PAGE TEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'I RIDAY", APRIL 10, 1925! THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1~'1DA, ARIL1 _,192 Joe Bush's Understudy Is Sisler's New Ace ": ~ Y a c orpora I ion lawyer with the is no'a'ls aae orteCnbre cylinder by subjecting tt i A merican Ite rlitning company in' oral Motosch iilPaly ocate l4,it Ion- dull and smooth cutting machine, and i Nvw forkCity.ceeolecl Donahue is now engaged inI then giving it the final 'luster by his AMr. Carpenter is am lcliller of miaiiy cilatvieatongowOi.polishing machine. 1-e nmodels the! ('bibs onol is ssoc ia lix prominent, dlue, ITe iletrHradnx ert caps and inserts end-plugs and then' in p;:r11, to the respoiisib~le piosition jqeilz nEgih goes over it to make it tap~er. exactly. Fwbieb he holds. Ai'teri graduating firomi cilzei ls. With the aid of a mricrometer lie cain the (Col legee1' Lit eratunre. Science, and I h ciiisan hraot f, odetect errors of more than three onre- i ori' business managers 0of.rthe bhe Airt: at the l'riiversiity of1Wlichigan a i ly follow3 s: C. :Philip i"Inery, '18, thousandths of an inch. in '14 1, v i i(wntc r aU teiided the hiio's ,er 1- ,is inowvcnz- Thc appartus used for making .each M iclii i a i I :lw8h col the, followingIpoe yteDvi opn fCia of the five parts of the pien is simple year and then coliipl et ed his lawx Illi h capacityo'asitn and compact and can lie worked by I corse iat1('o"iinbia. W. Sliem r l;d ceii(ral i\1rchidis manager, i ii' ione nian. Last year 10,00 parts were l Yieldl. '1 . Busti es;>ein i r 0o' The 01(1 Mtarkinson. '21_M~, manager'11, innole for the Ryder pen on the sanie 1,aily inz the rear* 1014-15115 is ir,o", i l('('fg edcine at Butte, Mont, typ~e of machinery now in use at the aictively cengaged inl busifes: at Grani iol Te business manager' in '119-220, 1'aul State street shop. tpidls, 1l i(;liga i. .1+).(mole ttcJr., '2011, is now prac- ''e survey shows that 1rano'is I+. icing hawxvat Grand 1iapidls, Michi. 1\11 ine, I(J mnaw ikediorof ;FilipinoDs Read Al~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~L enny IGImagigetir01 grandl A. Gaines, J, TI'1E, in charge the aily in 1 91 5- 19 iio w is see- c0t' bmsness of The Da.~ i 9l 2-'21 __ 1 Deceived By Ad Demand Damages Innsbruck, April 9--Because there was no snow in the mountains, as set forth in an advertisemeant, a group of E~nglishmen has entered1 suit against a travel bureau, asking for (lamages, railroadl fares and hotel expenses. The English tourists were in Inns- bruck, seeking winter sports, but the weather was so mild that nowher'e could they find snow or ice They read an advertisement of a certain resort saying the snow was, or soon would be, deep, andl the skating good. So they travelled thither, only to find on arrival that the reported snow was a, myth, and the lakes all open. A g- grieveol and out(of Jpocket, suit asz, begun against the travel bureau re- sponsible for the misleading' an- nouncerenit. f 3 ,7 m ,a t (4' I 9 . .t.. I i ,;; K S SLewas IMPRISI \ 8Y RIS QowL NUM-SS OF G'e . r E NA I .; GASTON, By Normani E. Brown' for the opening series that Sisler It has come to be the custom of miay lead 'a different ace. big league managers to so jockeyl Sister made no bones of the fact their pitching staffs that they can that Milton Gaston, young hurler, lead their aces against the oppositionf1 must be included in the deal to make i in the first game oif tte several seriesI it take. Gaston was known to be a played during the campaign.1 premising hurler. There was a ques- Sometimes these aces are trumped tion, in Uew Yor'k, as to how nearly but the aforesaid managers figure that ready hie was. Now Sisler believes' a game in the hand is worth two in he is "ripe~ the bush. So they tr'ot out their best And the man who has played the pitcher. most important part in preparing' More particularly is this true where hrim to take the "ace" is. none other the New York Yanks are t ie visiting than Bush. opposition. The New Yorko team has' bullet Joe had takeni Gaston In never been a popular one and be-:I hand when they were