PAG FEIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY __ WETDNESDAY, APRIL, 8, 1925 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice tv all miemberB of the University. Copy received btbte A* htA;nt to this ''eeid~ent until 3:30 p. nm. (11:30 a. mi. SaturdaY4 Volume 6 '4 EDfiESI)AY, AP11iL 8, 19,25 N1 iiiwr 113 Head 0once Wounded" (lBach) ; Prayer (Ravenello) ; Gethisemane (Mailing); Chor al and Fugue ( Scuata 1') (Cuilmnant ) ; In Paradisum (iDebois) ;000(d Artid-,ty \lisic from"'' a rsi fal''(fita ncr). IV Charle s A. Sink, Secretary. Not ke H all .Mlembe~rs of thle 1 :2 -er'ity : s t<.il adclrssed a2s follom-s: "dare of the University of Michigan" has lwtl ad o i ered t o tareef('ii of the Secretary, room 2 University hail. It hill~'elmtf t il Apr)ilI1', a )d should be called for at on1ce, giving date of fii p'ubicaitioni. . Apil ii isj)',list, will not be rep~rinted. :MAL Si 10111) BP A1illl lt1SL )TO STREKET AN) NUMBER. Je, 21'. 1flack Mliza beth Lewis 1P. I . :Beedc 8 Oh 11 [;rom ley I humid 1\IMars'h ('has. N',. lBrowni boima 1lyus 1Phi Delta Kappa He Gc wverns Cairo r WHAT'S GOING ON :Notices to appear in this column must be left in the ,ox at the [)a;iy office 1)r'.x 1dld for iuat purpose before 4 oock 7perrredj::ig taed(y of issue. I Hi-s Vuniersity Lecture: Professor J. Rolland Rose of the, University of Cambridge, Endgland, will deliver .a lecture on the subject "Pax lBoiana and Pax Napoleonica' inl the auditorium of the Natural Science building at 4:15 P'. ]V. 'Tlterai lay, April 9. . ... A. 11. luoyd. Universl y Women-How~e Presidents: All signing out slips for Alarch must be in the office of the Dean 0f Wone., before spring" vacation Jean Hamilton, Deani of Ilomen. 3Iemnlers of the Administrative Board, College of Literature, Science amtid fle ,rts. t0ere will be a meeting of the Administrative floard on 'Pitursdazy, Ap]ill in Dean Effinger's office. W. It. 1liunpiilre'y. Students, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Attention is called to the rule which makes each absence on a day immediately preceding or following a vacation count. as three. W. R. lluinphreys. To Students Interested ire Summer Vacation WF1oVI:: Miss Davis, representing Educators association, wili be glad to meet men and women students in room 2, University Hail, April Sth, from 1 :21 to 4:00 P. M. J. N. TIrsiey. Faculty, Colleges of Engineering and Architecture: The mid-semester reports on those studients in your ,clases whose work is below passing should be made on cardls which may be obotainedl in the Secretary's Office, West Engineering Building, or in the miessenger boxes. These reports must be filed in this office not later than Friday, April 10. Louis A. lHoph , ;secretary. Holders of Harmon Foundation Loan Funds: There will be a meeting in room 2, University Hall, at 5 P". Mv., Thurs- day, April 9th, of those students who have been granted loans from the Harmon Foundation funds. A fall attendance is desired. J. A. patrsley. English Department: There will be a Department dinner, G P. M., Wednesday, April S at the Union. hotels 1. Bredcol14. Freslhmen Engineering Class: The regular weekly assembly will be held Wednesday, April S, at. 11:00, room ;348 Engineering Building. Professor F. W. Pawlowski will tall: to (lie class. J. C. Brier, 3lenI or. Education Conference: The next meeting of the Education Conference will be Wednesday, April Sth, at 7 o'clock in Tappan Hall. All graduate studient s and memubers of' the staff are expected to be present. Clifford lWoody. Twilight Organ Recital: Palmer Christian, University Organist, will present the following pro- gram Wednesday afternoon, at 4:15 o'clock in Hill Auditorium: Two Choral preludes- 'When my last hour is at hand" and "0 Sacred Fl'Iyi Pct' Cooper GoyStanton Ford \ttd ,e t oodllian Ilc'i-hit Cf.THer ('C 1. II. 1Kt zeliberger, Esq. Tis o iniar will not IHennet Rich A. C. Stitt D a vid Saul 'fouff Nildred Travis 'hyil is Turnbull A P. West C. Wilson Snirley 11* Smithi, Secrelar)i. nicet on \Vednesdays, April8 Ic 3r. we'liley. Ii :Ct}- larof. l''. W. Paiwlowski ad- dre sses thel regu;lar weely meeting (oflthe freshmanm engineering class in1room 848, Engjni1eering building. ~r.: :::-" 1 ..ti: 6+'-1 : t l is . Pa v'\, ar~lia"eseati lg .; ": ::: I'Alitcatc~r; associaton, meets stu- dents who areuliter ,-st ed in sumn- iner Nvacation workl, Inl roo1112, Un- 1::W-5 :( :01-Ann iArh:;r Art association . x1 4. i L Sr".r".".. exhibit ill hedie wet ;gllery of Al- urniti M~emorial hall. twrilight organ recitalinii Hill anoli- I S tlortum. ,,' ( :C0(----'hglsb ('parin 'tI diiner at' Vhe uion. 6:-1 -Oficers (of Sca±hi11Vrlandm] In Ie : mee (t. at tre tinioni. 7:60l--- Edncatloit coiifereiiee meets in r Tappan hall. :10 -lMichigatn bhumid rehearses at' bead quariteri'.! 7 :1:x--Scabbhard and1 llaile fr.aternity Imi hrn e bvi h meets at the Union.IsalCiieByabvsth r" "3-RudU cliii) aneels .at;jlfnewly appiointed sub-governor of IUnion. Cairo, E+gypt. As stresh at the age ofj 7 :30- 1)&t 0hi ('11vo('t lollat the I3538, he b~ecomes one of the powers in new Masonic Temple. All DeMolayshicunr.H w and Masons are invited to attend.'hi conr. Ie as secretary to the 7:30 )--I'Vni~ersiI 3[Un it, of Ithe I ~. 8W.I ile inister, Moham med Sa id Naval Reserve Force meets its the Pasha, when t he latter was forced out. t. 0. 'T. C. D~rill hail. , of office in 1915. S :00- - A miminaal Iiieliorial meetiug of' ----- -- ___----- - -- _ the Rlesearch lu irb in the Nat tit'al loan funds meets in room 2, Ui ncauditorium. versity hall., l :0-11heStoops Ito Conquter," lire- 7:30--Lec tire (course usher's report sented in 'University hiall. .~ll uioim '130 930 -Ama Arboer Art asso5ciation 1,1I' IRSIJAV exhibit in the west gallery of Al- 1:30-5 :0C---Anni Arboer Art :atsocial ion unini Memorial hall. exhibit in tile west. gallery o1' Alum - 8:00- Ieal swiminllg nmeakt JPetween Ili Memori'al hall. j the Varsity and1 treshmnan tank 4 :00~-41i Bera, happa nicels in roonia I teams in the Ujnion pool.. 205, Mason hail. Sf?:00-World flight lec tue and pic- I :1l6--Ad~iisraliave board of the t tires in lill auditorium. Literary colleg~e lmeets in Deans . . ---- -- Eflinger's office. Athens, April 7.- The government 4 :15-Prof. ,1. HlollandlRost of the l declines at present to llremit debate University of Cambridge, England, ;in Par liament on the recent (ecliar- lectures on "Pax Romana andi Pax ation of Premier Benito Mussolitiof 1 Napoleonica," in the Natural Sci- Italy that Italy eventually wouldl have ence audlitoriumn. !to claim her entire rights in the Do- .5 a6}-Hholdlers of Hlarmni iFounidationi decanese .Islands. I Membhers of tlhe Ini ver it3' of M felt.1ga md : 'There will be the regular rehearsal of fihe Band t onight at 7:10 at head- quart ers. It will be followed by a short, business m neeting to discuss spring act vi! ies if atten~dan:e varrants. Rtobert V. liad1sey, D. 3t. Sea hhar Id and Blade F'ralevnit IThe tegul a 1'imontlily biun hisa meeting of the Scabbardl and Blade fra- ternity will 1)e held at the Nficbigaiii Union at 7:15 Y. Mv. Election of officers a tid caindlida I ('es.'fie lrerQent officer:, antd colmmittee heads will meet at 6:5P. M.:Hlo 1.3adn 1 The Annual Memoriail inept i ii of the Rtesearchi clubi will be held in the Nat ural Science a udit orium onl Wednesday, April 8th, 1925, at 8 P. 1M. Thelic'-tectilg will 1)0 ill I ho0no fthrIni0itta I uxley and pa pers will be read by Professors It. M. Won bey avid l,. C. Case. Members