DEDICATED TO JUSTICE 5:ir 43fl 4:541P atl MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXV. No. 145 TWELVE PAGES ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 1925 TWELVE PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS .. . MAY RECONSIDER INIVFRITY ilt Will Carry Band Financial Plan To Board Of Regents LThoughalready turned down by the Athletic association and by the dean's conference, the new financial program for the Michigan Land will be carried to the Board of Regents at their meet- Aling on the last Thursday of the month AIDUDITION " ARCHIECTDUALby Alfred B. Connable, '25, who as BUILDING REQIER TEI) president of the Student Council will IN REPORT 1 represent the students in this attempt to assure the band a definite income. URGENT NEED SEEN "It is not so hard to understand the opposition of the Athletic associatibn dsand the dean's conference," said Mr. 3Iusciii teand Land Funds Alone Are Robert A. Campbell, treasurer of the Granted InWays and Means. University and mayor of Ann Arbor, Conmittee Decision who is backing the movement. "Yet I am sure that this plan is the only Lansing, April 9.-An effort to re- feasible solution to the problem. The store at least the $400,000 requested association, with its Field house for an architectural building to the barely paid off and a mammoth stad- oa rc it b ium project on its hands, does not University of Michigan appropriation wish to turn over any share of its granted to the band, the deans ob- jected. They refused because they felt that if the band were given this means of support, other campus or- ganizations would demand a like con- cession. "I am convinced that this will not be the case, for the band is the one organization which reaches every stu- (lent. And since it is for every stu- dent, its cost should be distributed equally among the students. In ef- fect this is what is done now; and, except for being surer, the results will be the same under the new plan. Instead of paying at the bounces and on the campus when begged for sup- port, the student would contribute his share at the start of the year, when he has plenty of money. So while not really making the costs any greater to the student, this plan would save annoyance to him as well as to the band itself. "There is no other organization on the campus which plays a part even similar to that of the band; the band is a thing of the students, it is a part of the University along with the Union and the Athletic association. Other organizations could not make such claims for support; they play a more distant part. The only question seems to be: do the students want this new plan? I believe that they do," said Mr. Campbell. AVIATORS RLT STORY OF INITIAL GLOBULAR FLIGHTI JACK HARDING AND OFFICIAL HISTORIAN DESCRIBE EXPERIENCES TI T TT'P A 'TI1'V IT Y Graced by a cover depicting the moonlight on a lonely lake, drawn byJ Alvin Wolfson, '25L, the spring issue! of Chimes, campus opinion magazine, will make its appearance this morn- ing. Due to the fact that the Univer- sity will close today for spring vaca- tion, the regular campus sale will be omitted, and the issue may be pur- Spring Issue Of Chimes Goes On Sale At Bookstores Today bill may be made in the Senate. Sen.r Burney Brower, chairman of the Sen- ate finance committee, said upon his return from Ann Arbor today that the architectural building appears to be; badly needed. Other additions to tiej bill are possible if some Senate mem- bers have their way. The governor,I with whom Senator Brower conferred, is understood to favor some increas- Cs.' The University bill, when introduc-' ed, called for $3,192,700, including $900,000 for a museum, $465,000 for anI observatory, $600,000 for an adminis- tration building, $400,000 for an archi- tectural building and the rest for' land. The house ways and means commit- tee cut out everything but $900,000 for the museum and $400,000 for land, passing the bill carrying a total of, $1,300,000. Members favoring a larger appro- priation promptly turned to the Sen-f ate, where the bill is in committee, gnd they have hopes of increasing the amount to at least $1,700,000, and pos- sibly more. MOTHERS, D PNS ANNOUNCED BY socoA. Plans for Mothers' week-end, to be held May 8 to 10 under the auspices of the Student Christian association, were announced