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April 09, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-04-09

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IM"T^IM Myvr" ^,MkT"Mft


VOL. XXXV. No. 144





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LiMi TA~l0N 0r Al Raises Question of Confidence Over 166,000 Francs Difference On School
Appropriation; Senate Gives Minority Of Two Votes;
Minister's Statement Obscure
Paris, April 8.-(By A. P.)- For lutely correct figures but the minister's
RECENT STATES CONTINUANCE OF hours this evening Paris was con- word seemed purposely obscure.
BAN WILL RAISE FEE vinced that Premier H-erriot had de- The statement said: "tomorrow the
OF UNIVERSITY cided that his government should fall, weekly statement, that of the Bank of,
if fall it must, on a side issue in pre- France, should appear without theI
CLAIMS TAX SOUND ference to risking a fight on the finan-, governments lisvng intervened in the
cial question. Ills raising of the ques- establishment cf the various items
. W~t, wrk of Michigan Alumni tion of confidence in the senate on a forming the banks liabilities which




Narration of Personal Reactions Will
Supplement Motion Pictures
Taken on Trip


I Fj

Construc ve mor I.
Has Always Made Up For difference of merely 166,000 francs on deal with either bills in circulation
Low Tuition Policy the school appropriation was taken or the treasury current account. The
as a challenge to the senate, and when publishing of tomorrow's statements
Unless the limitation on the mill1 the senate gave him a majority of will show the exact agreement of the
tax is removed it may be necessary only two votes, which became a min- bank's books with the declaration I
to raise the tuition of the students ority of two votes when two senators have made in the name of the govern-~p
attending the University next year, explained that their vote had been ment."
accrdig t sttem nts mad by Re- imiscounted, it was -at once assumed The circulation of the bank last, te
according to statements made by Re_ I sgntne sue was anounced a salmo 41,000,000,- ;o
gent James 0. Murfin in an interview that erriot's resignation was cer-anc s t
to the Detroit News yesterday. tai. m 000 francs which is the legal limit.
University officials have stated dur- T ntheorintM eee,
ing the past two years that the faculty zie, issued a statement which was reporter of the finance committee ofUr
has been undermanned, classes have taken to mean that tomorrow's session the senate, this item should appear as F
been too crowded and buildings have by the Bank of France will give abso- 43,000,000,000 francs.w
not been kept up to proper standards)t
I~~~ Itrk A xo8
because there was not enough money P I B T R S T
available to keep the University up to
proper scholarship and building stan- M
dad.Ti astersl of the 4s
limitation placed on theUniversity'sIn
mill tax revenue by the 1923 legisla-CN
Th nvriyhshad a revenue --- ig
of six tenths of a mill on all the gen- Finance and Appropriation Committee Dr. 3. Williard Lampe Will Speak On w
eral property of the state for years, Make Tour of Inspection "Youth Movement" At Open- o
but the 1923 legislature decreed that About Campus Ing iMeeting
the sum thus accruing should not be __pr
More thane, 000.limitation is re- EXPECT BILL INCREASE RECEPTION FOLLOWS v
moved, the mill tax will bring the a
University, $3,900,000. This additional Attempting to make a final decision Dr. M. Williard Lampe, general di- s
$900,000, University officials believe, on the amount of money which should rector of the university department of b
would repair the buildings and pro- o the Presbyterian board of Christian
vide a much more adequate teaching I be appropriated for the University education, will speak at 8:00 o'clock F
staff. The legislature has not removed of Michigan, the Senate committee on tonight in the Union on "The Youth t
the limitation however. finance and appropriation motored to Movement in the Presbyterian church" p
Funds Insufficient Ann Arbor from Lansing to investi- at the opening meeting of the national U
"The ,funds provided by the state gate the needs of the University yes- Presbyterian Student conference. A e
were not sufficient to care for such a reception for the 250 delegates, repre- w
rapid growing institution, and the fe teray afternoon. sentating more than 75 colleges and
system crept in to bring revenue," A discussion of these needs followed universities, will be held in the Union R
Regent Murfin explained in reviewing a luncheon at the Union at which immediately following the address. t
the early history of the University. representatives of the University were The first meeting of the delegates I J
gThxenleinceha the University for esent. A tour of inspection includ- will be at 7:30 o'clock in the Union. c
hener ice as been attracting stu- ng e n. eAityur o sp tiOn ncl- Welcoming speeches will be deliveredw
dents not only from all over the Uni- ing the University hospital, Observa- by Prof. P. W. Slosson, appointed by
ted States, but from every country in tory, Museum, Nurses' home, the Ar- acting president Alfred H. Lloyd to t
the world. They were charged slightly chitectural building, and land sites represent the University, and by John c
higher fees than were students of requested in the bill, was made under Elliott, '26, representing the students i b
