Awn t t
VOL. XXXV. No. 98
. _
N 40TOriiOWii Religious Idea
Gains Ground,
VARIT BNDMN llyn K. Foster of w Yr
-- ~n,1i h First BaptistchrhD.
L(WCA 1, AUTOMOBIL~E 1)IA iEVS o ,ter sjpolce upon p olems of co01.
WILL GIlVE OVER ALL le,,- education which are preat nO
PROCEEDIS e r anipus. o h in
T e eker pointed otti in
OPEN~kS MA.\RCH 11 y of a coming reival o religion upon
the college campus. Ile has t raveled
; aPf d the contry for the Is t fi v
Yost Field Ho~use Will be Sene of yeas isViit ig diferet clegs. Ii
Exhlitlon; Expect to Display sleeclt lat night was a c nluion o
Over 100 Ca~rs conferences and talks hie as hnad with
stod~ens and faculty men in differnt
Ann Arbor auto dealers have o- 1fniversitiesi and colleges.
talned the sanction of the Athletict "Thes insistent need of gticring up
association to hold an auto shlow in and intterprotig our sieintiic findings
the Yost Field house, March 11-14 in- is a sign of a coning revival of reli-
elusive, the entire proceeds of which os. 'There has not been an adequate
will be given to the Varsity band .The1 spiritual statement for our facets anl
local automobile men have agreed to signs indicate that cintific nien
pay all expenses incurred in hand- themselves are reahing for a higher
ling the show. The band will be pac- synthesis." Dr. Foster niadoU sv-
ed under no obligation, and1 all of the !era! points in reference to the college
gate receipts will be turned over to professor coming nearer his; stdents
that organization.f outside of classe.
It is hoped that by this means the Maynard Phelps, '2, vas tostnas-
band will be placed on a firm financial ti of te eveing. Elizabeth Bron,
footing for at least the first part of ' '25, and Hubert C. Wvillias, "N, gave
the season next year. At present the speeches preceding Dr. Foster's
expense of the trip to the Ohio State 1111
gamne. ifhi
Temerchants of Ann Arbor h~ve 'N 191 F IUHT
given their constant support to theI
band this year, raising over $1,500 I11 H R B
for the trip to Urbana. This fund, IAR R F R B
s o s r d b th An Ar o Ch m e INoCo m r e wa ov r c i e wi hithe result that the band w as given a jM aintain That Sh oe muaker A ler -d
$300 bass horn. Magazine Article Decriin
The last auto show held in Ann Ar-! Bombing Tes
bor in February, 1923, drew a crowd --
of 3,000 to a factory building outside; MAY DUFEND 11IMS LA
the city limits, in spite of a severe
sleet storm. It is expected that thru
the courtesy of the Athletic associa- Washington, Feb. 13, (ly A. P-1
tion in donating the Field house, that! The Hous aircraft committee today
twice as many spectators will view tapped a new vein in the controversy
the show this year. 'that has developed as a result of stat-
More than 100 cars will be on ex- ensb Bi.Geea Mthll1s
hibit to the public in addition to ametsbBrgGnraMicll"-
number of display features which will i aft air- chief, on the value of air -
be contributed by the automobile crft in warfare.
manufacturers. Approximately 40 ac- j W G. Schauffier, a leut. colonel in
cessory concerns will be represented team i evctl h omt
atteshow. team i evctl h omt
atLo cal concerns representing oil com-i tee that Rear Admiral Shoemaker,
panies, paint shops, battery and tireI commanding offler of the 1920" air-
shops and automobile insurance com- plane bombing tests against the bat-1
panies will have booths at the affair. iteship Virginia and New Jersey had
The Ann Arbor branch of the Detroit "blue penciled" a niagazine atice
Automobile club has ordered a booth. describing the tests to such an extent
A small division of the show will ber that "upon completion there was at-
given over to commercialized vehicles, soluely no resemblance ~o the origi-
also to unique and up to date motor-; nal statement."
ized equipment loaned by the factor- Major General Patrick, chief of the
les. ilariy air service, had appoved the
The decorating contracts for the1 article, Mr. Schauffer said, before it
show will be let today. Bids havewasumtetoA irlSeak,
beenrecive frm a umbr r de whom the witness quoted as saying:
corating houses, including the Bo;ton ".It's true, evey bit of it, but we
concern which secured the contract;~ ltti e otc twl rin
for the Detroit auto show. the navy."
