?AI2B FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY '1'fi AY AlllT il, lry 9-llli wIr ~t u t1 Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student publications, Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republicationi of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished therein. EDITORIALI4COMMENT11O0STED ROLLc' THlE l 9 A x l xFt. A(COSTY P RINA The Free Press has st ood andl now Tomorrow--just IA] ink! -all the kid- stands for the strict enforcement of die will be hieing over lill and dale, the Eighteenth amendment as longas I to Ishpeming, to Menominee, andl to points worse. If they don't have a it is a hart of the federal constitution. ;geotl time on their vacation they can This is the preface. at least amuse themselves by thinking *** * ; upl stories to tell when they get back. I THE MICHIGAN DAILY FPIDAY, APRIL 19, t92~ 17 MUS - . ic AND) ]DRAMA "NOT ';O 1ONC AGO" The Player's ('ub, as their annual jPublic product ion, are to prVCesentI Ar'- thur Rich man's three-act costuiime comedy, "Not So Long Ago," Wed nes - (lay evening, M\ay I1, in Sarah C'aswell Easter Cards and- Narcissus bulbs, lI I x .t ; f E Ente'red at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail, ;4.00. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard Street. Phones:. Editorial, 2414 and 176M; busi- ness, g960. , =1 GA HAM BOTH ENDS OF THE DIAGONAL S WALK EDITORIAL STAFF Telephones 2414 and 176-M I MANAGING EDITOR PHILIP' M. WAGNER Editor.,.. ........ John G. GarlJ jghouse News Editor........... Robert G. Ramsay City Editor...........Mianning Ilouseworth Night Editors George WX. lDavls Harold A. Moore Thomas P. Ilenry Fredk. k. Sparrow, Jr. Kenneth C.. Keller N'ormnan R. Thal Edwinz C. Mack Sports E ditor........William 11. Stoneman Sunday Editor.......... Robert S. Mansfield Women's Editor.......... .. Verena Moran Telegraph Editor...William J. Walthour Assistaints (;ecrtrude Bailey Marion Meyer Louise Barley Helen Morrow Marion Barlow Carl E. Ohlmacher Leslie S. lBennetts Irwin A. Olian Smith 11I.C(ady, Jr. W. Calvin Patterson Stanley C'. Crighton 1\argaret Parker Willard 13. Crosby Stanford N. Phelps Valentine L. Davies Helen S. Ramnsay Robert 'T. DeVore Marie Reed Marguerite Dutton L, Noble Robinson Paul A. Elliott Simon F. Rosenbaum Geneva Ewing Ruth Rosenthal James W. Fernamberg Frederick H. Shillito Katherine Fitch Wilton A. Simpson Joseph O. Gartner Janet Sinclair Leonard Ball David .C. Vokes Elizabeth S. Kennedy Lilias K. Wagner Thomas V. Koykka MAarion Walker Mariod Jlubik Chandler Whipple i i 7 J a a Elizabeth Liebcrmann BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 960 BUSINESS MANAGER WM. D. ROESSER Advertising .................... E. L. Dunne Advertising.................... R. C. Winter Advertising ................... H. A. Marks Advertising.................. .B. W. Parker Accounts....................H. M. Rockwell C'irculation.................... John Conlin P'ublication ....................R. D. Martin {h etmn a ae fu "Did I baye a goodl time?" they'll 'Angell hall. TIhe play met with an I say. "Well dlon't be thinking I had aitsadnSUC5inNw orto Eigheenh amndmnt har oftherotten time. 1 never was on so many seasons ago, and was followed with fundamental lawx of the land was parties in ten (lays in MY life, that'sI Mr. Richmnan's contrasting work, largely based on ia belief 1 hit lroll - all,''!'"Anibush.'' bition was a practical measure wxh Probably, if the truth were known, The local pe'formna ne is under the Iwould protect national health. moral:l ! nobody really has a. good time any dir'ection of Mrs. Lowe of* Battle and prosperity. Its justificationl was Imore, but they all invent such swell C:reek, for some years prominentlyI to be a generally happy effect on the vacations that nob~ody has the crust connected with amateur dramnatics. country. to ali e(i aearte ie and rehearsals have been in pr'ogress What is the result after five ears,?', But it's an idle speculation, isn't it? for over a month. rrlle cast has beeni What seems to be the prospect forI * * * selected as follows: the future? THEW ROYER BOYS ON THE Elsie Dover .... J1une Knisley Simpson Here is what seemis to us sign ifi- CAMLPUS William BallIarid........ hale Sha feri cant: "Well now" remarked Dick Rover U°rsula. Ballard ........ Minna M~iller1 The p~rice of initoxicants today is as he sipped a soft drink in the union Mrs. Ballard.............Rut1111 111ll several times* greater thian it was itI tap room "this is some quiet life after Rosamund Gill . .. . Phyllis Loughton 1920. But anybody who htas the prlice ! our arduous adventurous existence." Rupert Hancock ....II1. laymnan Bright and cares to risk: insanity or deathl, "I'll say" chimed in young Sam, the1 Sam Robinson ........IHerbert Wylie- can get all the liquor he wants. Eii* younger brother. "Nothing like a restl Michael Dover ........l'rniond Ilooben forcement has utterly falleui down. ( is there?" Nearly all the nmen hers of the cr'st MViilionis of peop~le in the t'nited Tom, the middle Rover, did not add hatve app~eared pr)ninent ly *inl t'ec('i States, including a large plortio0n of any remarks to the discutssion inscrib- campus p~roduction. ]Mrs. Sinipsot the "best. citizens" and many official1 ed above because he was trying to has played in "The D)over R;oad,", of high station and largel~ responsi-E eject a small boy from the Tap Room, ''Clarence," and ''S xeethi'arts ''asC bilities, are open and persistent lion1- apeic hc wsdne i ywell as t aking the leading role in tersa orecinctrwhichswasudeniedshimdby 'The Bonds of Interest." Dale Sriafer tersof he dy lws.Judgs acen all precedent and tradition. the bench after drinlihig bouts toi try "Small boy" we break in to find was the Ix'aniner iii''Outwxaril other men for doing what they them.- To syig.at r oudig 1ee Bound," M~inna Miller took the part selves have just been doing. There is; Don't you know that small boys don't of Lydia Carewe in 'The Admnirab~le scarcely a pretense at conicealment. beogee. ashville," and Lyman Bright was ** * * * Though many still be- > "I'll stay if I want" sobbed the cast in "Tickled To Death," hoeve in the efficacy of prohibition by small boy in return -C. IL. 'T. law, the nation as a whole has re-; "You will eh?" snarled Tom, whose * pudiated it( adventurous nature was bilked by the "CHEAPER TO~4 MARRY" Since the dr'y amend ment wvect obstinacy of the small boy. "I'll see A review, by George Davis. into "effect," a professional crimin~al, about that." "Miss Bluebeard,'' "Smouldlering class, numbering tens of thiousandls,( Picking the small boy uip, he made Fires," "Ile Who Gets Slapped," end- possibly hundreds of thousand:,, has! as if to eject him. The small boy ing inl "Cheaper To Marry," is a se- sprung tip and has spread tb routghouit squirmed. quence of pbotolays to gladden, the the. country.. Its most. characteristic "Stop that" directed Tom, and set heart of any citizen bored with melo- members are cold-blooded outlaws, the small boy down, the latter im- ,(drama. rehashes. andl the entire gen- thugs and murderers who are (doing1 mediately shying a close-by book at oral run of movie productions All of their best to make the doctrine of the hm hmaon neclec fpaes sanctity of life and pr'oper'ty a tra-I Dick and Sam, their soft drinks fin- direction, andl originality. vesty. But they live and increase;( ished, now observed Tom's share In The last named, "Cheaper To Mar- they are encouraged, coddled, and ll(i- the fracas, and stepped forward to aid, 'y," indicates no decline ill the se- riched by the most respectable pol'- him. qluence, for the simple reason that tions of society, because they meet 'Throw him out" said Dick. Mr. Lewis Stone and Mi.ss Paulette the demand for whiskey. E "Yes" suggested Sam. Duval insure the success of the film. A really powerful argument by "Darn you guys" retaliated the Mr. Stone has long occupied at con- those who first urged national in'ohi-l small boy, shying more books. stellation of his own in the firmiamnent bition was a contention that it would AsoetetredutesEveso tr;nwMs ~vlhsjie protect the youth of the country. 