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April 09, 1925 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-04-09

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TURsTAY, APRIL , ,1925

Published every. morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
Entcred :t the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
ef postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.j
Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
card Street.
Phones: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; busi-
ness, 960.
Telephones 2414 and 176-.
Editor............John G. Garli ghouse
News Editor.......... Robert G. Ramsay
City Editor...........Manning Houseworth
Night Editors
George W. Davis Harold A. Moore
Thomas P/ Henry Fredk. K. Sparrow, Jr.
Kenneth C. Keller Norman R. Thal
Edwin C. Mack
Sports Editor........William I. Stoneman
Sunday Editor.........Robert S. Mansfield
Women's Editor .............Verena Moran
Telegraph Editor.....William J. Walthour
Gertrude Bailey Marion Meyer
Louise Barley Helen Morrow
Marion Barlow Carl E. Ohmacher
Leslie S. Bennetts Irwin A. Olian
Smith H. Cady, Jr. W. Calvin Patterson
Stanley C. Crighton Margaret Parker
Willard B. Crosby Stanford N. Phelps
Valentine L. Davies Helen S. Ramsay
Robert T. DeVore Marie Reed
Marguerite Dutton L. Noble Robinson
Paul A. Elliott 'Simon F. Rosenbaum
Geneva Ewing Ruth Rosenthal
James W. Fernamberg Frederick H. Shillito
Katherine Fitch Wilton A. Simpson
Joseph 0. Gartner Janet Sinclair
Leonad Hall David C. Vkes
Elizabeth S. Kennedy Lilias K. Wagner
Thomas V. Koykka Marion Walker
Mariod Kubik Chandler Whipple
Elizabeth Liebermann
Telephone 9860
Advertising...................E. L. Dunne
Advertising................-....R. C. Winter
Advertising ................... H. A. Marks
Advertising ..................B. W. Parker
Accounts.................... H. M. Rockwell
Circulation.................John Conlin
Publication....................R. D. Martin
P. W. Arnold W.ItL. Mullins
W. F. Ardussi K. F. Mast
L M. Alving H. L. Newmann
Irving Berman T. D. Olmstead
Rudolph Bostelman R. M. Prentiss
H. F. Clark W. C. Pusch
J.C. Consroe j_ D. Ryan
F. R. Dentz N. Rosenzweig
J R. Deluy M. E. Sandberg
George C. Johnson M. L. Schiff
0. A. Jose, Jr. F. K. Schoenfed
K. K. Klin 1. J. Wineman
The action of Sigma Delta Chi in
awarding its annual favorable epitaph
to Dean Joseph A. Bursley at the
Gridiron Knights' banquet is of pe-
culiarnsignificance. In addition to ex-
pressing the feeling of that particular
organization it is a mark of the grow-_
ing esteem of Michigan men for an
advisor and a friend.
The comparatively new office of
Dean of Men is without doubt the
most difficult position on the campus.
It requires a strong personality, capa-
ble of exerting his 'influence on the
men with whom he comes in contact,
and of winning their confidence..There
is need for endless patience and tact-
qualities combined in few persons.
Faced with a complicated situation,
Dean Bursley has done his work ex-
ceptionally well. In the execution of
his duties he -has made many enemies,
the majority of whom have never
come in intimate contact with him.
But he has made more friends. The
only difference is that those who have

been antagonized have done more
The University is too large for
every individual to know the Dean
personally, but it is possible for every-
one to meet him in one way or an-
other. The increasing number of
those students who take the trouble
to do this will find him, as the epitaph
said, "a real man."
Despite reports to the contrary,
Field Marshal Von Hindenburg is go-
ing to fling his hat into the political
arena. Not satisfied to rest his claim
to fame on a long period of service
as a proponent of militarism, he has,
accepted the nomination of the Na-I
tional-Conservative bourgeois bloc and
will prosecute an active campaign forI
the presidency until election day,
April 26.
The spectacle of this dodering old'
man of eighty years carrying on a
campaign will be a pitiful one It is1
very apparent that he has yielded toI
the flattery of those who'see in his.
popularity as a war hero the last hope
of a maonarchistic victory. They havel
played on his vanity by recalling the<
cases of Clemenceau, Balfour, and .
Bismark, all of whom were active in!
politics after they had passed his age.
Deluded by this persuasion, the Fieldt
Marshal has evidently forgotten thatc
7'rt i Si.n iIto #- n nn -.e 1.,,..