The Varsity band will give a con- 1Amir~al Shoenake' will be given
cert each night of the show. Several I anopotnity to -,ppear before te
feature acts are also being planned 1 coiini te to maze a statement on
for the entertainment of the public. !tlI; cafirtsioy twstol
_______________-caedl after today's hearings by Rep-I
Enga' in eers Electjresent at ive Park ns, Repubican, 1 ew
Society Officers 'tI tl OifhtC
At the election of officers of the ARBill INAlN llI[D
$~3,o0U6,OOFf38 NEWN'
Continue Tour
Of .inspection
f At University
fInspection tours of the University
were continued yesterday by members
of the University committee of the i
Nur mi, Tho ugh
.Defeated, C u t s
Track .R ecord
Syracuse, New York, Feb. 13.-(By
A.P1.)-Paavo Nurmi was beaten for
t-he second time in his American in-
aha~E a n g oaAV T I IcOR I Z )a aaI c v , . 5 I v s i o n t o n i g h t w h e n h e t r a i l e d A F_ A lt $ x 1 I + a Y , .' 1 [ l , Y I 1 t h h e m s t n [ h o n n , a d t ' 1 T . EEA E I AMR. i G t l e , S r c s n v r i ys a oAMNSRTO 4i . I . A
C v "~E~;MSS9YOl i8NE1.EEi) thle observatory in the afternoon. The ' TO FUtUVRE FOR PROTOCOL ( the tape by 10 yards in a handicap HAY GO TO DEPARTMENT
i?'ii ()0H1.1 ;uiPS visiting legislators were guests at the ACCEPTANCE mile ''c nwihGthe tre FJUNLS
(oncert by Sophie Braslau last night wit a 65yr llwne
"P1.NE D in Hill auditorium, upon invitation of y FE T M R C um e a amewasncsune.A 1
I R L T I.S iCharles Sink, secretary of theSho F E T M RC . INrisstbc aea tn E SO SD A 5
heS h o i g s r rs u~ h ot sati g S S I N of m~usic.i- part of it was that he was clearl out
Ihcardil ays !W ('ruis~'rs Required to iThie committee, which is composed ProposedAminerican Conference by} run in the last lan by Gottlieb, after11 Delegates ear Haines, Etherdge,
f! riil TolnitAlwd iof eight members 0fth state seat ongress Would be Doomed catching and passing his rival at the and Garlinghouse at
Ity j 3 it ---1TrntyAn hureofrephrsenaiarivdigt y Action start of the lap. Nurini apparently be) Annual Banquet
in An Aror Tursdy moningtolieving he had shaken off all pursuit.