Michigan. the direction of University officials. of the University. Fraternal delegates, t
"But it would have been the extreme Returning to the Union after the representing many of the other denom-
of shortsightedness to make their fees tour of inspection the legislative com- inations, will also give short addresses c
probibitory. Those students were imittee went over the various items at this time. The Girls' Glee club will i
destined to become leaders in leir requested in the appropriation bill sing several songs, and folowing this
,own communities and to spread word before they left for Lansing immedi- Dr. Lampe will deliver his address id
of the resources of Michigan where- ately following this conference. on the youth movement. b
ver civilization was known. The bill which is before the Senate A reception open to all students willt
"Another thing to be considered in committee was passed by the House be given for the delegates after Dr. t
keeping the fees as low as possible Monday night without debate or dis- Lampe's speech. This morning and
was that some of the very best brain cussion. It carrys $1,300,000 for land afternoon will be occupied with regis-
material in the state was extremely and buildings. The original requests tration of the delegates in Lane hall. I
poor, financially. While I have not called for $3,192,700. It is expected All delegates to the conference, which
the exact figures, I venture to say that the Senate will increase the bill will end Sunday, will be lodged at
that one-third to one-half of all stu- before it is finally accepted by the various fraternity houses on the cam-
dents at Ann Arbor earn their way, state legislature. pus. Meals will be served at the
in whole or in part, through the Uni- The Senate committee included, Presbyterian church.
versity. Every dollar added in tui- I Burney E. Brower, chairman, Walter At 9:15 o'clock tomorrow in the
tion expenses made it so much the Truettner, Orville E. Attwood, William Union, Dr. James . Clarke, editor of R
more difficult for them to acquire the Pearson, Howard F. Baxter, and Harry the Presbyterian "Advance," Nash- t
education they needed. Whitteley. ville, Tennesee, will speak on "The w
"Thus th'eRegentsdfor a generation I The University was represented by Student of the Church." Prof. R. W. t
have found themselves confronted RegentsJunius B. Beal, William L. Frank of McCormick Theological sem- f
with two conflicting duties; the duty lements and B. S. H-anchett, Acting inary, Chicago, will give zn address '
to see that enough money was raised President A. H. Lloyd, President Emr at 2:00 o'clock tomorrow in the Union s
from tuition fees to keep the Univer- eritus Harry B. Hutchins, Shirley W. on "The Church and Social Problems." s
sity up tonstandards in conjunction Smith, secretary, Prof. W. J. Hussey, After each of these speeches, student f I
with the funds raised from taxation; Prof. Emil Loren, Prof. A. G. Ruthven, discussion groups will be formed. The
and the duty to keep the fees down, Prof. John F. Shepard, Dr. F. E. Rob- general public is invited to all of the b
to approximate as closely as possible bins, D. W. Springer and John C addresses.
the ideals of the founders and the Christensen.
needs and wishes of the people.a
Calls For Raised Tuition Knode In Hospital flIGIBLE IL11M EK
"Now the University is poor. With
the limitation on the mill tax removed With Broken Noset
we can maintain high standards. SENDII
Without its removal, we must raise CLLJUdIUrD8.BVKUV,
the tuition fee against principle and'Cleveland, April 8 -Bob Knode,s-
against the desires of the people, or former University of Michigan first Washington, April 8.-The dirigible
let the standards of the University ( baseman, is the second Cleveland In- Los Angeles, under orders made pub-J
go down, so that none will get the dian to be placed on the hospital list lic today at the Navy department, willa
educational advantages all should with a broken nose in as many days. make a second round trip flight too
]ave.IHe stopped a bounding batted ball Bermuda between April 16 and Aprilc
"The theory of the mill tax is sound. during batting practice at New Or- 22, and a flight to Porto Rico between
It simply means that the University leans and will be out of the game sev- April 27 and May 16.
will grow as the state grows, and as eral days. The dirigible has been undergoing
the state grows money automatically irepairs for several weeks as a result1
is available for the upkeep of the of injuries to girders and other partsc
University so that the Board of Re- occasioned by sashing of the anti-r
gents and those charged with the LINES FROM KOKOMO freezing mixture during her first trip
handling of this money can make their to Bermuda. She will be tested thor-c
plans and arrange their budget to meet oughly between April 10 and 15 beforec
the situation. Dear Amos: going to Bermuda.r
"One thing is certain-the Univer- It is hardly worth while down On the flight to Porto Rico, the Losf
sity is not going to be allowed to go home without you, but I keep Angeles is expected to proceed to
backward and if, in the legislative busy reading THE MICHIGAN Mayaguez and vicinity on the west
Jam, we should lose out enough tax' DAILY. Those CLASSIFIED coast. It is planned on both flights to
oney for our support, that money good, and have you have her moor to the tender Papoka,