pletely recovered from their long dose pus Opinion" communications, and
of autocracy. They remember the 9,683 League House conversations. All
glorious days of Kaiserism and it is this seems to me to be much ado about M U S I C
not inconceivable that the magic of nothing. If Johnson had possessed the AND
the Field Marshal's name will produce courage to attend a convocation at-
a flood of votes. One thing is clear, tired in chain armor, or had gone to 0 R AM A
the monarchist candidate will have his classes wearing his landlady's
the ill wishes of the great world out- flower-pot for a hat, the attention he I
side of Germany. received might have been deserved. TONIGHT: The Students' Recit
As it is, the wood which was employed in the University School of Music
WORDS, WORDS, WORDS to make the paper on which the art- 8 o'clock.
Economy dn expenditures, economy icles concerning him were printed TONIGHT: "The Clearing Hous
might better have been used to whit- Pii son i h ii r
in taxation, economy in the operation mgtbte aebe sdt ht by Paul Osborn in the Ann Arb
. tle out a half-dozen additonal Student Playmaker~s Playhousae on Spr
of every branch of the government, in Councilmen. Street at 8:15 o'clock.
fact, has been the watchword of The mention of a few real non-con-+ * *
President Calvin Coolidge ever since formists in dress might serve to show COMEDY CLUB
he moved into the White House. In how paltry was Johnson's variation
all oftheseThere will be a special business
all of these programs, however, the from the norm in this regard. Barbey Thmeeting ofw Cmesy Club this evening
principle has been applied largely to d'Aurevilly wore rose-colored silk meeting-hr o'clb i verit
economic problems. hats and gold lace cravats; his dis- hall. All members are expected to
By his latest dictum, the President ciple, Josephin Peladan, walked about prsentx
has showed himself to be an econom- Paris in lace frills and a satin dou-***
ist even in the matter of talk, which blet; the scarlet waistcoat of Theo-
he declares has been flowing too freely phile Gautier became the symbol of "THE CLEARING HOUSE"
on the question of the collection of the romantic revolt i French litera- The Ann Arbor Playmakers a
French debts and American plans for ture of the thirties; Oscar Wilde strol- presenting an additional and fin
a new limitation of arms conference. led down Pall Mall in the afternoon performance of their current bil
It is his contention that constant agi- dressed in doublet and breeches, with "The Clearing House" by Paul O
tation on these matters does more a picturesque biretta on his head, and born, tonight at eight-fifteen o'clock i
harm than good until something defi- a sunflower in his hand; Mark Twain their Playhouse on Spring Street. Tb
nite has been decided upon. wore nothing but clothing of pure marks the first production for the o
Some time ago when the French white for years; Paul Gauguin so out- ganization this season, and is meetin
parliament was sparring about to dis- raged public opinion by his freakish with every success.
cover, if possible, the unofficial atti- attire that he was once set upon by! * * *
tude of the United States on the pay- angry sailors, who proceeded to break "SHE STOOPS TO CONQUER"
ment of her war debts, there was con- his leg; and Charles Baudelaire dyed A review, by Robert Henderson.
siderable criticism of the under-cover his hair green to attract attention to There are three comedies of ti
methods used. If the same policy himself in cafes. Obviously, Johnson seventeenth century--"The School F
were to be applied to the great is nothing if not original, and he cer- Scandal," "The Rivals," "She Stool
amount of American "hot air" on the tainly isn't original. With these real To Conquer"--and the third is "Sli
limitation of arms conference, the non-conformists in mind Johnson has! Stoops To Conquer." Nevertheles
parley's success would be aided. no more right to call himself a "bold there is a hoyden punch and go to i
non-conformist" than the little gilded burlesque, a. certain mannered gra
ball atop University Hall has to call to its puppet passions, a howlin
Citself the sun, whooping snort in all of its situation
CAMPUS OPINION Iitefhesn To re-create or re-capture this hal
Anonymous communications will be Yet by the simple device of emulat- T ca for te mstureial
disregarded. The names of communi- spirit calls for the most delica
.ants will, however, be regarded as ing Andy Gump in wearing no-man's sense of the theatre and the hair ma
confidential ujon request. collar, Norman Johnson has attained gin between exact comedy and stupi
to as great a notoriety by his non- bumpkin farce. Everything must N.
A BIG THING Ijconformity in dress as Lady Godiva both artificial and wholesome t
To the Editor: did with hers. This fact alone goes healthy; the acting must be near tI