\i't < Iintg en, Feb.>18.;-(B~y A. P)-- make a study of the University and to Geneva, Feb. 13., (By A. P)-The seemed to slow un about 100 yards With the aim of changnh d
llunlgt.iPc U1 ocir u aa npc rcn diin otecmu separation of disarmament from con- from the finish, but the Orange star miisraiogo the ci adne-
const ri and other work already equipmrfent. pulsory arbitration and securities is put on a spurt that carried him to the scholsticeascation fro theMihgnItr
I uhor ized bpy Congress were present- Icue nteiseto or the latest idea advanced in League of front again, lie was drawing away hnso
.cd to the house todlay by Director were surveys of buildings and sur- Nation circles here, as the one POs-t from his famous opponent as he broke hnsoSigma Delta Chi, national
f r~l of the I idg etuur'-au, the request veys of conditions with respect to ap- ( sible development in the case of the the tape. professional journalistic fraternity, to
ztotalling$800, of wh~i $1,000,-I prc'priations asked of the 192a legis-i famous Geneva peace protocol which Despite his defeat, Nurmi was cred- 'the control Q h eateto
" 000 wvoo 1(1be made a vaila ble at once Ilature. noqi teigeisussd eteepteatetwihehetrckreor
I nw s eig isused etee te te wthlowering tetakrcr journalism in the University a com-
for \VoenI5.oihe battleship Florida. ! English mother country and her do- I for the Syracuse gymnasium.. His mte
A lei Quiz-rin lor $u.(00,000 is includ- ~lIf lP T ~minions and commonwealths.i time of 4 minutes, 27 2-5 seconds clip- mte of high school faculty advisors
ed in t "tr budg et, proposal for laying I li ir This idea, if carried out, would give ped 3-5 of a second off the former I was yesterday named to confer with
doia'r mJuy 1, of the first two of 0 8 'S 0 C J ~ I I LUS an entir ely new angle to the inter-, mark set by Joe Ray of Chicago, last Prof, John L. Bumm of that depart-
I ee~LtI000inps et ri-~national struggle which is now being year. met who is now in Europe.
(TM, alrei'ady SautIhori[zed, and a like LI iIIU i HIBlII I. waged to outlaw war. It relegates ! Gottlieb is a 21 year old junior and Thomte onit fMs
I a in n at isa shedfor begnning on- LIJIJ~jILI disarmament conferences to a future captain of the Syracuse cross countryBetieMrimoDtotNrhrn
struet ion work on six new gunboats I___ I note fixed as to time and conditions, team. Mr.atHaroldeHunt of Haetringsorthand
needed chiefly inl Chinese waters. and.tendsltoHconcentrate thesmind
~ \u Adhi then an PotiaMr. Robert Granville of Ann Arbor
i h new ($6jpl),l e n Wilcolteduroi-Offpi. ciy ,pe. oftrsdi'the statesmen on the necessity of ruarr r f n ilwieimdaeyt rfs
ni l 1,0,0 hncmleeOieal pnQatr discoveing a o.solution, without regard LrI dwl r m meIf i anclytoIs o-
and the navy g-eneral board has stated I nhiAngell Bail N fMS[ solrm.Ifhssntini b
I that 1S~ of t he wi ips Would be rc-'- defthtw to anrrfeduction in the armament bur- l1'Itamed the matter will be taken up'
qii'ed to place thie ciruiser strengthDE N F CGL i A S ioan security rbfluo rita H U itth proper University authori-
DEAN EFFfIteNArEiiSPEAKSn itiobsisandties
oou tieliit iHe o h aiso __It is believed to be of special inter- VT I i nw ouras
'equality conite rnpi}oated lby the Wa sh- Fuitrr UneiSApa u Ader te nwulandlthenire
ington Iiit ati on treaty for the hat- ltearoncetertpa N, s tsecuringas o teaproa
Iehptnaes gtI fIleA r Adelphi, Athena, and Portia, formally of Congress of some later convocaton deprenton, dhadsptekenrs
dcnadBiihnve.I(edic'ated their new rooms on the at Washngton of a conference for Ledr a l pporain 11.41arnigteprgaaIela
s c a a dd Bi t i o nt vie l r s ie d e s Synl A p o rifo r i l ; a r a g n t eth ea , s w e l a
Irvadiiin o he roisin or the ouirth floor of Angell halTusa further limitations of naval arna- Pill Be Out Of Way In caring for the issuance of the bu-
coriiti'Gction of eruisceI'; and gunboats' night. T['rough these ceremonies the meits and for lowering land arma- Ten Dav letins of the association. Sigma Delta
the budget request calls for $14,000,- societies officially were given posses- r rents.Chwilcnnu to o-prean
000 to cmptatothenvliraf son of their view quarters. In the Geneva 'protocol the putting I 1st in te managemet ofAtheOM
c~r~o , artoa ~u LxigtninIProf. John F. Shepard, supervisor 'into force of compulsory arbitration A AT SN T C IN P. A.