could be raised by increasing the tui- seen the like of it, Mrs. Gerry- which is expected to arrive at Ber
tion of all students. As more than mmtda about April 15 and go from
5,000 of our stndents are from Michi- mander came over this noon and athere to Porto Rico.
gan this means that 10,000 parents, wrote to one of those little five
scattered throughout the state, would line ads for a box of Candy from a
be called upon to add to what is al- Ann Arbor. They must be quite Tickets To Ball
ready a substantial burden. profitable to all the folks in Ann n a A r 22
"Ti wa nld bring the public to l pe ltable tM m all the folksine annar

raternities Asked to Cooperate
Holding Housepartles for
Parents on Week-end


With the object of providing an op-
ortunity for the fathers of men at-
ending the University to see the vari-
ms phases of the life here and to be-
ome better asquainted with the work
heir sons are doing in school, the
nion will hold its third annual
ather's Day here May 16. The entire
veek-end will be devoted to enter-
aining the parents who come to Ann
rbor for the occasion.
Fathers vho arrive in Ann Arbor on
[ay 15 may attend classes with their
ons during the day and in the eve-
ing they will be guests at the Cap'
ight ceremonies, where they will
ave the opportunity of hearing Re-
ent James O. Murfin speak and of
witnessing one of the oldest traditions
)f Michigan.
On Saturday morning,the Union will
rovide guides' to escort the fathers
bout the campus and to point out the
arious places of interest while in the
fternoon the Union will arrange for
eats at the Michigan-Minnesota base-
all game at Ferry Field.
On the evening of the 16th the
ather's Day banquet will be held at
he Union. At this banquet some
rominent father of a student in the
niversity will be the principal speak-
r and some member of the faculty
will also be chosen to talk.
At the banquet given two years ago
lepresentative Patrick H. Kelley was

Lieutenant Harding with Lowell Thomas, another of the world fliers,
will present the story cf the first fiif ht around the globe at Hill auditor-
ium tonight.

Dean Effinger Appoints Faculty Board'
To Reorganze Upperclass
Dean John R. Effinger of the literary;
college yesterday announced the ap-
pointment of -a committee of seven,
authorized at the recent faculty, meet-
ing of that college, which will con-
sider the organization of the work of
the junior and senior years in the Col-
lege of Literature, Science and the
Arts. The group, headed by Dean E.
E. Day of the School of Business Ad-,
ministration, will attempt to place the
uppercalss organization for electing
and purusing studies on a firmer
Other members of the committee
are: Prof. O. J. Campbell of the Eng-
lish department, Prof. W. J. Hussey
of the astronomy department, Prof.
L. C. Karpinski of the mathematics
department, Prof. C. H. Van Tyne of
the history department, Prof. C. B.
Vibbert of the philosophy department,
and Prof. N. H. Williams of the
physics department.
As a result of action taken at thef
recent meeting of the faculty, it has
been recommended that a portion of
the annual announcement of the col-