last night by James Miller, 25, chairman of the committee. Edgar Guest, well known poet, is be- ing sought to speak to the gathering of mothers and students which has >)een arranged for Sunday, May 10, in Hill auditorium as the chief event of the week-end. One of the outstanding aims of the committee is to have every student wear a flower on May 10, national Mothers' day. To make this possible, arrangements are being completed with local florists for a sale of flowers on that day at a special price. Fra- ternities, sororities, and other organ- izations on the campus are cooperat- ing with the Student Christian asso- ciation and will hold their annual Mothers' day week-end on the same date as the Student Christian associa- tion is planning its special arrange- ments. Bates Addresses Senior Law Class Dean Henry M. Bates of the law; school delivered his annual speech to members of the senior law, class yes- terday afternoon in room C of the law building. Dean Bates outlined the possibilities that are found in the practice of the profession, making a clear distinction between theattorney located in the small town and the one situated in the city. The Dean pointed out the different advantages of both types of practice. present income." By far the greater portion of the band's concerts are given at athletic contests; it is no more than fair that it should receive its support from the Athletic association. And this body made one concession; they will give this money if it can be raised in addi- Stonto the money that they now re- ceive. "But when we suggested that an increase of fifty cents be made in the present fee for the athletic coupon book, and that this extra amount be I LILUSRi.K A1 AtE T1A LK chased at the bookstores, railroadE stations, and bus terminals. Narrate Personal Feelings . When Prof. Preston Slosson of the history Motor Began Falling Apart department has contributed the fea- Over Sind Desert ture article of the month, an account of how student activities and prob- Two official representatives of the lems at Michigan impress the faculty World Fliers, Lieut. Jack Harding, man, entitled "The Professor and the companion to Erik Nelson in piloting Campus." In his article, Professor, the "New Orleans," and Lowell Thom- Slosson scores lack of curiosity and as, official historian of the world imagination as the greatest faults of flight, presented the story of the first the typical student, and second to aerial circumnavigation of the earth these, conventionality. Student mor- at an Oratorical association lecture ale he finds to be good, and still im- last night in Hill auditorium. Both proving. Examinations and the atti- colored motion and "still" pictures tude of the undergraduate come in for were shown, supplemented by the their share of comment. speakers' explanations. What kind of man do students wish Lowell Thomas took up the narra- to be the next President of the Uni- tive from the "hop-off" at Santa Mon- versity? Chimes has handled this ica, California, where the Fliers set question by means of a questinonaire, forth into the unknown destiny of a j which reveals that students desire five months trip, during which time , the future leader of the University to the planes visited 28 foreign countries be, above all things, able to under- flying approximately 371 hours."Stuf- fed monkeys, horse-shoes, rabbit's feet, and a four-leaf clover were pre-H sented to each of the aviators and they needed them all," declared Mr. Thomas. Proceeding from this point, "Smil-I E __ ing Jack" Harding continued the nar- rative, tracing the flight on the first lap of the world's tour which included Harvard Law Professor Engaged as stops along the Canadian coast, I Speaker for Fourth Large through Prince Ruppert to Sitka and Publie Meeting finally to Chicagoff situated on the I Aleutian chain of islands. An inter-1 esting account of Alaskan salmon fish- LLOYD TO PRESIDE eries and the gold industries was in-: stand and associate with students. Second to this, they place the ability to speak forcefully. Six hundred one answers to the questionnaire were re- ceived. Prof. Harry C. Carver of the mathe- matics department has written an article on the influence of the Finns, Ritola and Nurmi, on track athletics. Carlton F. Wells, of the rhetoric de- partment, writes on "Golf as