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April 10, 1925 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1925-04-10

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FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 1925

?vAGn 'six


- --~-----.--.---"'--------.--'----'-----.-'-------------- THE MICHIGAN DAILY

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Ten M en Survive
Final ,'Reduction

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Baseball Sq uade Of 15 Leaves MTHER TO CONTINUE

Coachi favrell-to 'Eiter Wlttman
11 W) ard in 88 Yiird
Micigani's Varsity track teami
invade Columbus next week-end
take part in the -Ohio State relays
be :held under 'tie auspices' of O
State 'university. Three, And perh
four, relay teams will be entered
the annual affair together with it
viuals 'in the nope vault, shot '
broad jump, and the dashes.
tn the trials held yesterday 'aft
noon Hart ,won. his half mile in1
'-5 'to win the final. place on
two mile 'relay team. 'The other mh
bers of the quartet 'will be Rein
Freyberg, anid, Cochran. In furtl
trials to be held this afternoone
tomorrow it will. be decided whet]
a mile team* will he entered in7
meet and runners will be chosen
the ,half mile and 'four mile tear
T1he trfils in the 2240 "and t6e 4i40.
be held today while those in the in
will be held tomorrow.

and14 be the otber Michigan entry in the
broad jump. At the 'Illinois' relay8 he
leaped '22 feet -6 inchles 'and took sec~
and place -behifnd Hubbard. 'lie should
AyIhave little difficulty in T'epeating at
the Columbus meet.{
will Jim Brooker' and Northrup promhise
StoI to put on 'a little dluel of their '6wn;
S to in the Pole vault. Outdoors Brooker
. sIcan 'do better than 12 feet 10 inches
Iapi and unless the con( itions are against'
nI hin eogtt ppa~h1 et r
put,. Ihim heroughtptorappoacthe 192ftut-
door season. Northrup has. done 12
?tr-' feet 6 inches consistently ,and if hie
[:59 can do that well .in. the arming meet
the hie should take another second place%,
gem- Charlie Munz may be ' able" to take a
nke,( first place in the shot put if he mau-
her ages to do better than -45 feet. He
and has been working utp to that 'istance{
hrall w~ring the ido season and.!
theI shoufd'better it if he is in top form~.
fol I Wittman and Hubbard will' be two
m~s. !.of the entries in the 880 yardi relay
wilwhile Nipsi ager "and 'Rinse promrise
nieto finishl7 first' in' the trials by their
past performances. 'flee icigani;
! four mile team will have ITks and

