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February 13, 1925 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-02-13

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FRIDAY, FE',BRUAR1'Y 13, 1'125


Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice tej al:members of
the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the PZ"aident until
3:30 p. iM. (11;30 a. mn. Saturday,
Volume 6 FRIDAY, FEl3DLTAJ(V 13, 11920'iNumbaer 197


To the Senate Council:
An adjourned meeting of the Senate Council will b~e held flonday, Feb-
ruary 16, at 4: 15 P. M. in the P'resident's office..
V. L. Robbins, Secret ay.
To~ the 3lmnigers of Studenit Activities:
Attention is called to the following extract from the rules of the Uni-
versity senate governing participation in extra curricula activities:
"Thew manager or chairmian of every student activity is requir-
ed to submit to the Chairman of the Committee on Eligibility ia
complete list of all students who expect to participate andl to ascer-
tain their eligibility before proceedin~g further with the enterprise.
No student muay take part in any public activity until an official
certificate of eligibility is fled with the proper officer in charge of
that activity."
It is requested that these lists be sent to Room 2, University Hall, on
or before Monday, February 16. They will be checked up in the order of
their receipt and returned to the proper officer at the earliest (late possible.
J. A. Bursley, Chtairmani of the Comttltee on Eligibility.
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
Unavoidable changes in elections may be made in the Registrars Of-
lice on '#hiursday, and Friday, February 12 and 13, from 9-12 and 2-5.
Lillian A. Hlughzes, Assistant Registrar.
Senilor Electricals:
Mr. Oliver S. Ines, a representative of the Century Electric Company.
St' Louis, Mo., Will be in Room 274 West Engineering Building all day Fri-
day, February 13, for 'the purpose of interviewiing those who might be inter-
estedl in securing employment with his company after graduation.
Joseph H. Canniton,
Clioral Union Concert:
Sophie Braslau, Contralto, will give the following program In the Choral
Union Series in Hill Auditorium Friday, evening, February 13, at 3:40:
The general p~ublic is requested to come on time and to detach and pre-
sent for admission Coupon No. 6.
Cantata (Bassani), Furbondo (Handel);. Der Doppelganger, Liebesbot-
schalf and Dei' Erikonig (Schubert) ; My Love of Londonderry (Old Irish) ;
Thou Art Risen, My Beloved (Coleridge-Taylor), The Singing Girl of Shan
(AlIice Barnett), The Faltering Dusk (A. Walter Kramer), The Old Refrain
(Fritz Kreisler), Song of Thanksgiving (Allitsen) ; Vocalise (Song without
Words) "The Cry of Russia" (Rachmaninoff), Night (Rubinstein), Ber-
ceuse (Moussorgsky), Mala guenes (Pragans), Eternal (Erich Wolff), As
We:Part (Ilgenfritz). Charles A. Sink, Secretary.
Choral 1l'ionI~i shers:
All Choral Union ushers report at the usual time for concert this eve-
Admittance by cardl at Eas t entrance only 11'V. A. 1)aieiport.
University Club of Ann Arbor:
On account of the IBraslaUconcert on Friday, February 1 3, the F(eb-
ruary Club Eight of the University Club will be held on Friday, February
2{). leans HIolbrook, Chiairmniu of Program Co n oi te.
'There will be a picture taken of the memb~ers of the Blue Key at Sped-
dling's on Friday, the 13th, at 12:45 sharp. All members are requew;ted to be
there at that time. Ed. Miirimiw
3Natleuiatcs--College of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
There will be a meeting of the mathematics :staff, on FridIay, February
13, in Room 3010 Angell Hall. Joseph, L.- 3Ialrley.
P~sychiology 108:
The Psychology of Salesmanship will not b~e given t he :second :semester
of this year. Only those courses in applied psychology which wer'e li.t ed
in the sup~plemuentary announcement are available. Students who elee
Psychology 108 will please change their elections immediately.
Ade± Bert Ford.
Sociology 10 2: Itimiigrat ion:t
The lectures in this course will be given in 1025 Angell lhall.

