as1 some changes would b~e nmade. TheI a natter of fact. The majority prefer firt idictio ofthi istheadvcet emotional to mental stimulus. "Rain" firstPindication fofwths hi the adiceI was nothting more or less than a new power security pact which was being Imldaa neoinlkc.T a considered by former Premier Herr iot that the church will los9e a single andl Foreign Secretary Chamberlain parishioner or a potential convert be- of Great Britain. Il~e objects to the cause of it is in a class with the argu- inclusion of Germany on an equal merit that Sadie Thompson's perform- status with the other major powers. ance will win new pupils to the under- Rumor has it t hat lie was in flunced wvorld's red schoolhouse. to adopt such a stand by the Senrate. Art is unmoral. Whether a molder Whether or not this is so, the attitudeI of clay takes Vulcan or a wife-beater is of a reactionary character similar a i ujc lentmte.Ier to tat hichtoo ith(~ewhentheVIII. -was not representative of kings. Othellot ahinottrepresentative.tDr British labor government gave away D vdOthofeal-Plo was not rep-eettve r to the Conservatives. It rep~resent 'aI Dvdoo aoPl a orp return to the 0old order of things which resentative of missionaries, but you prevailed when Briand and Lloyd can see the fanaticism of Davidson in George held sway together. the average revival meeting. Davidson The new foreign minister, it is re- and the men getting young pleole 13,1 ported, will, work to give added ;5 n 7yas0( rn iheo strength to a defensive alliance with tioni and then asking them to come has played. Miss Jessie IBonstelle gave the play anl exceedingly bad char-, actemr when she termed it. a "gutter drama,'' while another critic consid- ering it something of a bore, claimed quite without justification that "the audlience sat through three acts watching the downfall of rain and the 1(downfall of the minister.' Of course, everyone does niot bold the same ideas oil the drama and there be those who dlisaigree with the pur- ists., If one b~elongs to this (class, hie fails to see vulgarity in Such pieces as "'Ra in," Wi te Cargo'' or "The Green Hat." 1+url her, if bie is of such a mind, hie will find it futile to argue with those who consider nothking jus- tifiable tha t verges on thle unmoral. One ('annrot Sa)y-arbitrarily that. ''Rain'' is or is not sordid. It is too much a mattecr of personal opinion. H-owever, it's deep theme and rather striking elma ra uteci ud on seem not only to offset, but. necessitate the real- ism1 which it employs. Obviously, if IRVING WARMOLTS, 0, S C, IGRALUATF? AND RFGIjTFRIiD~ Chiropodist Orthopedist 747 N. University Ave Phone 2652 h SLEEP ANY WHERE BUT EA A R E X'S THE CLUB LUNCH T* Arbor Street N ear State and Packard St. I Spring Clothes l f MAN N'S cc ~ Look at Your Hat-c Everyone Else Does We have the Latest Colors-Pearl, Silver, Radium, London Lavender,, etc., etc. Save a Dollar or More at Our Store We also do high class work it. Cleaning and Reblocking hats of all kinds. FACTORY HAT STFORE 617 Packaird St. Phone 1792 (Where D. IT. R. Stops at State) iNow is the time man likies to look his Spring calls for neiN and man answers by1 well dressed. At Cai you'll find clothes tha~ distinctively different, of the latest cut and est quality materials. lik-e them! that best. v life being rrtier's At are being high- You' ll TUESDAY, APRIL 21, 1925 .1 Great Britain-an alliance similar to 'fradaddcaete1le ae, n i~ uog lan wun u ltoewih ruh nih ra are of the same family. >auie Thompson to empjloy sonic ofI i~gi dtrTO.P. HIENRY, JR. Watehpiuha obnto er choice elut lzcis against hier pei'se- Waightrhpsditor-TominHion.s ,1E1 hARV ' ;'T'OF AIWfERIVfANIT'ISecutor, Reverend Davidsoni, or for thet inevitable. It is nevertheless, wrong ThBotnTasiit. leeenlI0tk hiinedrntc WOME WHOVOTEin principle, a harking back to the Iin the days almost beyond recall + order that wvig before such associateI Dr:.~ William S. Sadler has coinedl a,0a(d altogether satisfying dive into the ,whe, wmendidnothav th voe, tios a th Legueof atins ereword to designate what he looks up)on depths of (depravity, then lie willt thee wer rta inothv hpoe to a h gessofiNations wereown.a anational odisease. It is "Amer- emerge from the theatre doubly satin-! viduls wo faredthatthefemiineicanitis.'' Explaining what hie means lied that the p~lay is altogtluer of the Windwa nt apbl o. rapigthe b-ly. it, Dr. Sadler says: "The hurry, j(Ies immnd as ot apbleofgaspngIt is to Ile wondlered whether the bustle, andh incessant (drive of the I however, there is much more to full significance of political matters.! The woman's place, they said, is in cr'owds who battled in New York to American temperament is responsible "Rain"' than these merely sen sationalh the ome Toenlrge he cop ofhear William Brown, late bishop of for thle peculiar and charactemistic situaitions. The double-dyed minister heracivtyweldbe o ndngr urArkansas, speak had any interest in) American mnortality increase during is in hlwimslf enloughi of a study to se atbiitywudb oedne u modernism. Moi'e likely they lioplicil the 'dangerous age' periodh between justify tihe play. At tirst, he appears mitso.l o a rumpus. forty and fifty years.'' It is between as a narrow. brutial fanatic. When These, we repeat, were the pessi- mists. 