PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MIHIGANDAILYSATURDAY, FEBIRUARY 14, 1925 BAND TO PLAY AT Dr. F. R. Pengelly Will Address Group; Secretary S mih to Be Toastmaster 'Goes To Explore Ocean Graveyard SUC.AI~~ ~~ VTSHOJOffers Proposal aoi TPIG OTN SERVIESPOPULAR g ALU0 NI MEETINI 1' n4, acid13 ly rge ISCisuuion Of k : 1' oui 1Days Inh i F" t ESMr. Tapping also spoke to alumni in!( Toulon, Feb. 13.-The French bat- Boise, Idaho, Butte, Mont., Great, tlaship) Libert e, which was, wrecked 1 Falis, Mont., Spokane, Washi., Seattle, htere ley ani expilosion in September, IWash., Tacoma, Wash. and Olymtpie, !1911, with the loss of more than 230 N ash.! lives, has bec~t refloated, after three To (late Mr. Tapping repiorts his year:' work. trip as very successful, and has hopes -__________ of making it a yearly event, if this D~on't delay-Pay your Subscription isCcV; seems feasible. ( today. 1 Approach to Religion j Wil L~eave 't'omiorrow for Los Anigeles uvv i 1. f QUARTET WILL SING 600 BALLOTS RETURNED TRIP IS SUCCESS /i Music will be furnished by the Ufni- ' I Vote taken under the auspices of a foTe/ab versity Band at the annual C'haib:, the Student Christian associat ion fol- S : tii.1i'an'i(o, (Cal, Feb 1- T. of Commerce banquet, Tuesday itv' ;:i,..: lowing the DuBois service at 11Ill1~c pig il eiayo ulaed versty o rslia today continued 5~~~~~~~ Students and faculty men alike vot- flCfCS'vihteeangW- A o the 'eto' '!rt;7 ni lly'red infvor1f'co daye rine alun~lli of this city, where he16 HobbydHorse," thenlatter of whichuacgItheyear.ay f per maiing a our clay stay, leaving to- HbyIosthlatrowhca-iservices next ea. inety-our periorrxow I'mr Los Angeles. Ile arriv-j cording to Wilfred Wilson, conductor. cent of the students and eighty-fivee >~ ~tf~a rmPrtad olw is guaranteed to rock any audi" ne. I y per cunt of the faculty beleve more i., cv;da v vist. to that city. On this occasion the band will be formally resented with the SonsZ-. emphasis should be lacedl in the ser- The lIjad scret a- , who is saking phone w~hic'h has been secured by the vices on social problems. Sixty per to A nwiArbor abouththe Crcamber of Commerce.. cent of the students and eighty per j~I 'iimtoAnAbr bu h Th getsoohno illecaclyc , X eheolf ns r~h, via1 lhe southern -_ Bh ueesidef hntof tllhe Hcamer cent of the faculty believe there should' .4 i ilc resing ahinui clubs Wbe morerratherithnn lesshemphasbsro and Mrs. Butler. F. Roy Holmes, pastb mr, ahr hn esemhsi ni - -in r'any (-,ftCo cities ;on his route, a president of the elharr wil pre~io--.___________ _ the scientific approach to religious F rank E.LcLelie, issoc:!O d riector' vh s aigchr o while the invocation is to be given by faith. of the Gorgas Memaorial 1nustt iit C pro- 1in+a y.A her 'I,"l fan l 1 ('0eing with Rev. Kenneth Bowen, pastor of the fir. W iliam Beebe internationally- The vote was taken on question-pfoses to lengthen tl(; life of 111311 ya ixen in the vsaru~ citi>s.j Church of Christ. The toastma~tu famus ;.aturalist and explorer, is now Ire itiue ote180pol regular physical examinations of the ' i: 1' n. rar nl (tiCS which Mr. Ta p- for the evening will be Shirley W. on his way to study "the graveard of 3arsdsrbtdt le18} ~:tl whole population. Ile says that An.. . pig phtns, to vaisi on h _ trip aire as Smith, secretary of the university, the .Atlantic," the Sargasso sea, whichj present, of which 00 rturncld bllots. erica's sick list always totals I;{4(, follows:s~s. Angcles;, Cal., 1asadena, Aprogram of popular numbers will is continually changing its position Of these 197 were marked "student",! 