l Woineun' Ritle Cla~ss.es : I--- - - _- ---- 17 :00S:00- Uippr IIooni Bible clissj St ockholmn, -Feb. 12.- Reduction of
Classes in Rifl e Mhiknainslm ip will be continued Monday, Tuesday, and U UA CCff TNTC eet s in Lane hall. ;the Siwedi h ary by almost two-
Wofts a ,i 4 P. !t. in Room 330) West Engineering Building. several ' Wu A I.fS GO INGON" 9 :10-vilentine lparty alt esl~y lullth lirds ita behro~osed b fy tli~e ;I-
I inatlies iwill be fired t is week 1and all memilber'yOls t f ''"' as ins wll N tcs to a~pear in this cotmnmust elts OCa lih, -)ettortie g;overTnmenit
as ally new Shots cn practice (daily after 4:00 1'. M. I pw)vdd for that purpose efore 4 i aples, Feb. 12.-The police arrest- .ii its nat~iont l efense1bill.
o. clockic '*. rceo-ceinv th dy of issue ed 22 persons, abroad the lner Adriat
L. 3I. Brcker. I --- - ---- __ _ ic, who ht}tried to eaethe regu.- oume, ' .1.-A ocra e
jFRIDIAY tions and illegally emigrate to Aer-i tween Poland sad the Vatican has
! istory O f Favord C ostum es 12,:0-EnglilshmDepartment Iuihoic. been signed.
I) ;crltiied In< l irary H alls,12: atlellon. e y ebers take 1icureN j:g~l1j1 l
5A .,~' A.L4U'U-.~Iat Slpedings'.
I:1.;P-lr. ode speaks to st udents of LE RjT'1 ~'
Illustrations or tthe Ihistor y o os 0- I elourteenth (cenitur y a imore( the School of Education in Ut. I. S.± E R T AC
atenl+s from the most anicent to mod- dfn ite design w as shiown in t cost i- auditorium).
ern times are on exhibijt at the gener-i ing by the intr oduction of the long. 4:3U'I0stpid~e't + halve teu t(oligre gmi- ijiA T (iKL NCEA S
al library this week. The plates dis-:close-fitting tunic for women. Alen' tional chnurchn.
played show the favored modles of still wore mantles and they add(edI a 6 S H OL OF D NC N
drness design in all thet nations of his- covering forlt he head in the frm of * --ilalitist students' bnumuiet at SC O L O A C N ^
tor ical importance, beginning writh a hood. I church. s.S3
the c lassieal p~eriodI in GAreece and Shoes for men were the ost eccen- ! :(-Sophie rmsiuu cncert in111 .Ei. Sl
[Rolli and continuing down to the tric feature of the period. Long peaks auditorium. Newiv 'Crny egininl, ediesda ', Ferury 18tlh
nineteenth century. of01 cloth of elaborately embroidered Classes lWednesda and Fridy 7-7:15 P'. 31.
The Greeks and iomians. living in textures extendled far eyond the toes SA7 URDA~1
aan age before elaborate materials and so that the most (daintily stepping 1:3) - Cosmiopoitan uaebers and Tuition, $5.10. Twelve Lessons.
rich ornaments were known, effected l -entIlemani found it difficult to keep friends have luncheon at flaunted' 'ri ate Lessos b 1 )1net
the gr eatest simplicity in dress. M\en from tripping. I Tavern. 1Y 1
and women were clothedl alike, (5t('h I The lizabethan period in Lnland :"30- ('ongreg-atiomIaII onitnmg .(club
in a tunic and mnantle' which was al-ermesfrakteoGdesvnu.MN
l''we to all i natral fld~ as of ret importance because it met o kt nGde vne
changed the whole (conception of (cos-
__ _ _ _ _ tuicin the Enf lish mind. Fo eW tn® eMU U O 1® U E U U ENOMU EoOO O Ue® OaM
first timre the purely ornamental as-
my __ pect of clothes was emphasized, and SECOND SEMESTER
If 1. men and women ore elaborate ruffs,
jCel.Emrmpuhopsirs ee T EX T -BO O K S1
/'4d L( 1Tunis, Fb 12. -In pursuance of its® 10,000 SECOND-HAND BOOKS T A
campaign against Communist agita-a WILL SAVE YOU MONEY
L________________________ ion, the government has dismissed