process ofif'conver'sion from battle of building phans, acting as represen- and securities including the opera-! I Yesterday's sA~SSIon of the three day
cruisers and $,000,000 for procu re- tative! of the building andl groundsde- ion of an intricate system of san-I Washington, Fed. 13.-(By A.P.)- I -t.rn bc shen edhr
miut; of additional naval irci'aft. Ipartment was introduced by Prof. ti. tions, economic and military, is made! The House cleared its calendar of an- fis wek-erd was marked by a con-
Each of t ie new aircraft carriers 1. Hollister, of the public speakingi entirely dependent not only upon the I tntto ftesece n ics
wilcarry 70 plan ,,s of varistypes ' department, an pne h fil Ihoig of a general disarmiament con- nual appropriation [measures today inainothsecesand ics.
ani tm arc'af jceremonies 1. y presenting the keysa of ;Terence, but also upon the carrying' with the passage of the $15,000,000 bill gonsu asth e lhi Basahe concert
for' thn pur pose of providiing these the rooms to Dean John R. Effinger, out by various countries of such arma- for the legislative establishments. jin the evening and a trip through the
mnachines to be re rdy when the ships! of the literary college. D~ean Effinger i mint reductions as an armament con- Meanwhile, the Senate continued its 1 plant' and offices of The Daily.
are ('o1nnssionfil. i un ciga ersn,"tv f ee ol moe oeta 5
- turdmnsactin a ledrenth teo AcoringwodinmocigIfih vrteineedn ffcsa-teMore thanv150 delegates attended
Sh diisrtocaldfrh h codngt nomainrahigIfgor th easndependetallies ap- a el s h
heas o th furpropriationh or th Lmeasureaton, and ovrecallednuethe e Json strd a el s h
hedhefth fursoieie i tehr-th Lagenffatoneanngven-Irrtonm Itse'5,e
theinerosepthcnence ce s osmse
PIJN K II K [PMJ. J. Dunn, '9 6, president of Alpha1 tion and securities as goals desirable cauepfpteyctiniflte oneee
!1 och g nte aps unsaegvigepai oabtauste ointeroheatmnofthsuplnbillee-itorfthe Dnal iy, wcted sthesmaine
riipm nrrl ('lr WOIN N il v h ist inhssceys o civin nteslewtotIin reducing from $45,000 to $35,000 addresses were delivered by Donal
)°UJ i ~fl covenant. He was followed by W. C. any reference to an immediate cut-Ithiem orh FtearclainI H. Haines of the Journalism depat
LUi i Dixon, '2tspeakerfofrAthehFlaEl-etingedonmoftarmaments
, Dxo, 2, peke o deph; l-;in dwnofamaens.Iproject in Montana. met and William B. Etherdge, '25,
l-I ureaIharvey, '25, president of Athena; The argument of these governments Besides these two measures, the managing editor of the Michiganen-
Pr'of. F. W. Pawlowski, completing! and Merel Parks, '25. president ofi is like to that used by some of .the Senate still has to act on the District isian
a seven months stay inl Europe, has! Portia. The covenant, which is also European countries in the Opium con- I of Columbia and legislative appropri- I Mr. Hanes spoke upon the oppor-
resan'e his duties as head of the signed- by Pres. Marion L. Burton, T erence which has declared that iItio ilbtteledr r ofd tunnites and pleasures attached to the
a~)n tclengineering department. President-emeritusHar B. Hutch- tewrdcnstu water-tightI ent that alo h supply atoia I field of journalism and urged the edi-
Prof. W'illiam P. Gerhardt, acting' ins, anoi Dean Effinger reads as fol- system for the supression of tariff in toons canfbelcleanedpupfwithin ahwee
lionscan b cleaedrupwtohfollowk hthe roesihonl.whc