Conmittees for Cap Night, Swing-Out,
Spring Games, and Elec-
tions Named
Wednesday, May 14, was set as the
date for the annual All-campus spring
elections at the regular mieeting of
the Student council held last night in
the Union. Registration will take
place from 8 to 5 o'clock on Wednes-
day, MMa 7. From all present indica-
tions the vote this year will be in ex-
cess of that of former elections.
Committees for the spring activities
of the council were appointed at the
meeting last night and are as follows;:
Cap Night committee, Robert Hum -
mer, '25, chairman, Thomas Cava-
naugh, '27L, and Kenneth Kellar, '26,
Spring games committee, Eugene
Dunne, '25, chairman, Robert Hum-
mer, '25, William Colman, '26E, Ken-
neth Kellar, '26, and Joseph Finn, '26.
The committee on elections will bef
composed of Irwin Deister, '25, chair-
man, Edward Fox, '25E, Charles Mer-
riam, '25E, and Eugene Dunne, '25.
Swing Out committee, William Kerr,
'25E, chairman, Cahrles Merriam,
'25E, and Kenneth Kellar, '26. I
Upon invitation of the Student
unitnilTin .r lR ~n~r7nv v....'

"Smiling Jack" Harding, official
representative of the six world fliers,
speaking jointly with Lowell Thomas,
offlcial historian of the trip, will pre-
sent the story of the first circumnavi-
gation of the globe by aeroplane at 8
o'clock tonight in Hill auditorium.
Their appearance is sponsored by the
Oratorical - association although not
included on the regular season pro-
The flight wlilbe visualized through
motion pictures, "stills," taken in all
parts of the world along the official
route of the fliers. Supplementing
the portrayal of the journey on the
screen, Harding will tell of his own
personal feelings and reactions to the
various thrills and escapes which oc-
curred to himself and other members
of the group, from the moment the
official "hop-off" was made out of
Santa Monica, California, until the
final lap was covered, carrying the
fliers safe.ly back to the west coast.
The lecture will also include the
origin of the plan together with the
many "high spots" of the voyage.
There will be narrated such phases
of the trip as the first catastrophe,
the unlucky rabbit's foot, through the
Alaskan snows fifty feet above the sea.
battling the gales of Behring sea, the
first aerial crossing of the Yellow sea,
passing a British world flier, strange
Hindu customs, and many other un-
written episodes. Of particular inter-
est, will be the narration of the last
lap which included a flight from Ice-
land to Greenland it one day and a
near failure on the eve of accomplish-
The admission charges are fifty and
seventy-five cents, the latter price for
reserved seats. Tickets may be ob-
tained at any of the bookstores or at
the Hill auditorium boxoffice between
7 and 8 o'clock tonight.
April Issue Of

.he main speaker while last,
udge William L. Day spoke.
hoice has yet been made of the
who will talk this year.
Letters are being sent to all
ernities by the Union asking that
ooperate in the Father's Day
ration by giving house parties
,he week-end for their guests.


Rensis Likert, '26E, is general
hairman of the program which is be-I
ng arranged for the week-end.
Students who return to their homes
uring the spring vacation are urged
y the Union to invite their fathers at
his time to come to Ann Arbor during
-h iAk-i df Mv 1F,