" I.
, ,

'urierns$qad ____.____BIiILIVALL !llAUTI
Ten'men will eomprise. the Varsity! Michigan's varsity baseball "squad ' the squad to practice outdoors two 0
tens'qa o tecmn es n nuberin-g 15 laers, Coach 'Ray . weeks longer than usuial. Pot-season basketball practice for
as rsul o 'te ina: ut nnuncd iser,'ad 'rvlleSV Ben,'25, rWalter 'and Baker are Maize and all members of the University who
a-sa esut f te inl ct nnoncd ishrandOrile W Red,'2EBlue batteries for the first gm hc have won any Michigan insignia in
the'tteamyRbr.nel oaho1mngr wl laea 51 'lc will be played in Lexington, Kentucky' that sport will p~robably continue for
tentta.Ithis afternoon over the Ann 'Arborj tomorrow. The remaindler 6af the some timeafe spring vacation. At
The men who sustained the cut are m fe
!Capltain Crane, Vose, Jerome, Olian (railroad on the first leg of the annual; games are as follows: Clemson Col- present 35 men are working out u-
o'ldsmith, Greiner, Elliot, Krickbaum sprinrg tour through the 'southern lege at Clemson College, S. C. on j dler the (direction of Coach E. J. Math-.
! Illlads,'andSlownsk. CrneVosestaes.April 13 and 14 ; Fort Benning at Fort er, in Waterman gymnasium, the first
1 enning, Ga., on April 15 and 16 ; four nights of the week.
andc J erome are the, only vete'rans TeWleiemitr etra
- Te Wlvrin mnto ~ystrda IUniversity of Georgia. at Athens the' Althlough it is very dubious wheth-r
1from ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ whc latilr'lqud n i.ilmbakanune the irnel f te team 17 and 18; University of Cincinnati or any Varsity material will be found
1,4ufe' tas to'deelop'a ellbal-I p, ,at Cincinnati on the -20, andl Syracuse! for next year, the men have shown
lanced team from the i'acv material at playrers selected by "the -cooaoh five are atSrcsNI.o pi 4ad2. uhipoeeti h atwes
~hand.. pithers, 'two are catchiers, fontr in- }a N-.onAri Ni n 2.mcholoni agurdr omemKansas Citya
IA -match with Michigan Agricultural °fielders, three are 'outfielders, and 6i Via-e inmbr t los i ch o~son .gau rard from n annty
conl-feeor Lnigwiloe the se-etiitimn Vienna -has increased from 40,000 in Harbor*, appear to have the best form,
soqfrth emn immediately fol- Tenonsne owilbiae 1919 to 96,203 in 1924. wie1
lowing the- spring' vacation. At pees- on the trip are Jerry Benson, Peter I-w-il a numb~er of other players are
'ent there are plans for a meeting Jablonowski, Harlan, Wa-lter~, "awer-. Allingthe men avoerben
with Marquette during the recess biut ence 'Hovey, anid Tom Fishrer. Thie u l h enhv entnusually
this is still in doubt. team is well fortified with huxrlers 'CAhWT1E.:5f 'Al faithful this yearadCahMte
Ninemthsaeoth cdle this season, as three of the fluen a-re FOR BASEBRALL ('fA Dhl)ATES is greatly pleased with their attitude.
for 'the 'racquet wielder tisesnvtrn.Wlrprticdwhte) Many of the older men who aetk
'fie of them .'being on the , opponenttsI team last season, but wvas Ineligible Ij Baseball practice fomr infield ing the training are planning to teach
courts and the remaining four 'here.I to play. Tom Fisher is, the onlly sopih- i and outfield candidates for the iIn- high schools
The 'teamn will also ;participate in th-e amoire to .go on the southern trip.j freshmani baseball nine willbe--
Westerln Intercollegiate Con feirence '1h. acig ilb aencr fb gin the first day after spring va-
tu'nintaChcg. -I Baker -a'nd 'Cherry. The 'firast named' cation, according to an an-f
Thni enchedules-as follos: was the substitute receiver last 'year,tI nouncement made by Coach E. j
Th ceue; sflos while 'Cherry is the new addition be- I
April .25-=M.-A. C. at East Lans- aif(°the'pat.J. Mather, freshmnan, baseball
in; Vip ril S..29-Toledo Tennis club at I tyth a~ nfed~~mentor, yesterday. ja$r ~I
Ani =Arbor; May '2-Indiaia at Ann thre trip a ),ear ago will -begin their Aladiae wl eExwt
rbr;Ma '8L4Wa a Iw Cty x(ed to brimi their own gloves and Should beor
Aro;My8Iw tIw ity;second journiey 'today. ,Ca'ptai'n Dill- ng-d
May 9-Illinois at -Urbana; May 11-fmnwllb.a isod(ostina uniforms and be ready for prac-
'Chicago at Ann Arbor; May 16-Cor-'Isotsowt ie h etsc tice at 3 o'clock on Perry field
nell at Ithaca, N. Y.; May 21-23 - nda~ia nteCneeca h on that 'day. Lockers may be
Western Intercollegiate ConferencejI midway cushrion, 1'agerty - at third, obtained b y arranging with A
tournamienit at Chicaigo; May, 2f - and Wilson at theaiinltial'corner. With .
fNorthwestern at Evanston; May 30- this quartette, teMi n'Ble oactheMtiel efid.eotrg frT/nc
onth thea field.ie {IIto Me
Wisconsin at Ann Arbor. Should have the 'best inner defemise -,_______________
in 'the Conference.
Berin--The consumption of tobacco 'The .outfield 'will 'also be composed - _____________________________________
in Germany shows a notable increase. of veterans. Coleman will perform. in '
The tobacco taxes in January amount- left field, Steger in center, and Bach-
ed to about $12,500,000, the, greatestI man in the right garden. Norrle
gum ever received in °a month fir Ryrlmri, Who pilays, any positidin in Bi
this source. 'Seventy ier -cent of the the outfield or infield equally "well, i
tax comes from cigarettes. will be. ta-ken on the southern trip as
!the utility man.
T~ko-A oficil rpor sttestha IThe Wolverine team this year Will
tubercutlosis is increasing yearly in comnbine weak 'hitting with' strong D u i g Vc t o
Japan. There' are now 4,300,000 suf- pitching and the best infield In 'the
ferers from the disease, with about conference. The team leaves in the
122,000 deaths a year. best condition that it has attained in :-Paint the old Ford and have a new car. Get the
the last five yearis, which 'hai 'beensarhor.Dcrtterom wihanw ot6f i
READ) THE CLASSIFIEI) AIDS, made possible by the early spirihig for spr or.Dcraeteroswthanwca fpa