Ihead of the de<partment during Profes- lows: opium and dneosdus thus they had started inhihcol.t-
dangerou drugsor ten (ays. ei
sor~ Pawtlo'wski's absence, r tuirned I "In order that the ideals may be throttling the demand, then the sup- Democratic leaders in the Senate in I ige, speaking upon "Michigan,"
Feb. 5 to McCook Field near Dayton, fostered and perphetuate~d for which ply or growth of opium and the manu- fomlcneecIodydcddntt touched upon the past records of the
IOhio. Professor Gerhar'dt, who wag Alpha Nu, Adephi, Athena, andi Por- facture of narcotics necessarily will ;fttalhrowte ari wih a
r ~ e. c1frmhi ostininte.Artro ny obstacle in the way of call- fotaitatesii hc a
tiawer oriinaly fundd tese e lssend. " egin exhibited, and made commenda-
Srie dforom heisd ofsi onthe ir tia , wr rgnly fudd hs up the measures on the legislative to ftewr hc iligH
I evc o )ii~ fsxmnh ohalls3 are hereby dedicated to the cause I prgamareduon by the Republic-ildng'H
assume i dut :, at, he Uniersitost "hIs pdonea withe thenteam.e EdliffC
I asuehsdl" a h nvms to fi-ee speech andi public speaking.'' entos er lftYotaasdoemitmte ea. dnf
ret ui;'ue I to his work as chief Of the iiI 1>1-Ifreo fato i poigayo
Each society will f,anme its covenant. C YL TM Ifit I fanedmfajo nittsntorsweeletRSlaughter, 25E. and David M.
f'liht ieacrehi branch in the engine- i Followinig the dedcatory ceremoni- I(fl I ppoi LIVany of Bramble, '25. president of the local
e, ing d'ivsion of the United States , lP'f .C relo,0 tepbi n ~ms ~ mrnI the dozen bills on that program.
0i evc lPrf .C relod ftepbi chapter of Sigma Delta Chi, also made
Ann kini epaimen speakin on "so- flTIIL.GH~l I At the same time, the Cranpton bill Ia few remarks.
TLc'a ing A nn Arbor in June, 1924, 'ceisa aeKonThem." I~IJ
cietiesr aslow I n HMs.eaw-nown___enforcement unit, and the federal'Fllwigthe baest ueof thechol of Mn-
I ri f sejr owdi and, r ace, Prof. Thomas H. Reed, of the politi- !I Ierathegut fthe cocertin -
SwtsradadAuti uigtecal science department, spoke on the Sand Cave, Ken., Feb. 13-An of- wempedes'to relssifition wmea s atfthehrl Union or n Hill
titidi,,xriand nd Austra weren addedcto theouclisttofdebillso onowhihauditoriuim by Sohie Braslan. At the
enun l~ih. I asw 1ie1'Substance of Speech'' iilanucmn aea 'lc action will be sought before Marchcoluon oth prrmari
n~u~ng onth>. n Wrsiv, wile The ceremonies were concluded. this afternoon by Brig. General H. H. 4ienlso fteporm rt
vi-itin la roeFisor Pawlowski's par- Iwe h w eissceis lh ehrtwsta ly oln a
~uts h"i ddwthProf.C. wihn mihAe oihi oite, lh eh~dtwsta lydClishd'Administration leader; also under-I through 'The Michigan Daily Mlont and
;zynsr , r 7Ofss:om of hydrodyn a mics jN a d Adlh presented the two been heard breathing at 9:45 o'clock to os ot h a o o sdr-IOff Rbe rtas m sa'25,d e s edirtor.
in Il~ he Wisrw Polytecchnical college. Thwoen'asocetincwihmpanos tas Lion ofl the government's reorganiza- I The entire equipment of The Daily'
Daring his s:tay in Franc,-, Profes- Edward Th ennneerCnntvatimad Atr obl by agreeing to eliminate pro- iw viewed, an explanation of the in-
srF.wwsia:endled the great I PI TID LIU P. Blevins had given a statement at f isin o eat'n ffeuainternal work on the night staff and the
Pa ris "acm'o :sow, Siewing the devel- I iiI DI U LIV l' IRLPORT temltricuto nuiya h and relief, and to retain the good the paper i put out acomnpany-
ledI proadeis btead in thae rrngagriculture de- ing.
