PRIDAY, APRIL 10Q, 1925 THE MICHIGAN iDAILY PAGE SEV911 C 0 COMN I' 1COTUMN A T 31P.N. ADYE TI SING I i MISCELLANEOUS WtiN'r'EI FOR IENT<' r-.:_ .: _, 0, at ; , , . . fi / ' .y. Try our R~ewpe Sanidwices Haminburg Chiickeni Cheese We. deliver Ply. 7419.1[ WANTED--Tvo room .suite preferably FOR RENT-One Iwith bath for use by three seniors. modlernl home. Call C. Sl Hclcgh, 349,t h log. Phon X 3. nice single room in! 304 South 5th Aive.. 5*,.ir<- I F4 1 t1 i. , id i. '' I: 3 S4 ",; : A T i LOi-I )ES 1i Will satisfy your taste, and fit you best. 113 South Main St. AT'TENTION ADVERTISERS Box 67, 8 answers. Box 92, 11 answers. IBox 93, 3 answers. FOR SALE} HO0ME SITE-Are you interested inl a neighborhood of places of 3-5 to 1-2 acre at moderate price? All; city coriveniences, near bus andl school. Terms. Phone 551-R. FOR SALE-Three tube reflex set with loudspeaker. Bargain $35. Call Bond 2648-J. TYPEWRITERS most makes $20.00 up! CIIECKWRITERS, new ..... 15.00 up ADDING MACHINES, new.. 65.00 uip MIMEOGRAPHS, ,DUPLICATING DEVICES, OFFICE APPLIANCES, SUPPLIES.I Typewriters Rented, Repaired, Cleaned }. ID. MORRILL, 17 Nickels Arvade The Typewriter and Stationery Store 5114) [5 R AVPA I'J)WIL'Vl 0. G~. ANDRES f T'1DFNTI wants Work of aniy kind during Spring vacation. Call S mith. *13:3-R after 7:30. WAtch Tis Space Daily STUDENTS Your Baggage ! Trhe premium is very low. Insure it with MR. MITNDus With Louis C. Andrew s Insurance, PHONE .3064 Watch This SKpe Rally Rugs shampooed or dust cleaned. IAnn Arbor Carpet Cleaning Works., Phone 50. Printig, )1J1graving and EnIbossiii g Mimeographing and Typewriting 1New equipment, skilled help and Iprompt service will insure you satis-: factory results. O.0. ) ORR.ILL, 17 Nickels Areade The Typewriter and Stationery Store1 iWANTED-A few girls to eat, at a ._____________________ storrity hIouse after v ication. Phonre {T'YVEWIVIiTiNG & ]101 (OGRAPHIN( 2184. promptly and. neatly done by experi-; enxcedl operators at . odera te rates. STE DElNT'S wanutinig I a uorjobs dur- :Sixteen years experien .ce tsdoing! ing vacation. appy at corner of th(eses work for 'Ivtersity tdns FOR RENT--Second floor apartment. fou roomfs, bath, sleetping porch for ne'xi-school year, garage if desired,, available Jly 1. 905 Forest; ave. Phone 846-1.: FrOR RENT-A single room in goaod con(ition, 42~9 South Division. Read The' Daily "Classified" Columns Spirhig and Fielch sts. Friday after- WANTED--A imian staying for Sumn- mi Schiool. to help from. now on 17 \i eels Areadle, Phonle 866 For Typewriter Repairing (all makes)j Dinner Dances and Banquets We have a banquet room in conndction which is the ideal place to hold your parties. W~e will furnish the orchestra if you desire. Ask us about this service. 106 South Main Street Phone 14 T'YPIEWITERS,. about lawn and[ garden for hbis room. -- Call after six. 1014 Church street. TYPEWRITERS Splendid machines. ____________________ Kest makes for rent or Oor sale. M 'A NUSCRIPTS typewritten, neatness H AMILTON BUSINESS COLLEGE and accuracy our motto. Bic le's Phone 342-R. Book Store, Nickels Arcade. ATTRACTIVE HOME- LARGE t GROUNDS Southeast section, yet near campus. Lot has 95 feet frontage, and is 1801 feet dieep-beautifully planted to fruit and flowers. Adjoining houses also have large grounds... -±Exterior is tapestry brick veneer, and the spacious rooms are beauti-, fully finished in brick stained walnut and mahogany. Vapor steam heat, and all the 'other conveniences and equipment of a very modern house. For appointment to see this property, phone 2438. ~NOTICE c K::.. 