In a recent Daily there was an ed- farther to prove Johnson's clumsily marionette, yet never mincing or e
itorial that had reference to the re-; stated thesis than all the arguments feminate; and above all, the temp
cent convention of the high schoolddmust move with shot-gun speed.
cen covenionof he ighscholhe could adduce- if he were to write The production last evening of "Sb(
student councils of this state. I am himself black in the face. Johnson is Stoops To Conquer" by the Play Pro
not sure whether the writer of that right, non-conformists on the campus duction classes caught precisely th
article attended any of the meetings are as rare as gentiles in the Law right atmosphere again and again i
of the convention. I am inclined to! School; if they were not, a piece of the best performance, I believe, the
think that he did not, and it is very buffoon mummery like wearing an have given since they moved into the
evident that he holds several peculiar out-moded collar would meet with the p resent plaster temple. Often, as it
ideas. Iindifferent contempt which it (I- - any amateur production, there wer(
Inthe first place the University of I serves. Yours cordially, t -stretches of sheer wordy dullness, h
Michigan had nothing to do with the. then suI,'denlysomething would sna
othr tanh'~ tiI. T. R., 271, for the few mninutes again you had te
delegates which the Michigan Union brittle boisterousness of a Goldsmit
. A DEBATE, PLEASE mot. There was the scene with t
kindly offered to do. The convention
To the Editor: four servants-the best bit of the ev
was not the idea of the University's. Inasmuch as theibilit fjing-and again, successive dialogu
The Ann Arbor High School felt that Ihe poss ties in g L ucive dd1
argument concerning Mr. Johnson's lny uipkn and h
a number of things migt be ac- charge of conformity are about x- mother. Finally, the two heroin(
complished at a convention' of this were always doll-wise and charmin
kind so they took it upon themselves hausted, I propose the following ques- although the opposite heroes. becau
to hold one. The first meeting of its tion for debate: leading men are always the lea
thind in the state. The fact that Ann "Resolved that Gerald Chapman, of grateful of the list, were often hea
An in the sa e fact thanbandit fame, -should not be hanged, and uncomfortable.
or is in the same place geogra- but instead should be sentenced to be Of all, the part of George Hastin
phically as 'the University of Mich-'
gais only an ufortunate cmarried and have atnleast ten children was the only definitely misiterprete
in for there is nothing in hefines the
stance. This convention accomplished y ,srvthnrghodroftaheinountsy.
While deploring Mr. Chapman's selves nor theatric traition to justi:
something in that the policies of the kg the lady-like nicity, the drawlir
lack of conformity in gaining a living, fopivteatrgv i oe -a
different councils throughout the floppery the actor gave his role. as
state were presented to the other del-) it must be admitted that in his profes- ings, after all, is a man, virile a
egates and the various duties were sion he showed innate courage, wit rugged, not a simpering dandy, a
discussed. I and recourse that are worthy of con- obvious . . . there are names for suc
High school student councils do ac- tinued existence. Is there not more types.
lush rtans I chance for profound study and debate The costumes, however, were e:
opli great deal. IHolland highi in this question, than as to whether pensive, beautiful in the period, ar
school has had one for twelve years. or not a wing-collar marks a true the settings as elaborate as their sta
There it takes care of all electio non-conformist? -Sociologist would permit. To climax the poin
and has charge of conduct and at- the entire finish of the performan
tendance, to say nothing of the many was reversed: the old axiom, "An
minor duties it has. At Flint the I BAA thing will do," has been laid aside.
council has charge of all the finances To the Editor: * * *
connected with athletics. Many. Emerson said, Foolish conformity LITTLE OLD NEW YORK
schools all over the state have just is the hobbgobblin of little minds." The New York season this yea
Thwe Yr eaophi e
started their councils, but they will Please note the word-foolish. Do we saving "The Miracle" and "Cyrano d
flourish and grow and in time will be wear shoes because it is the style to Bergerac," is its most brilliant in
the greatest assets to the high schools do so? Do we wear overcoats in win- decade, its most daring-ever. In ca
of the state. Furthermore I would ter because "it is being done?"' you are planning to spend tme Sprir
like to hear the names of some of the And our non-conformist of April vacation there. you have the
schoolsttmataveaoitivcouncil . -l..om__n_ owvatinexyentehego