I thte largerfactories sof tecon- it t ~, o epk.'5 tf eotro h
B LJrenner, a miner and Blevins, had othe interiorare
iletdthgoe mnibeen sent into the cavern for sound- .gvrtlko
Iardnmclbrtre.'Washington, Feb. 13.--The report ings from the rescue shaft. They a-W.l T EI CILU n;er in whoih ."Hcourth s anle
, r ~~~~~~of tie president' agricultural confer- I so had gone in five hours before with +IHeInLhchcutUeslsIade
bt'(i+ y ' Writeenc~e was considered from differentI Andy Disig and John Schickle, of i n Multirtnnea7pp.E~teo
Bo k angles by the Senate and House agi- Louisville, wh'o had reported hear- Iok111 vria a.~ Dunne,. '25. delivered the other
I New Rh2etoricBo k'cutr ontesodyi pressiiing Collins cough twice. Brenner and OrIJ3- [O ru t RtIMiiv Tiispeech of the morning, talking on
I' for'ward plans to coniplete hearings Blevins had reported penetrating the _____ Slin gropsa ee. longtid
lStuidents il te ecnd;ecserof 1on the subject next week, and began natural passage to the slide which Cidesfouo5 er f age ionPhilip w ere'2,cmnginuedito
trtyear rhetoric will use a new text Iconsideration of proposals to recoin- I last week blocked the way jstaheddreon fot 3 o enole na o ale ofhei lyage,2aandnilliamosr,
b ook entitled, "The Way of Composi-;mndt to their respective chamlbers. of the entombed cave explorer. They I branch of the Merrill-Palmer school, '5.bui yadlimRessmngr aeterai
1 ton" hih ascomild y ou !Organizations opposing the confer- heard Collins breathing they told the according to Mrs. Helen T. Woolle y i5biesstheateronameetigsmagn
I inibers of the rhetoric department,I ences report will be given an oppor- court of inquiry this afternoon. y fteDtotscol h xet,lnertuchedafupnon ethe ns aryl-
IPr'of. .. E.Rankin, Prof. A. R. Mor- i tunity to present their views before '"I heard Collins give one long, deep 1 met hereetwithschlreenpe-onetouinhediontincsPapehle
ris, M~r. C'. E. Wells amnd Mr. O. C. ~h eaecmitenx ek hl gasp, like a groan," said Brenner. I age will supplement that in Detroit, Rose1soeo te"uinsr
Johnson. the house committee plans to invite IwalieamngvsiahoptiResrsokonheBiesO-
ofagriculture experts to Iwalieamngvsnahopt, where the new class has been used gaItnori niationgocommittee.
The purpiit)0oeof issuing this new Idepartment j- - inot loud."i ' el a at'de i aizatin of a aper."
!1)ook of pros5e selection is to make less "discuss the report, and present inor- Brenner and Blevins tapped on the Vaiusdprtetso heUivr or o the ctomtisnmoing wasmite-
orifcl h akofscrn es 'ation on the department's work in wl ftecvenadwresi Vrosdprmnso h nvr o h lcinti onn a e
fosteringhe as oco-operatives- wal oftndcagradingorersinsity are interested in different phases !eived and the round table discussions
! nrccltr pfroitdnmehdanuaeracttesafsape.nth el al I of the work to be carried on here, were concluded during the afternoon.