Yan'ks. liad} cause of that and the fact that they( taught Gaston among other things, were champs for some campaigns the how to throw the "fork" ball. Ilug- desire to tur'n them back in the first gins;, however, had his hands full fray has heen doubled. juggling his veteran pitchers and(1 : When the winters biggest deal in gave Gaston little attention. the American League wa.s put through When Bush, Gaston, and Young, JToe, last winter Urban Shioclker, star of, Gb rd, the fourth hurler who figured the ;ft. Louis mound staff for several, in the deal, reported for spring train- seasons, traded uilaces wit h :oe Bush, I ing, Bush told Sisler lie bliever Gas- wizard---at times- oif the YIank Staff.j ton was ready for regular dluty. SisI Everyone concedeed that Shocker }crli,'ade Bush anmember of the was the "ace" nieeded to li1lp1) lug- icowching staff handling the boxmii! gins. Everyone felt that Bush would and told JIoe to devote all the time', find .new life with the Browns, and! he needed to Gaston. Sisler himself _ become an "ace" with Sisler's crew. gave Milton much help.1 Fans vsaie immediately a nifty As a result Gaston seems ready toIl pitching duel betrwee-n the two iiien as!' tah- his regula'r turn in the box-and one of the first t hriils of tbh et . ci- deli ver the goods. ings of the two teams, this camplaign. C aston's chief asset is speedl. Per- But righit now it', a gooid 1)01 that.hbaps that is wvhat drew Bush, once when the Yankees blow into St. 1,0ui owner of oine of the fastest deliveries 'in baseball, to the young maln. (41 o'o has the build which makes foir':speed( 1-e stands six feet tall. lie has ain easy motion which suggests thatlie will cariry that speed for somie years if he (doesn't strain his arma. Next to speed he has a pretty cuirve, and then the fork ball. This is a wierd. Frank Merriwell shoot, that! breaks differently than a curve. It; gets its name from the way it is held in delivering. The ball is gripped between the first andl secondl finders. And lie has plenty of confidence i himself--mnore than lie had as a Yail- kee. With New York lie seemed lost in a maze of pitchiers. With the Browns he finods himself recogn izedl, even called by name by the older Imembers of the team. An interesting inc'ident, in coin 11eci ion with Gaston's career holds anmoiralI for young players. Sisher's first; glimpse of the hurler was obtained one day last suimner when the Yanks roamed into St. Louis, fighting odes- perately to hold their championship. The Browns waded into them with ab~andlon. Seeking to) stop the slaugh-- tei' Hiuggins calle0( on Ga st on for r,-- lief duty. The Browns treatedl him; roughly but Sisler xwas impressed with the youngster's courage and coolness. Ile reniembered Cast on when first mention was made of the; Yanks trying to obtain Shockcer. Now watch Mr. Gaston's smoke. ref ary--t reatsurer i'of The Brot bert on company fly01Detr~o it. .John1S. 1 'eoiO id, ICiL . business ma noter o)1 The D aily the 50 ine0 yep..' is now engaged in the pric oe of I a xx at Cows 1(1a. New York. J1ohniC,(t. II. a rl;c, '17, ma nag- ing editor of' The Daily in 1916-17, is ai pro's;il I a member of thle executive ;;h s31T1of lie National if e Insurance' comoipany xxit hei imedq ters at Evans-r tal;i, III. T1hue btvsinmesv s manager of I1,1(It;--17, ('larene TI. IFishleigh, '1711., is now a prIoduiicti on engineer w ith otlice5t i t Iiilanid Parkc, iiehiga n7. :i \itie other1 I ('iuaiaging editors' of' 'ili e Daily duniig thlie pas.t years f'oi low: Robt)iT '. \Io'Domial1(, '18. in (c; eo'at; Daly '17-' 18, is a newspaper w' cc m in Det'oit . Cla roeceRoeser,' 19f. in chlarge '2- 9 now living at. -' no xx, M ic'h, haisi'ecenitlIy given up Ilir is trwr ml(r'tin Itie coal business 101 fol o,x' a hI OVfy career. AMr. RoeSers lx':; hajd extenm ivee oxperience inl news- ipa ;er work since hiis gradluation- \xx s'w' i e x'li eh en gag-'ed in the coal bi' i ?es.hiss ('Mildr'ediMiles, '19, who xx -: niaiiarjng editor of The D~aily p; rI of1 the fiirst semiesteor of the school r"ca i';, '8' was married some time ago to) Yincellt. lorden. '19. H-Larry