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February 07, 1925 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1925-02-07

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The 1926 J-Hap Committee. -Dey.
The 1926 J-Hop tonight is the result of the work of 14 men, who handled the details that make a dance on
such a large scale possible. They are as follows, reading from left to right, Top row: William Coleman, '26E,
Ralph Hubbard, '26M, Harry Koenig, 26, Hurbert Goebel, '26E; Center row: Henry Groves, '26E, Richard Freyberg,
'26, Charles Oakman, '26, general chairman, J. D. Darling, '26A, Edgar J. Reilley, '26; Lower row: Gene K. Buck,
'26D, Clayton Purdy, '26L, Burton Groff, '26P, Charles Grube, '26. George F. Hacker, '26, was absent.
Guess Fom A Setion OfBooth 2-Delta Sigma Phs
Guests From All Sections Of Patrons-Mr. and Mrs Clifton Dey
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sharp. Guests-
Country Attend Annual J-Hop Misses Geraldine Aubrey, Ann Arobr
C Bernice Boyd, Paola, Kansas; Kath-
The list of patrons and patronesses, Wagner and Mrs. Wagner, Prof. rys larke,astngs Bernadi
1Cummings, Jackson; Dorothy Freer,
as announced by Charles G. Oakman, Ralph W. Aigler and Mrs. Aigler, Jackson; Margaret Feldspauch, Grand
'26, chairman of the 1926 J-Hop com- Prof. Evans Holbrook and Mrs. Hol- Rapids; Dorothy Gooch, Berkeley,
mittee, includes the following: brook, Prof. C. W. Edmsunds and M1rs. !California; Lorna Ketchsam, Hlighland
President Marion L. Burton and Ed undo, Prof. Emil Lorch and Mrs. Park; Elizabeth Lieberman , Sagi-
Mrs. Burton, President Emeritus Har- Lorch, Prof. R. E. McCotter and Mrs. naw; Irene Mitchell, Belleville;
ry B. Hutchins and Mrs. Hutchins, McCotter, Prof. Thomas C. Trueblood Maude Mueller, Ann Arbor; Laurie
Regent Walter H. Sawyer and Mrs. and Mrs. Trueblood, Prof. Robert M. O'Brien, Mr. Pelier; Elsie Palmer,
Sawyer, Regent Victor M. Gore and Wenley and Mrs. Wenley, Prof. Mor- Coldwater;, Frances Perrine, Ann Ar-
Mrs. Gore, Regent Junius E. Beal and ris P. Tilley and Mrs. Tilley, Prof. bor; Harriet Putnam, Constantine;
Mrs. Beal, Regent Ralph Stone and Arthur E. Wood and Mrs. Wood, Prof. Undine Reynolds, Jackson; Margaret
Mrs. Stone, Regent William L. Clem- William C. Hoad and, Mrs. Hoad, Prof. Sagendorph, Jackson; Margaret Park-1
ents and Mrs. Clements, Regent Ben- Scott C. 'Runnels and Mrs. Runnels, er, Hastings; Katherine Thomasma,
jamin S. Hanchett and Mrs. Hanchett, Prof. Ura G. Rickert and Mrs. Rickert, ! Grand Rapids; Edith Tyden, Hast-
Regent Lucius L. Hubbard and Mrs. Prof. Calvin O. Davis and Mrs. Davis, ings; Mercedes O'Brien, Ann Arbor.
Hubbard, Regent James O. Murfin, Prof. Alfred O. Lee and Mrs. Lee,
Dean John R. Effinger and Mrs. Effing- Prof. Peter Field and Mrs. Field, Prof. j Booth 3-Delta Tau Delta
er, Dean Mortimer E. Cooley and Mrs. Burke Shartel and Mrs. Shartel, Prof. Patrons-Mr. and Mrs. Forest Fire-
Cooley, Dean Hugh Cabot and Mrs. Thomas H. Reed and Mrs. Reed, Prof. stone, Cambridge, O. Guests-Misses
Cabot, Dean Henry M. Bates and Mrs. Carl W. Eberback and Mrs. Eberback, Arline Ewing, Detroit; Helen Duck-
Bates, Dean Edward H. Kraus and Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Campbell, Mr. ham, Kenton, O.; Pauline Demery, De-
Mrs. Kraus, Dean Wilbert B. Hins- and Mrs. Shirley W. Smith, Mr. and troit; Marion Carr, Grand Rapids;