'Thle optimists as it happened I those ages, hie says, that Americans Sadie, inl thaesecond and third acts cariedtheday Asa rsul woan Three hundred and iftyv million dolt-, die in greater numbers from, heart appears to have accepted himl as g'in- carie te dy.Asa esut omn arsinseurtielwreresntinovd securitiesplxyan oheweree- inranecnentlyafar mooessedc Is. rapidly assuming a position.,of dsae p Fcyadote ee- iea( ieteafk eoe oe proinece n te afais o th wod..safely- through thle streets of New; erat lye troubiles than do any ether thing of a piuzzle. It is not until tile Iuonrec nteafiso h ol.York. In tile wilds of Detroit oneo i white poie "Nebraska moun ta ins" enter into the Since the enactment of the Nine- -cannot carry $3.50 through time streets ;Thefathaebeofepestolteetathitngecrfe. teuhamendment, however, there sfl. yrflct abednmortittabese-d.thmissth-allthtooantheclartifiesadi ha ve been occasional developments, - -'Thyrfetd otltItbe r- bls altoktep."to ai~ sonic of which almost fulfill the most : unlyqoe.Bu hniIcmst Thompson, madec fatuous by Jeanne - Anyone who would he willing to the causes, ther'c may be room for agles, adequately. 1lcr Twtelfth direful prophecies. The latest in-- mk iaca arfc od e proisin o mae afinncal acrfic todo e-doubt'. We hear munch about the hbts- Street :stiride and deep intonations staceisa uc-dbaedsearcht work in aeronautics oight to mtemad bustle of American life. But went. deliciously with her role. .Josephx a ma.odel marriage and divorce law reach heaven some day for his serv soetik vrtemanro ieRbsna oeImrtae fPno proposed by time National League of asoetik vecesanroflf oio a o on rae fPno WoenVtesehrey.oenwol of his friends and acq uantances, lie flid well as thle easy'-chmair pilosopher be rquied y la tohel suport VonHindnbug nw 1is rnot likely to get the idea that many who believe'd in thme maxim that one be rquied b la to elpsupprt on indeburg no sas tht h of them ar-c victims of over-activity should do nothing that hae can have their husbands just as conscientiously is a supporter of the Repiublic. lie ad murostai.Imghsem oeoeled. as, rmci have been called upon In the seems to have acquiired the lying pr'o _ad iror tan t ih ersmoees o pat. 1h'ailure to do so would be con- ,tyo.Aeicnpoiicas that, in a great many cases,' the trotu- Joseph Waller, however'. in the diffl-I sidered for divorce. _ npoliticians.__ ble lay in that aversion to exertion cult role of l-everend Davidson, over'- groundsact-tat theendorsment - which prompts a mian to wait for the played his parl, to sonmc extent. i s such an idea has actually been en- abdicate. That's what the Kaiser once , ei fn tvnlrIrvnstvtz imrt ie iaiveddtoaa elvtrthuisiastically debated in a national said. Igele flight of stisanwhcprvts itn matiesadeddto1)hI comvetin o tis repesnttiv I_____________________________________ Ihis walking any distance on a level scenes where his voice should have convenion ofthis rwhenenitivis woinel's; organization does not signify wheUn it, i possible to ride. D~oubtless been tempered. Tphis was especially that women are not fitted to take their r bsns worry andl the nervous en- true when lie discovered his passion par~it iii politics'. Men have in the past EDII'TORIAL COEMMENT I i rgy which accompanies it is a con- for Sadie, "You're radtiant! You're; discus'sed just as inane topics in their __________ __ tributing cause to tihe heavy death list beautiful!'' is hardlly a line to be readt party conclaves. But it does indicate ! of mniddle life, but it is apparently one in, the sarne tonie of voice that isciii- a tendenicy among women of tile ag- IdtI2R)'A11~h of many causes., ployed in ottering ]prayer~s to the Al- gressive type which is to be regretted "' Pehp teedaly iessofmgy -T-lhe Detroit Free Pre"ss.° the middle years could be desc'ribed a and which is strongly remeniscent of Mrlt raoe'anhn fii hs fp'seiya ela f a militant suffragism. Mrlto eti ido t stoeo rseiya ela ften- i THE IOF(>'E"Si'IK RPLATE.RS oforpeetenjoying a vogueic far beyond its peramnent. Hosts of Americ-ans live too I Ge loucester Players, located at dafteriliatheobis desertsoit.seem torus.well for their own good. It is. trite louc ester, Alas sacuset ts, on ('ape day iviizaioi isthehom, I ou We apply the mor'al yardstick to to) speak of odigging one's grave with C (od, have recently selected th-e rcpc~set rac ittocotiuernatsnatao We mesure, books and one's teh but the syn is still true. t for their~ sixthl season of nine progr'ess both man and woman mustI ilesdamat. Iteets, saying the t101y play his role. The principal funlmsonby i.IThs eoeteAlieI'le diig table may be a greate~r weeks to Opein this ,niliimer July 63. of li lateris o cre or he omevirtue, and(1 thou shra it have none othuemr Iuenace to the life ofi the business man 'time first productioni will be Rachel ~vhie he ormr rovdesforit god biut it. We are getting thne ,muid , than the ,oflice desk. It is significant! Crothmer's three-act comedy. "Express- outside endleavor. yio hsewosudrattepiuclli that regard that men still active irig Willie,," recently plic.seit ed in New TIhere wiles, of course, always be ea nude and wince at sculptured naked- at great age when asked about their I York with outst anrtcig success by the. ceptions to this rule. There will be' ness, as the annointed 'alaiumet officer's modes of life disagree oun a great many Equity P'layers. ''his will lie followed men ho mke btte nuremais Iof morality woultd have us shiuider things tmat agree in the statement that successively by ilo n-c thanwbusnabtesuro sionawridand wince. hey live smlJndctsarnlplaysby