.e wee -etni o m ay il. lege be devoted to a description of Phi council Perry ii. Hayden, 25, presi- A UV
Beta Kappa and Sigma Xi, national dent of the Student Christian associa-
honorary scholastic societies. This } tion, will attend the remaining coun- O Sal To ay
has been omitted, through an over- cil meetings this year for the purpose
sight in previous catalogues, of developing a spirit of co-operation
The Dean will probably appoint aand understanding between the two Articles on income tax liability and
committee today to collect and edit a organizations. tune the apr editIooexecute acts gan
general reading list for seniors. It Law Review, which will be placed on
-- !was decided by the faculty that a com- sl t a T f rn om
Washington, April 8, (By A. P)- prehensive list of the best general I RV LUVY KI ISCSSE sale today. The former, "The income
Recent publication here of the text of books on each subject of interest to tilaiiyo iied nlqia
he Russo-Japanese understanding on college men should be prepared for tion," is by Prof. Roswell F. Magill, of
which Japanese diplomatic recogni- the use of graduates of the institution. the law school of Columbia university.
ion of the Moscow government was _Prof. Albert Levitt, of the law school
founded has served to disclose thmat l at Washington and Lee university,
merc n officials havedgiven con- atCambridge Man Prof. F. W. Pawlowski of the aero- has written the second article, a dis-
iderable attention to the oil conces- Gcnautical eussion of the relation of the judiciary
niu a, To Give iLecture Inuia engineering deparmtent dis- branch of thegoen ntothox
sion phases of the understanding, but cussed the o government to the ex-
ound no departure in it from the Thi custh enopportunities of the aero ecutive. The April edition also con-
'oe ,or oiycnitnlyrrelIxni fen o nautical engineer in his address at, cludes the article on "War Crimes,"
open door policy consistently urged kthe regular freshman engineering as- Capt E rige ol otr Uied
by thme United States as a means of I b at drdeCly fteUie
Seveting itent i onal frictians Prof. J. Holland Rose of the history sembly yesterday morning States army.
The study has been largely of arn department of the University of Cam- Professor Paworski explained that professors of the Michigan law
academic character as far as Wash- bridge will deliver a University lec- while no great opportunities are avail- school have made several contribu-
imgton officials are concerned, since ture on "Pax Romana and Pax Na- ; able in the aeronautical industries the tions to the month's note and com-
the United States has not recognized pleonica, at 4:15 o'clock today ingovernment maintains four institu- mont section. Prof. Victor H. Lane
the Soviet Russian government and, the Natural Science auditorium. Pro- tions doing research work In aero writes on "Conflicting Presumptions
therefore would have had no recourse fessor Rose has been Vere-Harms- nautics, and although positions are not -Evidence-Adultery;" Prof. Herbert
had there been any violation of the worth Professor of Naval History at well paid the work is of a scientificlF. Goodrich discusses "The equitable
ope doomr policy by that government. Cambridge university since 1919. He character and is so fascinating that conversion fiction as a basis for in-
The oil concessions granted to tie was reader in modern history at Cam- some men are willing to make the hesitance taxation." Students on the
Theoi cocesins rate toth jbridge from 1911 to 1919. financial sacrifice to remain in the!
Japanese and concerning specified hrdgfrom o 19s fsici. sestaff of the Law Review who have
Pr'ofessor Rose has published soy- service.1co ti ue to he s ue a e E w r
areas of Russian sovereign teritory is i eral history works of note, among In speaking of the future of the air- C c to the Csreare Edward
othsaecharacter as similar con- sC'. McCobb, '25L, and Carl E. Enggas,
cessionsm granted in China and else- them a "Life of Napoleon I," an edition plane, Professor Pawlowski cited the '25L.
of Carlyle's "French Revolution" with prominent French Engineer Louis An unusuallly long book review sec-
where to nationals of other countries.I critical and explanatory notes, and Breguet, who prophesied that within ( tion contains reviewsbof recent books
lit is not discmiminatory since presum- "The Origin of the War," published in the next 25 years airplanes will travel on law by James Hart, of the politi-
ably equal opportunity to all coners 1914. He is also accredited with at the rate of 1,250 miles per hour. cal science department, Prof. John
has been reserved for development chapters in the Cambridge Modern He then explained that the future IB. Waite, of the law school, Prof.
of oil resources outside of the Pacific History. He was winner of the Latin holds much in store for the airplane Everett Brovn, of the political science
region. prose essay at Owens college, Man- because it is the only known vehicle
Even within the possible oil areas chester. -in which the safety increases with Mott, of the University .of Chicago
covered by the concessions, only half speed.nd s L, of the University of
of the available territory, divided upon n -In concluding his speech Professor i iorL
a chess board arrangement, is granted printer Uncovers Pawlowski showed the striking simi- 'Missouri
for Japanese exploitation with a stipu- 7n Inlarity between the aeronautical and
hation that development shall be On mechanical engineering courses and men are now on strike in locomotive
non-contiguous sections. The alter- Mzchigan Hl s tory the possibility of obtaining a degree.k
note sections remain open to the nat- irn both. ies. The SchvarzkopffandOr-

ionals of other countries if they arrive
at satisfactory agreement with the
Moscow authorities.
Military Society
Elects Officers

Old documents important in the his- I
tory of the state were recently un-
covered by Wilbur C. Smith, a BentonI
Harbor printer. Among the papers is
a document containing the original
articles of incorporation of the "vii-I
lage of St. Joseph, Michigan, 1837,"
the year Michigan was admitted to the

enstein-Koppel plants have closed.
Berlin, April 8.-Anton Fletner, the Paavo Nurmi will sail from New
inventor of the rotorship, has com-
pleted a contract with the city of Ber- York for Finland on May 9.
ln for the erection of two towers in
this city to be used in producing elec-I,
tricity by windpower.
I Iir.

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