000., al an I uiteno, Ceas.,EHouso, Texas, be sung by the quartet of the Univer- bob wecn Cuba and the Verde Islands. and 5wr akd"aut. -___________ siyGe lb ne h ieto fThe ballotwees indicated hat. of ( -- +-- l l/ thos oi, La, Botnirmingham, Ala, tyhere -aclo, andt illInclude condndtng students had averaged two Feb. ..9I Set AtS Fintal i~ale1 , G.,1i:, eu.,(and it. Luisbo. speetinsfrmthMchga }ninr eia of out the five services, while faculty Da r F r Old Licenses Levn nArothfisofFb onr.ffQ- e t ~'e members had averaged three out of.LaigAnAbr h is fFb Dr. F. Bradford Pengelly, dr,-ctr flue tr . te ieldi5~e~rysopda rrf the Chamber of Commerce at Flint,IsT nu alv.ih More than one half of the studejaizs Motors cars not having 1925 license DsMie.Iw.fra drs e dlielth man addrss lnnoi the h v'declared that pubicity in The Dal !plates may I.-,driven in Ann Arbot're lmio ta i *le te delier te man adre~sof te b, visited Omaha, Nb., Cheyenne,Wy. quet. His subject will be "The Body Judge John D. Thomas stated yes- I was the principal factor in attracing anxti SaturdaFb 2,acrin o C~sfr y.,o u-ssv as them to thte meeting, while 70) per seat IFb 1.acrigt ' pr Voo ~cO~~ as and Soul of a City."' terday that the conduct of the Mich- of he ac iY ldeclaredI The )ily Thenas J. O'Brie, chief of police. Af- I speaking to alumni clubs ini these Other speeches will be: ,,"A Word igan students is unusually high. AsideItbehelrniafco.AcrigI ter tis dad-, cars with 1924 plates; cities. toHcly yRlhDlh atfo e uul t ~voairsIto bethe recrdnciadfter.lacr J)OI..il1 e stopped and the owners fined. Denver, Col.,ziat Lake City, Utah,I pesidetof the hamber; "A Wrd fIi1.!his deadline leaves drivers morthnadOeUawrehnvst(, fo Haky"bMrHcke;ad .i te use" of second hand cars the was only one half as effetive inethn adOgnthwrtenvse, "LooingAhed" y P P.Woodbridge ia;, s were obeyed to the 'T' last year,] tracting the audience as The I~n>a ekyti hc t bantoteaun cibo h tt fUa ,inew licenses.~igfre tteOdnmeig exctv ertr ftechamber by students of the University, the 1whlile church bulletins and iiieingco __formed_______at_______he___Ogden_______meeting.______ executive secretary ofjthee said.,___o ______friends_________ __ranked__________still_________lower.________ No case of assault and battery, and ______r Earth TestedFo F'o ony n caeof larny as refp orted F . -13J1N',f +fi1A3I Use As M aterial aantte.Mn ae fitx-I 1AL ISYS TF g g ~~cation were brought into the Ann Ar- '' 0T I Lo s luiabrcutlast year, but only two of ;j- 1-these I Iius B idig tsewere student offenders. i Several positions are now open Y o u e Judge Thomas also stated that :;[n-;i on the business te ff of Thej Experiments are being made by dent behavior, on the whole, shows j Daily. The work involved will E f Professors F. N. Menefee and sa.earmnti . Iete e n11i - arked improvement over previous ;I be ~o value 'alike to thosewh Frnlno h nierngMca-yas oariciate i sun c,. 'l hre,,is. nothing like a I1 Valentine Pastry Almond Macaroons Cocoanut Macaroons The City .Pastry Shop 516 East Liberty St. Phone 33 10-J I i .._ _. .... __.- I Second Semester Supplies BAlLLPEE.N HAMMERS OUTSIDE AND INSIDE CALIPERS. BRASS BOUND RULES STEEL RULES AND PADLOCKS SLICKS AND SPOONS Electrical Sppli es STUDY LAMPS AND SHADES. EXTENSION CORD DOUBLE SOCKETS PLUGS Room Suppies EXTENSION CLOTHES RODS as a building material for the con- struction of houses. According to jIADT RDI EL Professor Menefee, earth can be s II T K I EL t r e a t e d .n d t a m p e d a s t o g iv e a r i g - l t y r m b e o m a n a i g 1 0 t m s !i OIC NE the weight of the ordinary house. bterh ihteecl tion of pure sand which will not pack, More than 20 representative men t~' pore clay, which 'will crack, isr and woien from various activities on; u ;e)ri construction of the walls.E the campus assembled at dinner The cat t is treated so as to be pure rnhlrs'ay night in Lane hall to nivet an2d containing abot 12 percent of Miss h'lizabeth Bredin, recently re- w ater. It is then' tamped in forms turned froi spending two years In and after drying it has the strength Ru.sit with the Student Relief or- of concrete. geanh .