5 LOST LOST-Tuseday, ,ihell rimmed eye- glasses. Reward. Call 1814-M. LOST--A Kappa Kappa Gamma Key, jeweled, with owner's name en- gravedl on back. G. M. Croose. Oak Grove club. Flint, Mich. Reward. LOST.I-Tuesday evening a Gold Elgin wrist watch, on or near South State. Phone 3417-W. Reward. BEAUTY SIIOPPES Permanent Waving and Marcelling MACK AND CO.r 3rd Floor Main St. Three expert marcel lers. Shingle trims. Soft water used at all times. IIIJATTIA I;E AUTY 11 OPPE (Above Cushing's) IAE BIRD) IlAI i f10' 5 ]NICKEL'S A IWADE-3168 Wheary Wardrobe trunks best trunks made at popular prices at ? KOCH AND HEVNNE Compacts, watches and pictures frames of the most exquisite jewelry selections. These are especially priced for the spring season. . ARNOLD t State Street Jeweer Our moderate prices make it possible for all to have FRESH HOME jGROWN FLOWERS. ANN ARBOR FLORAL CO. 1922 E. Liberty. Phone 1630 SLICKERS $4.95 ; jFor men and women. Yellow 'only; corduroy collar with l'eather 'strap; newest square pockets. Slickers~ are first quality, made to retail at $10. Selling dieet eliminates excess prof- its. Send 'one dollar with size or chest measure. Balance C. 0. D. STORM TIGHT RkAINCOAT CD. DPepartment 4. 29341 Cass Ave. Detr oit, Michigan MARTHA WASHINGTON CANDY Fresh every Friday. Tice's, 119 E. Liberty. Wheads lHou selhold Packing Co. Moving-Packing-Storage Call us for long distance moving. Loads insured. I ship to all, points. 525 Detr'oit St, Phone 1154 Dealer in Woodstok 'typewriters, standard and 'Portable, adding ma- chines.j Ann Arbor Ty')ieiier Exhla'nge 9 Saim gs Rank Mnig R~ead the W ant lAds; SHIRT WhoyugaGORDON'yugtancla from the hands of the expert Arrow Collar makers,, CLUETr, PEABODY & CO. INC. MAKERS E 0, a I E 1 549 k'a INTERESTING FACTS OF HISTORY - tatDo You Know r4N --tatMonticello, Jefferson's this satisfactorily and they ' estate on a hill overlooking the signed it, with. minor ,changes, F University of Virginia is being as it expressed the minds of the t restored by the Tois Jeffer-. American people. , son Mmra onainad Jefferson andAdamsbothserved " will be maintained by them as President of the United k for the American people? States for opposing pattics. UIThomas Jefferson was born on They became. fast friends, ax ~3 { i~iApril 13, 1743. He framed the by a singular co itcidlence nothf tDeclaration of Independence. de nJult4 1 6 ?.His associates, among whom Facsimile copies of the "Declara. - s .ui were John Adams, Benjamin tion of Independence for fram- F '¢ Franklin and John Hancock, ing are obtainable free on re- knew that Jefferson could do quest from this company.f Ai The Sohn Hancock Mutual is.} aricularly interested ln insuringe cie a0en a p women and obtaining ambitious college graduates for the Personnel of it~s Aci sta1 ~ii Over Sixty Years in s v~ Business. Now Insuring . ' p Over Two Billion Dol- Pars on 3,500,000 Lives LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY ~ 4- OF Q[TON. Mwsasc.,Ulerre G.w-v v '7^- Rr' °'a' ", p;"eG" ',N4 9 "q° - '' ,,-." I .. 