a Con- ference Sport," in which he names Prof. T. C. Trueblood, of the public speaking department, the father of Conference golf. Michigan's place among universi- ties is the subject of a discussion by Prof. Amos R. Morris, of the rhetoric department. Among the special arti- cles of the month are an account of the rapid advance in air navigation, by Capt. George W. Steele, of the di- rigible Los Angeles, "League of Na- tions or League of Industries," by Scott Nearing, and "The Art of Light," based on the work of Thomas Wilfred and his Clavilux, *written by Fenn Germer. In addition, Chimes' spring number carries three pages of styles, a set of statistics on religion at Michigan, and the usual features, including "Michi- ganensia" and the "Sermons of the Month." SOCIETY ELECTS 89 NEW MEMBERS PROF. F. N. SCOTT SELECTED PRESIDENT OF ORDER FOR NEXT YEAR JUNIORS INCLUDED Annual Initiation and Banquet Will Be Held May 8; Carritt to Deliver Address I BURTON APPOINTED GENEV DELE[GATE NATIONAL CHURCH CONFEREN CE[OPENS Main Business Will Be Accomplished by Students in Discussion Forums LAMPE GIVES ADDRESS 101110 Representative Named Chairman of American Commission to Arms Conference ANNOUNCE ADVISORS Washington, April 9.-(By A. P.)- Appointment of Rep. Theodore E. Burton of Ohio, as chairman of the American delegation to the Geneva international conference on the con- trol of the traffic in arms, was an- nounced today at the State depart- ment. Technical advisors to the delegation will be Charles E. Herring, of the de- partment of commerce, now commer- cial attache to the embassy in Berlin; Major George B. Strong of the army, and Commander Herbert S. Leary of the navy. The delegation with the exception of Mr. Burton, who will leave in advance of the party for Europe, will sail for Geneva about, April 18, the first session of the con- ference being scheduled for May 6. The Geneva conference will be held under the auspices of the League of Nations, with American participation based upon the preparation of a draft convention to control arms traffic which does not involve any proposal to deal with the subject through leg- islation to curb the manufacture of arms in any country. The agenda confines the discussion to plans for licensing all international arms shipments and to the declaration of prohibited zones for the further protection of peace and order among the backward nationalities. Seniors Complete Plans For Dance; Tickets Out Soonl Applications for tickets to the Sen- ior Ball, which will be held Friday evening, May 22, will be received im- mediately after spring vacation, it was decided at a meeting of the Senior Ball committee yesterday afternoon at the Union. Three hundred tickets have been om'der'ed, and the dance will be restricted to members of the senior class, according to M. B. Duffield, '25, chairman of the committee. The tickets will be $5.00 per couple. Plans are being completed for elab- orate decorations of the Union ball- room. Refreshments will be served, and dancing will be practically con- tinuous from 10:00 o'clock until 2:30 o'clock. No orchestra has as yet been selected, although the committee has fully a dozen under consideration. Turner Gets Chair At Johns Hopkins Prof. E. R. Turner, professor o I English history at Yale, has been ap I troduced while the pictures visualized Dr. Manley O. Hudson, Bemis Pro- Welcoming speeches (deivered by various Alaskan scenes. fessor of international law in Har- b Wloigsecedeiee by('rash into Cliffyr nvrstwl elvra d Prof. P. W. Slosson of the history Lieutenant Harding told of the first ivard university, will deliver an ad- department, appointed by Acting Pres- catastrophe, which resulted in the dis- dress on "The Dead League of Na- p ident, Alfred H. Lloyd to represent abling of one of the four planes and tions" in Ann Arbor, Monday night, 0 the University, and John Elliott, '26, the seven day search for the missing April 27, it was announced last night b r ethe Pretiaot- aviators. Major Martin and Lieuten- by officers of the League of Nations.1 representing the Presbyterian stu- ant Harvey, who crashed into a cliff by No-Patsa ats gci ationh sp dents of Ann Arbor, marked the open- edge during a fog. The complete dis- Non-Partisan association, which is t sponsoringth ing of the first national Presbyterian