Al. (.'arey, '2(0, in Chairge of' Daily '19-.'20), is noxw actively engaged n puicoity 'xxork tfor the ('it y of Du- TOBACCOWINEAND FRUIT BULK PALESTINE EXPORTS \huch intereost ha s hbeen arousedl in Pa lest inec(ommuer'cial circles by the r'ecent annuinicemen't that Jerusalemn's firist cig:arette factory hadl been coin-I how ridvertisilig editor of the LibertyI Magazine with. heaodquarters at Clii- j'1'i iiio1e1l r edn c.ago, Ill. jiiihle ilnopeoplemaareineang V'ernon F. I-lilIlery, '23, manager, mr esaes aaie n '21 -'22, is now attendling the Univer- i ther periodicals every year, accord- ing to reports of the Bureau of Posts. sity oif Michigan Law school. After servng s buines mnage ofTheFigures compiled by that bureau show Dering filer as becmaae resofete that the weight of second class mail of thle Stuolent Counucil. Albert J. ;mteudrwihnwppr n Parker, 23, in charge '22-'23, is also' magazines are classified, and the post- attending the MfiChigan Law school. age paid during 1924, more than Laudenceed-H. Favrot, '24, manager dloubled the amounts for 1918. '23-'24, is now emp~loyedl in statitsical wokby a New York engineering R~)Tl LSIIDAS fi rm. Cabinet Prospect f z w I >K Housecleaning Repairing and Painting' During the Spring Recess- A First Essential Light in weight, but strong- 4 to 12 ft. heights. Price, 45c a foot Back Savers Mop Wringer............ $2.50 IDustless Mop............ $2.25 Long-handled Dust Pan .. .. 25c Paint-First Aid to Housecleaners Boydell's Paint will quickly re- new the dingy, scarred 'furni- ture, woodlwork and walls which housecleaning always throws into such strong relief. At Small Cost III"; NEED A SUIT CASE or a hand bag or a shopping hag or toilet cease? Wouldn't a dainty manicure set be very convenient on your toilet table or when traveling? Sometimes you cannot procure the services of a manicurist and such a set takes-her place very nicely. We have everything in leather for ti'aveling :)r personal use. Call and see our interesting display. F. W. WLLKINSQN LEATHER GOODS 325 S. Main St. } l 1POLISH Furniture, Polish 6Oc Pint Bottle - a } News Fr ploeted'oand lhad begun umanufactui'ing ---__ - -- -- - IOhio ---Work on a new vacuum toube1 goods. not. only for bomne consumption ! in which copy and pr'oof sheets for' bit1fo' export as wxell. Sampiles of ( I1Ithe Ohio State "Lant ern" will travel thie'flrst ci arete «ere sent to O t e Colleges I~ to and from the composing aiil dcli- British government officials in London tonl ioom xvs sartd tday ~.isthrough Sir herbert L. Samuel. British an sse tht fxy ollge ew'paorshigh commissioner of Palestine, and can boast of, ad i is expectedtoIoNau Sokolow, also of' London,! - -[and__ who has been onenof the flyililOplovers1' i I i i Charles D. Hlhles, high in Repubhi- poi litics in New York, probiably will be the next :man na med to the zx1ioit is saidl in Washinigton. .He l ; mnitionedl for both secretary of wvar andl Ilstinaster-general. i °i a" ~McGill -;-Si oent; anmes carved orn acute ang'le a part of a cube's base,1 the desks or walls-(of the 'irs Build- h le brought out that the angle was fresh 6nes, an or. er of' the Deani'sl nowv beyond question a right angle, fresh' ones, an order, of the Deansj whereas it had prIeviously been ac-! Office states5. Signatures of famiouts cepteol by experience to be less than and infamous McGill alumnzi are (one0l a iright angle.- of the great historio'al features of the i Arts Building. I Arizona -Many Freshmen- co-eds - - i pent a miserable day regretting thou' Oklahoma:--Powder fputt's will go ! sins when the girls of the Sophomoref into discard and niar s(: will fade I class forced them to wash the steps away when the girlrat hittes of' (ka-i of the different buildings and to wear homa university begin traininsg foi' the onions around their necks. This was' track meet sponsor'ed by the physicalj the penalty imposed for breaking var- education department, which will bW oustaiin'f h nvriy held the second week in May. -_ staiin o h nvriy Kansas-That for several years pastiWsosi-okonteU ir there has been no constructive