schools that have appointive councils. ;4h"enJso.T wat xet
t luck to find a matinee every day dii
The student council convention Is did he do the original? Did le not ing Easter week: in six days you ca
going to be abiging. They have join the herd? Did he - not most see twelve legitimate attractions.
made a fine start and show great sheepishly follow Mr. Norman John- The are, of course, certai s
promise. High school students may son? And further, why don't he con- s must not miss, mair
cesesyo mutntmsmkn
not be as higm and mighty as tie stu- tinue to go barefoot? Probably he your schedule run something hI>
dents of our great University but they I stepped on a tack, and learned why this:
seem to be getting farther in their we wear shoes. ' Still "B.en Jonson"
convention than some of the B. M. O. has taught me a lesson. He has shown Galsworthy's "Old English."
C.'s are getting in their annual farce me that there is .good in traditions. lMonday evening: The Actor's Th
which is supposedly to help high Traditions are the results of society'sIarModeti n idac'
school boys and girls edit better experience. Through it we are saved atr
papers. from stepping on many of life's tacks. "Desire Under the Elms," or as Pr
If you can offer anything really con- Ay, his non-conformity teached us the fessor Campbell calls it "Lust Und4
structive in the way of criticism we good of conformity. "Blessings on the Shingles"
would be very grateful, but please Barefoot Boy." -Herb., '26. day eveig: Doris Keane
don't start razzing us until you find "Starlight."
out what it's all about. Remember, j Wednesday matinee: "What Pr
you went to some lower school before PAYMENT OF UNION LIFE I Glory?"-rather profane.
you started in writing for The Daily. i MEMBERSHIP DUES URGED ( Wednesday evening: "They KneN
-E yrarlayUP.rCristy.cyrt Ui What They Wanted"-profane, bi
Eachm year time Union receives with Richard Bennett and Paulir
ANDY GUMP in membership dues $35,000. On Lord.
ToteEio:the other hand it costs the Uln- Lrd
To the Editor:- thotmrhnitctstmIi-II- Thursday matinmee: Bernard Shaw'
If I seem to once more drag forth ion $70,000 every year to oper- T:d
the unfortunate Norman Johnson from ate the non-income producing reatest play, Caesar and Cleopatr
departments of the building. in the New Guild Theatre.
his cloistered and placidly contented . n.
hiscloitere an n placidl citen This means that for every $6 a i Thursday evening: Congreve's "Los
occupation of runiing a Phi Beta Istudent pays out of his tuition For Love" by the Provincetown Play
Kappa key down to earth, and pillory for Union membership, he re- ers--a classic and the most sophist!
him in the market-place for the j I -ceives in return $12 in serv- i cated liason ever written.
amusement and derision of the pass- E ice, or just twice as much as he 1Friday afternoon: Opera; eithe
ersby, I assure you that I am actuatediI pays for. "Peleas and Melisande," or Stravin
by no personal malice. What I do re- However, for a part of money ' sky's "Petrouchka" with Adolph Bo
sent is that any man, by such a piece ; needed 'to keep the Union or- s PrF'w AdpB
of petty clowning as wearing a wing-. ganization solvent, life member- iatre production of Isben's "The Wil
collar for one day, and then writing ( ship dues must be depended up- aut f n h
,, 1ot hh11, Duck.

, #, i

Easter Cards
and Narcissus bulbs










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