1uldte1le po h ea-hm There was a general admission that citrant small boy, who rapidly lost! Lewis Stone is not a handlsome luaut, many of the "'old soaks" were past re- ground before their repeated on- he is not young, b~ut be is ar finished ,dxepnption; and mriight cituse trouble for slaught. At last the boy stood without player. With bitu in the productilon a time; but the dry advocates contenid-1 the door.I is Conrad Nagel, young, good-looking, ed that when the receding gener'ationm "All right for you" he- sneered! perhlaps typical of American youth, disappeared, a new generation whlicoh youthfully. "My papa, Silas Marner, but Nagel sinks inito second place withj knewv not the taste of intoxicant.. '11 get you for this" And with that he no protest.. Comparable to no othler would appear'. The picture was at- stalked off, leaving the three earnest of the scr'eenm, Mr. Stone has carved a tractive. It was a big factor' in cre-I youths In consternation, secure niche for himself purely by atin~g pr'ohibition sentiment. It was W1ashlngton. virtue of his ability. difficult for a conscientious person to***MisIvllok bakfo he fight a project that might protect the Simuoltaneously the Union' has con-.1 present, height upon a hbrief training young. Dieted two great projects, has arrived period ill , Mr. Ziegfield':-;"Faolli('5"j SBut it, is a sad, depres.ing and tis at two great goals 'toward which it from which she was quickly extractedl appointing fact that. the Eighteenth Imhas been striving ever since the pres- by w ise film scouts. She stai'teil in amendment has brought nto blessing to I ut building was ereceted. I have ref- "Monsieur Beancaire" thlen played the youth of America. It is a fair, erence to tile, - pool and the Reading1 in "Open All Night." and with "Cheats. i I i I I I I C iS " i I~wI Look at Your Hat- Everyone Else Does We have the Latest Colors-Pearl,' Silver, Radium, London Lavender, etc.., etc. Save a Dollar or More at Our Store We also do high -class work in!- Cleaning and Reblocking hats of all kinds.J ( FACTORY HIAT STORE 17Packtard St. Phlone 1792 (Where T). U. Rt. Stops at State) NEW YORK UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OFRETAILING Exper'( l ienein Neerx' (( k Nc m tl 1andPtrooklyn's.largesta, department; st oiner,. rt nwhxiley i u'n 1 1 mto 1)e an executive. Store, ser'vi'e linkted xvithIiclass reol iu istint Aio.t Cem'tilcat e. .............. ....IAL -S. iRetailing Vall telrm opens .3 Seu i-1 7, 1 ,) . Sumimer Schlool .1Tudy 7 tot August 14, 1!325. J1 hilusatrate(d booklet ow! ppea ie Pr fuirt her informaltion wrlt, Drm. Norr'is A. 1i;rir a'o, liu' eIU)V l ~g nSqma re, Newv York ('it y. ae 1.. .T . r.. .. , . atlT i1+7' 2t T"tY1\ M" 'tR( { i i SLEEP ANWYWHERE BUT E AT AT REX'S I TH4E CLUB LUNCH I 7 712 Arbor Street *Near State and Packard Sts. , .... ...., G A R R IC K Nihts - - - to$ SE(O ND) AND LAST WEEK illflchl Arlen's THE tGREEN HAT W1ith Dletroit's Favorltes Rhar lne (Cornell, Ann Hairdinig Leslie H~owar'd- and Twenty Others fIRVING WARMOLTS,OD S C, Chiropodist Orthopedist 77N. University Ave Phone 2652 of r °' i . , .. . I P. W. Artaold WV. F. Ardutssi 1. M. Alving Irving Berman Rudolph Bostelin I1. F. Clark JC. Consroe FR. Dentz j. R. Del~ty George C. Johnsot 0. A. Jose, Jr. K. K. Klean Akssistants W. I,. Mullins K. F. Mast H. L. Newmnann .T. D. Olmstead an R-. 