Fraternities wishing to 'enter . the
spring outdoor sports-namely, base-
ball., track, horseshoes, wand ,tennis,
should send their entries' in to the In-
tramuiral office sometime today.
Their entries are 'needed in or-
der that the schiedules fo r'the season
mnay be drawn up during vacation and
sent to the fraternities. Play will be
started in the different sports imm~ed-
liately "after vaeattidn.
A ll students wishing to act-gas uim-
pitres in'-playgrounid ball' or handball
should get in touch with the Intra-
mural office 'at once. This 'may be
done by calling personallyI at the, of-
flee, or telephoninig 2268 and giving
name, address,' and, teleph'one 'ntunber.
Vienna.-The fair_ -se, is deci1dedly
in the m'ajority in Vienna, "'accordIfng
to a-census taken by the-city author-
ities on January '1, 1926. The figu'res
arye 1,006,290 Women and 862,00 8 men.


i~e wiima ant u1)r ruJJJJn i Hl-ornberger as two or its -members
'wiIl "be- entered in the 100 yardi dash.'while the others _ will- be 'chosen toy
It will be their first appearance in morwatron
the event this year andthey are ex- Netwe!il egvn.vrt n
peetctedil'legie ve.toi- to make the same showing'jtensive preparations for the relays
which has featured their participation The squad will have two stiff w'oriouta'
in all of the winter meets In the 50 ' a n hudb nams pr
and 60-yard dashes. Hubbard will not !fetct an conditionudbinamtpe by the time of th'e de~
have the same jump on Wittmasn oul't- (.
doors that he had in the shorter ev-1 parture for the meet.
ents and the latter may be able to - Olad a. Arl9.-Aml k
beatHubard szrehin hehasnotwith two distinct heads was- caught
accomplished indoors. Hubbard's on Mount Diablo by a cattle herder
ability -'to get the jump on the otherI recently. The reptile is on exhibition
runners has made him the sensation; at the University -of 'California ntt-
of the -indoor season and he has not seuim.
found -his equal. The culmination of!
his brilliant string of victories. un- -
der cover came last Wednesday night:.
in Detroit when he tied the world's. FOOTBALLINTC
record in the 50 yard dash. I- -
hubbard promises to be the center Second 'semester 'freshmen 'or
of interest in the individual events!I men having three years reinain-
when he takes -part in the broad. jump. ing 'on the campus desirirng to
It will be the first time since the 11-I try out for managerial assistants,
linois relays held early in the sea- j season 1925, should report 'at '
son that the Olympic champion has I o'clock, Tuesday, April 21, at~thie I
had an opportunity to display his abil- I Field house .,
ity in his favorite event andl le will ; GLE~NN DONALDSON.
again attempt to smash the record of- Manag er. I
25 feet 3 inches. Phil Northrup will ;-_________________________


iered -this week
>a ius eSg n ice 4 b



ecanoe ready 'for thbe
aint or A1labaine.


Varnish the linoleum, and varnish the floors. Tint -the walls, -aind beat
the rugs with a new rug beater.
Sprinkle the lawn, using a Fountain. Spray.-
Trim the shrubs with a pair of pruning shears, and in gener- al ae
the horne more artistic and beautiful.
We can supply you with all your needs.
State Street Hrwr


A pair of Sport Oxfords for
Laster that are distinctikely
dif ferent ant tue to Rutby 's
quality are here for you at
$1, to $13.50




Sui~rday, Arliv
Dancing every;
Wednesday, 8-11
. Frid'ay, '9-12
Saturdayr, 9-12
Music by
Bgill Wcatkins 'and His Granger Eight
AN sl w e r i itev-n'otr entire iirg.4mlzation 'to lire
Laki e, we Will 01,0esere Saftrday Ifight of this
Meek. IFor 'tie %htasucea ofthe schr~olyear xranger's
will be available for rentils on r riday and Satur.
dcay 'rrighlts.

310 South State

Quality, Quantity and Pries Right




3Ftn A_.

P'hone 1610

%Alfted j

S iR a sv la. ,


1:' N'kels Arcatde






.. t.. , .'.. _.. x




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,_ , -.{ , - ~ ' - '' ~ . 4. - - -
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You havebenwaiting.",So havmt e r the
arrival of the N6w Spring Soirts
New 'Colors-NI'ew 'Go lars, in 'all sizes nd sleeve Len ts

Watch -our wind6ws fqr -"the new Jiving--



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