pro- 1iyo icni xoiin hc grai eocuringlaw nfocemnt orwill open here April 16, is progressing freshmen is contoendedl by the Stu - rapidly. Trho entire student body is dent Council of Kan sas university,.hwn nuuua neeti . The council is oconidtErnn taking I comizng .project, and in all probabilityf chage f feshpot i orfc tht i lthe affair will be one of the most sue-1j may check uip on those first year mzen codigt hs] who do not wear them. Iinatoiy More than 50,000 visitors from all ,Toihns Hpkin - Jlmus opais's$,-fIthe state and middle west Toslns lopiir-.Ilszs lokizs'$f,-are expected to view the 80 exhibit 000J,000O Page Sobhool of' International' which will depict the various phases Relations is e'xpec'ted to start work of the university's 'curriculuma. Ali- ~Inext fahl. 'hhe school aiums to alieve nouncements of a considerable reduc- three things: first,- it will develop a tion of railroad fares to this city dur- science of intemrnational relations; I ig the three days of the exposition secondly, it will ascertain the f'acts, are expected within a few days. so far as they can lie founnd, on any partIicular' problem; and, thirdly, it - - will prooduce a- continually growing Pennsylvania State - Cross-word body of men trained in that science puzzles have at last reached the class- and available for service in the fields rooms of the Pennsylvania State Col- of education, government, and busi- liege. Some 'eighty odd freshmen bot- ness.i any students found this to be true when they entered class on Friday, ii~i,, i sef-sttig rt tap ~zsthe thirteenth of March, and were pre- been presentedl toi the niuseumn of the ' senteod with a large cross-word puzzle, University of Kansas. The tral auto-l Practically all the words used in the matically resets itself after' a rat has ; uzzhe were technical botany terms, -- -1_11+------+ .1---------, , andI a first hand knowledge of the saeagreat (teal of wasted time It ------------------- 'to cmeate a national home for Jews.F f getting out the plaper. Nearly half of the tobacco usedl in the j Jeruisa Leni miadle 'iga rettes is home California-Since the ga rter be- E g'onx'n, the remainder coming from came a social outcast and fashion de- 'I'ii rkey. ~ ii~it' itwl creed that socks should lie worn,1 .asits; fruit Eoutplin has cshoxvna an wen- I tn oforsthe health 1servicetat t1)oe i coiithsi, increase within the last fewk mnhaccording to recent governiz Uhniversity of California reports that merit repoirt s. The wine is being made records show an enormous increasel chiefly ftromi vine's brought fromi in the number otf coldls treated. The prance about 20 years ago, but last F j medical staff agrees that the practice 'spint; mny hundreds of acres were1 of allowing' the chill morning aOir to - planted to jnexv vineyards which will circulate freely around exposed ankles soon be prodlucing The chief ex1a0m's I is one of the principal causes, and of Palestine, which is abiout the size tedseadfrgresi h e-o h tt fVrot r rne son. They are therefore including in andi grapiefruit, wines, melons, apri- all prescriptions an item that can bet-F cots, port and almonds. T~he receipts ter be secured at a haberdashery than from exports last year are estimated a drug store. ( at about 6,000,000. SPRING DANCE i J at the PACKARD- Monday, April 20 SIX OF D)IAMONDS D)andnig at 9 Brushes wiAth Securely Set Bristles Everything from a small'var- nish brush to large Ifaint brush- es for walls. SCHLENKERV Hardware CO. 213 W. Liberty St. Phone 55,E , ...: . . 0 1 Service ForIEa er Many will have to remain in Ann Arbor during Spring Vacation, and we're making it our. business to try to make their stay pleasant. Nothing is more necessary for a "perfect day" than a good home-cooked meal-~~and that is what we are offering. Our high (duality foods and excellent service have already made us Service at popular prices is hard to find. We have a fleet of cabs to serve you any day at anty hor, and oniy a flat rate of 35c a person. Start the pol)ular' with those who have tried us. trial. We suggest that you give us a II vacation right by callingJ 11