of the ,junior Research club, Sigmla Xi, Women's Research club), Canma Alpha, Phi Sigmat, asw ell as members of the faculty andi grad- mate estuadetnt bodly, are cordialily invited 14) be present at this meeting. TF. 11. liildebraindt, 'secretary. Play Production Plays: "She Stoops To (Conquter," Goldsmnit h's five-act comedy, will be presented tonight promplty a1 8 o)'clock]( ill hi iverSit y I fall. The cmaual admission will be charged. It. I). T. Hlollister. ~oiud Up Clbh: Ptouud UP'I)C11ub u1t i atifon Wednesday night, April S. AMernlers meet at the I'muon at 7:201 P. M. Edwv. B. Riledle Des Mloines-.. i. April 7.-Final en- tries were filed by thte University of Wisconsin yesterdlay for the 16th an- nual Dr ake university reclay carnival here, April 24 and 25. lI~tii With Yo1 u ~rintg I he Spring Vac(atlin a novel by a N icl i, :r :inmedi::te and enthiu- nearly all hpa' I slaislic responise from t aroundl. This virile, honest, moving novel by - has 'r 1G. D. . hswon high pr aise from nine out of every ten reviewers who passed upon it. $2.0 at Air Booksellers G4. P. PUTNAM'S SONS 2 !West 44th St. I.I The Days Are Adding .Up Only am fern umore plays to Easter vacation, yet thiey're all eating ait '.ohn's'" place becaumse theoy like the regular meals there. I'lverything from soup to ntj : Good Eat's Cafeteria 609 East illlin STO DENI1 Y ll . '.Naval R1eserve For-e: Th'le ITmiivcrsitv Unit wilnieot, th]-e R. 0. 'P. C. Drill Fall WXednesday, April Sth, at 7:30 P. Mv. in LEAGUE CODIFIERS AGRE TO EXAMINE FOUR TOPICS; Geneva, April G. - Codification international law through the League: of Nations commissions of jurists I made. a practical advance today when tha jurists agreed upon four subjects, which will be examined in detail; and an accord was rteached concerning the commission's future work. Under the leadersh1ip of George W. Wickersham, former United States at- torney general, the experts decided toC give greater latitudIe to their endeavors than is technically provided for in the 4 resolution adopted by the League as- semtbly. Ther voted that when their preliminary 1l t of subjects was agreed; upon to allocate one topic to some one; member of the commission with the understanding that he bring in later complete exposition of the interna- tional law on that topic. London, April 7.-A branch of the+ commerical secretariat of the British department of overseas trade will be established in New York soon. A COMPLETE EASTER - From Our Large Stock of Easter Cards, Decorations I Read the Want Ads lii. and Appropriate Novelties ' 111 .UNIVERSITY AVE. PHONE 1 164.-R e ww ryp ry p d C A COMPLETE AND WL SELECTED ASSORTMENT AT t 1 t ,, . yt ,, 'U WAH BOOK. STORE ®i EASTER IS APRIL 12th. Cm'eeting Cards for all Wrcasions at 17' Nickels Arcade~. The, 5fatioaery & Typewriter Store. Read T~he ]dally "Cl ass ifled"' Columns - ma A LARGE DETRO"IT CONCERN . - Offers a highly desirable -. -. a pemnn-uies oncin r r Ournrsaleseontofte high et odetseniyor mewho ways onlymnte na ecshoetwadtluWYa bsns Wyo xpctttscce -~fe permaneng oonllegon -. ar. ("I..... Box will in cityaonly'lyh l11i11 i 1111111 111 1 r111ep111esen 1111a 1111fveII fe. 1111is tor two claysII; IIIIIIIIti i n nearI a -111IIIi 11111E111 TYSON HIRT You have been. waiing. So have we for the arrival of the New Spring Shirts THEY HAVE ARRIVED New Colors-New Collars, in all sizes and sleeve lengJths Watch our windows for the new vshowing JL, K U1 m C C)Y"A~ "NSouth State at William Pt 1 'ly t6 N 6 11U 1 6 11If111IIfl Im11116 111111111fIIf l11a6 fln 1111116 1111[11[111111[fI 16 11[I1IIIIIIII~ 111~ 11 11111111il IIla l 6 6 6 Q IIII[6 1II [1[1111 1111I lili[l6 1111I16 1 AUSPICES OF ORATORICAL ASSOCIATION CC® 0 Air itIE!EtttttEEt~~t* E FEtEl a (I finti I