ablement of the craft necessitated the Dr. Hudson's appearance will markd . withdrawal of these airmen from the d Students conference last night in th remainder of the journey. the fourth large pubi meeting held Union. One hundred and fifty dele- Atre hieof throre re e at the University this year, and' pro- Unimi.Onehunredandfify (ole IAt Chicagoff harbor the three re- ;moted by the League Association with gates, a figure which will be increased maining planes prepared tc make the; vied by hencouaging uscon uiet by arrivals today, were present at Pacific jump. The equipment on discussion of contemporary interna- the meeting last night. board was reduced to a minimum and tional questions, especially the WorldR Dr. M. Williard Lampe, general di- the shiphequs. wt pothn inrs Court and the League of Nations. Dr.d place of wheels. Oil May 15 the Fliers} IrvingFihroYaeuvrstspk rector of the university department of headed toward Siberia where, after iraft Fisher of Yale university spoke, latOctober, while Prof. Edwin Dick- the Presbyterian board of Christian brief stops, the journey was continued inso ofte, Lw hPool admdr k- a education, gave the principal address to Tokio, the airmen being accorded ord Court meeting adae a n of the evening on behalf of the Pres- a rousing welcome combined with en- January The third meeting unders byterian church. He emphasized the tertainment. the Association's auspices was thatt fact that the conference, which will Glimpses of the contrasting condi-1addressed by Raymond B. Fosdick on end Sunday, is entirely in the hands tions existing in many of the countries' February 16. of students. Church officials will be was presented on the screen as the Although barely forty, DrHudson t present merely to give informational Fliers continued their voyage through has achieved wide distinction in re- addresses, the main business of the!Shanghai, Hong Kong, French--Ind cent years through his speeches and conference to be accomplished in stu- China, and Siam. Through the land writings on international questions, dent discussion forums. of "the white elephants," the mystical his elevation to the Bemis Professor-t Dr. Lampe expressed the purpose Buddahs, and the intense heat of In- ship at Harvard being an unprece-° of the conference which is being held dia, the onward progress of the air- dented honor for a man of his years. here. "The slogan of the convention," men was vividly portrayed both by In addition to his academic career ons said the speaker, "will be 'Making the pictures and the two lecturers. the law faculties of the University of Presbyterian Church mean more in Motor Falls to Pieces Missouri and Harvard, Dr. HudsonI modern life.' Every discussion group , Dispelling the prevalent belief that has actively participated in the post- should hold this objective before its the Fliers ran no risks in making the was atiaticiatedaindt e- eyes." He further encouraged the first tour around the world, Lieuten- war negotiations at Paris and at Ge- delegates to express freely their in- ant Harding narrated his personal He served as a special assistant inC telligent and honest convictions. feelings when his Liberty motor be- Ithe State department in 1918 and The Girls Glee club sang several gan falling to pieces while crossing 1 1919, being attached to the interna-t Snumbersfor the delegates. All musi- the Sind desert, "where a forced land- tional law division of the American cal programs are being arranged by ing would have meant death." A new Peace Commission at Versailles. He Philip La Rowe, '25. Each session of ! motor having been installed the three was subsequently appointed legal ad- the conference will be opened by spe- planes crossed Persia to the Garden visor to the Secretariat of the League cial music which will last for 15 min- of Eden proceeding through Bagdad of Nations and, for a short time in utes. "The Trysting Place," a play and Mesopotamia to Constantinople. 