'M. Prentiss WV. C. Pusch J. D. Ryan N. Roseiitweig M. E. Sandberg M. A L. Schiff F. K. Schoenfeld I. J. Wineman ._.._. , I FRIDAY, APRIIj 10, 1925 I N"ight 1+ditor---IIAROLIJ A. MOORE 1NILY [ORtTILE YOUTH In ani adjoiniig° colummn is an 'edi- S torial reprlinted from The D~etroit Free Press by which it has completely re-' versed its original stand for the Eighteenth amendment and has "re-, luctantly" taken its place with the forces which are fighting prohibition and advocating moderation of the liquor laws. The Free Press has neglected to i probe to the bottom of the situation when it decides upon this course mainly to save the youth of the na- tion. Granted that, the greatest k .. I I a I a a { i I i, I I i i i i I i 500 Rooms -500 Baths i aL~t~u1L 4J. ~-"4b''~J ~contention that on the contrary it has 'Roomn. the youth, and especially among col- brought a curse. The completion of both these great lege, andl university men, there is The fearful increase of dIrinking, boon:, to thin (amnpus has been a mxat-- tion hrasnoie tht ,hii and the consequent deterioration of temr of som'0 toil. The Pool, as we all tion hs notfaile. ';.morals and standards, to say nothing1' know, has been a stepping stone to AroleetrsoagteeentsoftAnn of health, among boys and girls of political p~refermnent on the campus high school age anti even of more: for four or five generations of hand-- crows o stdens "ousd t th tederyears sinice the reign of the' shakers. The reading room has not gunwale.;" returning from the saloons ne bootlegger commenced is as deplor'a- been attended by as much publicity, wher thy hd senttheeveing A.ble an evil as ever' has fallen on this because it was to be conmpleted by man was not considered a good sport country,.rvt oain unlss ie entwit th "gng"fora 'ho saloon was bad. It should re- *** carousal at least three or four times main outlawed_ forever: ht the evil The other (lay we had occasion to a week. Mlen were almost forced to the regulated saloon did t,110% young* inspect, both the completed works on drink, was trivial in cominson 501 withi the . lhe sauie (lay. We enterued time pool, Today, those who drink must go devastation causedl by what has suc- j gave the man a card and a quarter, after their liquor and pay a high price ceeded it. and swani unmolested. The water was tor it as well. There is less liquor. In the be inning, hackers (of the smooth, clean, and moderate in consumzed b~y fewer students, although Eighte'entlh amnemilmemit said: "Give us Ien~rtr.Tmetwl-eenw those who do drink go to greater ex- time and we will show results,." There The mirror was convenient. cess. Beth prmofessors and townspeo- was reason in the lIlca. And eve4n to-)iTe eetrdteraigmomi ple, who hiave seen Ann Arbor before day, if there were any indication that!havimng five minuttes to kill. We picked amid since prohibition, say that there the dry workers were facing a pros- up 'a copy of Life, and began to read. is not over one-tenth as much drink- poet of final sPuccess or' were accom- I Immediately an Attendant appeared ing today as before. plishing things that. in any considera- beside tus. IHe tapped us on the If the advoc.ates (of moderation, in- ble measure would comlpensat e fom' the shouldemr and] saidl to us in a contiden- cluding themI!Free. Press, are taking pmevalent deteriorationi of private and tial tone, "Checki your overcoat dowvn- their stamnd for the benefit of Amer- pubic morals and for the general loss stairs, lplease." ican youthI, it is ab~out time for them of respect for law. and or'der' which is I-e bent still Lower over us, and to seek a new ar'gtument. in progress, particularly in the cities I whispered in the tone men ordinarily -- ( large andI simall, there is still rooimeserve for the transfemr of indecencies "OIEA"for patience. in the presence of ladies, "And we Those h Io) have seen Lewis Beach's But time situation instead of immprov- I don't allow smoking in here." ply "h o~.HnsHg, a n sgoigsedl s.well afford to ponder upon its moral- We are