-aticn. Such houses, the experimenters say, Introduced by Perry :Hayden, '25, are in u e in England today while the jpreoldent of the Student Christian as- Roman Pliny, writing about 50 A. U. sociation, Miss Brodlin told the grop tells of the Roman emperor Hannibal of ronditions encountered in Russia using earth to build towers in Spain and of tie help exerted by the Unii- veritys cntrbuton to the relief and Africa. The oldest house in rty cnibio America, at St. Augustine, Florida, is" fund last Tar At the conclusion of built of rammed earth.; her speech, Miss Bredin answered The process involves no delay for. questions concerning the work. dlrying. When the eaz'th has been packed with the rammers until it WFeb And. Flange rings against the iron, another layer can be packed on until the desiredElcs [ f e s height has been reached. The chiefj difficulty is in procuring waterproof Frederic A. Kiimich, '25E, was covering to keep the frost out. Pro- elected president of Wiveb and Flange, fessor Franklin, however, is at present senior civil engineering honorary 90o1 having plans drawn for a rammed cloty, at its meeting Thursday night atr earth house. the Union.I I tl i i i i '.f I t I pus' actimvity and t tios11 X 1( wvamt sonme p~ractical experwnce in the business dlepartmecnt cfl'a daily newspaper. All persons, int^'uree are requestedl to r^e- pert at once to The Daily busi- ness office in the Press building. ,! 'I ,r I I i _._ } A NCE HOT' BOWL OF SflUP has turned cold, we fe qu tc confident that Ycil Wol appreciate hainM one of our .ice st'Caminsg hot bowls or soup with your dinlie.r. Especially so when it is giv en free with every dinner ordered. Our soup is home )ml do and gives an a d'cc t-much t evey meal. Van's Lunch 1116 South University Ave. Readthe ant Ads STE CST young m en to ay y ; know the importance -) ~ . ookng fit. Good ap- pearance counts mic h in the game of life. The yoling man who dresses with taste has a decided advantage. Pout--it is surprising how little tboughtr the average man gives to his hat. It is his crown, yet he see s to stop dressing a- the neck. COAT HOLDERS POCKET KNIVES TIE HOLDERS ALARM CLOCK Lamed ardware *Co. 3 10 South State St. Up-to-datceI'ardwar'e Phone 16 10 ' . ... ___ ,.. ._.. ..,_.. ....,.., _ . ..._..._. ., ....__,...,,.,._.t tie h. .- wt&M OMMAW, BBeC areful in your scle tjoi of id, I 4 , tih ii '.,is quality m eans long wear. ITof I Alva 1~ ~ Geneva, Feb. 13.-Greece has asked that the question of peace pro- tocol concerning time protection of minorities be plac~ld on the agenda of lThe other officers for the cring year will be Howard A. Sheridan, '25E, vice-president; W. Seers Herbert, '25E, secretary; and Henry Grovres, '26E; treasurer.I = 7 . Lnuarej Teeth the Mvarch session of the L.eague of - Nations council. Berne, Feb. 13.-An increasd in the price of bread is causing unrest, many 11A'VF YO 1 tIJPV1',T? meetings of protest having been held. No. 12102 A great an Calf greatvarlety of New Spring Styles are arriving~ daily. Come in and see r orvourse If j ~ FoISopaId Labis ren WRIGLEY'S after et them get its daily breath, appetite and r-I s a m suits ALL OUT Give the child, every meal. Lc benefit to teeth, Corduroy Coats, breeches, Leather Jackets, { i i i i 4 Blanket Shirts, Sweaters, Moccasin Packs and High-Top Shoes, Puttees, Heavy Wool Socks UaigestUZ. Ii ney want sweet, ana WRIGLE'S is the sweet that's good for them. Happy children-healthy teeth. Appetite and digestion, too, are aided by i4 R. O.To C M~funson Army, Officers' Dress and Cadet Shoes Tr o agn hen you may need some extra blankets. We have all kinds at lowest prices. WRGLafter every=a