1920, a special assistant to the Ameri- by Booth Tarkington was presented The airmen continued their flight can ambassador at the French capi- by the Presbyterian Players last through Europe visiting Roumania tal. Two years ago he was appointed Austria, and Qermolny,, arriving intri Ha d. Dr. James E. Clarke, editor of the Paris on Bastile Day where they were to h present po t Hara Presbyterian "Advance," speaks at met by a squadron of French brigades. isos cnt oo kTe Igntera-y 9:1 o'lok tismorin atth Un 1Finally the flight was traced throug tional Court of Justice" is generally 9:15 o'clock this morning at the Un- nayt gghh regarded as the ablest and most au- ion on "The Student of the Church." Great Britain, Iceland and Greenland thoritative discussion of the World This address will be followed by an with their triumphal return to the Court yet published. open forum. At 2:00 o'clock Prof. United States and the official "do- President Alfred H. Lloyd will pre- R. W. Frank of McCormick Theolog- mobilization." j side at the meeting. ical seminary, Chicago, will give an The entire proceeds of the lecture ._ address on "The Church and Social will be distributed among the four I Problems." The public is invited to ipublic speaking societies, Huxley-WonoredJ all speeches of the conference. ieI Chooe Uifors COLIGE CNSIERSBy Science Club Choose Uniforms OMembers of nearly all the scientific For~ll ru societies of the University united with For Navy Fliers PERU M HO 1 FIN[Researh club ednesday night in F1lrU r LNatural Science auditorium in paying1 I ashington, April 9.-The Navy has ' tribute to the great English scientist, ordered its aviators to dress the part. Washington, April 9.-President Thomas Huxley. f A new uniform has been designated Coolidge informed the Peruvian gov- The meeting was in the nature of - to distinguish the fliers, marking a ernment today that he was constrain- a memorial to the scientific pioneerj s PAX ROMANA'AGE LAU1DED BY ROSE ambridge Professor Stresses Human Brotherhood as Solution of Peace Problem OTHER PLANS FAILED Stressing the fact that human rotherhood and enlightenment were he only true solvents of the world eace problem, Prof. J. Holland Rose f the history department of Cam- ridge university traced the develop- ment of the attitude toward such roblems, from the Roman empire to he present time, in his lecture on Pax Romana and Pax Napoleonica," elivered yesterday in Natural Science auditorium. ' "Scholars have 'declared the age of he PaxRomana,' whereby peace was ecured through Roman control, the greatest era for humanity that the world has ever seen," Professor Rose declared. "One city made it possible or the traveler to go from the Gram- pian hills of Scotland, uninterrupted, o the Euphrates. Roman law held sway, and for 250 years peace reigned. Order was evolved 'out of the chaos that had prevailed. "Thus it was that the fall of the Roman empire was looked upon by thinkers of the day as the end of all things, and the beginning of chaos. From that time on writers held to the belief in the 'Ppx Romana,' thinking that peace could come about only through the control of some one strong central power. Dante and other writers of the Middle Ages looked back to the Roman empire as the model for future peace. "It was the claim of Napoleon that his Pax Napolenica' would be a suc- cessor of the old Roman peace. Order would be secured in Europe through the supremacy of France. But a study of his letters would seem to show that he was not sincere-that his claim was evolved after his deeat. "Again, many Germans held a sim- ilar idea, believing their country pre- destined to give peace to Europe and a distracted world. But in both cases Europe was already too nationalized. People would not submit to control by another nation. And so the scheme failed. "Perhaps Europe is now altogether too nationalized to insure peace,' Professor Rose concluded. "But it is a formation that must be gone through, and its defects will be mor clearly shown after we have come t a better stage." 14,000 Women Are Phi Beta Kappas According to the Bing-tum-phi, stu dent publication of Washington an Lee university, one-third of the livin members of the Phi Beta Kappa so ciety are women. Since its organiza tion, in 1776, the society has grow until it now includes ninety-nin chapters. Of the 57,000 persons whl have been selected to membership 42,000' are now living. Michigan Alpha chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, national honorary sciolastic fraternity, elected to membership, at its annual meeting yesterday, 65 sen- iors in the literary college and com- bined courses, 17 juniors in the liter- ary college, three education