'A tilt i i" J /. adl. ,Jl,/°J.Jl.J.r AV= Sitaying in Ann Arbor dUrin~g spring vacation ? Th en you'II enjoy the amazing variety of excellent foods the A-rcade- All Meals a Specialty at LUNCH ROOM 'Try It and See 338 Maynard *1 will be serving eery day I Next Year -Wat? Y "'they're The Best: I've Ever Seen" Men, hesitate to comment much about, portraituire. And( it is only natural. But scarcely a dlay pass-es but sonmc man pays Rentschler por- traits this frank compliment--- "They're the best I've ever seen." You'll dio it too, 'once you look over the displays. Inspect Rentschler's p)ortrait achieve- nments today. There you can select the type and style you 1prieferI. DING into business? If so, GW remember that the length of time it takes you to master certain business fundamentals is the amount of time you will have to serve in minor positions before you can occupy an executive role. In qddition to your undergraduate work, which should serve as a solid foundation, it will be well to con- sider the advisability of, special training which will help to cut off ye ar s- of; apprenticeship z in the business world. Babson Institute offers an intensive training course of one' or two years --which teaches the fundamental principles of business and. how to apply them in the daily conduct of comercial affairs . By laboratory methods the student is shown and taught the principles of Executive Management which have built many of America's leading concerns. Babson Institute is conducted, for the purpose of aiding young men, who are to occupy: positions of responsibility and trust to fill such positions ably and with credit to themselves. Babson Institute A scfent::fat Institution organized, not for profit, under: the educational laws of Massachusetts. 318 Wellesley ,Ave., Babson Park, Mass. Courses at Babsons Institute are so arranged that there are three times a year at which entrance may be made. Thus the 'student may choose a' time most convenient to him. Upsta irs, cafeteria ieicke is I i r...... W\e not onily say that R{entsch-ler methods produce the finer pho- tography-but scor~es of others do, too. Watch the disp~lay cases---and see for yours3elf. A r ead~e $7.00 to $50:00 The dozen Send'.,for this Booklet It explains the unusual met hodtsf.ecli to this institution by which men a fitted at a.4minimum expenditure time for executive'IosittwnsJ,)Ftl attached coupon. cBabson Institute- s 318 Wellesl ev Avenue Babson Park. Mass. SSend me, without obligation, s "Training for Business Leader- 5ship" and complete particulars 5about Babson Institute. Name p.." .".«.".. .rrio":r -.Addres. .t.. ........N.ooto .lcty."""ri R"4"Yif~r _ a Now hatthen season is started, you will wait to 13e fully oucuipno'd with the best in: implements,' in seeds ;and in fertilizers. We have everything for a, good farm or- {- gardeni and can help you to better crops5 in many ways. D. IVI.Ferry SeedsUR - ~ake youmr lawn and garden work bring- ac protFt by having only- the best- in seeds. ('heap seeds mean cheap iay crop~s. Good se-ed:, mean all the crops are that the season and the ground can 91' vield(. its - ICultivators Tubular Roller Skates We have the Keen Kitter cultiv ato's. for ' if vou want them. And other makes of, b and use and the horse cultivators, roller skates as well. But all of our IEither is the one yon wamnt according to skates are selected fom' their -strength.,, 1" 2 the extent of your p~lanting. Our prices lightness anti speed. The kind- the = are fair~ and reasonable, youngsters like best.-= I .. " ai[11 t11t!l[1ilUf ~ l Itlll lliltlf11 1t 1 1 I ~ 1111 1I111 111 1i11 tllllt11IIt1ii11 l" Portrait Photographer 319 East Huron Phone 961-M l .rrrrrrrw ,K -.-a- ..