IIId[Y's quest ion : What advantag-
es do you e xpect; to derive from the
Michigan Interscholastic Press associ-
ation convention? (Asked of high
school (delegates.)
IVhere asked : The lobby of the
The answvers : Paul E. Ltutzeier,
The Indian, Eastern high school, De-j
troit: "I expect that by getting in
contact with other editors I can learn
miore through their experience than
I could through books. I hope to be
able to get enough notes to make a
full rep~ort to my fellow staff members
at home."
Maurice C. C0(1 win, The Arrow
H ead, Flint Senior high: "I exp~ect to
obtain a better understanding of the
pirobilenms con fronting high school
p~ublication,;, to reach solutions for
some of the more cotmmnon pirobileni
and to become better acquainted with
various editors.''
Maxwell Perkins, The Stutdent Lsan-
tbwnm, Saginaw high school: "We ex-
pect to finrl solutions for our tiner-
Otis prob~lems. We wiill get this infor- fI
ma tion from the round table (discus-
sion and front the speechies we will
hear from the tuen who are connect-
ed with the journalistic institutions
oif tin iArbor.''
Janmes Arthutr Baby, Jr., Time Re-
flector, Jackson high school : "'I be-k
liove thItat the information which I
shall gain at the convention will aidI
me in giving a more interesting publi-
cat ion to my school."''
Will is h olden, 'PThe South i gh I'io-
nee!I, ( ;rand Ba 1)itis high school : "t
e :pect to learnm how to make th-,' ipaperI'
I represent ia better publlic Aton by
mee'4in g o'ller .hi ;h school journalists,
anl K]throu'gh the round ltabl 'z K]scus-
,sian :d the program dlrawn up by
t lit 5l)onsi ~iof ithe (convenJtiotn, toj
lear rml- .v to lrodulu'e a prize Winning
atn mmal."'

from office the Sheik of the Mataouas.
Lafayette, Ind., Feb. 12.-University
authorities at Purdue have installed a,
checkroom in the library to prevent
the theft of valuable garments. !

*..,,pUUMEUUE UEUUEEUUEUm0 au0am0uUah


i ---

Here are the sensational



that are clearing
.ts and overcoats!

our Sui

Make a

huge saving by purchasing NOW

Our stocks are too large and we know it. So we've
slashed prices right and left in order to make room for
incoming spring merchandise. The chances are you've
never seen Hart Schaffner & Marx and other high-grade
clothing at such startling reductions. Crowds of men
are buying. Be sure to get the suit and overcoat you

Read, The Daily


Prof. Harry Bouchard of the survey-
ing department sailed frotn Vancouver.
Feh.' 6, taking the northern route for
'Feintsin, China, where hie will act as
professor of surveying at Ile! Yang
university for ottoyear. Professor
Bouchard is the fourth Michigan pro-t
fessor to take up teaching duties in
On his return next summer, Profes-
sotr Bouchard will tour Europe, spend-
ing most of his time in Italy and Ger-'
many studying the newer surveying
tmethods employed there.'
Moscow, Feb. 12.--$10,000,000 in sil-
ver coins, made in England for the So-
Viet government, has been placed in
circulation. Hereafter the mint at
Leningrad will manufacture all the
Soviet metal currency.

RI li

NTa nly

over coats
,1-2 price

nowi at

Men 's

suits are


Coats that were $30. .$15.00
Coats that were $35.. $17.50
Coats that were $40. .$20,00
Coats that were $45. .$22.50
Coats that were $50 . .$25.00,
Coats that were $60 .. $30.00

in price
Suits thiat were $25 ..$18.7.5
Suits that were $30.. $21.45
Sits that were $35. .$26.50


IVecoming Neckwear
N/ewi stripecComlbina~tions, in 1' 1? 1ou.'ple~iing
colors, light bright colors being most prom-
ient. ThcN wear and re.-tic well. Come inI
crnd look~ them over. $1.25 Lip.


M'any overcoats 1-3 below regular

Coats that were $35 . .$23.34
Coats, reg;. $37.50... .$25.00
Coats that were $40 . .$26.67
Coats that were $45. .$30.00
Coats that were $50. .$33.34

Coats that were
Coats that were
Coats that were
Coats that were
Coats that were

$55. .$36.64
$60. .$40.00
$65. .$43.17
$75. .$50 00$8 . 56 7

reg. $40-$42.50 . $30.87
reg. $45-$50 .. ;'$36.45
reg. ®$5-$60 . . . $45065


There aire three kinuds
of people---the WILLS.
the iWov'TS, tile
TfheqA'WILL4S imccoui.
pusih everything, the
WiON'TS oppiose every-
thing. atnid time ('UNITS
fail in everything.
We insure only tihe

Alterations made at extra cost

R eule -Conlin


1 11 Nain at Washirngton 1


11H 11

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