students, and four alumni. This is the first year that juniors have ever been elected to member- ship, the by-laws having been chang- ed to include the admittance of the outstanding scholars in that class. The election of juniors will mean a corresponding decrease in the num- ber of seniors to be elected in the future. With the admittance of juniors, it was found necessary to define the qualifications of the two classes. Seniors were defined as those stu- dents having been on the campus for three or more semesters, and having earned more than 95 hours. This was formerly 105 hours. Students having between 75 and 95 hours, and having been on the campus three or more semesters, were classified as juniors. This classification differs materially from that of the registrar's office. Name Officers The four alumni elected were en- roiled in the University before the present system of giving grades went 'into effect in 1905. Before that time, courses were either passed or flunked, and elections to Phi Beta Kappa were made solely on the recommendations of faculty members. As a result, many men who merited this honor were overlooked. Officers of the fraternity were elect- ed for next year. They are Prof. F. N. Scott of the rhetoric department, president Prof. H. L. Caverly of the economics department, secretary and the Latin department, a member of I the 'executive committee for a term. of three years. The other two mem- bers of this committee are Professors U. B. Phillips of the history depart- ment and R. H. Curtiss of the astron- omy department. ,The annual initiation and banquet will be held Friday, May 8, in the Union. Prof. E. E. Carritt of the phil- osophy department has been chosen as the speaker of honor. His subject has not been announced. Degree Candidates Chosen The following candidates for the degree of bachelor of arts were elect- ed to membership: Jane B. F. Adams, Edgar H. Ales, Alf Sven Alving, Dorothy A. Anderson, Esther A. An- derson, Mildred E. Anderson, Maxwell E. Baker, Anne Louise Barley, Mary Louisa Barret, Charlotte A. Blagdon, Francis C. Bonner, Elma E. Boughton, Jeane E. Briggs, Elizabeth J. Brown, Thomas E. Casady, Jr. Margaret A. Chamberlain, Thomas Halsey Davidson, Katherine E. Fitch, ' Florence B. Fuller, Walter P. Gabel, William B. Giles, Arnold S. Gingrich, Helen L. Gustine, Grace G. Hall, Pauline A. F. Hall, Charlotte C. Har- rison, Mary E. Hartinger, Saul Hertz, Myrtle F. Holmes, John F. Huber, A. Elaine Hulscher, Norman B. Johnson, Paul C. Jones, George Kenigson, Har- ry H. Kimber, Bertha E. Kreitz, Clara B. Lau. Elizabeth C. Libermann, Albert H. l Marckwardt, Ellis R. Martin, Ida M. , May, Walter O. Menge, Carl H. Mor- I genstern, Gladys M. Morton, Edith M. r Murphy, Marvin L. Niehuss, Woodard A. Niethammer, Dalton J. Pilcher, Raymond .B. Roof, Lora E. Sasman, Margaret D. Schaupner, Helen W. Sel- len, John W. Shenefield, Evelyn W. Sommerfield, Gerald R. Songer. Melvin H. Specter, Pauline Teed, Nellie T. Thornton, John H. Tracy, dred E. Travis, Laurent K. Varnum, Mildred E. Travis, Laurent K. Varnum, Merwin H. Waterman, and Armin P. Webbink. The following students in the School of Education were elected: g Nellie M. Kahoe, Paul G. Schroeder (as of 1922), and Carleton H. Shaver. OurVeaherMfl k.. -unsettled weather today with prob- able rain. GOING HOME Well, my good people, I am going home to see Aunt Amy and i . '3 .I { i . pointed professor -of European history wide departure from the present at- at Johns Hopkins. Until recently tire, and it will be worn by them ; Professor Turner was professor of 1 when flying, working with aircraft, English history at the University of i and when in temporary aviation hean.icamns. ed to regard his award as arbitrator in the Tacna-Arica dispute between Peru and Chile as "final and without appeal." The communication pointed out that this action agreed with the and is held annually by the Research club. Prof. Robert M. Wenley of the philosophy department gave a paper entitled "Huxley in His Epoch." Prof. E. C. Case of the geology department _Juniors on List The juniors elected were: David R. Bishop, Benjamin Boyce, Viola G. Brekke, Hugh B. Carnes, Ruth M. Carson, Dorothy E. Chamberlain, Mary E. Cooley, Allen B. Crouch, Margaret K. Effinger, Eunice L. Eichhorn, Na- than P. Feinsinger, Charlotte M. Ja- I