in a course conducted in 40 classes I1giulueprdcs.w~as estimated by those in the cavern the medical school in the conduct of A h ia ahrn ftecn
ed bato iimeintutrsadattei he cofeenceareport as atltack-andtoeintesaf;htth i-physical examinations; the psychology vntion today, a business session will
satdime make as little intrusion as eda h os ernsa oiia tance between them was 10 feet. department in the use of tests;adFehl.Athitmeheoer f
docuentand efededapone btimeandfreedomAt hiofimtheeorin-o
polu pn teac redm ther.n- docuaenthandwhfeedriulalthebais I No one but the court heard the testi- j the school of education in several business will be: election of officers;
Sws hpe, i th scon l lace, arogragrwieSculturl lgin- mn fBenradBeis hnproblems of teaching. report of the committee on awards;
It as ope, i th seondplae, et as hared y Carls E Herstthe court adjourned General Denhardt The school is to accomodate 35 pu- presentation of cups; announcement
that with the material fitted directly I ErwscagdbChleE.H rtI
of Iowa, chairman of the legislative summoned the newspapermen, and had = pis. The building and grounds de- of election results and suggestions to
toteognztono h orea comnmittee of the American Farm thsengaeredtemheet-I partment is engaged at present in re- ,the chairman. The meeting will ad-
it has been evolved, the writers might Buea federation, with seeking to mony of the men. The court then left modelling the building at 226 Ingalls journ for the day at 11:15 o'clock.
in a 1lamgcr measure conserve the best =inBurea the agriculture of Amer- for Cave City to resume its sittings formerly used by the faculty Women's
imethod and techiquue as these have le."Mr. Hoover's department also there. club which is to house the school.
been developed in the rhetoric depart- was mentioned briefly at the senate F r lse
ment of the Unirsimty. ern.MrCaeaswigaqes Washington, Feb. 13.-President and - . I14 o
student chapter of time Amemrican So-
ciety of Civil Engineers, held recently
at the Union, Howard A. Sheridan,
19,5E, was elected chiair'man.
T[he other officers for time semester
w~ill be A. B. Zimmuer, '25E, vice-presi-
dent, WV. SeersIHerbert, '25F, secre-
tam'y and Grant M~udg e, '25E, trea-
. i UuLUUeo1111 Imr alu a Lif
predicts generalily 'fair weather withI
some cloudiness.
A (dog was lying in a :Mamnger on
the hay put there for the cattle
and would not let them eat it
when hey came near, "what a
selfish beast" said one of the
hierd to the others, "lhe can't eat
iiself and yet lie wvon't let those
eatwlio can." Don't be a selfish,
belst if you have some article
Sophia, Bulgaria, Poo. 13. -(B A.
i P. )---Prof. Mh'iola N'iVIleff, who rec'entlyE
wa appointed B3ulgarian minister to
the United States was assassimmaIted
here this evening.
A dispatc'h from Sophiia laAst> atur-
day said that the Bulgairian foreign;
office had been not ified frmu Wa sh-
I ingt on that Professor Ali leff, would hei
acceptalie as Blulga rianmi ii iistci' to
the United States.
Ile was to hayve succeeded St ephami
IPaneretoff. Professor' 1liheff was
president of the foreign relation:?
I committee of the Bulgarian parlia-i
Washington, Feb. 13.--News of tho10
i assassinationi of Professor' NicolaI Mi-
RAT, who was to have suicceeded(lSte-
Phian Pane'etoff' as Bulgarian mum nister
to Washington, was rec(eivedh wit him
a fortnight of time amnnouncememnt t hat
!Mr. Paneretoff had irequested his gov-
erment to relieve himi after nearly 10
l yeai's ser'vice her'e. his resignation
Iwas accepted to take effect Mar'ch 1.
Expect Contest
Speeches Today
Tryouts for the Northern Oratori-
cal league contest must turn in wr'it-
ten manuscripts of their speec not