it nation of hypocrites amid Perhaps it's our' own fault that we if it has such-on their way home to- j habituial lawvbreakers. We harbor as- get kicked ouit of ever'y nice place we day. TI;is afternooni the exodus will sassins and bandits because they pan- go. Perhaps we have an offensive begin. Michigan will depart for points der to appIetite. Our youthI is being, face or a disreputable look. But at East, %Vet, NorthI, and South. rtiined. And we are getting no) somt'least we knmow when we're not wanted. In thomusanids of hommes throughout of adequate comnpensationi. We'll never bother the Reading Room this territory parents are awaiting I ** *" gain. the. tuomeconing with the same anxiety j EReluctanitly t his newspaper arrives*** that was si. well p~ortrayed on the! at the conviction that time Eighteenth t Aside fromt Washington's contmribil- stage. They will be per'plexed by the amendment was a fear-ftl error; anol lion, this colunmn is not a very good acquiitions of their offspring sincej that the most pressing donmestic pr'ob- one. We should be the last person to their p~eriodl of study started-be it -a lem beofore the Uniteod States today is deny it. Froin the standpoint of our new or o)1d Ford, an heretofore latent' how to) get rid of prohibitiomi in its 'owvn personal contribution, neither talent for ap~plying rouge and lip- present extreme formn, and sub~stitumte wvas Wednesoday's nor Sunday's. stick, or a poorly based and premature for it, moderate but effective liquor It is largely a natter of time. We t z t em' To Mar'ry"- has thoroughly arrmived. The only questionm that remaiins is that of the vehicle in which she will be starred in her own right. All that mremains for the Majestic in thme way of first-wa tei' tilmms is 'The' Last Laugh," it Germnan issue whichm inveigled the, most cynical of New York reviewers into favorable reviews. The Ann Ai'bor photoplay hil11 has been remarkable for niany mioons, and -, probably the New York alit with rJanmihigs will (.omTe aloing :;oon. 1 y s* * A Enmil Detroit's famous L'oputar- ]Priced Hotel I "t" =i tk .1 "I1lONLIC4II" Amreview, by Thomias Mack. SFull of love, youth, beauty-frankily a springime play, as the nanmle .sug- gests, L.. Law ren('e Webmer's pimoduction ''Moomil iht"' con tives to be anI airy, 1delightfmul mii';ical comedy. Amnd though thme c.omnpanmy is smnall7 th,1e tscenes far frmielabor-ate, there is1 isomething cabomt I lcnie piece ta ae it move qiiespmdiily po'mliaps it is Julia Sanderson---orI' rank Crumit an ohIiis lukelele, Ithou1g lhereally (oers 1little umore t hani provide a 1thomoughly sympathetic accompanint for Miss, Sanderson's sinnghg andi dancing. I Even in her formerl(1 success "Tat-1 gerine," Miss Sandem'son can scatrcely be said to have surpassed the work: she is doing in "Moonmlight."j It is not too much to say that there arte few of our modern a rtisamis pos- sessed of greater persomial char'm than I Miss Samider'sonm. 11cr interpretations, as inimitably lovely as- ever, alone I make time producetion xwor'th seeing. With an unusually well-defimied plhot,' clever' situiations, andl comic limnes fadequately turned by r. Crumit-- and most of all with pleasimng melodies, I rrhe Gathering I ' o Michigan Students in y OP'I, have a better time P in Detroit as a guest of tmehotel 11'olverin-- the favorite gathering place of 311i'hirgsns dtuiRliw dfor its good food-pleasant roosts, all olt side w it h ;i btisoii'i ilju~sni from ever'y emnployee--landl low rates. We xi nt You Iaetuinke Ilr>t ot < vriw' your Detroit hiome and enjoy its hiospitalily. Special rl-CIt tillin ates tma de to students for week-ends and vacationis. - M1ARCUS L. FEUPresident, Write for Preferential Service Cards i -muost notabhy in Miss Sandersonm's p~resentaition of time quatint "Old1 Man in the Moon"--the Iplay attains a trumly reniarkable level of tint-pan alley ea- M.