dale and Mrs. Hinsdale, Dean Marcus Mrs. Robert Frost, Mr. and Mrs. Hal Gertrude Hirth, Chicago; Elizabeth
L. Ward and Mrs. Ward, Dean Alfred C. Coffman Dr. William D. Henderson Nelson, Chicago; Caroline Wooster,
H. Lloyd and Mrs. Lloyd, Dean Allen and Mrs. Henderson. Birmingham; Phyllis Hachnle, Jack-
S. Whitney and Mrs. Whitney, Dean son; Julia Hicks, Cleveland, O.; Wil-
Joseph A. Bursley and Mrs. Bursley, Booth 1-Alpha Sigma Phi labelle Harper, Ann Arbor; Margaret
Dean Edmund E. Day and Mrs. Day, Patrons-Dr. and Mrs. S. Edward Buck, Toledo, O.
Dean Jean Hamilton, Major William Sanderson, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. --
T. Carpenter and Mrs. Carpenter, As- Hyde W. Perce, Chicago. Guests Booth 4-Theta Chi
sistant Dean George W. Patterson and Misses Mary Atherton, Detroit; Caro- Patrons-Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F.
Mrs. Patterson, Coach Fielding H. line Colter, Pasadena, California; Graves, Pleasant Ridge. Guests-
Yost and Mrs. Yost, Assistant Coach Esther L. Fiss, Albion; Ann Gabler, Misses Rowena Bensonfi Munson;
George Little and Mrs. Little, Dr. Sarnia, Ontario; Dorothy Graham, Irene K. Field, Detroit; Helen F.
John Sundwall and Mrs. Sundwall, 1 Battle Creek; Dorothy Hertz, Detroit; Graves, Detroit; Wynifred L: Walter,
Dr. Frederick B. Wahr and Mrs. Marion Lightbody, Detroit; Katherine Lockport, Ill.; Mary E. Kelly, Port
Wahr, Dr. Walter Simpson and Mrs. Moriarty, Ann Arbor; Margaret Rob- Huron; M. Virginia Cox, Quincy, Ill.;
Simpson, Dr. Stuart Woodruff and inson, Cleveland, O.; Dorothy Smith, Elva Langdon, Flint; Marion G. Ber-
Mrs. Woodruff, Dr. Frand Vedder and Steubenville, O.; Katherine Stowell, ry, Pleasant Ridge; Marjorie Hoppin,
Mrs. Vedder, Prof. Joseph H. Drake, Mishawaka, Ind.; Frances Whalen, Detroit; Louise M. Roberts, Detroit;
Prof. Thomas E. Rankin and Mrs. Battle Creek; Margaret Walters, De- Carol Helwig, Detroit; Dorothy Mc-
Rankin, Prof. Howard B. Merrick and troit; Marjorie Weber, Detroit; Lu- Farlen, Grand Blanc; Betty MacDow-
Mrs. Merrick, Prof. Louis A. Strauss cille Wimple, Chicago; Dorothy Zoll- ell, Rockford, Ill.
and Mrs. Strauss, Prof. Charles P. ner, Youngstown, O. 1 (ContInued on Page Four)
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You Can't Have a
Taxi All the
Mighty nice, of course, with which
to take HER to the J-Hop.
Or to some other big 'Varsity social
But for regular, every day Student
travel there's the new Motor Coach
Service now operating in Ann
Cheaper than sole leather.
And right to the Varsity doors.
A WEEKLY PASS-It costs you
only One Doll r and a Quarter
a week and ride as often as you
Or you can borrow a Pass from
Tour room-mate.
Then there's the FIFTY RIDE
MEAL TICKET for only Three
Dollars-Six Cents a ride.
One or more persons can use the
"Meal Ticket" at the same time.
But only one person can ride on
the Weekly Pass on any one trip.
Single rides Ten Cents.
Or Three Tickets for Twenty-five
Os Oe O

A splendid service for Students
and Townspeople alike.
Motor Coach

Will occupy a more prominent position in the clothes of the
college man this spring with the increasing vogue for knickers.
A beautiful new selection made by the best mills of England,
Scotland, Ireland and Belgium waits your inspection. Some
are hand knit.

1111 East University

308 South State St.


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